"Aren't you going to personally dedicate this military exploit to Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"I'm ashamed~~Sakuma Shengzhong decided to raid our army after realizing the fall of Jiujin Village~~Our army didn't notice for a while, and suffered heavy casualties~~"

Yuan Kang replied with an apologetic face:

"I want to settle in Dagao City for a few days to recuperate~~ I have to trouble Lord Yudian to show my merits to Lord Yiyuan for me~~"

Chapter 110?

Matsudaira Motoyasu's [-] troops, who served as the forward of the Imagawa Kamiluo Army, were unexpectedly attacked by Sakuma Morisho at the last moment of attacking Marugen Village.

Although the entire enemy army was wiped out before entering the formation, and Sheng Zhong's own head was also claimed, the Sanhe Army's formation was chaotic during the raid, resulting in a large increase in casualties, and even several important retainers under Yuan Kang were injured.

This is the result of the battle described by Matsudaira Motoyasu himself...

For this reason, Udian Changzhao specially observed the soldiers of the Sanhe Army, and found that there were indeed many wounded people in the army, who took off their armor and leaned against the wall of Wangenzhai.

After a rough scan, it is estimated that there are more than six to seven hundred people.

There were only more than two hundred people killed in the battle, but there were quite a few wounded.

Nearly one-third of the soldiers who have lost their combat capabilities have affected the ranks of the army. It will take some time to regroup and boost morale before they can recover their combat power.

Before the rectification was completed, the Sanhe Army was just a miscellaneous group of more than [-] people.

With several times the superiority of troops, a battle that must be won is fought so embarrassingly...

Should it be said that Sakuma Shengshige really deserves his reputation, or is it that the Mikawa Army's combat strength is not good enough?

"From this point of view, the Sanhe Army is indeed unable to continue fighting in a short period of time..." Udian Changzhao pinched the beard of his chin, affirming Matsudaira Motoyasu's words:

"His Royal Highness Yuan Kang led the army into Dagao City to rest for a while. Now that the threat of Marone and Jiujin Village has been eliminated, you can rest assured to rectify the army."

"Yes~~ Master Yudian's care for our army~~I am really grateful~~" Yuan Kang bowed humbly and politely to the photo of Yudian, and even assured him:

"Please don't worry~~ After the Sanhe Army has finished its rest, it will immediately go to Lord Yiyuan's place to help out~~!"

Seeing that the green-haired girl's tone was sincere and serious, and she didn't mean to neglect the lord's battle in Shangluo, Yudian Changzhao nodded.

"Alright, Dagaocheng will entrust His Royal Highness Yuankang for the time being."

Turning around, he found the mount he was riding when he came, and the Lord Dagao got on his horse.

"Then I will go to Tagua City first to join Her Royal Highness, and wait for the Sanhe Army to regain its combat power as soon as possible, and then fight side by side together!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yuan Kang's response, Yudian Zhangzhao led ten cronies beside him, and left at a fast speed.


It wasn't until the back of the other party's leaving disappeared completely, and the rushing hoofbeats could no longer be heard, that Matsudaira Motoyasu pressed the heart-shaped breastplate on his chest and let out a sigh of relief.


Hattori Hanzo appeared next to the girl by relying on the cover-up ninjutsu of rotating fallen leaves.

"My lord, how do you want to deal with the remnants of Oda?"

Hearing this, Yuan Kang turned his head and glanced at the "wounded" in the Sanhe Army. After pondering for a moment, he lightly waved the army and replied:

"Clean and bandage their wounds, and then send them back to their respective hometowns~~"

"Don't you need to silence me?" The tall and thin ninja man asked slightly surprised.

"It's not necessary~~ They don't understand anything, Lord Yoshimoto won't be angry because of hundreds of remnants~~"

"Understood." Hattori Hanzo nodded in response.

"The next battle has nothing to do with us~~ Let's go to Dagao City to rest and wait until the war is over~~"

The green-haired girl, who was smiling and waving her military uniform, seemed to be possessed by a civet cat at the moment, with ears on her head and tail behind her swaying slightly.

"Sister Ji, I can only help you so far."


In the evening, Narumi Castle...

After the input of troops from the main team, the Oda Army's offensive at the Sannomaru South Gate became more intense.

As the defender of the city, the Jinchuan army is weaker than the enemy army, and its lifeline is the favorable location of the city.

If the attacking side occupies a large amount of space on the wall, not only will it be difficult for the defenders to cope with the numbers, but the archers will also be unable to shoot arrows with peace of mind, and the defense will undoubtedly be more difficult.

Therefore, when the enemy army ascends to the top of the city, the leader of the defending side should decisively dispatch strong generals or elite warriors to attack, and quickly drive the enemy back to the bottom of the city, so as to prevent the temporarily superior attacking side from consolidating the top position of the city and causing the battle situation to fall into a vicious circle. .


The leader of the Nanmen Imagawa Army who was in charge of command and dispatch died from the iron cannon sniper, and Chios' terrifying sword skills then emptied a small section of the city wall.

Today, Narumi Castle's southern defense is full of loopholes.

The Oda family samurai first followed General Chios to the top of the castle.

The guards on the top of the city stabbed straight with their spears, but the monotonous stabbing of one or two long spears was not a threat at all to the warriors.

The samurai only needs to swing the knife, and the blade of the gun will be blocked from the vital points, and it will pass the armor and land in the empty space.

In the face of their proficient martial arts, the protective effect of footlight belly and array hats is negligible, and the swords are drawn across the arms, legs, throats and other positions of Imagawa soldiers who lack armor protection.

A single precise slash can paralyze a soldier's ability to move, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. Those who are lucky will be stabbed directly, while those who are unlucky will die after a long blood loss process.

The flag on the back of the samurai is where the ashigaru attack is going. The Oda army ashigaru climbs up the city wall with the leaders of their respective groups, and fights the enemy with three to five people in a team.

The Imagawa Army, which lacked command, could only fight on its own, and the defenders who were closer to each other huddled together to resist the increasing number of Oda Army.

Oda Ashgaru gathered in a row and fought against a slightly larger Imagawa army on the city wall. The personnel on both sides stood very densely. Nearly twenty and three guns were fighting in a narrow space, unable to make effective thrusts. attack.

The gun quilt is a tactic of bullying more and bullying less. When the two sides are evenly matched, the effect will be greatly reduced. They can only swing their guns and slap their opponents alternately to see which side can't bear the pain and pressure and lose first.

Usually this is the case, until an interloper suddenly enters the fray...

The tall black-armored samurai rushed from behind the Oda army. Seeing that it was difficult to pass through the densely packed ashigaru formation, he kept on walking. Before he was about to hit someone, he stomped on the ground and jumped to the right wall.

He walked on the wall with his toes, jumped out with his strength, and went straight to the intersection of the gun barrels of the two armies.

There are gun blades in front of you, waiting for the prey to fall like a spike trap.

During the short stay in the air, the purple eyes calmly reflected the location of each spear, and judged which weapons might hit him.

The figure fell, and the black-armored warrior swung both hands at the same time.

The broad and heavy Scottish King's Sword slashed downwards according to gravity; the slender and sharp sword swept behind with the back of the sword.

Clang clang clang!

The four gun shafts couldn't bear the slashing of the broad-bladed long sword, and broke into two pieces.

The Taidao pressed against the barrels of the three guns at once, and pushed them back.

The force returned by the gun barrel forced several Oda Ashgaru to take half a step back.

"Lord Chios!"


When they saw the appearance of the incoming man's armor, they were happy instead of angry.

On the contrary, the Imagawa soldier with the broken spear looked at the figure of the black armored warrior, his hands began to tremble uncontrollably.

The scene of the black-armored youth killing dozens of people in the blink of an eye has long been deeply imprinted in their minds.

"It's that ghost, we're done!"

"Hey!! I don't want to die!"

Shouts of panic and crying resounded among the soldiers of Jinchuan Army.

"Throw down the weapons, those who surrender will not be killed!"

As soon as Chios said these words, the will of the twenty or so Imakawa Ashgaru who had fought bravely against the enemy just now collapsed in an instant.

Klang Keng Keng...

Throwing down the three guns and the knives around their waists, the tenacious defenders of the southern wall knelt down and begged for surrender.

Seeing this, the young man nodded slightly.

"The armed forces assembled to attack the remnant Imagawa army at the south gate, and opened the city gate..."

Chios turned his head to face the panting Oda Army messenger banner officer and said:

"Order the Iron Cannon Team to go to the city immediately!"

Chapter 110: Three Beacons

The gun foot lightly prepared general soon received a new order from the general, and gathered more than [-] people to climb down behind the city wall and besiege the remnants of Imagawa who were guarding the city gate.

Mitsuhide Akechi, the leader of Iron Cannon Team, also led [-] Iron Cannon Ashigaru to the screen wall after receiving the order from Chios.

Looking across the city wall, Guangxiu quickly found the figure of Chios.

It's too bright...

At the feet of the general of the right-wing army, there are all the corpses of Imagawa samurai and ashigaru who died in battle.

Those who are still alive, regardless of whether they are enemies or friends, all retreat ten steps away.

Under the setting sun, Chios stood quietly in the aisle of the screen wall next to the city gate oar, and a long shadow was pulled out of his tall body.

He held a broad-bladed long sword in both hands, and the Taidao was put into the sheath at his waist at some point, his handsome face faced the afterglow of the setting sun, and he looked indifferently at the civil war situation in Narumi City.

Like a lonely king, it is hard to approach.

The solemn and serious side face inexplicably caused a throbbing in the girl's heart.

Watching that figure, Guangxiu's hasty pace gradually slowed down...

Finally, stop ten steps away from the opponent.

city ​​wall...

Chios's mind is not all in the city, but he is thinking about the progress of the entire battle so far.

After the battle in Narumi City started, only half an hour passed.

The Oda right-wing army continued to climb the south wall of the Sannomaru. More than [-]% of the Imagawa soldiers stationed on the south side were killed in battle. Most of them lost their morale and dropped their weapons to surrender.

At present, only a handful of defenders are still fighting.

Shibata Katsuya, who was in charge of the northern city gate, was a step behind, but he was about to kill the city head when he thought about it.With the bravery of the winner, it is only a matter of time before the defenders will be defeated.

At that time, the pressure of the collapse of the two fronts will soon spread to the east gate, allowing Niwa Nagahide to find an opportunity.

Chios speculates that Motonobu Okabe, the lord of Narumi Castle, who has fallen into a huge disadvantage in the battle situation, is likely to ignite the beacon immediately, and it will be tomorrow morning at the latest.

If the time to call for help is later than the next morning...

Then, before Imagawa's reinforcements arrive, Narumi Castle will fall, and the beacon will become meaningless.

After six days of marching, Imagawa Yoshimoto's team should also step into the border of Owari and settle in Kusaka Castle to rest.

The distance between Narumi and Tagua is no less than ten kilometers.

An army of more than 2 people crowded the official road, and the march would take at least three hours.

It's just too slow...

In order to rescue Narumi Castle, Imagawa Yoshimoto will probably send an army to check the situation, and by the way, contain the actions of the Oda Army until the main force arrives.

"If Sannomaru is captured tonight, only 2000 people will be able to block the route of the Imagawa army in Narumi Castle, and more than [-] troops can be used to deal with this Imagawa reinforcement..."

The general of Oda's right-wing army had a cold expression, leaning on his sword and whispering to himself.

"Although I don't think that the Imagawa army will be able to come to Narumi Castle overnight after a day's march, but just to be on the safe side, I still want Goemon to investigate."

In the original book, facing Imagawa Yoshimoto's Shangluo army, Nobuna only has [-] troops available, and the difference in combat strength between the two sides is nearly ten times.If it weren't for the plot, Nobuna would be doomed to succeed in the surprise attack. From a normal point of view, the Oda family would have no chance of winning at all.

Now, under the intervention of Chios, the power in the hands of Oda Nobuna has greatly increased, but the miraculous victory of the Battle of Ozazama is no longer certain due to the change of fate.

The [-] Oda Army, facing more than [-] Imagawa Army, the odds of winning are still a bit low...

To win this battle, Chios can only do his best, take everything into consideration, and weaken the strength of the Imagawa army time and time again.

Chios has a premonition, whether he can help Oda Nobuna win the battle between the barrels, and it is also the key to the trial mission...

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