The two girls who had just escaped from the crowd and returned to the meeting place asked questions curiously.

"Just to see sister Asuna's well-maintained skin, and ask her which moisturizer she usually uses."

"Huh?" Lyfa asked with a question mark on her face.

"There are no skin care products to buy here, even if there are, they must be very expensive, not something we can afford now."

"That's not necessarily the case, if you don't care about the smell..."

"Rain, enough of you!"

"Hey~ It's so boring."

Ryan was a little unsure, but obediently stepped on the brakes.

Finally getting rid of this embarrassing situation, Asuna took a deep breath to adjust her mood, and slowly cooled down her overheated cheeks.

"Have you all bought everything?"

"Thanks to your prior arrangements, it's hard to..."

Her eyes fell on the four grilled paninis in her hands, and recalling the scene of rushing to buy them not long ago, Lifa said with lingering fear:

"Everyone is scrambling to be the first, and they don't line up properly. It's even scarier than the sales department at noon in the school."

"Has Miss Lyfa ever been to school?"

Priestess asked in surprise.

"Uh, that's right, but it's not the same as the church's training institutions. In our hometown, everyone has to go there when they reach a certain age to learn basic knowledge."

"I see. No wonder all three of you can read."

"Ah ha ha..." Fearing that if she continued talking, she would reveal more abnormalities, Lyfa laughed a few times and changed the subject:

"It will be Mr. Chios' turn soon."

"Well, although I know that the teacher is very powerful, I still can't help being a little nervous."

"Indeed, there are senior knights among the contestants..."

Seeing that the three of them were getting more and more uneasy as they talked, Ren waved his hand.

"Don't worry, Ryan has memorized all the names on the schedule. There is no worthy opponent in the black team that Big Brother Chios will be fighting against later."

Chapter 870 Two? That's it?

"My lord Alice, your plate of pastries and spiced tea."

The three-tier snack stand is placed on the table with the tea set.

"Thank you." Alice nodded in gratitude, and then ordered:

"Please prepare another copy for me, and send it to Seluka in the second row and sixteen seats in the southern district."


The waitress left after taking orders.

Sitting alone on the sofa chair in the center of the box, Alice let out a soft breath.

The cold war with my sister is not over yet.

A dispute accidentally detonated the negative emotions that had been suppressed and accumulated in Selka's heart for many years.

At the same time, it also changed her...

Holding up the steaming teacup, Alice stared at the face reflected on the surface of the reddish-brown tea soup, which was [-]% similar to her sister's face.

Although they are relatives connected by blood, there is a huge gap in talent between him and Selka.

That is a gap that cannot be bridged even with hard work.

Even if you risk everything to catch up, you will only reap bitter fruits in the end.

Under such circumstances, accepting reality, re-examining oneself and affirming it can never be called cowardice, but a brave decision.

The previous Selka couldn't do that.

At most, he pretended not to care on the surface, buried his inferiority deep in his heart, and used indisputableness to cover up his fragility.

Precisely because someone subconsciously believes that someone with better ability represents the right, and regards himself as inferior, he will only keep his promises and keep giving in, instead of fighting for reason.

That's right...

Alice knew that a long time ago.

But as the culprit that caused all this to happen, she really has no position to say anything.

It wasn't until Chios appeared that Selka really changed, no longer equating ordinary with humble, and even had the courage to refute her sister who had never dared to disobey.

Alice turned her head and looked aside, the seat that should have belonged to Selka.

(Using the meager salary of the novice priesthood to buy audience seats is also to express that she has a completely different attitude from me on matters related to Chios...)

Thinking about this, I can't help but feel a little complicated.

It is undoubtedly a good thing for Selka to gradually get rid of inferiority complex and establish self-identity.

However, in order to protect a man, the younger sister developed a sense of resistance to herself as an older sister, and her performance of not giving in an inch was really difficult to adapt emotionally.

Besides, that man was obviously my first...

Alice picked up a piece of pastry and put it in her mouth, paired it with cinnamon tea, and swallowed it together with a sigh.


His eyes passed through the curtain and turned to the arena.

Most of the audience who had left the seat had returned to their seats now.

Not long after, Melotes reappeared in the hosting stand, announcing the end of the intermission.

"Welcome back, my friends!"

The arena manager's tone was as enthusiastic as ever.

Alice was keenly aware that the other party's expression was not as natural as in the previous scene.

The corners of the mouth are raised, but the muscles around the eyes and cheekbones are contracted inconsistently.

The manager of the arena often needs to greet people with a smile. Melotes, who has been in this position for more than ten years, should be experienced, and his smile is hard to tell, so he won't show such obvious flaws.

Could it be that something happened during the intermission...

Questions answered quickly:

"Before the start of the second competition, I would like to give you some bad news. The two participants assigned to the black robe team: Sir Russell and Sir Murray did not show up until the registration deadline before the competition."

Hearing this news, the audience was in an uproar.

"No way? These two senior knights are absent, how much combat power is left on the black robe..."

"I didn't have to fight at all. If I knew it, I would have stayed on the sidelines to eat."

Louder than the disappointment at the loss of the suspense of the game, the screams and cheers of the betting audience before the game were louder:

"No!!! I bet fifteen silver coins on the black team to win!"

"It's over! The whole family will eat dirt next month, and my wife will definitely kill me!"

"Okay, betting on the white team to win is indeed right!"

The scene fell into chaos for a while.

"Everyone, listen to me..."

Melotes raised his hand and pressed falsely again and again, but unfortunately the effect was minimal.

It wasn't until the arms and wrists were sore that the guards maintaining order got impatient and intervened to scold them, and finally suppressed the sound.

Facing the angry or expectant eyes of countless audiences, Melotes took out a handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Fortunately, the soldiers were very conscientious, and no one rushed to the stage to make a move...

Otherwise, I will really be scared to death.

Strange to say, none of the guards were dissatisfied.

Melotes did not believe that all the soldiers would not gamble.

Could it be that they all bet on the white team to win?

If so, wait for yourself to announce...

Not daring to continue thinking about it, he pinched the fat on his arm hard, regained a little composure with the pain, and then said the words he had just thought of:

"After hearing about this incident, I sent someone to the mansion of the two lords to inquire, only to find out that they were temporarily ordered to lead troops to garrison in Torbana Town yesterday. Due to the urgent military affairs, it was already dark at that time, and there was no time to wait for the next day. Let us know."

"Indeed, guarding border security is indeed more important than a competitive game. Especially in the past two months, the situation of monsters attacking people in the misty forest has become more and more serious. The local guards of hundreds of people alone are not enough to deal with it. It is necessary to send elites to stabilize the border defense ."

"Having said so much, I hope everyone understands why Russell and Sir Murray are unable to play, and why I am looking for other contestants to fill the vacancy. As for the contestants who will replace the two senior knights, I believe you are familiar with it... "

The arena steward's voice trembled a little.

He knew that the next words would definitely cause the audience who had just calmed down to riot again.

Combined with my previous guess, this time, maybe even the guards won't protect him.

But what can he do?

How dare he disobey the orders assigned by the Archbishop...


Seeing that all the audience held their breaths and waited for him to speak, Melotes took a deep breath.

"He is the Commander of Dade Black's Surveillance Fortress, the Second Knight of the Templar Order known for his superb sword and whip skills—His Excellency Eldorie!"

Hearing this, Alice's expression changed suddenly.

"how is this possible..."


"Eldoriya, who is that?" Lyfa looked around, seeing the shocked faces of everyone else, she couldn't help but said:

"Looking at the audience's reaction, it seems to be very famous."

"The second place in the Knights Templar, just having such a ranking is terrible."

Clenching her fingers tightly, Asuna turned to look at Li Jie.

His eyes reveal a questioning meaning.

"I don't know much, but Lord Eldriere is indeed very famous in the Theocracy..."

Priestess couldn't hide her nervous answer:

"It is said that his strength is second to none even among senior knights, and he can perform several miracles, so he is called a "quasi-saladin". "

Hearing this silently, Renn pouted in a subtle way.

That's it?

It's a far cry from Sharon...

Chapter 870 Three? The Art of Conducting

"Now, let us welcome the fighters into the arena!"

The portcullis at the end of the gentle slope was lifted off the ground, and the soldiers blocking the passage retreated aside.

The glare of the oncoming sunlight makes people who are used to the dark basement subconsciously narrow their eyes.

Wow! ! ! !

After the dizziness, there was an overwhelming noise.

The pupils contracted immediately to complete the adjustment, and Chios, whose vision was not affected, came out more and more, walking towards the light.

The left palm rests lightly on the hilt of the long sword, and the white cloak pinned to the shoulders with a gemstone brooch flutters behind him like a banner.

With a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he stepped across the sand without haste, and came to the center of the arena to stand still.

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