A faint blush appeared on the fair cheeks of the girl who was teased, as if drunk.

Whose fault is this...

Mellie thought.

At this moment, the invisible thin layer of ice that originally covered her face seemed to disappear.

"Sorry to trouble you."


Thirty kilometers westward from Oludana City, the population became noticeably less.

Going forward, you will enter the area around the ruins of Karluin.

Frontier people are used to calling it "wasteland".

This vast riverside plain has been deserted and overgrown with weeds due to years of war, and now only a trace of the old farmland can be seen through the decayed fence.

The uninhabited village left after the residents moved away has been in disrepair for a long time, and it looks dilapidated. Looking from a distance, you can occasionally see the flickering fire in the building.

Perhaps there are volunteer soldiers temporarily resting in the empty house, and it is more likely that the place has already been occupied by monsters.

Even if the human armies regularly sweep the wasteland, killing and driving off the monster hordes that wander here, there will soon be an influx of other individuals who cannot survive in Calruin.

To change this phenomenon, the only way is to capture the ruins of the second largest city in the Old Kingdom.

The Western Aristocratic Alliance headed by the Duke of Oludana may be able to do it, but it is impossible to ignore the threat of the Archbishop faction and put all its troops into the wasteland.

So just keep the status quo.

Under such an environmental background, the importance of the Frontier Volunteer Corps is revealed.

Unlike soldiers who need to prepare a large amount of supplies in advance, their salaries are doubled, and there are pensions for those who die in battle.Volunteers whose income depends on entrusted rewards and spoils of war, without any guarantee of treatment, must take the initiative to take risks in dangerous places.

They are not as numerous as the army, but for their livelihood, they can kill the enemy almost endlessly, day after day.

Such efficiency is never possible for the regular army to achieve.

Also because of the existence of the volunteer soldiers, the monsters in the wasteland have not increased significantly for many years.

Today's wasteland seems a bit unusual.

According to Meili, there are usually not many monsters on the outskirts of the wasteland, and it is rare to see goblin wolf cavalry patrols.

But since Chios and the others entered this area, they have already encountered three groups of wolf cavalry.

The combination of goblins and Timberwolves is certainly not a threat to Chios. It takes less than 2 minutes to solve a sentry from the time the sword is unsheathed.

The question is what lies behind this anomalous situation...


The shining golden magic sword obliquely cut across the right shoulder of the goblin cavalry leader, drawing a beautiful semi-circular arc of light.

The running horse and the Timberwolves passed by...

The monster frozen in the posture of raising the short spear with its backhand looked like a thawed ice sculpture, half of its body slowly slid down along the bloody tangent, and landed on the ground with a snap.

Clean dismemberment.


The goblin sentries screamed in terror and fled in all directions.

Chios didn't bother to chase after him.

Putting the sword back into its sheath, he asked Mei Li behind him:

"What do you think is causing the increase in outposts?"

"..." Mei Li thought for a moment.

"Most of the wolf cavalry come from Karl'luin, and I can only think of one reason for them to make a big move... Fenceside Steel Fortress."

Chios frowned.


"Well, the monster should be trying to attack the city."

Chapter 920 Five? Fence German Steel Fortress

"It's my luck to encounter a big incident on my first trip to the border."

Chios half-joked.

Of course, he knew very well in his heart that there were accidental factors in encountering monsters attacking the city, but the main reason was that such things were not uncommon.

"Do monsters often attack Hedgeside Iron Fortress?"

Chios asked.

Sure enough, Meili nodded.

"About once every two or three months, the Chiyue Office had issued a commission to investigate the reasons before, and the final conclusion was that due to the limited resources of Karl Luin and the wasteland, monsters can only be eliminated by regularly launching wars. Get rid of some of the weak."

"That's not surprising."

When the living space is not enough, the simplest solution is to expand outward.

Even if they fail to fight out, the casualties caused by the war will effectively relieve the population pressure. At the same time, through the baptism of blood and fire, a group of brave and skilled elites will be cultivated.

As long as the scale of the war is controlled to a certain extent and the tragedy of excessive consumption of the young and strong of the ethnic group is avoided, in the long run it is actually beneficial to the improvement of competitiveness, at least better than internal friction.

Obviously, the Western nobles who have offensive and defensive alliances are by no means ideal targets that meet the above conditions.

Only the fenced steel fortress guarded by two thousand crusaders is.

Whether it is out of consideration of eliminating threats near the base area, moderately consuming excess population, or venting ethnic hatred, the crusaders bear the brunt.

After quickly clarifying the causal connection behind the incident, Chios stopped thinking.

"Let's go to Palisades Iron Fortress."


Mei Li suspected that she had heard wrong.

Knowing that the place is now reduced to a battlefield and surrounded by a large number of enemies, it's okay for this person in front of him not to think about retreating, but he still plans to run to take risks?

Did he think that the number of monsters attacking was very small?

"Mr. Chios, there are at least tens of thousands of monsters besieging the fence and steel fortress..."

"I can imagine it." Before Meili finished speaking, Chios said:

"If there is no more than five times the strength of the monster, there is no way for the monster to put pressure on the well-equipped and well-trained crusaders guarding the strong city, but they will die in vain."

Seeing that he was still able to calmly make accurate judgments, Mei Li felt even more puzzled.

"Now that I understand, why..."

"You can learn a lot by observing the army." Chios explained in a calm tone:

"The ratio of half-orcs to goblins, the roles and power structures of the two races in the army, the training configuration of long-range and melee units, the strength of the commander's commanding ability, and which individual abilities are particularly outstanding and need to be eradicated as soon as possible... .These intelligences can all be answered through a war and help us find their weaknesses."

The words exude a calm confidence.

There was not a single soldier behind him, but at this moment Chios gave people the feeling that he was like an invincible general in charge of thousands of troops.

As a member of the Chiyue Volunteer Corps, Mei Li has participated in more than one military operation of the Oludana Frontier Army so far, but she has never seen the charisma of a commander like Chios in any knight commander.

So much so that she almost believed that marching towards a castle surrounded by tens of thousands of enemy troops was a reasonable decision...

Fortunately, he regained his sanity in the end.

Just about to persuade her again, Chios, who saw her thoughts, clamped his legs directly into the horse's belly.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you. Let's go!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the war horse neighed and sped out.

Da Da Da Da!

Not a brisk walk or a trot, but a real gallop.

The iron hoof stretched and stomped heavily, causing the rider on the horse to feel strong ups and downs.


Mellie hurriedly put her arms around Chios' waist.

The experience of almost falling off a horse an hour ago made her dare not let go, let alone open her mouth.

I can only complain from the bottom of my heart.

This employer is really too powerful.

Although, it's not bad to promise to protect her...

The horse carrying the two of them crossed the wilderness, and encountered more wolf cavalry patrols along the way, but they were either cut off by Chios with a sword, or they turned around and ran away in fright after seeing their companions' miserable end.

Bullying enemies doesn't slow them down.

Soon, they were close to their destination.

Fenceside Steel Fortress is located on a flat piece of land at the foot of the mountain in the northern part of the riverside plain, which is equivalent to a large village. The land is surrounded by winding rivers on three sides, and has mountains as a barrier on one side, like a peninsula isolated from the world. .

The only external road is the stone bridge leading to the west, facing the gate of the fortress.

Da da da, da...


On the east side of the peninsula, Chios reined in his horses on a hill three hundred steps away from the river, and observed the huge building standing tall in front of him.

The city wall, about 15 meters high, was built on a pile of high foundations, and the battlements, which were enough for two soldiers to use as shelters, were like neatly arranged stone teeth.Considering that the city gate will be attacked by the enemy, the specially reinforced large gatehouse is like a main castle on the periphery, with two layers of thick iron gates inside and out.

The overall design of the city is fan-shaped, with three walls from the outside to the inside, forming a line of defense that shrinks layer by layer.

No matter who, whoever took a look at it from a distance, would understand that the difficulty of attacking this fortress was beyond the reach of ordinary noble castles.

It is impossible to win without paying more than ten times the casualties of the defenders.

There are not only fortresses on the peninsula, more than a dozen buildings that look like private houses and mills can be seen outside the city walls. Directly opposite the reinforced gatehouse, a stone bridge connects the road leading to the west.

Presumably, in the non-war period, there will be a quiet and peaceful view of the manor here.

However, at this moment, those houses that lacked the protection of high walls were burning in the flames, gradually scorching black and collapsing.

The Yinyin grassland is now being trampled by countless green-skinned monsters...

There are so many of them that even the not-so-small peninsula cannot fully accommodate them, and nearly half of them still stay on the opposite side of the stone bridge.

Even with this arrangement, the monsters pushing each other on the periphery still stumbled and fell into the river from time to time, being washed downstream by the current.


Hetai Hegeta Yada Rufa!Hudolin Yata, Wuqietu Fence Said Genot!

The tall and strong half-orc warlord angrily beat the undisciplined goblin with a whip, raised the blade made of red metal in the other hand, and pointed it at the city wall.

Because of his ability to understand languages, Chios can understand what the other party is saying...

"Short, stupid idiots! Don't back off, go forward and attack Fort Hedgeside!"

In fact, you can guess the meaning of this passage just from the expression and actions.

Under the constant reprimand and whipping of the half-orcs, the goblins with crude weapons rushed towards the city wall and gate tower one after another.

If the entire army is a green ocean, the attacking monsters are raging waves.

Even though he knew that he would be smashed to pieces when he hit it, he still didn't stop.

rumble rumble...

With their steps, the ground began to tremble.

The aftermath of the shock even reached Chios' location.


Chios could feel the stiffness of the girl's limbs behind him.

He didn't need to look back to know that Mei Li's face must be completely pale now.

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