The white lotus arms extending from the shoulder straps of the sleeveless dress, gently swaying the slender legs under the skirt with the steps, and the slender ankles wrapped under the interlaced leather straps, exposed to the cool night air.

The translucent skin is bathed in moonlight, reflecting a dreamlike pearly color.

The long pale golden hair fluttering in the wind is like a bright band of light connected by stars, shining and rippling under the night.

Alice exudes a soft aura that is completely different from when she was stubborn, and it is difficult for even Chios to look away.

Along the way, the silence and staring of the young man beside him made the chief knight feel a little uncomfortable.

"Say something, don't just keep staring at me..."

Hearing this, Chios shook his head and smiled wryly.

"As long as there is a mirror here that reflects the beauty that I have exhausted all the gorgeous words in my eyes, it is impossible for you to make such a difficult request."

"!" Alice gasped for breath.

She clasped her hands on her chest as if she had been attacked by surprise, trying to hide her panic with a reproachful tone:

"You...why do you always keep such frivolous words on your lips?"

"Excuse me for not being able to understand you."

Chios asked the other party:

"Is honesty a sin these days?"

"Stop talking." Alice stopped him.

As if drifting on the vast sea, I don't know where I am going, and the anxiety that I may sink into the darkness at any time surges in my heart.

Until yesterday, no...

Until today's evening, I didn't feel this way when I was with Chios.

But now, she felt a little panicked.

It is impossible to judge, Chios seems to be thinking without thinking, and it seems that the sweet words are premeditated, how sincere are they?

Looking at the young man beside her, she quietly clenched her hands.



"What do you think? My existence, does it give you the motivation to move forward, or is it just pressure?"

This is tantamount to admitting in disguise that I eavesdropped...

Chios was stunned to himself.

However, showdown-style questions can indeed effectively reduce his room for maneuver.

"Have both..."

Knowing that the above answers could not make Alice feel relieved, he sighed helplessly, and continued:

"I don't like to talk too much, and I always reserve idiomatic words for things that cannot be guaranteed, because I know that speaking in this way can make me advance and retreat decently, instead of becoming a laughing stock after failure."

"So, will you work hard?" Alice asked calmly.

"I didn't give up. Although it still seems out of reach now, I am willing to try to pursue that lofty goal. Competition is the first step."

"You will definitely win." Alice finally smiled again.

"I trust you, Chios."

Chapter 860 Six? Big brother, something happened

Chios found that in an environment where there was no individual intervention from the will of the world, his luck seemed to be pretty good.

When I opened the door earlier, I happened to see a half-naked girl. After returning to the hotel, I learned about the recruitment of priestesses from Ren, Asuna, and Lyfa, which saved me the trouble of finding someone.

Although they are all things that he can do with his heart, it is different from getting the expected results after careful arrangements. This kind of good luck is delivered to the door, as if the protagonist of the story feels good.

Of course, the Priestess' entry into the team cannot be entirely attributed to luck.

After further understanding of the situation, Chios learned that the main reason why the other party spoke to Asuna and the others was because they received a suggestion from the sergeant on duty when they registered at the Barracks Office.

This also makes sense...

The priesthood sent by the church, even if it is only a low-level trainee, the guard group can't watch the other party rashly join a team of beginners who lack strength.

Once something goes wrong, it's okay if the church doesn't hold it accountable, but if it is seriously investigated, the guards will definitely not be able to explain it.

After all, the priesthood that can perform miracles of saving lives and healing the wounded is far more valuable than ordinary soldiers who can be recruited anywhere.

It is not difficult to imagine the scene where the sergeant on duty, facing such a hot potato, tried his best to persuade the priestess to make the "correct" choice while wiping cold sweat.

All in all, the chief knight's request was completed.

The next day, Chios reported the matter to Alice and Selka, and received their thanks.

Regrettably, the Ziberuku sister relationship deviated from the track he envisioned and began to develop in a strange direction...

Even though he understood that his friend was taken care of by his sister's good intentions, he immediately apologized for his gaffe the night before, but it was like a child who felt embarrassed after doing something wrong and couldn't immediately reconcile with others, and the disagreement with his sister still persisted In the next few days, Selka still kept a subtle distance from Alice.

If only this is the case.

The problem is that Selka directs all her gratitude to another hero.

Alice is very, very, very upset about this...

This makes it difficult for Chios, who is caught between the two, to be a human being.

"Sister, please don't always find Mr. Chios as a sword practice partner as soon as you get home, and let him do the work of housekeeper and sparring at the same time. Don't you think it's too much? Mr. Chios is already very good and hardworking. Why do you have to work so hard to meet your sister's expectations?"

"You are wrong, Selka, Chios is not responding to my expectations unilaterally. Maybe he said some insincere words to you out of the consideration of not wanting to worry you, but that is just a reservation of his words." I know very well that he has the ambition to pursue excellence in his heart, and I also understand that he is down-to-earth and unwilling to boast about his prudence. In this case, it is my bounden duty to spare no effort to help him move to a higher place."

"Is that true, Mister Chios?"

"That's right, Chios?"

"...How would you like to match your after-dinner refreshments?"

"" Chios (Mr. Chios), don't change the subject! ""


During his tenure as a housekeeper, Chios felt like the rope that the Ziberuk sisters grabbed in the tug-of-war.

Obviously his goal at the beginning was not the Shura field...

Sure enough, such a thing as good luck does not exist in him.


Fire Era July 4191, 7

First day of competition.

Chios led the team members to the southern suburbs early in the morning.

As soon as you walk out of the city gate, you can immediately see the arena standing in the distance.

Around the place where the twelve-storey magnificent buildings are located, the pale green plains that until last week gave people a deserted and empty feeling have now been replaced by a landscape of large and small camps.

In front of those luxurious tents, there were banners embroidered with the coats of arms of nobles and knights.

It's like a scene in an army camp, but with a little less chill atmosphere.

"Although I passed by here on Tuesday when I was doing missions, it wasn't as lively as it is now."

"Well, it's really spectacular."

Seeing the priestess clasped her fingers as if she was praying, and her eyes flashed with emotion, Lyfa couldn't help asking curiously:

"As a resident of the capital, you should have gotten used to this scene long ago, right?"

"No..." Li Jie shook her head, then replied:

"Prize clerks under the age of 15 are not allowed to leave their parish, and every day except eating and sleeping must be used for prayer and study, and serve the Goddess of Weeping wholeheartedly."

"Uh, so you've never been out of town before joining us?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Priestess turned her head slightly to one side, and looked at her sympathetic companion.

"It's okay..." Lyfa scratched her cheek lightly with her fingers.

Born in the 21st century where technology is advancing day by day, she knew that it was difficult for her to understand this kind of dedicated religious enthusiasm, so she quickly changed the subject:

"Speaking of which, why is the arena in the suburbs instead of the city?"

"I don't know, maybe it wasn't planned at the beginning of the construction. When a certain archbishop wanted to hold a contest later, there wasn't enough land in the city."

"I don't think there is only this reason. Since the Capital Athletic Competition does not restrict the identity of the participants, there are a lot of applicants. Considering that there are a large number of armed personnel gathered during the competition, if they can be placed outside the city wall, it will be easier to manage. Make it easier."

"Yeah, as expected of Asuna, you really thought about it carefully."

"It should be said that it is different if it was developed privately by the big brother."



The quick-witted purple-haired girl dodged to avoid the capture of her companions.

"It's too slow."

Hiding to the left of the young man at the front of the line, she poked her head out again, like a little devil, and gave Asuna, who was blushing to the ears, a look of "you can't do anything to me".

The corners of Chios' mouth twitched imperceptibly.

Just because he didn't want to get involved in the vortex of the girls' fights, he took a few steps ahead.

After experiencing the non-stop Sister Shura field for a whole week, Chios is now feeling deeply exhausted in his heart. He has overdrawn his usual bad taste of teasing women, and he just wants to live a leisurely life with clean ears.

Chios squinted at the purple-haired girl who was hugging his arm...

There is no doubt that this kitten must have deliberately dragged him into the water on the basis of understanding his thoughts.

Thankfully, the Rodeo Registration is just around the corner.

He stepped up decisively.

Finally, before the pink fire ignited himself, he walked into the tent with the banner of the goddess of tears, and went through the registration procedures with the members of the knights who acted as clerks.

Seeing Chios go about his business, Ryan, who didn't succeed in the prank, although he felt a little pity in his heart, still let go of his hands and retreated tactfully, and went to the side to watch the game schedule posted on the bulletin board.

Immediately, she froze on the spot.

step, step...

Quickly walking back to Chios, Ryan whispered:

"Brother Chios, something happened."


Chios raised his head and followed the girl's fingers to the top of the right half of the schedule.

An unexpected name came into view...

"Sharon Kreuger"

Chapter 860 Seven? Don't give me the Asura Field anymore

The strange behavior of the two executors silently staring at the notice board immediately caught the attention of Asuna and the others.

"Teacher, Ryan, is there anything special about this schedule?"

"Could it be that he was assigned to the same division as some famous person? It's unlikely that the chief knight will compete in person, right?"

In a sense, Sharon is indeed equivalent to a should be said that he is a more difficult figure than him.

The newly promoted "Death Frontier" of Rank? B, even if the power is weakened by the distracted soul entering this world, is still far more threatening than Alice.

Moreover, the opponent understands how capable Chios is.

(Although I also have information on Sharon...) Chios thought to himself.

But the really troublesome problem is that if he and Sharon don't let each other down and fight seriously, the strength that has been concealed until now will definitely be exposed, which will cause a lot of trouble.

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