"That's good, Xiao Hei, can you copy [Wan Fu Bing Bing]?"

Mo Shuying asked a question.

Xiao Hei froze for a moment, then stretched out his hand, the magic power condensed, and a strange dagger emerged.

"Yes, but it won't last long, up to 3 minutes, and the intensity is not high."

Black said.

"It's enough. Xiao Hei's appearance is really timely. It can be called timely rain. We will need this knife to deal with the enemy in the future."

Mo Shuying knew that Darius was possessing Julian's body, so he could cut off the connection between Darius and Julian with just one click of [Wanfu Bingying Break the Precept], so it would be easier to deal with Julian a little.

Xiao Hei was taken aback when he heard Mo Shuying's words, then lowered his head with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and everyone saw a crystal teardrop falling down to the ground.

"Huh? What's the matter, Xiao Hei? Is there something wrong with what I just said? It's okay if you can't do it, and it's okay if I smash that guy directly."

Mo Shuying thought she said something wrong, who knows.

"No! I just suddenly heard that I was needed, and I was a little excited. It was the first time I heard that I was needed. Mr. Mo is really a good person, much better than a sister who shouted that I was a superfluous person .”

Xiao Hei wiped the corners of his eyes with a smile, and Ilya who was next to her froze when she heard that, she lowered her head and said.

"I've already said I'm sorry...that's what I said outright, and what's more! I'm my sister!"

Ilya noticed the blind spot in the little black words, and immediately said angrily.

"A little bit~"

Xiao Hei made a face, and Ilya's hair was about to explode in anger.


Miyu couldn't help laughing out at this warm and warm scene, everyone looked at Meiyu, Miyu blushed and lowered her head, instantly burst into laughter.

"Hahaha~ Okay, let's stop making trouble, let's discuss business."

Mo Shuying cleared her throat and began to talk about business.

"Keeping Darius is a disaster. In the name of saving the world, I don't know what evil things he has done."

Mo Shuying does not think that Darius is sincere in saving the world, and there must be some secrets that he cannot tell.

"Darius has to deal with this one thing, and there is another thing, that is, the destruction of the world is real. In less than half a year, the world will collapse. At that time, there will be no living things in the whole world. I want to ask , What can you do? It would be great to delay the destruction time."

The destruction of the world is also unstoppable, and right now we can only think of other ways to save people.

"Darius wants to use the Holy Grail in my body to make a wish and save the world."

Miyu spoke, she did not hide from everyone that she was the Great Holy Grail.

Mo Shuying glanced at Ilya who was next to her. She was indeed a good friend, with a big Holy Grail and a small Holy Grail.

"I said that it is unrealistic to use the Holy Grail to keep the world from being destroyed, because he doesn't have that much energy."

Even if it is the Holy Grail, the rules of mass conservation must be followed. To realize a certain wish, one needs to spend a corresponding amount of energy.

"What can we do then? Wait to die?"

Bazett is straightforward, but no one says she is straightforward.

"Of course we can't sit still. We still have to take active actions. It's best to get rid of Ainsworth first, and then deal with the rest slowly."

Mo Shuying suggested, and the words fell.

"Andsworth! Destroy!"

Lying on the hospital bed, Tian Zhong suddenly sat up in shock from the dying illness, her eyes were still blurred, she turned her head and glanced at the people in the room, and then fell down again.

Everyone: "..."

"Miss Tanaka is soundly asleep. The big noise just now didn't wake her up."

Illya stuck out her tongue and said.

Xiao Hei next to her nodded in agreement, she stretched out her hand to pull her clothes, and said to Ilya.

"Do you feel very hot? Ilya, turn down the heat."

Elijah froze for a moment.

"I didn't turn on the heat, it's really hot...why? It's snowing so much..."

Illya looked out the window, it was still summer in this world, but the snowstorm was outrageous.


Chapter 103 Snow Night

Mo Shuying sat by the window, looking out of the window through the snow-covered glass, the night was very quiet.

The combat meeting was over, Emiya Shiro volunteered to keep watch at night, and told everyone that he had a big house in Fuyuki City, and they could go to his place after dawn.

Emiya Shirou in this world really owns a car (bicycle) and a house, his parents are dead, and he only lives with Miyu, but now he is forced to become a giant, adhering to Kiritsugu's philosophy, and becoming a partner of justice.

However, in front of my sister, no beliefs are useless, whoever touches her sister will fight desperately!Regardless of whether you are the destroyer of the world or the servant of the heroic spirit, I will show you everything!

Emiya Shirou has now turned towards Wuming Emiya, his eyesight has improved, and it is more than enough to keep watch all night.

The reason why Mo Shuying didn't fall asleep was not because he was afraid of someone sneaking up, but because someone else was lying on his bed.

Angelica was lying quietly on the bed at the moment, as if sleeping beauty was motionless.

She was severely injured by Xiao Hei and Bazzett's attack, and even though she had a good recovery ability as a "doll", she did not wake up for a short time.

Should I say it or not, Angelica is very beautiful, and her figure is quite wow, and now she is in this state again, and she eats meat directly.

But Mo Shuying is not interested, it's not that she is inferior to a beast, it's just that Angelica's emotions are lost, and her mood swings are very weak. This kind of woman is very cold, and may be worse than some high-tech products. After all, those high-tech products are Those that can make voices can even heat you up.

"Don't pretend to be asleep when you wake up, talk."

Mo Shuying noticed a sudden change in Angelika's breathing speed, and although she quickly returned to the previous frequency, it was already obvious to Mo Shuying.

"What do you want?"

Angelica opened her eyes, their eyes were a little hollow and lost their highlights.

As someone who has followed Darius for a long time, Angelica understands Darius' character, and she is still here, obviously, abandoned.

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