Seeing the crowd of horses approaching at full speed, General Ashgaru, who commanded the west gun squadron of Imakawamoto's brigade, hastily ordered:


He only uttered one syllable before he saw a wakizashi spinning and flying into the formation from ten steps away.


Right in the throat of Admiral Imagawa Ashgaru.


The samurai covered his throat with his hands and made an indistinct sound, and fell backwards with his eyes wide open.

"Learn to shut up..." The handsome young man who threw the dagger at his waist watched the enemy general with a face unwilling to die, and a cruel smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

The empty left hand grabbed the void, but it didn't take out the Taidao he had put away earlier...

A three-meter-long white lance appeared in the hands of the young man, near the tip of the spear, a pure white swallowtail flag fluttered in the wind.

In the Herosuechuan battle, the reward items for Chios to complete the task "Wu Shuang"...


【Pioneer Banner】

Quality: Consumables

A knight's battle flag with a blessing of courage. After the flag bearer shouts "Charge", centered on the flag bearer, the morale of himself and all companions within 5 yards will be boosted, and fatigue recovery will be accelerated for [-] minutes.



The high-spirited shout seemed to activate some kind of magical spell, and a fearless courage burst out in the hearts of the horses.

It is different from the tragic spirit of seeing death as home, but the confidence to face and even overcome all difficulties.

The excellent mental state makes the hands and feet of this group of elite warriors lighter. The essence of martial arts practiced since childhood seems to be revived from the bones and muscles of the whole body. The complex skills that were difficult to control in the past can now be easily mastered.

From the early morning attack on Narumi Castle to the present, the fatigue accumulated in nearly half a day of successive battles also disappeared at this moment like the ebb tide of the sea.

There is no gorgeous effect of changing colors, no earth-shattering shocking sound...

For samurai, it is more practical than any spell.

"Break through the enemy formation in one breath!"

Shouting behind him, the young man urged his horse to speed up.

""yes! ""

The Mahui warriors who noticed their own changes responded excitedly.

With the flag gun in his left hand and the long sword in his right, Chios took the lead to meet the Imamuan army's spear array.

Brush brush!

Even if there is no order from the general, Imagawa's gun ashigaru, who has undergone strict training, still has a tacit understanding. The first two rows of gun blades are aimed at the enemy general in front, and stab out with the spear quilt.

"Don't get in the way!" The young man swung the white spear in his left hand along the trajectory predicted by the Eye of Tribulation.

More than twenty three guns were drawn in by the sticky force and pushed upwards.

The third row of guns who were about to swing down their guns and beat Admiral Oda in a slapping manner were surprised to find that dozens of long guns from their companions were blocking their way of swinging.


Countless guns clashed in one place, but failed to cause any harm to Chios.

Before Imakawa Ashgaru could close his gun and attack again, the young man in black armor riding a gray horse had already rushed into the formation.

rumble rumble...

All the warriors on the horse came after them, swung their knives and pushed aside the barrels of their guns, and swarmed in through the gap where Chios entered the battle.

The enemy's guns were in disarray, unable to effectively resist the frontal impact of the cavalry warriors.

The horse galloping at full speed knocked over the Jinchuan soldiers, and countless iron hooves trampled past them, trampling a living person into a pulp in the blink of an eye.

The sharp blade with a cold light flashed across the moment it passed the enemy, leaving corpses that fell to the ground one after another.

The speed of the horses was too fast, and when the first three rows of gun formations failed to slow down the opponent's speed, the horse Huizhong pierced into the Jinchuan formation like a huge sharp arrow.

Chios, who acts as an arrow, is at the forefront with an unstoppable charge, tearing apart the enemy's defenses.

The war horse smashed away the enemy in front, the flag gun disrupted the follow-up gun array, and the long sword slashed left and right, accompanied by countless blood splashes...

In order to prevent the Oda army from continuing to approach the main formation, the Imagawa soldiers in the square formation could only stand in front of the horses and build a city wall with flesh and blood.


The mounted warriors led by Chios, after slaying countless enemy troops blocking the way, did not weaken their offensive at all, and their breath was never disturbed. Instead, they became more courageous as they fought.

Every time they make a move, they often do their best, but they don't feel the slightest muscle soreness, and their breathing is always smooth.It seems that there is endless vitality in the body, which is continuously transported to the whole body through the blood.

"This... what's going on with these Oda soldiers!?"

"Stop it, can't stop it!"

Countless comrades were beheaded, and their corpses were trampled into minced flesh...

The chief culprit who caused all this was still full of energy, and he rushed to kill with a knife on his horse.

The soldiers of the Imagawa Army were pale, and their hands holding the weapons couldn't help shaking.

"It's the ghost general with golden eyes, the Oda army he leads are all monsters!"

A young Imagawa Ashgaru screamed, pointing at the figure leading the charge before returning to the crowd.

As if feeling...

The young man in black armor cut the gap between the two heads with a horizontal sword, and he could still turn his head and smile at that Imakawa Ashari.

"Ghost...he really is a ghost!"

People used to call the brave samurai who killed the enemy on the battlefield "ghost", just like Shibata Katsuya's name "ghost Shibata".

Even so, they knew well that the other party was just a person with unparalleled martial arts.

But now the Oda Army is different...

Not only is the leading general unstoppable, he has a smile on his face when he kills, and he also has a right eye that exudes a strange golden light.

Plus five hundred horse-riding warriors following the black armor youth.

High morale, superb martial arts, tireless...

They had never encountered such an enemy.

Or, this is the real "ghost"...

"No way, how can we fight this kind of ghost army!?"

"Run away, before that ghost kills me!"

Many Imagawa Army officers and men who were shaken in their minds took the initiative to escape from the advance path of the Oda Army.

If they sacrifice their lives, they can consume some of the enemy's physical strength and lay the foundation for the final victory...

This group of soldiers loyal to Imagawa Yoshimoto will definitely not hesitate.

It's a different matter if it's a demon or a ghost...

Some of the comrades fled spontaneously, and the spear formation of Imagawa's team, which had been struggling under the cavalry attack, suddenly crumbled.

At the same time, Chios saw an opportunity to break the formation in one fell swoop.

"The enemy army has collapsed, let's kill!"

He was dressed in black majestic pills and purple silk and gold lined feathers, which were almost stained dark red by the blood of the enemy; the blood groove of the broad-bladed long sword was stuck with some pieces of meat, and the tip of the sword continued to drip blood.

In the eyes of Jun Jinchuan, Chios is like a real ghost.

Chapter 130 Two? No, don't kill our family

To prevent the cavalry from charging into the formation, unless there are terrain and fortifications to restrain them, it is generally only possible to rely on spears to lightly deploy layers of formations, gradually slow down the speed of the horses, and finally encircle and annihilate them.

Imagawa Yoshimoto's main camp in Tianlezama was just a temporary resting place, and with the superior strength of [-] troops, it was not considered at all to dig trenches, set up repellent horses and other means.

Today, a ghost-like and brave general Oda, with nearly [-] cavalry, broke through the [-] Imagawa army like a broken bamboo, and then continued to break into the [-] defenders of the Imagawa main formation, piercing through the formation.

After learning of the Oda Army's attack, the [-] Honji Army immediately shrunk and consolidated their defenses, forming seven lines of defense around the Honjin.

Regrettably, the Oda Cavalry Samurai team broke through six consecutive spear formations in just 3 minutes.

Now, they are heading straight for the last line of defense.

I don't know if I regretted my too simple arrangement when I deployed the generals.

Whether you regret it or not, it's too late now.

A handsome samurai in black armor with golden magic eyes, with his legs clamped between the horse's belly, killed him with a spear and sword in his hand.


The sword of the King of Scotland crossed two crossed sword lights, and cut the three spears piercing in front of him into seven or eight segments.

The sword was slightly retracted, and then the long sword stabbed straight forward.When the arm was almost at the end of the extension, the wrist shook again, and what seemed to be a stabbing sword suddenly turned into a slash.

The Imagawa Army Ashgaru, who was devoted to defending against his thrusts, had no time to respond, and the blade slid across the weak points of the armor such as wrists, armpits, and throats.

Puff puff...

Blossoming blood flowers bloom in the air, and the long sword in the young man's hand is like a carving knife of a master artist, vividly depicting a magnificent bloody picture with a few strokes.

The last sword cut directly through Gunzugaru's head wearing a helmet.

Half of a Hineno-shaped pocket carries a skull that has been divided into two, flipping and leaping in the air, evenly spraying white and red two-color paint.

The whole work is dyed with the most brutal color of violence.

At the same time, he also successfully broke out from the seven Imagawa spear formations.


Chios pulled the reins, slowing down the horse's movements slightly.

Looking back, I saw that the Oda horses were also brave and fearless, one by one using horses to charge and swords to slash, and successfully broke through the formation to catch up to their generals.

Regrettably, there are still very few people who unfortunately died in battle.

I feel a little pity in my heart, but Chios has gotten used to it.

"Imagawa Yoshimoto's base is right ahead!" The young man pointed his sword at the height less than [-] steps ahead. In the white curtain, Suruga Imagawa's red bird pattern imperial horse seal was particularly conspicuous.

The final obstacle between the Oda Army and the enemy general is the banner of a thousand elites who are uniformly dressed in scarlet majestic pills outside the white curtain.

"Protect Your Royal Highness!" Seeing the Oda cavalry break through the front line of defense, Banner Attendant General Seina Toshiro roared and ordered:

"Never take a single step back!"


Thousands of warriors loyal to Imagawa Yoshimoto draw their swords at the same time, holding the swords with both hands and dragging them to the side of their right feet.

With just a glance, Chios knew that the enemy army in front of him was difficult to deal with.

Drag knife stance, in addition to stabbing in swordsmanship, it is the easiest stance to attack the horse.The slashing from the bottom up is the most difficult defense for a warrior with a sword on horseback. At the same time, a person with a dragging knife cannot defend against a condescending slash by a warrior on horseback.

Want to die together?

(It seems that there will be more casualties than imagined...) The young man's eyes are slightly cold.

Frankly speaking, he doesn't like this kind of battle that almost hurts both sides.

However, time is not on Chios' side.

Due to the extremely fast breakthrough speed of the horses, the effect of the vanguard flag is still about 2 minutes.

During this period, the Oda horses have the strongest combat power, so it is not appropriate to waste a second.

"Follow me..."


Before Chios finished speaking, a long conch horn was sounded suddenly from the northwest of Tian Le Zao.

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