Perhaps at this stage, these people are still embarrassing, but the baptism of battles will sooner or later transform the weak recruits into real fighters.

She trusted Chios' vision.

How can a person who can be trusted by the other party and trained as the backbone of the combat regiment be a rotten wood.

"I understand why the teacher wants us to go to Torbana, but..."

After listening to Chios' explanation, Asuna was still puzzled.

"Since I said so much about the advantages of developing on the eastern border, the teacher and Ms. Sharon, why don't you go there with us?"

Hearing this, Chios smiled.

"Simple, because we are strong enough."

Straightforwardly stating the key reason for splitting up, he brought up the Volunteer Corps badge hanging around his neck and showed it in front of Asuna and the others.

The silver nameplate engraved with the name and number is extremely dazzling under the lamp.

The bright and thick metallic luster was in stark contrast to the pale and thin porcelain on the girls' chests.

"In a politically turbulent environment, risks and opportunities coexist. Weak people will be torn apart by the madness, and strong people can ride the wind. So not only will I not leave, but on the contrary, I will go further into the storm and use This once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity has launched the name of our warband in one fell swoop."

"Arrange us to go to the eastern border, don't you want to worry about the future?"

"I do not deny that this is an important consideration, and you have heard me speak of other reasons just now."

Looking at Asuna who was biting her lower lip with a bitter expression, Chios' tone slowed down:

"If you feel unwilling, try your best to become stronger and catch up, you have this potential."


At this moment, Asuna swore to herself.

Say goodbye to the slow-moving self in the past.

From now on, she will run as hard as she can.

Asuna raised her head, her eyes were full of firm determination, trying not to let the cowardly tears flow down.

"There will be no more excuses for you to abandon us, sir."

"That's right, Asuna!"

Lyfa stretched out her hand and pointed at Chios.

"We will definitely become so strong that you will be impressed, and you will say that you need us, Mr. Chios!"

Chios smiled.

"I look forward to it."

"Suddenly it feels like we are going to fight the boss, it's very passionate..." Pressing his left hand on his right shoulder, Yuuki turned his arms as if warming up for the battle.

"Why don't we just call it the "Chasing Mr. Chios" team? "

"No, it's too embarrassing..."

Merida complained.

"Hey~" Yuuki puffed up her face.

"It's obviously a team name that sounds super determined..."

"It doesn't matter, I am announcing now that the name has not yet been decided, and the purpose of the establishment is to become super strong, and the six-member team that will make Mr. Chios stunned is established!"

oh! ! !

Seeing Yuuki raising her fist in high spirits, the companions responded cooperatively even though they felt embarrassed.

Chios, who saw this scene in his eyes, shook his head helplessly.

He turned to the two nobles and the chief knight and said:

"Sorry to make you laugh."

"Where, seeing their vitality makes me look forward to their performance after they come to Torbana."

"It might even be a little envious..."

"No matter what the starting point is, at least they become a team working towards a common goal, which is the rarest thing."

When Alice said this, she glanced at the young man next to her from the corner of her eye.

She cleared her throat softly.

"However, let them put their motivation on you, how are you going to clean up the mess in the future?"

"I do not understand what you were saying."

Chios was obviously playing dumb.

Seeing this, Alice hummed dissatisfied.

"You can't be so ambiguous all the time."

"Meaning, do you have a better suggestion?"

"Of course I choose...Forget it, pretend I didn't say it."

"Hehe~" Xue Lun covered her mouth and chuckled, intervening in the conversation between the two:

"If you make a choice now, Your Excellency Alice does have a better chance of winning."

"That's not what I meant!"

Alice is in a hurry.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Knowing that there were so many women present, and lingering on emotional topics for a long time could easily cause burns, Chios wisely did not join in teasing Alice.

"Let's talk about business, how can Her Royal Highness Medina return to the Duke of Michigan safely..."

His eyes fell on the sand table.

Seeing that Chios didn't take the bait, Sharon didn't feel sorry, she simply gave up making fun of others, and moved closer to the table with the two nobles who put on a serious look.

The chief knight, who still had some blush on his cheeks, also leaned over after taking a deep breath to calm himself down.

"Now that the noble alliance is basically certain that His Royal Highness Medina will join the archbishop's faction, the way to pass through the territory of political opponents must be ruled out first."

"Then overland is not an option."

With the index finger of the young man's left hand, he put a cross mark on the north and south sides of the high-pile sand dune representing the Celine Mine, which borders the entrance and exit of the territory of the members of the noble alliance faction.

"Going by sea by boat seems to be the least risky and the only way."

The fingertips started from the port north of the central capital Centoria, passed along the coastline of the Theocracy, and finally stopped at the northernmost point of the country, near the river outlet of the Yansnake Mountains.

"Black Water Port"

The ruling earl is a direct vassal of the Duke of Michigan.

Looking at this extremely simple route, Medina couldn't help frowning.

"You also said the day before yesterday that the Duke of Oludana is likely to use pirates to attack my ship?"

"Yes, and among the pirates, there may be some regular troops sent by the noble alliance."

"Then it doesn't make much difference if you go by land or by sea..."

Medina said with some disappointment.

"So, I don't suggest that you arrange the ship to go home alone, but I hope that His Highness can ask the archbishop for help and dispatch a fleet to escort."

Hearing this, Medina was stunned.

"So that's how it is, let me send the fleet down..."

"It is indeed a way."

After pondering for a while, Alice and Soltilina nodded.

"At the same time..." Chios hadn't finished speaking.

"His Royal Highness, please write a letter to the Duke of Oludana, describe your feeling of walking on thin ice after inheriting the title of Duke as sincerely as possible, and bring you to Centoria City to participate in the competition. Show the world the idea of ​​practicing martial arts diligently and achieving a stable prestige. At the end, I solemnly state that you visited the Black Iron Palace only because the archbishop sent people to invite you repeatedly, so you had to show up. The frigate on the return journey is also the chief The bishop is good at arranging arrangements, and wants to provoke the relationship between you and the Duke of Oludana through this method, in fact, you are very happy to befriend the Duke of Oludana."

What? !

They couldn't believe it.

The stunned reaction of the three attracted the attention of other girls in the hall.

"You... you want me to be a treacherous scumbag?"

"Wrong." Chios replied to Medina lightly:

"This is a vital step in protecting your personal safety."

"But is that really necessary?"

Solterina said:

"As long as the navy under Archbishop Yan escorts Medina to the Blackwater Port, and the Ortinanos family's army is on the shore, even if Duke Oludana intends to stop..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Chios raised his hand to interrupt.

"Miss Soltilina, why are you so sure that the coalition of nobles will not cross the border into the Duke of Miche, and capture or kill Her Royal Highness Medina before she arrives in the main city?"

"Because that would be tantamount to declaring war..."

"Hmph, don't be naive."

Chios' tone changed from his original mildness, and he asked sharply:

"If it is determined that His Royal Highness Medina has defected to the archbishop, isn't it the same for Duke Oludana and other faction members to declare war sooner or later? Rather, behead the leader before the Duke of Miche becomes a formal threat , it would be more beneficial to throw the northern border into chaos, right?"

Having said that, he sneered.

"You just tore your face and gave up communication. Do you still expect others to continue to use the aristocratic way, and you have to find a righteous excuse to do it? As a ruler, you must always maintain flexibility in diplomacy. This is not only to leave a future for yourself. The road is also creating space for your own deployment. You will not have lived on the border for a long time, fighting with monsters for too long, and have forgotten all the basic knowledge and etiquette of communicating with civilized people, right?"


Medina and Soltilina's lips twitched, but they couldn't answer half a word.

The girls gathered around the table were also dumbfounded.

When Chios taught people, it was so scary.

Without any swear words, but the words are bloody and piercing, extremely lethal.

I feel that even my dignity is about to be shattered...

"The noble alliance is ready to fight at any time, but what about you, Your Highness, who has recently inherited the title of duke... Do you know the deployment of troops in the territory well? Have you attracted Huairou and ensured the loyalty of the three earls under you? Complete the logistics of the soldiers and generals Dispatch, have you prepared a defense plan for the sudden northward movement of troops several times your own in the south?"


Medina lowered her head and replied ashamedly.

She has been the Duke for less than a month, and she is already very busy with the government affairs in the palace, so she has no spare time to deal with them.

Seeing that her momentum was rapidly weakening, Chios pursued without mercy:

"Then may I ask, how do you have the confidence to question my policy? Or, instead of being a mature diplomat, you would rather die as a childish barbarian in vain?"


Medina was about to cry.

Alice, who really couldn't stand it anymore, came forward and said:

"Chios, calm down."

"Oh?" The young man smiled.

"Don't I look calm, Lord Alice?"


Facing Chios with full firepower, Alice felt her scalp tingling.

"Why do you think this letter will definitely save Her Majesty Medina's life? People in the Noble Alliance should also suspect that this is a tactic to delay the attack."

"Whether you have doubts or not, the most important thing is whether you can arouse hesitation..."

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