"The enemy's general Zhu Yaodaochen... I am the wise ten soldier Wei Guangxiu to claim it!"



At the right time, the upper reaches of the Nagara River...

After three hours of rest, the Eighteen Hundred Oda Army recovered from the fatigue of yesterday's march.

Small boats are placed around the camp...

These boats were all transported from Sichuan to hide near here for more than a month, and they were enough to carry 3000 people.

As a gang active in the river, all this is not difficult, it just takes time.

Chios is explaining the strategy of battle with Shibata Katsuie, Niwa Nagahide, Maeda Inuchiyo and others.

"I understand..." After listening to Chios' words, Changxiu held a folding fan against his cheek and said with a smile:

"It is indeed a good strategy. It seems that I can also contribute a lot to Lord Chios in this battle, with 95 points."

"Has Inuchiyo heard clearly?" The young man turned his gaze to the petite girl beside him.

"If there is anything I don't understand, I can explain it in detail."

"...There is no problem..." Inuchiyo shook his head lightly holding the vermilion short spear, looked at Chios with firm eyes and replied:

"...will work hard to complete the task, Chios don't have to worry."

"What about me? What about me?" Singer raised his hands expectantly, like a canine creature wagging its tail.

"Should I also explain my mission?"

"Singer, of course..." Chios patted the girl with ponytail on the shoulder with a faint smile on his face.

"Rush into the enemy's line, and ask for the enemy general...isn't it?"


While Singer was still in a daze, a black shadow jumped down from the tree...

"Who?" Singer reflexively wanted to draw the knife, but Chios pressed down on the hand holding the knife handle.

"Don't worry, it's Goemon."

"Lord Chios..." The silver-haired ninja girl knelt in front of Chios and reported:

"The location of His Majesty Dao San's formation has been determined, and it's in Hexian in the northeast of Inaba Mountain City!"

"It was a great help, this information is very important to me."

Chios walked past Goemon and came to a relatively conspicuous position.

The young man clapped his hands, attracting the attention of everyone in the Oda army.

"Have you had breakfast yet?"


The generals of the Oda Army responded energetically.

"Very good..." Chios nodded in satisfaction, and waved his hand to order:

"Now the whole army boards the ship and heads to Heshan!"

Chapter 87?


Flames burst from the muzzle of the gun, and a lead bullet, driven by the explosion, flew straight to Zhuyao Daochen's face...

It never occurred to him that there was actually an iron cannon waiting for Zhuyao Daochen who came to his door, and he had no chance to react.

The moment he heard the gunshot, he only felt a pain between his eyebrows.

Consciousness then goes silent forever...

There was a roar, and blood burst out!

The next moment, Saito Yoshiryu's forward leader fell backwards.A dark red hole appeared between the eyes of the standing star in front of the spade-shaped front of the bamboo waist.

The bullet completely shattered the contents of his brain, and the white-yellow brain mixed with blood continuously flowed out from the hole in the middle of his eyebrows...

The warriors under Zhuyao Daochen's command, three thousand vanguard troops, were stunned for a moment on the spot.

The general... died just like that?

It is unbelievable for the forward soldiers that a senior warrior with excellent martial arts skills and excellent armor died before he could even make a scream under an iron cannon...

However, Akechi Mitsuhide did not give the enemy time to calm down. When the Yilong army was shocked, the girl pulled out the sword from her waist and swung it forward.

"The enemy general is dead, all attack!"

Oh oh oh! ! !

The gunners around Mitsuhide were highly motivated, and they advanced along the sides of the mountain path with long spears, leaving the center empty.

Almost at the same time as her order sounded, there were battle cries in the woods on both sides of Heshan Pass...

"Come on, defeat the Rebel Dragon Army!"

"For His Highness the Third Dao!"

"For Mino!"

A thousand spears who had been ambushing in the forest ahead of time showed up, followed by the warriors carrying the two-headed corrugated flag on their backs, and rushed out together.

"There is an ambush!"

"My God, their spears are longer than ours!"

The main general died, and the morale of the [-] vanguard troops, whose morale had already plummeted, saw ambushes approaching from the left and right, and they were terrified and didn't know what to do.

As an ambush soldier, the one thousand guns are light enough to use the "three and a half" spears improved by Dao San. The barrel of the gun is almost one meter higher than the three guns in the hands of Sergeant Yilong.

Although careful training is required to properly use a weapon of this length, there are not many of them.However, as soon as it appeared on the stage, it immediately displayed terrifying lethality.

The chaotic and frightened enemy army could not bring them any pressure. The three and a half long spears allowed them to stab out the spears easily at a safe distance and plunge into the body of the enemy army like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

This was an unfair confrontation, Yoshiryu Army Ashgaru could only watch helplessly as the spear quilt that could not dodge was stabbed, but his own spear blade could not even reach the opponent's arm.

The Dao army from the front and side forced the forward soldiers to deal with the enemy in front of them individually, unable to gather all their strength to fight back.

Saito Dozo succeeded in dividing the formation of Yoshilong's army with only ambush, making them fight on their own.


Under Mitsuhide's order, the iron cannon that was refilled with gunpowder projectiles was leveled again and fired straight ahead.

Boom boom boom! ! !

Dao Sanjun, who had evaded to both sides of the mountain road in advance, only felt a dense rain of bullets and a sharp wind passing by...

Puff puff...

As for the [-] Yilong Army, who were standing closer and closer due to the ambushes, they were exposed to the coverage of the iron cannon salvo fired by thunder and fire.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of people fell to the ground clutching their wounds.

Inferior-quality footlights are not enough to resist the penetration of iron cannons...

No matter where the body was shot, the impact force released by the projectile was like a secondary explosion on the fragile human body, immediately blasting the person to a bloody mess.

The wounded touched the bloody wound, and the pungent smell of blood entered the nasal cavity...

Only then did they realize how badly they had been injured, and the pain that penetrated into their bodies was delayed until now.


"It hurts so much, help me!"

The miserable screams of his comrades echoed in his ears, and many forwards who had already been shaken couldn't hold on any longer and tried to escape.

Especially those at the back of the line, looking at the scene of hell in front of them, and then at the Nagara River in the back, couldn't help stepping back.

"Damn it, use some tricks!" Several soldiers of the Yilong Army realized that the enemy's iron cannons could not be allowed to continue firing.

Seeing that Mitsuhide and the others were less than sixty steps away, the warriors who wanted to go forward to kill the iron cannon Ashgaru held their knives in both hands and rushed forward with their heads buried.

However, these people were quickly surrounded by guns from both sides of the mountain road...

It is self-evident that a single samurai will face the fate of being pierced by several spears.

Powerless to stop the Guangxiu Iron Cannons, busy with the three and a half guns from the left and right forwards, they can only persevere until the next death declaration appears...



South of the Nagara River, Saito Yoshiryu Honjin...

The burly Yilong sat on the stool with his hands folded over his chest, squinting slightly, looking at the battlefield in Heshan with a serious face.

It took less than an hour for Dao Chen to attack from Zhu Yao...

Standing at Yilong's position, he could only see figures huddled together and the occasional flashes of flames; he could also hear vague sounds of fighting and iron cannons firing...

The purpose of sending forward troops to attack the three armies is only to disrupt the enemy's position and consume the enemy's combat power.

The key to the real victory or defeat lies in the five thousand teams he personally commanded.

Yoshilong didn't expect to be able to kill Saito Michizo, known as Mino's Viper, with 3000 people.

Although he thought so, he never imagined that the forward team would be completely defeated...

The number of the two sides is equal, and Daosan's troops must be deployed layer by layer, lest Yilong send a special team to detour the main formation on the mountain and directly behead the enemy's general.

As for Zhu Yao Daochen's 3000 men, it is enough to break through the enemy's formation head-on, and they should have the upper hand.

It's just that reality doesn't always meet expectations...

When the vanguard lined up behind and deserters left the battlefield one after another, Saito Yoshilong finally realized...

Zhu Yao Daochen lost, and it should be a disastrous defeat.

In an evenly matched battle, deserters will not easily appear.

Saito Yoshiryu has a wealth of experience in battles, and he is excellent in both personal bravery and commanding ability.

From the situation of Ashgaru's escape, he has already seen the direction of the battle on the other side.

"I still underestimated Saito Dozo..." With a sigh, Saito Yoshitaka stood up from the stool and pulled out the red spear stuck at his feet.

"Don't let Dao San completely defeat the forward army, I can only step forward to stabilize morale."

With a tall body nearly two meters tall and Yilong's eye-catching crimson armor, standing together naturally attracted the attention of the surrounding soldiers.

"The left and right wings are on standby to guard against the movements of Mino's three people..."

After giving the order to the left and right wings with a total of more than [-] troops, Yilong stepped on the horse led by his cronies, pointed his red spear forward, and shouted:

"Everyone in this team, follow me across the river and attack Saito Dozo!"

Chapter 88? Still...More

In the Nagara River, wooden boats with sculls go southwest along the river.

The boats used by Chuan Bingzhong are flat-bottomed boats similar to the small boats used by pirates. Eight planks are installed on each side of the hull for use as shelters. The draft is shallow and cannot withstand strong winds and waves.

But now it is not at sea, but sailing inland rivers, the shaking is not very severe.

Each wooden boat carries 25 to 40 people, as well as a member of Chuanmin who is responsible for steering the oars.When it reaches the deeper downstream of the river, the stations are denser and can carry about [-] people.

The width of the Nagara River is about 50 meters, and the narrowest point is only 30 meters. Even if there are people who are familiar with river shipping to control the Nagara River, this width can only allow three or four boats to safely parallel at most.

Nearly a hundred boats form a long queue on the river, which looks quite spectacular.

On the leading ship, Chios, wearing a black majestic pill and 36 tendons on his head, folded his arms on his chest, purple silk and golden feathers fluttered in the wind, and the golden sun wheel stood in front of it shining under the sun.

"This time, thanks to the activities of Lai Chuan Ningzhong in Mino, my whimsical strategy can be implemented..." Chios standing on the bow of the ship turned his head and smiled at the ninja girl beside him.

"It is my good fortune to have the allegiance of you and all of us."

"I, I'm just doing my job, and Mr. Chiosu is too annoying..." Suddenly being praised by the lord, Goemon couldn't help being a little embarrassed for a while, biting his tongue frequently while replying.

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