"My lord treats Matsudaira Yuankang well, but she actually did this double-decker act behind her back!"

"No wonder she announced to me that the Sanhe Army had suffered heavy casualties, so she had already made plans..." The original Dagao City Lord Yu Dian Changzhao was even more regretful.

"I didn't notice it for a while, and let this kind of villain deceive me, which led to this defeat!"

If you lose to your enemy on the battlefield, there is nothing to say that your skills are inferior to others.However, a traitor appeared among his colleagues, and the resentment was unforgettable...

Seeing the negative atmosphere spreading among Imagawa's retainers, Chios and Niwa Nagahide exchanged a "planning" look in silence.

After a while, when the atmosphere was almost brewing, the young man continued to speak:

"Even if the Mikawa Kingdom succeeds in independence, it still cannot change the fact that the Matsudaira family is weak. On the one hand, the Imagawa family hates it deeply, and it borders the Takeda family across Nagashino Castle Hirin. No matter what, Motoyasu Matsudaira must have a strong ally..."

Chios bowed slightly towards Nobuna, hiding the wicked smile on his lips.

"This ally, there is no doubt that it can only be the friendship of childhood playmates, who has just defeated the world-famous Tokaido Imakawa Yoshimoto with a bow, and has a great momentum... His Royal Highness Nobuna."


While the retainers on both sides of Oda and Imagawa were shocked, they suddenly felt that Matsudaira Motoyasu was quite pitiful for some reason.

All kinds of plots in the dark, thinking that there is no trace, but the young man in front of him saw through them all...

"Hmph, it just so happens that I urgently need a barrier to guard against the rear..." Nobuna narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he could see a certain spectacled tanuki hiding in Dadaka Castle from a distance of tens of miles.

"Therefore there is little reason to abandon this ally."

"However, Her Royal Highness now has a better choice..." Chios took a half step back, highlighting the presence of the Imagawa Family Governor beside him.

"His Royal Highness can let Imagawa Yoshimoto lead his army back after Mikawa's independence. Only Imagawa Yoshimoto has enough prestige and popular support to keep half of Suruga and the entire Enjiang country under the offensive of the Takeda army."

"Why is it half Suruga?" Nobuna asked curiously.

"Takeda Shingen, who has heard the result of this battle, may send troops to Sumpu Castle soon. Suruga, which is currently empty of troops, will probably fall half before the Imagawa army returns."

Nagsu, who is a military adviser, answered the lord's doubts instead of Chios.

"The Imagawa Clan lost Mikawa and part of the Suruga Kingdom. It can be said that the strength of the Imagawa family has been greatly reduced, and they are no longer able to threaten Owari. In addition, in order to maintain an independent status, Matsudaira Motoyasu cannot get too close to the Imagawa family..." I didn't worry about the presence of the Imagawa retainers at all. , Chios calmly stated his plan.

The Imagawa and Matsudaira families, who had a rift in their relationship, could only perform on stage according to the script he planned under the current situation.

"With Imagawa and Matsudaira's mutual containment, it can not only prevent one side from becoming dominant, but also serve as the best barrier for the Oda family to resist the heroes of the Kanto Koshin, so that Her Royal Highness can attack Kinki with peace of mind."

Chapter 130 Six? Our family wants to talk to you

After clearly explaining the stakes, Oda Nobuna quickly decided to adopt Chios's suggestion and leave Imagawa Yoshimoto alone.

As for Chief Minister Imagawa's wishes in this regard...

At the moment when the army disarmed and surrendered, many retainers, and even General Imagawa Yoshimoto became prisoners, no matter how harsh the conditions proposed by the Oda family were, the Imagawa family had no bargaining power at all.

Compared with the end of the Imagawa family's demise and the capture of all their territory by the Takeda army, Chios' arrangement for them is relatively easier to accept.

It was only half an hour after the end of the battle of the barrel, the generals of the two warring parties signed the alliance together.

In the letter, the distribution of obligations between the two parties is naturally unequal.

The three castles of Narumi, Odaka, and Kusaka were all returned to the Oda family. Lord Owari can ask the Imagawa clan to send troops three times a year, and Yoshimoto must live in Nobunaju Castle for at least one month every year...

On the surface, it is a covenant, but in fact it is not far from the subordination of the samurai's allegiance to the daimyo.

Just to save a little face for the Imagawa family, the other daimyos will not know the content of the covenant, and neither will the people of Suruga and Enjiang.

The core person who contributed to this matter, Chios, finally had time to get out of the tent after witnessing the signing of the alliance letter by the two princesses.


[Completed the main task 1: Survive to the end of the Battle of the Barrel]

[With the line of fate shifted, you successfully helped Oda Nobuna, who had no miracle support, defeat the Imagawa army with a small loss.It turns out that you are not just a fate-breaker, but an excellent performer who can achieve better results through layer-by-layer layout.The destiny deflection degree of the mission world is increased to 90%. Your act of reversing destiny gains 2 points of source power. In the process of fighting against destiny, you strategize, fight bravely, and repeatedly break through your own limits. Strength +2, agility +2, constitution +2 , spirit +1]

[Mission Reward: Merit +70, Civilization Coin +3500, issued]

----- ----------

[Once the main task is completed, the executor will leave the mission world ten days later. Since the world's fate deflects more than 50%, the executor will be granted the authority to return to the mission world. The next entry time will be fixed at this world on September 1560, 9]

[Remaining time in the current mission world: 9 days, 23 hours and 03 minutes]


When Imagawa Yoshimoto surrendered, Chios, who was not teleported immediately, had roughly guessed the existence of the retention time.

Ten days was not too much, but it was enough for him to explain his departure with several women who had close relationships.

At least the civilization protection front is not too heartless, giving him a chance to return to this world.Leaving for more than three months, as long as you find a good reason, it can always be perfunctory.


[Completed all main missions]

[So far, the probability of newcomers completing one main line in the trial task is 19.8%, the probability of two main lines is 6.3%, and the probability of three main lines is 0.01%.You have achieved a feat that is almost impossible for a rookie executor in the trial mission, and you have reached the conditions for the trial reward issued by the immediate commander]

[Trial rewards, please receive them from the immediate commander after returning to the civilization protection front]


After browsing the coat of arms information to this point, Chios understood...

The girl in the Greek robe who came to call him back at the beginning was completely deceiving him...

More than [-]% of the death rate of newcomers seems to be true.

However, it is definitely a lie to pass all the main tasks to be considered a success! ?

The success rate of completing the three main missions is 0.01%, and Chios who completed all of them received a trial reward for this, which sounds unusual.

If you only meet the basic requirements, there will be no rewards at all...

But... even though he complained in his heart, Chios could only swallow them all.

He doesn't want to offend his immediate superior when he is new to the workplace...


Sighing in a low voice, Chios silently removed the light curtain and sat down on a bloodless ground near the curtain of the formation.

"Suddenly I became leisurely." With his hands behind his head, the young man lay on his back and looked towards the sky.

The current time is Wei time, when the sun is above the head and westward.

It was still early, but Oda Jun lit a fire early to cook, and after eating and drinking, he found a shaded place to sleep soundly.

The Oda army departed from Atsuta Shrine, marched for a day, and arrived at Narumi Castle the next evening, and soon engaged in a fierce siege battle.Coupled with the subsequent ambush of Ii Naomori's [-] reinforcements, and the final decisive battle with Imagawa's army in Tianle Zaza, the physical fitness of the soldiers was greatly consumed.

Brilliant victories are exciting, but exhaustion is real too...  

Now that the war is over, the main body of the Owari Kingdom sympathized with its subordinates and decided not to march today, but to camp at the original Sichuan Army garrison, so that all soldiers can have a good rest for a day.

At the same time, it was also to give Matsudaira Motoyasu a little time to react in Dagao City.

With such an excellent ninja subordinate as Hattori Hanzo, I believe that the results of the battle between the two armies of Oda and Imagawa will reach the opponent's ears in a short time.

Matsudaira Motoyasu, who secretly planned to return to Sanhe independently, knew that after the defeat of Imagawa Yoshimoto, he would not stay in Dataka Castle for a while, but took the three thousand troops as soon as possible to go back to Sanhe overnight...

Once the Sanhe Kingdom declares its independence, the result of the Matsudaira family's and Imagawa's rebellion is completely doomed.

Even if the Oda family allowed Imagawa Yoshimoto to lead his troops back to Suruga at this time, Matsudaira Motoyasu was already in trouble, and it was impossible to risk being executed by Imagawa Yoshimoto and the disappointment of his subjects, and submit to the Imagawa family again.

Everything will be staged according to Chios' layout...

The only thing he can do now is to wait.

The white curtains behind it block the direct sunlight, and the soft breeze blows through the valley, taking away the summer heat. The mountains and forests on both sides of the valley are green, and birds can be seen circling and soaring from time to time.

Although his physical fitness is outstanding, Chios, who has nothing to do right now, gradually feels tired in the face of the peaceful scenery in front of him.

(Then let's sleep for a while...)

This thought came to mind, and the sound of gentle footsteps reached the young man's ears.


Chios turned his head slightly and looked at the source of the sound.

A noble princess in a gorgeous twelve-piece attire, holding a fan in her hand, with long straight dark brown hair like a waterfall, and a peerless appearance, is carefully holding the skirt of the twelve-piece kimono, and is walking towards Chios lightly.

"Your Highness Yoshimoto..." The two sides were no longer enemies, and Chios simply called each other by honorific titles common to all names.

"Is there anything you're looking for next?"

"Ah..." Yoshimoto covered his mouth with his hands in surprise, it seemed that Chios didn't fall asleep which surprised the girl.

After a long while, the princess of the Imagawa Clan finally regained her composure, pointing at the young man lying on the ground with the fan in her hand, she said:

"We, our family want to talk to you!"

Chapter 130 Seven? Women's Disaster

The [-] prisoners of the Imagawa Army is an extremely large number. If they are not controlled well and are moaned by those who want to, they will still be a major threat to the Oda Army.

Even if he signs a covenant that is equivalent to his servants, it doesn't mean that Imagawa's soldiers will be able to move around at will from now on.

In addition to the confiscated armor, all the samurai and retainers above the head of the Imagawa group were separated from the ashigaru, and were strictly monitored by the Oda army until the time came when they returned to Suruga.

There is only one exception in the Imagawa Army...

This person is the governor of the Imagawa family, Yoshimoto, the chief assistant of the Imagawa Jibu.

This girl is recognized as a Cuju master, but in terms of martial arts, let alone a samurai, she is even inferior to an ordinary ashigaru.What's more, she didn't carry any weapons on her body, and she was wearing a gorgeous and bulky twelve-piece kimono, so there was really nothing to worry about.

Therefore, Oda Nobuna not only did not restrict her actions, but also allowed Yoshimoto's two surnames to guard her.

However, at this moment, the head of the Imagawa family, who walked quietly to Chios' side, had no one following him.

"Your Highness Yoshimoto, where is your guard?" After pinching his brows, Chios stood up and faced the gorgeous girl.

"Many people in the Oda army are hostile to you. Without guards, it is likely to put you in danger."

Yoshimoto, who was originally a little embarrassed because he approached quietly and was discovered, suddenly became clear after hearing Chios' seemingly concerned words.

"Are you worried about our family?"

"Yeah..." Approaching the three-step range in front of Yoshimoto Chuan, Chios was finally able to ensure the safety of the naturally dumb girl in front of him within this distance.

"After all, you may not even know how important you are."

"No need for guards..." Imagawa Yoshimoto suddenly took two steps forward, grabbing the corner of the young man's clothes with his small hand protruding from his sleeve.

"Because you will protect our family, right?"

Looking up, the girl with slightly flushed cheeks, a pair of bright brown eyes, looked directly at Chios' purple eyes full of expectation.

The girls are all talking like this, so Chios naturally doesn't know how to respond at this time.

"That's right, but..." With a gentle movement, he took the hand of Imagawa's family governor holding his clothes, and before the other party was about to say something, Chios raised his index finger to his mouth, signaling the girl to keep quiet.

"This is not a place for conversation, please come with me."

"Hmm..." Yoshiwon nodded slightly as the blush on his face became more and more obvious.

The young man quickly glanced around, five hundred Oda troops guarding a hundred steps away from the tent, now that the battle is over, only the necessary soldiers for defense against assassination are deployed on this side of the formation.

Because their eyes were facing the outside, the edge of the white curtain became a blind spot for both inside and outside.

Chios, who still remembered the location of Nobuna's tent in the main camp, led the unsuspecting Yoshimoto to the farthest place from General Oda.

Let Yoshimoto stand behind the back of the formation, and Chios faced the girl to block her figure. There was only less than half a step between them.

Even if the Oda soldiers accidentally turned their heads, with their eyesight, they could only see Chios standing facing the curtain.

After skillfully completing the concealment preparations, the young man lowered his head and asked Imagawa Yoshimoto with a smile on his lips:

"So, what does Your Highness Yoshimoto want to discuss with you?"

In just half a minute, the girl who was taken to a remote corner by a man she had known for less than an hour, only then did she realize...

She has been completely confined by Chios in this small corner, with nowhere to escape.

Although she has nothing to escape, the person in front of her will not be against her.

However, this kind of thinking seems to be rooted in her heart, further amplifying her weak and submissive side.

"This..." The soft and waxy girlish voice lost the strength it used to have as a daimyo, and became a little unconfident.

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