The fan was retracted, and the roller blind fell again.

"Crush the big fool who thinks he's smart."


At the same time, Owari Kingdom, Atsuta Shrine...

The shrine occupies a very large area. After entering the kingdom of the gods from the first torii at the main entrance at the foot of the mountain, the surrounding environment is quiet and quiet.

It is said that the Kusanagi sword, one of the three artifacts, is enshrined here. Together with the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu enshrined in Ise Shrine, it is said to be the most effective place for prayers for believers all over Japan, and has an extraordinary influence.

In the innermost main hall of Atsuta Shrine, ordinary believers are kept out, and only a man and a woman pay homage here.

Putting five Yongle coins of good quality into the offering box, Chios rang the bell three times, bowed deeply twice, clapped his hands twice, and then began to pray with his palms together.

Nobuna's eyebrows twitched when she saw the whole set of skillful worship movements. Is this young man next to him really a Southern barbarian...

"Don't you try to pray to the gods, Your Highness Nobuna?" After finishing the prayer, he bowed to the hall for the last time and stood up. Chios turned his face and looked at Nobuna who was not moving.

"No, you know I don't believe in gods and Buddhas..." The girl shook her head and declined.

"The gods and Buddhas of human fantasy may not exist, or even if they exist, they are different from our imagination..." Without forcing Xinnai, Chios just continued the discussion along this topic:

"But there must be something more powerful than us, such as destiny."

"Yeah... In the past, as long as people I liked and relied on, they all left me one by one... However, since you appeared, this vague premonition of sadness has been broken..." Letter Surprisingly, Nai did not refute, and a soft smile appeared on his porcelain-like face.

"If there is any mysterious force affecting us, it may be destiny, just like the future seen in the eyes of your Aeon."

The girl raised her head, with tears of joy in the corners of her eyes, and smiled at Chios:

"So, instead of believing in gods and Buddhas, I just need to believe in you, Chios..."

She took a step forward and buried herself in the young man's chest.

"Because, to me, you are destiny incarnate."

With the rustling sound of leaves swaying in his ears, Chios suddenly felt very at ease.

He stretched his arms around Nobuna's slender body, and rested his chin lightly on the top of the girl's head.

"I feel the same way."

"Liar..." Nobuna, who leaned against her lover's chest, curled her lips when she heard this, and then said with a smug smile:

"You can't beat me..."

In the solemn and solemn shrine, a young man and woman hug each other quietly.

Chapter 100? Going to the Battlefield

Walking out of the main hall, Oda retainers headed by Niwa Chohide greeted him.

"What did your highness pray to the gods..." Changxiu said, gesturing towards the outside of the hall.

"Why don't you tell everyone to boost the morale of the army?"

The direction of the gesture is the black armored army standing all over the Atsuta Jingu Shrine. The samurai with the yellow background and black pattern on their backs are wearing black body balls, wearing array hats, and the ashigaru in midriffs are behind the samurai.

The troops mobilized to Atsuta from various places in Owari, plus the army led by Nobuna from Kiyosu Castle, totaled [-] troops.

When the head of the Oda family visited the Atsuta Shrine, they spontaneously gathered from the port town...

Except for Nobuna's direct troops, most of the soldiers have never seen the appearance of Lord Owari, and they may have heard the rumor of the foolish princess, but that's all.

At this moment, they were looking forward to it, hoping that they would be lucky enough to see the face of Her Highness the Princess.

"Alright." Nobuna glanced at the young man beside him, and then nodded.

Although she didn't say anything to the gods from the beginning to the end, when the girl turned her face away and stepped forward to the middle of the steps at the entrance of the main hall, no one would doubt whether she prayed.

Chios naturally stood aside, and the rest of the retainers also retreated to the sides, highlighting Nobuna, the focus of the center.

With her left hand on her hip and her right arm stretched forward, the girl shouted to the Oda army lined up below:

"Owari warriors, I am your general, Oda Kami Sosuke Nobuna!"

A black southern barbarian full body, a bright red cloak fluttering, white porcelain smooth skin, dazzling golden brown long hair, a solemn and incomparable gaze...

This is their highness the princess.

Oh oh oh oh! ! !

The soaring shout pierced through the clouds above Atsuta Shrine, shaking the kingdom of gods.

The Owari people raised their weapons excitedly, and the doubts they had about the Owari King disappeared the moment they saw themselves.

This is the charm of Oda Nobuna, her vision ahead of the times and her capacity to embrace the world, she never stops emitting light and heat.

It is like a lighthouse in the dark to people who are precarious in troubled times, attracting them to follow and serve.

However, what General Oda Army said next made everyone stunned on the spot.

"The gods are high above, and most likely they don't have time to answer my prayers. Therefore, victory depends on our own creation..." At this point, Nobuna put his hand on his breastplate and ordered the soldiers below:

"Everyone, please give me your life, Oda Nobuna! I will definitely defeat Imagawa Yoshimoto, and end this long troubled world with my own hands!"

"Eh..." Changxiu looked helplessly at the lord's unscripted performance, and was a little worried about the reaction of the soldiers below, but saw a "relief" look from Chios on the side.


The young man snapped his fingers suddenly.

""Defeat Imagawa and end the troubled times! ""

""Long live Your Royal Highness! ""

A shout came from nowhere in the Oda army, and their passionate roar was quickly passed on to the surrounding friendly troops.

Oooo! ! !

In the blink of an eye, the roar of battle came overwhelmingly...

In the hustle and bustle, the old man of the pen moved his footsteps and came to Chios.

"Thanks for your preparation, 95 points."

"No way..." the young man shrugged.

"Because, I heard her prayer just now."

"So that's how it is..." Changxiu narrowed her gentle eyes slightly, and murmured thoughtfully:

"You are indeed a reliable god, but..."

Silently glanced at Nobuna, and a smile appeared on Changxiu's face again.

"I don't think Lord God would mind having other devout believers?"


The girls said it so plainly, what else can Chios say.

"what are you guys saying?"

Noticing that the two were talking in a low voice, Nobuna walked over and looked around with scrutiny.

"I'm discussing the marching route with Lord Chios..." The folding fan drew two dashed lines towards the southeast, and Changxiu calmly explained:

"Take the seaside and pass through Li Temple to quickly reach Danxia Village. If you choose the road from the ancient Narumi side, you can avoid Narumi Castle and go directly to Shanzhao Temple Village. I want to know which road Master Chios thinks is the most suitable."

"Well, that's it..." When the retainer raised such an important question, Nobuna put aside his jealousy for a while, and put his chin on his hand to think seriously.

Judging from Imagawa's attack on Marone and Jiujin villages, the first step of Imagawa Yoshimoto's march into Owari was to pull out the five villages built by the Oda family.Then, with Imagawa Yoshimoto's temperament, it would not be surprising even if a few more troops were sent towards Narumi Castle.

Besides, Imakawa Yoshimoto never imagined that the Oda family had already completed the mobilization of troops in just two days...

"If the Sichuan army wants to support Narumi Castle, the quickest route is to take the Tokaido and Kamakura Road, which will pass through the Nakadao Village and Shanzhao Temple Village respectively. If we want to attack and intercept this army, we can only take the ancient Narumi Road. side."

Nobuna, who figured out the key points, carefully analyzed the pros and cons of the route, and found that there was only one most suitable route.

"The result of my discussion with Lord Chios is the same, Your Highness, 95 points." Changxiu flicked his wrist, and the folding fan opened with a snap.

"And from the branch of the ancient Minghai official road, you can also reach Danxia village. Although the speed is not the fastest, it is a relatively safe route."

"It's better to let the winner lead the vanguard and lead the team to set up an ambush near Shanzhao Temple..." Seeing that Xinnai's mind had turned to the business, Chios also took advantage of the opportunity to join the topic:

"While the Imagawa army attacking Shanzhao Temple was not aware of it, let Sakuma Nobumori and Singke attack it together."

"Okay!" Nobuna clenched her fists, her face excited.

"Just use this strategy to make Yoshimoto, the noble princess who can only kick Cuju, suffer a big loss."


May 1560th in the third year of Yonglu (June 6th, 5)

At noon, after visiting Atsuta Shrine.

Owari Kingdom Lord Oda Kami Sosuke Nobuna assembled an army of [-] in Atsuta, and went south to Gu Nakai to fight a decisive battle with Imagawa Yoshimoto's [-] Shangluo army.

Except for the [-] troops on the side of Inuyama Castle that remained unmoved, and the [-] defenders left in Kiyosu Castle to guard against the Mino side, it can be said that the Oda family did their best for this battle.

This time, in order to facilitate the deployment of the army, Nobuna divided the troops into four groups...

The vanguard of the Oda Army consists of three thousand troops, consisting of two thousand spears, eight hundred arches, and two hundred noble warriors. The general is Shibata Katsuie.

The right wing of the Oda Army consists of [-] troops, consisting of [-] mino, [-] gun ashigaru, [-] gun ashigaru, and [-] iron gun ashigaru. General Chios.

On the left wing of the Oda Army, there are [-] troops, composed of [-] spears and [-] bows, and the general is Niwa Nagahide.

The Oda Army's [-]-strong army is composed of [-] spears, [-] arches, and [-] horses. Oda Nobuna is the commander-in-chief of the army.

The width of the official road is limited, and the Oda Army with a large army cannot march as quickly as it did in the last battle of Kurosuegawa.

Satsuki, who was ordered by Nobuna, led the vanguard to speed up towards Zenshoji Temple...

At the same time, the Asahina Shinoki and Katsuyama Clan's Yuan troops sent by Imagawa Yoshimoto are also rushing towards Nakajima and Zenzhao Temple Village...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yonglu three years May 1560th (June 6, 6)

In the morning, Shanzhao Temple...

The moisture accumulated at night forms a morning mist when the sun rises, surrounding the walled city in the mountains.

tata tao...

The 500 members of Geshan's Yuan team set off from Mikawayoshida Castle yesterday, marched to Takaku Castle in the evening, rested for three hours, and walked the Kamakura Road for about two hours before finally arriving here.

"Compared to the low-lying Zhongdao Village, Shanzhao Temple is really difficult to attack..." After looking up at the Shanzhao Temple Village on the top of the mountain among the white mist, Ge Shan Shiyuan sighed.

The hill where Shanzhao Temple is located is not very high, but the ruins of the ancient temple have a fairly complete stone structure. The wooden wall built on top of it is taller and stronger. There are forests and high and low slopes around it. People who can climb on the city ladder There is relatively little ground.

"His Royal Highness will hand over this village to Lord Shiyuan, isn't it a proof of trusting Lord?"

The words of the trusted samurai on the side made Ge Shan Shiyuan feel a little better.

"Fortunately, our purpose of attacking Shanzhao Temple Village is not to capture it immediately, but to contain the defenders in the village so that Okabe Goro Bingwei Yuanxin can send troops to assist."

After finishing speaking, he pointed at the gate of the village on the mountain with his picker in his hand and ordered:

"Array, reserve team step forward!"


With an order, two hundred of the [-] Jinchuan army, two hundred ashigaru walked out with wooden poles in both hands, and set foot on the mountain road.

The Zhitian army in the Shanzhao Temple stronghold did not respond to this, and no one would waste their arrows on the enemy holding a big mace.

"One to three of the bow squads step forward!"

Sanbai Jinlian hurriedly followed and hid behind Wu's cover.

"Let the arrow!"

An order later came from the wall of the stronghold.

Whoosh whoosh! ! !

More than two hundred feathered arrows were shot out.

It's a pity that the time has passed, and most of the arrows landed on the ground behind the path of Jin Zuqing's running.Only a few Imagawa troops who were slower in pace were unfortunately hit by arrows.

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