Seeing that the morale of his subordinates was low, Okabe Motonobu snatched the Marugi bow from the hand of one of the archers.

He opened his bow and set his arrows, aiming at an Oda samurai under the castle.

Wearing a black line of majestic pills, wearing a 36 golden sun wheel tendon pocket, a purple silk and gold lined haori on the outer cover, and riding a war horse, he looks like an important official of the Oda family...

Motonobu Okabe let go of the finger that held the arrow...


The bowstring vibrated, and the arrow struck towards the warriors below the city like a bolt of black lightning.

The strength, speed, and precision are all impeccable. In the blink of an eye, the arrow crossed dozens of steps and flew in front of Oda Samurai.

At this moment, the gorgeously armored Oda samurai put his right hand on the hilt of the sword and drew it outward.


A silver flash across...

Castello Narumi's arrow was hit by the silver light and bounced off, whirled in the air, and finally hit the ashigaru hat of an Oda army, making a crisp collision sound.

Even Okabe Motonobu never thought that the arrow he shot would be split by someone with a sword.

For a moment, the Imagawa Army of Narumi City was speechless.

"Look..." Chios held up the Taidao that deflected the arrow, and the blade swung down, pointing directly at the guard on the city wall.

"Whether the Imagawa army is a samurai or an ashigaru, they are all villains who only know how to attack and win!"

There was a burst of laughter from the Oda army.

Since the beginning of Confidence's father Oda Nobuhide personally attacking Mikawa, conflicts between the Oda clan and the Imagawa clan have continued. Over time, it has almost evolved into hatred among the people of the region.

If there is a chance to embarrass the members of the Imagawa family, Oda Jun will never give up.


After stirring up regional hatred, Chios still felt that it was not enough, and turned to look at the top general of the Oda family.

"Qios, what's the matter?" The ponytail girl with a big gun in her hand turned her face sideways, her gray-blue eyes slightly widened.

"Let's have a competition..." Tachi drew a few strokes on the wall of Narumi City, and the young man stared at Singer's brighter eyes and said:

"Whoever climbs to the top of the city slowly will agree to one request of the other party."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yonglu three years May 1560th (June 6, 6)

Youshi, Tagua City...

Starting from Suruga, the Imagawa Yoshimoto Shangluo Army's main unit, after five days of marching, finally entered the territory of Owari.

Looking east from the head of the hanging city, the team composed of Imagawa soldiers on the Tokaido Road has no end in sight, as if there is a steady stream of soldiers coming from the east.

Eight strong men carried the imperial palanquin of the general of the Imagawa Army, together with his imperial horse seal, and under the guard of the samurai warriors of the Great Armor Banner, they walked slowly towards the east gate of Sannomaru.

Princess Imagawa, who pays attention to ostentation, has soldiers from Imagawa lined up on the left and right sides of her sedan chair.These people held weapons and waited intently for the black lacquered and gold patterned wooden sedan chair to pass by.

"your Highness!"

At the gate of the city, three generals half-kneeled facing the approaching imperial sedan chair.

They are the generals of the Imagawa Army's advance team, Katsuyama Ujimoto, Asahina Nobuki, and Takekakejo Asai Masatoshi.

When the Imagawa retainers who followed the imperial sedan chair saw them, their faces were full of surprise.

Yesterday morning, Imakawa Yoshimoto sent two advance team leaders to attack Zhongdao Village and Shanzhao Temple Village.

At this moment, the two of them appeared in Dagua City.

It can be seen that they failed to fulfill the orders of the lord, and were even forced to retreat.

knock knock...

The sound of a fan tapping on the window frame came from inside the imperial sedan chair.

Immediately, the men carrying the sedan chairs stopped as if they were frozen.

The girl's lap fan stretched out of the window and gave a simple instruction.

The Banner warrior in armor understood, turned his head and ordered the surrounding soldiers to retreat until all the idlers were thirty steps away from the imperial sedan chair.

Right now, around Jinchuan Yiyuan's sedan chair, there are only the man carrying the sedan chair, the warrior in armor, and three people in front of the city gate.

"Is there anything you need to let us know..."

Imagawa Yoshimoto's voice was a little tired. Although he sat in a luxurious sedan chair for almost the whole journey, the whole day's march was not easy for this young girl with not particularly good physical strength.

"Keep your story short."

Hearing this, the three retainers looked at each other...

"Your Royal Highness, when Lord Katsuyama Beichu attacked the Shanzhao Temple Village in the morning, he found that the defenders in the village were moving strangely. He suspected that the Oda Army had an ambush..." Asahina Shinoki first raised his head to look at the imperial sedan chair, and quickly explained the situation of the battle:

"As soon as the army was ordered to retreat, three thousand Oda troops rushed out from the morning mist in the north. Master Geshan Beizhong ordered to keep the one thousand army immediately, but unfortunately, the one thousand and five hundred people in front of Shanzhao Temple Village did not survive. Can get rid of the Oda Army."

"After avoiding the ambush of the Oda army, Geshan Beichu lord immediately rushed to Nakadao Village to remind the subordinate Oda army of the threat, so that the lives of the subordinate officers and soldiers could be guaranteed, otherwise the entire army may be in danger of being wiped out."

After Asahina Shinji finished speaking, he quietly waited for the master's reaction.

"Three thousand ambush soldiers of the Oda Army..." the girl in the sedan chair was thoughtful.

"Have you seen Owari Idiot's team?"

"His Royal Highness, no..." It was Shiyuan Geshan who answered.

"However, the general of the Oda Army who led the ambush, his subordinates can clearly see that it is Shibata Katsuie."

"Is Owari the number one fierce general? It really looks like Oda Nobuna's direct army..."

Pick up the cut persimmon from the fruit plate and eat it. The sweetness of the flesh fills the mouth, and temporarily drives away Yoshimoto's fatigue.

"It's a pity for the soldiers who died, but your decision to withdraw is correct. There is no need to use a small number of troops to fight the enemy."

""Yes, Your Royal Highness. ""

Asahina Shinoki and Geshan Shigen breathed a sigh of relief.

They judged that the situation was unfavorable, and a decisive retreat was a reasonable choice.However, whether this decision is right or wrong depends on the meaning of the lord.

It is very good that Her Royal Highness can understand their decision.

"It seems that Oda Nobuna really can't sit still... That's right, when she slowly mobilizes her army, my army can reach Atsuta, so Owari is half occupied, that narrow-minded man How can a woman stand it..."

Thinking about Owari's distraught look when he learned that Marune and Jiujin villages were under attack, it doesn't make people upset that the advance army lost a little snack in Shanzhaoji village.

Incorporating the 500 people brought back by Katsuyama Shigen and Asahina Shinoki, plus the [-] defenders of Tagua Castle, she Imagawa Yoshimoto still has [-] troops.

There are also 700 and [-] soldiers of Uden Changzhao in Dataka Castle, [-] troops of Matsudaira Motoyasu, and [-] defenders of Narumi Castle Okabe Motoshin...

More than [-] Jinchuan troops are in Owari territory. No matter what the Oda army does, they cannot escape the result of being surrounded and crushed by her army.

Facing the completely unequal and huge power gap between the two sides, Oda Nobuna can only act like a hillbilly samurai, leading his direct soldiers and horses to put all his eggs in one basket.

"Hehe, useless dying struggle." With a faint smile on the corner of Yiyuan's mouth, he closed his fan and ordered:

"The army is stationed in Tagua City to rest and reorganize, and a military meeting will be held tomorrow morning."


At the same time, Narumi Castle...

"Come on!"

"Go up!"

Under the order of the samurai, Oda Junzu held the climbing ladder lightly and ran towards the Narumi city wall.

In the small-scale Narumi Castle Town, the townspeople took refuge in the castle early.

Sadly, even behind a high wall, they still feel insecure...

The city surrounded by [-] black-helmed and black-armored soldiers is like a lone boat in the black ocean, facing the raging waves, it seems that it may capsize at any time.

The footsteps of countless enemy troops merged into one, announcing their approach through the earthquake; tens of thousands of people screamed with cruelty, ignoring the blocking of the walls, and penetrated into every corner of the city.

Before the enemy army arrived, panic gripped the hearts of the people in the city first...

Oda Nobuna led a team of [-] troops to set up the main camp on the hillside two miles to the east. The task of attacking the city was handed over to Shibata Katsuya's vanguard, Niwa Nagahide's left-wing army, and Chios' right-wing army.

The three armies attacked the three city walls in the north, southeast and south at the same time...

Among them, the attack by the vanguard and the right-wing army was the most violent.

The general did not stay behind to command and dispatch, but went to the front line personally, leading the soldiers to the city.

South of Narumi Castle, where the Right Wing Army is located...

"Iron Cannon [-]st to [-]th reserve line up, form a vehicle attack method!" Akechi Mitsuhide, the commander of the Iron Cannon Team of the Right Wing Army, ordered loudly.

Nine hundred iron cannons lined up in five rows, 180 people in each row, hiding behind the cover.

"The first column, aim at the Imagawa army on the castle..."

The first line of iron cannons took a step sideways from the back of the bunker, leaned out half of their body, set up the iron cannons and pointed at the target.

Nearly two hundred gun barrels were pointed at, and the defenders on the top of the city, whether samurai or ashigaru, felt their scalps tingling.

They really want to escape from the guns, but they can't move casually, which makes the formation scattered.

"The first success in ascending the city will definitely be ours, Senior Chios."

The girl turned her head to the side, and met the eyes of the general on the right wing with serious and confident eyes.

"Okay, I will leave my back to you." Chios returned with a reassuring smile to express his trust in the girl.

"I will handle it!"

Guangxiu waved her hand, and her dark blue hair fluttered with her movements.


Boom boom boom! ! !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Narumi Castle was first built during the Onei (1394-1428) period. It was built by the third-generation shogun of the Muromachi Shogunate, Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, Yasuhara Soho, and the castle was abandoned after the death of Yasuhara Sono.

In the era of Oda Nobuhide, in order to prevent the Imagawa clan from invading Owari, it was decided to rebuild Narumi Castle on the site of the old castle, and Yamaguchi Kyotsugu, a senior official of the Oda family at that time, was the lord of the castle.

Narumi Castle is located on a major traffic road, and the terrain within a hundred steps around the city is extremely low-lying. When the tide rises, water often seeps into the soil, so that the ground is soft. Every step is like walking in a swamp, which can greatly slow down the enemy. attack speed.

After Nobuhide's death, Yamaguchi taught his stepfather and son to surrender to the Imagawa family, and Narumi Castle also fell into the hands of the Imagawa family...

Unlike Nobuhide, Yamaguchi Ketsugu had the money from Tsushima Port as a pillar. When rebuilding Narumi Castle, he only added wooden screen walls from the stone walls left over from the old city, and added a few oars (arrow towers).Naturally, the defensive capabilities of the city were not as good as the residences of the Oda family governors such as Kiyosu Castle, Naguno Castle, and Suesori Castle.

The screen wall and wall stacks are made up of pieces of wood. Although they are not particularly strong, they are enough to defend against arrows. Even if the wealthy Imagawa Yoshimoto got the city, he never thought of strengthening this point.

It is a pity that what Narumi City Nancheng encountered today was not an arrow...


Boom boom boom! ! !

The gunpowder explosion pushed the lead bullet out of the barrel, and everyone saw the flash of fire and the sound of thunder...

The flimsy planks were pierced like paper.

The Imagawa soldiers, who thought they were safe, heard the sound of the wood breaking, and at the same time they seemed to hear the sound of their own death knell being rung.

Puff puff...

The black bullet hit the flesh, and blood sprayed out and sprinkled on the wooden wall stacks.

The Jinchuan army on the screen wall of the southern city was shot down by a volley of iron cannons, and more than ten people fell in the blink of an eye.

For those with better luck, the projectiles whose power was slightly offset by the planks hit the strongest part of the armor.Although there were dents on the armor and the impact of the iron cannon made it difficult for them to breathe for a while, they were barely injured.

Just when they thought the threat was over, the command of the Oda Iron Cannon team leader followed up, knocking their newly revived morale back into the abyss:

"One column retreats to the end of the line, and the second column moves forward!"

The 180 iron cannons who had fired before quickly retreated to the rear of the array, allowing the comrades in the rear to step forward.

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