St. George thought for a moment and nodded.

"it is good."


Thus, the saints and saints began to purify Siegfried of the curse.

Others left the room.

"My lords, we have prepared a few rooms for you. Although they are simple, please don't mind."

A soldier came and took a few people to the resting place.

Because of the flames of war, the originally bustling Thiers was shattered and desolate, and several people were taken to a tidy residence, which was considered the best residence in the city.

Such an attitude shows that Thiel's family is full of sincerity.

There were still some food and drinks prepared in the room, and Mo Shuying was not polite. She walked to the long dining table, picked up a glass and poured herself a glass of water, then broke off a piece of bread and started eating.

"Siegfried should be fine."

Fujimaru Lixiang stood beside Mo Shuying and poured himself a glass of water.

"Joan is here, and the other party is also a saint-level existence, so nothing will happen."

St. George is a serious saint, a good man among good men, if he is not an enemy, he will be very polite and friendly, from the heart.

"That's good..."

Fujimaru Tachika stopped talking and just drank water slowly.

The director of the small office sat opposite, picked up an apple and gnawed on it, glanced at Mo Shuying and Fujimaru Tachika, and said.

"He has helped so much, do you want to thank him? By the way, buy this saint and let him fight with us."

The director of the small office was so tricky, Mo Shuying nodded and said that the problem was not serious.

"I was the one who helped them defend the city first. If you want to thank them, you should also thank me. I think Siegfried is not as important as the people in the city."


"I think Mr. Siegfried will cry when he hears that."

Matthew scratched his cheek, and found that everyone was silent, blushed, and quickly sat down holding the shield.

"It's just a fact. Siegfried himself doesn't think it's a big deal. Don't forget, he is serving the people all his life, although in the end..."

Mo Shuying paused at this point, and then stopped talking about this topic, and said.

"If you really want to thank St. George, just ask Chaldea to send a camera. I can see his eyebrows. Well, he is a shooting maniac. He is good and loves to play."


Everyone looked at Mo Shuying with fearful eyes, and Mo Shuying shrugged.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you..."

"Ahem, let's talk about this later, everyone should rest earlier."

The head of the small office got up and walked towards the sleeping room. Finally, there was no need to sleep in a tent. Although there was nothing wrong with a tent, who would sleep in a tent if there was a bed?

Everyone left one after another, just as Mo Shuying wanted to get up, Fujimaru Lixiang spoke.


"Huh? What's the matter, Gudazi."

"...Is this dagger really given to me?"

Fujimaru Tachika took out the dragon tooth dagger, and still can't believe it.

"Hey, it's just a dress...Of course I gave it to you, and I'll give it to you too. I don't need it myself. By the way, I just paid attention to killing monsters and didn't see what materials those flying dragons dropped. You should rest early. Go ask the soldiers outside."

After saying that, Mo Shuying got up and walked out, leaving Fujimaru Tachika alone, staring at the ring in her hand for a long time without saying a word.


Ten minutes later, Mo Shuying took a pile of materials and found a quiet place to start refining.

The guards were very talkative, and when they heard what Mo Shuying needed, they immediately took out all the materials they had collected in these fields and gave them to Mo Shuying.

Although Mo Shuying was a little embarrassed, the other party's kindness was hard to refuse, so she didn't refuse.

The material is still very good.

A dragon eye of the demon flying dragon, a pair of dragon wings of the demon flying dragon, and more than a dozen other common materials.

Ready to refine, Mo Shuying was thinking about what she lacked.

He has no shortage of defenses, otherwise he would not have given the flying dragon scale ring to Fujimaru Tateka. As one of the real "saviors", Fujimaru Tateka still needs some means of life-saving.

He doesn't lack any means of attack, he doesn't have enough fists, and there are many class cards.

After much deliberation, Mo Shuying realized that she lacked the means to track down the enemy.

Although his perception is also very keen, but the distance is limited, after all, he does not have the ability of intuition.

"Try it."

Mo Shuying took out the eye of the demon flying dragon and began to make it, the light of magic emerged, and the five elemental spirits emerged to help Mo Shuying refine it.

A few minutes later, Mo Shuying began to add ingredients.

Various other materials, including those obtained by Mo Shuying from hunting monsters in different spaces before.

After some operations.

A green eyeball appeared in Mo Shuying's hand.

Dragon Vision B+

When worn on the body, it can detect invisible units within a kilometer, and concealment methods below A-level are invalid.

The second effect is that it can project a longan projection, which is connected to the user's line of sight. The projection can be hundreds of kilometers away and cannot be captured and destroyed.

The two effects are not bad, but they are actually quite tasteless.

Scouting within a kilometer doesn't need a dress, and it can't detect concealment above A-level, it's really useless.

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