"Why are you sitting here and sighing alone, Haruhiro?"

A familiar voice came.

Haruhiro raised his head.

Following the prestige, I found that the core figure of the team was coming from the door of the dormitory.

"Manato, have you been to the tavern?"

Hearing this, the young man smiled.

He went to the chair next to Haruhiro and sat down.

"It happened to be discovered by you when you came back from the tavern last time. Thinking about it this way, maybe we have a good understanding."

"Yes...is it..."

Haruhiro scratched his hair, not knowing how to reply.

Said it was the last time, but in fact it was just a week ago.

If he hadn't woken up in the middle of the night that day, he might not have known until today that Manado sacrificed his sleep time every few days and went to the tavern at his own expense to collect information for everyone.

Because of Manado's information from other volunteer soldiers, they finally found a few hunting grounds where sporadic monsters appeared, and managed to make some money.

Otherwise, life will probably be even more difficult now.

"What are you thinking?"


Haruhiro instinctively wanted to hide what was on his mind at first.

But soon, the idea of ​​having someone to talk to got the upper hand.

If Manato is speaking, he will definitely not just be worried, but will try his best to come up with a solution...

Thinking of this, Haruhiro said:

"Manato, do you think our current team is okay?"

"Why do you ask this? Could it be that you quarreled with someone and were hated by someone?"

"Eh?" Haruhiro scratched his cheek with his fingers, his tone uncertain:


I am not a handsome guy who is seeing people. The sleepy face of sleeping eyes is not good in some people's eyes and it looks very bad. The speech is neither smooth and lacking in appeal. It is absolutely impossible to be hated ...

Oops, it seems that the more I think about it, the less confident I am.

"Don't be too nervous, I was just joking just now." Manado patted Haruhiro on the shoulder to stop him from thinking wildly.

"I think I can see what you mean."

Supporting the bench with both hands, Manado looked up at the starry sky above his head.

"Like now, I go to the forest not far from the town every day to find the few lone monsters, and the life of harvesting once every three or four days, how long will it last?"

"Yeah." Haruhiro nodded.

"I know that compared to the initial situation, it has improved a lot now, but sometimes I still wonder if I can go further, how should I put it..."

He looked at his companion and confirmed in an uncertain tone:

"After these two weeks of cooperation, everyone's tacit understanding should have gradually improved, and their strength has improved a little bit, right?"

"Haha, why do you use question sentences?"

Seeing Haruhiro's embarrassed face, Manado couldn't help laughing.

Without waiting for the other party to reply, he went on to say:

"It's not your delusion, Haruhiro. At least, I also think we have become a little bit stronger."


"Yes." Manado smiled affirmatively.

"So, like you said, it's time for our team to take the next step."

The slowed down tone was more like convincing himself than responding to his companion.

It was as if there were invisible hands behind him pushing him forward.

Haruhiro didn't know why he felt this way, and he didn't know how to express his inner confusion...

Can only ask:

"Did anything happen at Shirley's Tavern today?"


Manado fell into an unnatural silence.

After a while, he finally spoke:

"Haruhiro, what kind of person do you think Hasusaki is?"

"What..." Haruhiro struggled to recall while scratching her hair with one hand.

The Hasuzaki mentioned by Manado was at the same time as they walked out of the "tower".After listening to the director Blaney's explanation in Chiyue Office, he quickly selected a few companions and started his career as volunteers.

Due to his extraordinary strength, he soon became a man of the hour in the circle of volunteer soldiers.

Haruhiro has nothing to do with Hasasaki, and his main impression of that person is that he is strong and fierce, like a wolf.

"Suddenly asked such a question, besides being very powerful, I don't know how to answer."

"From Haruhiro's point of view, does he seem like the type to join someone else's team?"

"No, can't imagine."

Haruhiro shook his head.

"Sure enough, you think so too." Manado was not surprised by Haruhiro's reaction.

"That's right..."

"Who would have thought that Hasozaki would join a battle group led by someone else."

Chapter 910 Nine? I'm a Villain

"Everyone, I want to try a different place today."

The next day, when all members of the team were having breakfast in the dormitory yard, Manado shared a proposal he had been thinking about for a long time.

"After these two weeks of cooperation, I think everyone has reached a certain level of tacit understanding, and the battle is not as flustered as it was at the beginning. Now we should try to undertake more difficult commissions."

"Very good! My uncle fully agrees!"

The curly-haired man who is not tall, Lande was the first to jump up from his seat, regardless of the food in his mouth that was still being chewed, the crumbs of food mixed with saliva sprayed out along with the words:

"I am tired of going to the forest to fight wolves and mice every day!"

Fortunately, most of the team members were vigilant and took away the dishes immediately, otherwise this fairly hearty breakfast might be seriously polluted.

Even so, the unavoidable desktop still seems to have been bombed by a meteor shower, leaving a devastated scene.

Looking back at such a tragic situation, the two girls in the team suddenly lost the mood to eat at the table.

"Oh, it's disgusting!"

The girl with long pink hair tied into a braid behind her head showed a disgusted expression, and took the hand of her companion beside her to leave the seat.

Turning her head, she cared and asked her friend:

"Sihoru, can I still have breakfast? If it's dirty, eat this clean one with Menger."

"Um... well, nothing."

Xihoru replied in a very low voice, with her shoulders hunched like a cute and pitiful little animal, but she could still hear that she was a little thankful for saving the food immediately.

"Hey, what do you mean, calling me like some kind of dirty thing?"

"It's not just "like" at all, in Meng'er's eyes, Lande, you are just a dirty thing. "

"Huh!? You flat chested girl, want to fight?"

Rand stepped on the bench angrily, and waved at Meng'er.

Meng'er didn't show a good face either, she squinted and stared back.

"Okay, okay..." Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Manado quickly intervened:

"Instead of arguing, it's better to finish breakfast while it's hot. Thanks to Moguso getting up early to prepare, we can enjoy delicious food, so we shouldn't waste Moguso's intentions for quarrels, should we?"

He looked at Rand.

As long as this source of chaos is suppressed, the atmosphere in the team will be stable.

"...You don't need to be reminded, my uncle never wastes food."

After snorting hard, Rand almost blew his nose and sat down on his back. Instead of looking at his dream, he buried himself in his breakfast.

"Then, let's vote by show of hands."

After resolving the disputes within the team, Manado continued the previous topic and said:

"Hands up in favor of the change."

In addition to Manado, a total of three raised their hands in agreement.

They were Rand and Menger, who were about to turn their heads just now, and Haruhiro, who had been silent all this time.

This is not surprising.

The reserved and reserved Shihoru is more afraid of taking risks.

The dull and honest Moguso can basically accept no matter what his companion decides.

"Speaking of which, Manado, where exactly do you want to take everyone?"

Hearing Haruhiro's question, Manado smiled slightly and replied:

"Carl Luin."

"Huh?" Haruhiro rarely opened his eyes wide.

"The ruins of Damro, the second largest city in the Old Kingdom? "

"Meng'er heard from her teacher that the place is very dangerous, not only hundreds of thousands of goblins and orcs occupy it, but also the former demon lord's "trolls" are there. "

"Are we...really going to that kind of place..."

"Exactly, exactly, my uncle lacks a challenging opponent."


Seeing the tense faces of all the team members, even Rand, who pretended not to care, had his eyelids twitch wildly, unable to hide his shaken reaction at all, Manado couldn't help laughing.

"Just kidding, I just wanted to visit the abandoned villages around the ruins of the city. I heard from others that some weak goblins would gather in those abandoned villages after being pushed out of the city."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Difficulty is comparable.

Compared to a town dominated by hundreds of thousands of monsters, an abandoned village where small-scale enemies are located is nothing at all.

Now that a decision has been made and there is no objection, the six of them went back to their room to organize their luggage after finishing their meal.

Putting on the cloak and boots given by the mentor of the Thieves Guild, Haruhiro put the sheathed dagger in his waistband, took his food with him, went downstairs and walked with his companions to the west city of Oludana City, which is located halfway up the mountain. door, ready to go.


Suddenly feeling someone staring at him, Haruhiro turned around.

However, the only people who come into view are the citizens who are busy with their livelihoods.


Raising his hand to block the increasingly glaring sunlight, the young man who searched for a while but failed shook his head and looked away.


"Oh, my intuition is very keen..."

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