As for Li Qingge, he was very calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Seeing the expressions of the four people either vigilant or full of fighting spirit, Mu Yi was very satisfied.

That's it, as long as he has power, no one will look down on him.

"Look everyone, this is my power!"

Mu Yi grinned ferociously, clenched his thick hands tightly, and the air was squeezed by him.

"If you take away my system, will I still have this power?"

"Of course not!"

"So, I can't let you succeed!"

Mu Yi looked in Li Qingge's direction, looking at this seemingly harmless young man.

"With this power, I will never be afraid of you again!"

He looked at Li Qingge and stretched out his palm.

"Cows can give me strength, rabbits can give me speed, dragons can breathe fire, pigs can shoot lasers, dogs can make me immortal... chickens can give me telekinesis..."

He Muyi murmured, revealing his ability like announcing the name of a dish.

Li Qingge felt an invisible force acting on his body, it seemed like an imaginary hand with no form, trying to catch him.

"Qing Song!"

The fourth generation sensed something, and quickly reached out to take Li Qingge out of the way.

However, Li Qingge ignored the fourth generation, and just paused the time when the invisible hand was about to grab him.

The world fell into black and white, Mu Yi's broad palm stopped in mid-air, and the so-called telekinetic power could not make any further progress.

With a flash of silver light, Li Qingge moved in front of Mu Yi, stretched out his hand, and the silver light shone like a new moon on the palm of his hand.

He looked at Mu Yi's body, and a look of searching flashed in his eyes.

"Were you afraid of me before... You took the initiative to expose your abilities. It seems that the system has indeed made your head abnormal."

"The cow, the rabbit, the dragon, the pig, and the dog are the twelve animals of the zodiac, and have twelve abilities... these alone are not enough."

"Since you say you are immortal, let's try."

A cold light flashed in Li Qingge's eyes, and he waved his palm, using his palm instead of a knife, and an arc of light bloomed amazingly in the still world.

"Anyway... it's not like I haven't been killed before."

Chapter 31: Demons

What suddenly sprayed out was bright red blood.

Scarlet blood drops hit the ground, making a "chi chi" sound, corroding the ground.

A sharp pain came from the neck, Mu Yi took two steps back, and subconsciously covered the half-cut neck with his hands.

"what happened?"

As if time had been cut off, that silvery moon-like light bloomed, and a deadly threat came from the neck.

Mu Yi covered the wound with his wide palm, but the blood still overflowed from his fingers, and there was a bloody smell in his mouth.

"The response was good."

The figure of Li Qingge stood in front of Mu Yi, relaxed all over, like a traveler on foot, but his eyes were bright.

Mu Yi's thoughts were indeed affected by the system, but Li Qingge observed for a long time, but could not find traces of the system through Mu Yi's body, nor could he eliminate the system's control over him.

Although it was a bit unbearable, if the system could only be cleared through the chat group by killing Mu Yi, then there was no other way.

Li Qingge's attack was aimed at cutting off Mu Yi's neck, but unfortunately, the latter reacted and dodged in time.

Time can be suspended, but in a world where time is suspended, things remain as they are.

In other words, Li Qingge couldn't directly attack the opponent in the time-suspended world, and could only let the attack he launched infinitely approach the opponent.

Therefore, if the opponent is prepared in advance, or has excellent reaction ability, they can dodge after the time returns to normal.

"You... bastard!"

As soon as he boasted Haikou, he was slapped in the face by the other party, Mu Yi felt his face was hot, a surge of anger welled up spontaneously, at the same time, a well-hidden fear welled up in his heart again.

Mu Yi let go of his palm, and the wound on his neck has begun to heal... Just as Li Qingge guessed, the template Mu Yi inherited has twelve powers named after the twelve zodiac signs, among which "dog" can make him suffer even more serious injuries Nor die.

At the same time, the source of this template is also a demon, a demon wizard, a demon who claims to be the Eastern Dragon.

Mu Yi was able to heal wounds quickly, and what he inherited was the strong physique of this demon. (Horses drive away external forces and can heal diseases, but not wounds. Dogs can only hang their lives and have no ability to heal wounds.)

Although half of the neck was chopped off, this injury is enough to kill an ordinary creature, but it is obvious that it is not enough for the current Mu Yi.

"go to hell!"

Mu Yi's face was ferocious, he took a few steps forward, raised his fist as big as a sandbag, and smashed it down hard.

The air circle exploded, and then ear-piercing noises rang out. Some blood stained on the fist was burned away in the violent friction of the air, and the green fist had a hint of red light.

Under the influence of the rabbit and the cow, there is no doubt that with Mu Yi's current body, he can easily break through the sound barrier.

The fist was close at hand, but Li Qingge raised his head as if he hadn't realized it, and didn't dodge or avoid it.

There was no strange sound, and Mu Yi's green fist stayed in the air less than half a meter away from Li Qingge's head, trembling slightly.


There was anger in Mu Yi's eyes, and he wanted to get closer, but the light blue arm that came from nowhere, rooted in space, hugged him tightly, making it difficult for him to move.

It is obviously slender like a woman's arm, but it seems to have infinite strength.


The fist couldn't get any closer, Mu Yi grinned ferociously, opened his mouth, a pillar of flame spewed out at close range, and lasers were released from his eyes again.

A light blue diamond-shaped light curtain appeared in front of Li Qingge's face. That thin, translucent layer blocked the flames and lasers.

This is a barrier converted from the power of imaginary numbers, and the hand of imaginary numbers that entangles Mu Yi is essentially a variant of the power of imaginary numbers.

For Li Qingge, Mu Yi just happened to allow him to test his abilities.

The imaginary number barrier cut off the flames and lasers, but it didn't cut off the high temperature, but Li Qingge didn't feel the slightest bit of heat.

Seeing this, the anger in Mu Yi's eyes became more intense, and the flames and lasers became more fierce.

The flames spread towards the surroundings like sea waves, and the fourth generation and the others hurriedly avoided the high temperature, making their mouths a little thirsty and sweat dripping from their foreheads.

"Is this Qing Ge's strength?"

Namikaze Minato was amazed in his heart, he didn't expect that among them, the one who seemed the most harmless to humans and animals was actually the most powerful.

Although he can't bear the flame AOE of this range, if he approaches rashly, he will definitely be hurt.

It has nothing to do with anything else, it's just that Namikaze Minato's body is too fragile.

Even though the immortal body was exchanged in the chat group, it still couldn't change the fact that the ninja was attacking high and low defense.

In terms of physical strength, Namikaze Minato may be about the same as Kelsey. (Don't be ridiculous, you just made sense... Fang Zhou's physical strength is still very high, Titi can smash a mountain bag with a sword)


The flames and lasers subsided gradually, and Mu Yi's face became extremely red, steam was emitting from his whole body, and his body temperature was extremely high.

After all, he is not that demon. If such a strong firepower continues, he may be the first to be ignited.

"Ha ha--"

A columnar gas gushed out of the mouth, and Mu Yi panted heavily, cooling down the high temperature in his mouth.

He looked at Li Qingge's face, and his scarlet eyes flashed a hint of powerlessness... The flames and lasers didn't work, and his body was trapped, so what else could he use?

Rats turning static into dynamic?Tiger's yin and yang balance?Snake's invisibility?Sheep's soul out of body?Or monkey transformation?

"You... how can you be so powerful?"

Mu Yi is not reconciled, he is obviously so powerful, why can't he be invincible?

"...Who knows?"

Li Qingge didn't know how strong he was. His strength span was too great, as if he was directly endowed by the heavens... God-given strength.

"Maybe, because it shouldn't be yours, it shouldn't be yours."

The power in Mu Yi's body is fake, it was forcefully given to him by the system, maybe he is exercising, but it is obvious that he cannot use it proficiently.

Li Qingge stretched out his palm, and in his left eye, the crosshair slightly expanded.

In the air, a spear of black, white and gold was projected out, stabbing at Mu Yi's heart.

Li Qingge believed that Mu Yi had the ability to be immortal, but immortality was always relative or had weaknesses.

Both the head and the heart are the vital gates of living things.

Yakong's Spear has no temperature, but Mu Yi feels a deep cold, like falling into an ice cellar.


With outstretched palms, Li Qingge's eyes were icy cold, and the phantom Archon's Spear turned solid, appearing in this world.

The heart was squeezed and pierced by a foreign object, Mu Yi took a deep look at Li Qingge, his vision went dark, and he lost his life.

The Imaginary Hand and the Archon's Spear dissipated slowly, and Mu Yi, who had lost his support, fell to his knees on the ground, his head drooping, and overflowing blood flowed down from his body.

"that's all?"

Standing aside, a hint of disappointment flashed in Kazami Youxiang's eyes, she finally became aroused, and this time traveler was just like that?

Her eyes turned to Li Qingge, with a trace of eagerness and fighting spirit.

She was thinking whether to invite Li Qingge to the arena and have a fight.

However, it seems that his ability is not of the confrontational type, which reminds her of the old bba, she still likes the feeling of punching to the flesh.

Feeling the dissipated breath of the traverser, without resurrection, Kelsey's tense body relaxed slightly.

It seems that the traverser is just talking big, he is not immortal.

Just when everyone except Li Qingge thought the traverser was dead, a chaotic aura that seemed to come from the abyss emanated from the green corpse, oppressing them like a boulder, making people shudder.

Li Qingge watched as an evil light enveloped Mu Yi, wrapping it up, the chaotic aura on his body made him feel ready to move, to be precise, something in him couldn't wait.

"Don't rush..."

Li Qingge lowered his eyes and said softly.

"What do you want to do, let me see."

Chapter 32: This is the Holy Lord?


An evil energy enveloped Mu Yi's lifeless body, bursting like magma with bubbles.

The evil light swelled, suspended in mid-air like a huge cocoon, and the high temperature spread from above, distorting the air.

The temperature suddenly became so high that the cocoon in front of him was like a melting pot in the center of the earth.

The fourth generation wiped the sweat from his forehead, and lifted his heart that had just been let go.

He looked at Li Qingge who was very close to the cocoon, and couldn't help feeling a little worried.


A high-pitched growl suddenly came from the hot and distorted space. The voice was noble, with an aura of primordial origin.

Just hearing the roar, Namikaze Minato felt as if he was being targeted by a wild beast, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.


A big green hand tore open the giant cocoon, revealing the new and strong body.

It was more than ten meters tall, with bulging muscles, scarlet eyes, and the image of a dragon standing upright.

" the complete me, the complete Holy Master!"

Mu Yi roared up to the sky, opened his mouth and spewed out flames that shot straight into the sky, illuminating the entire sky.

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