Shibata Katsuie curled his lips, turned his head to look elsewhere, his eyes were clear; Maeda Inuchiyo looked at this scene, his eyes seemed to have a tendency to turn into dead fish eyes; Akechi Juhei Mitsuhide was not good at reading such delicate words Emotion, just unconsciously resting his hand on the bamboo water bottle behind his waist.

"As a place of memory, don't you mind coming with me to meet Merchant Tsushima, Manchiyo?"

"Of course, with pleasure."


Whether he is in charge of appointment or general execution, Changxiu, who has outstanding internal affairs ability, will inevitably come into contact with Jindao merchants from time to time.

Nagahide came forward, and with her clear explanation, the representatives of the Tsushima [-] writers and the Horita family quickly understood the situation and told other businessmen.

Merchant Tsushima breathed a sigh of relief...

At the same time, in order to express their apology, they prepared white rice balls and bonito miso soup for the three thousand Oda soldiers out of their own pockets.

Bucket after bucket of hot white rice and miso soup were carried by male servants to the open space by the pier.The maids stood behind the wooden table, busy turning the rice with wooden ladles to let in the cold air to cool it down, and kneading it into fist-sized rice balls.

The miso soup with dried bonito adds a layer of umami, and it is delicious to eat with rice balls.

In the era of volatile wars and frequent famines, most people could only afford black rice and wild vegetable roots, and many low-level warriors with financial difficulties could only eat brown rice. Being able to afford white rice was a proof of mastery.

From the perspective of these businessmen, it is natural to see from the equipment and momentum that this army is a direct-line army mainly with standing ashigaru, and it is a cost-effective investment to maintain a good relationship with the army under the command of Lord Owari.

After resolving the misunderstanding, Oda Jun quickly forgot the previous little unhappiness under the warm hospitality of the merchants.

"The Tsushima merchant is really rich..." Chios looked at the scene in front of him thoughtfully.

"It's always been like this..." Sheng Jia shook his head and said with one hand on his hip:

"I also pay a lot of annual contributions every year in the territory of Xiashe City, but it is nothing compared to Tsushima."

"That's right, the combined height of all the stones in Niwa Township is no more than half of that of Tsushima Port." Changxiu held his face with one hand, with a look of resentment.

Inuchiyo looked at the faces of the elders of the Oda family who had more than [-] koku in their territory, shouting for poverty, and then thought about the two thousand koku Zhixing in his own barren city...

"...You guys are so annoying."

I always feel like I can't go on...

Guangxiu at the side caressed her kumquat hair ornament, silently.

The land of Zhizhi's family in Meinong, after Yilong seized power, is basically in name only...

"It's nice to be young..." The old Viper, who had just lost Mino Country, held the soup bowl in one hand and sipped bonito miso soup in a low voice.

"It can also create the future, which is different from being old."

"Eh..." The young people present immediately stopped the current conversation.

"Master Chios, what are you doing suddenly mentioning Tsushima's wealth, zero points..." Changxiu hurriedly brought the topic up, and the corners of his mouth twitched when Chios was mentioned.

"From the way you look, I can tell that you are thinking of some bad ideas again, right?"

"Your impression of me is really bad..." Chios pretended to have a helpless smile, and then changed the subject:

"I just thought of a way for His Royal Highness Nobuna to mobilize troops quickly."

Chapter 97?Night Military Discussion

After a short stay in Tsushima, the Oda Army returned to Qingzhou City by land after a full meal.

Wearing a white linen shirt, tiger skin waistband, and black horse hakama tail, Oda Kami Sosuke Nobuna was waiting for them outside the gate of Sannomaru with dozens of personal guards.

Seeing the adoptive father who survived the catastrophe, Nobuna only had a lazy and loose expression, and there was no emotional or excited opening at all:

"Oh, Viper, are you still alive?"

Saito Dozo also knew what kind of character Nobuna was, so he naturally followed the other party's question and responded:

"Thanks to the excellent retainers of the Oda family, the old man's life seems to last for a while."

Counting on this daughter to weep and shed tears, probably only that young man can do it...

"Is that so...that's good." The retainer was praised by Mino Nobuki, and finally a slight smile appeared on Nobuna's face mixed with displeasure and laziness.

Seeing this, the two elders communicated with each other in a low voice...

"Her Royal Highness has an awkward temper again, 63 points."

"Well, it would be nice to be more frank."


Although it looked like a whisper, it was actually spoken at a normal volume.

"It's so noisy!" Shinna blushed and picked out her ears, and out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced at the handsome young man in black armor.

Chios smiled and said nothing, with a slightly teasing look on the finger next to the brown-haired girl's ear.


Nobuna, who realized that he was being rude in front of his lover, immediately withdrew his hand to pick his ear, as if touching boiling water.

Picking her ears is her habitual behavior when she is impatient and concealing her emotions. Habits are habits. At best, she scratches her ears twice with her hands. It's not that she doesn't really like to be clean...

"Cough!" Clenched his fist and coughed twice, Nobuna's face turned serious.

"Your army, Viper, will be stationed in Qingzhou City first, and the treatment will be the same as that of my soldiers, is that okay?"

"No problem." Dao San nodded.

"Very good, then everyone else go to rest first..." Nobuna made a gesture, and several guards beside him understood, walked out of the queue, and quickly led the three thousand troops behind Chios into Sannomaru.

The only ones left in front of Nobuna were Chios, Katsuie, Nagahide, Inuchiyo, Dozo, and Mitsuhide.

"Come with me, there is something important."

Honmaru Palace, evaluation room...

"Yesterday, Imakawa Yoshimoto sent troops, and now [-] troops are coming towards Owari..."

As soon as the six people sat down, the words that Xin Nai casually threw out hit their hearts like thunder.

Even Chios raised his eyebrows in surprise.

The reason is also very simple...

The Battle of Barrels that he is familiar with in history took place close to mid-June. Even if the marching time is added, the date of dispatching troops will not be June [-]st, that is to say...

Is the battle of Barrel Hazama brought forward?

He couldn't help thinking of the thought-provoking reminder that after Xinsheng's death, the coat of arms information mentioned: "It has exceeded the scope of self-correction in this world".

The script of the mission world has been torn up and altered again and again by Chios, the executor. Neither the director nor the screenwriter has the power to control the plot, and can only let the actors on the stage play freely.

The change in the timing of the Battle of the Barrels may just confirm his guess.

If his guess is correct, this battle must not be expected that the Oda Army will win the battle as in the original plot, relying on the sudden heavy rain to attack Imagawa Yoshimoto's main camp in Tianle Hazama.

There are no predestined miracles...

The youth had a hunch that this would be his most difficult battle in the mission world.

While Chios was thinking, Nobuna continued to briefly explain the current battle situation to everyone present:

"Now, Matsudaira Motoyasu's 500 troops surround Marugen Village, and Yudian Changzhao leads [-] people to attack Jiujin Village. The number of troops in the village is insufficient. If there is no reinforcements, it will only be a matter of time before it falls."

"Then what are we waiting for?" The combative Singer stood up abruptly and clapped his fists.

The ponytail girl looked forward to Nobuna who was sitting at the head.

"Before Imagawa's army arrives, let us dispatch troops to defeat them first!"

"Impossible..." Dao San shook his head and sighed:

"Sending troops to Marune and Jiujin Village, they will definitely pass through Narumi Castle and expose their whereabouts. As long as there is information from Narumi Castle, Matsudaira Motoyasu and Yudian Changzhao will withdraw their troops and return to Dataka Castle."

"Wouldn't it be nice for the enemy to withdraw?"

Singer asked with a puzzled look.

The one who answered her question was Lord Owari...

"Of course it's not good! I wasted a day or two marching in vain, but the enemy hid back in the city to defend. Should I go back to Qingzhou City or attack Dagao City?"

"If you go back to Qingzhou City, there will be no point in sending troops this time..."

Without waiting for the ponytail girl to reply, Nobuna continued:

"How much time will it take to attack Dagao Castle with nearly 5000 defenders? We will be finished if Imagawa Yoshimoto's army arrives."

"This... so complicated?" Sheng Jia sat down with her arms folded in distress, and with her simple thinking, she couldn't think of what to do.

Knowing that Satsuki was not good at thinking about these things, Nobuna turned to look at the other elder.

"Manchiyo, how do you think we should deal with this?"

"Yes, Your Highness the Princess..." Niwa Chohide, the elder of the pen family, nodded in response.

"I suggest Her Royal Highness..."

The words paused here, and Changxiu's eyes flashed with a struggle. After hesitating for a while, she bit her lower lip and slowly expressed her thoughts:

"Don't send reinforcements. We should do everything we can to mobilize military service before the enemy's army arrives, and concentrate on fighting Imagawa Yoshimoto."

Hearing this, Singer sitting opposite couldn't help but question loudly:

"Do you want Her Highness the Princess to treat Lord Sheng and Lord Xuanfan as if they would die!?"

"...Yes." Changxiu lowered her head, and pulled down the bows on both sides of her blue-black long hair.

"We can only sacrifice Marone and Jiujin Village to hold back five thousand enemy troops. When Her Royal Highness gathers troops, the Oda family still has a chance..."

She suddenly exerted force on the hand holding the folding fan, and said in a rare and severe tone:

"Sending troops to rescue, the Oda family is likely to perish because of this, it is completely zero points!"

"..." Sheng Jia couldn't refute, at least she couldn't think of a way with a better chance of winning.

(The one who really refused to save me was actually me...) Nobuna, who was sitting in the main seat, looked sad.

If rescue is really needed, she can send troops as early as four hours before, instead of waiting until late at night to discuss.It is precisely because Nobuna's thoughts are the same as Changxiu's that he has stayed put until now.

Even Changsu, who is a military adviser, can't think of another way...

Looking at Saito Dosan, the old man shook his head slightly, indicating that he also had no choice.


When calling out this name, Nobuna found that his voice unconsciously contained dependence and prayer.

"Do you have any ideas?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes focused on the young man sitting in the front row.

It has only been more than two months since I joined the Oda family, but the achievements made during this period can be compared with those of the two elders, and even surpassed...

Facing Saito Yoshiryu's army, he defeated Yoshiryu's team with only [-] troops, causing the enemy's general to escape injured...

If anyone can perform miracles, it should be him.

However, Chios just said lightly:

"I agree with Manchiyo's idea..."

The young man raised his head, calmly facing Xin Nai's slightly disappointed expression.

"However, with the help of merchants Tsushima and Atsuta, perhaps His Highness Nobuna can assemble an army within two days."

Chapter 98? The Army Assembled

Two days later...

On the official road leading to Atsuta in Owari territory, there have been no less than dozens of teams passing by recently.The members of these teams were not merchants, but warriors in armor and ashigaru.

Atsuta Port, where merchants gather, is only slightly less prosperous than Tsushima.

Normally, outsiders with weapons should not be very popular.However, the soldiers who came to Retian in the past two days, without exception, received warm hospitality from local businessmen.

Not only free accommodation, but also free meals during morning and evening meals.

The curtain at the door of the dormitory was lifted, and a samurai wearing a belly armor came out.

At the other end of the street, the businessman standing behind the long table saw this and immediately waved his hand:

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