But in Kevin's hands, Jie Mie is just the norm.

Moreover, without the addition of Skyfire, Kevin alone has the strength to kill Herrscher.

The current Li Qingge doesn't have the confidence to defeat Kevin. Of course, it won't be so in the future.

Fortunately, Li Qingge didn't need to face Kevin now.

Thousands of years ago, when Kevin was about to implement the stigmata plan, he was stopped by his friend who was also a pioneer, and was voluntarily sealed in the sea of ​​quantum.

Today, the world snake is still lurking, and Kevin is still floating in the sea of ​​quantum, missing.

There is still a lot of time left for Li Qingge... Moreover, it seems that the corpse of Chi You, who allowed Kevin to recover his strength from the seal, has already been hidden by Li Qingge.

Hidden in a place that the world snake will never find.

Now, before Li Qingge was another question - the fifth Herrscher of this era, the Herrscher of Ice.

Her body, the story about the Herrscher of Ice, happened at this moment, amidst the collapse of Manila.

Her story has only just been revealed, but Li Qingge wants to get in touch, to see if it can change...

"So, is there any way?"

"Master Qingge!"

The closed door was pushed open, and Ragnar unlocked it with a serious face.

"My lord bishop pointed you out to go to Marani to support the Valkyrie troops there."

...with no effort at all.

Ragnar looked at Li Qingge, who had no obvious expression change, even she could sense that something was wrong.

What does the bishop want to do?

"Master Qing Ge, do you know something?"

"Well, who knows."

After blinking, Li Qingge said with a smile.

Chapter 48: Li Qingge, attack!

In 2015, the Honkai that broke out in Manila, the capital of the Philippines, was the largest and most costly Honkai in Southeast Asia so far.

Although no Herrscher was born, the collapse almost destroyed the entire city. More than 200 million people were killed, and about 300 million people were infected to varying degrees. Secondary disasters caused the displacement of nearly [-] million residents in the city and its surrounding areas... …

42 Valkyrie squads, with a total of 174 Valkyries, plus more than 5000 reinforcements dispatched one after another... These are the investments of the Mandate of Heaven to control the disaster caused by Houkai.

"So, why did the bishop ask you to go to support by name?"

On the small transport ship "Selene", the familiar lady in a white coat with pink fur was sitting at the control position, holding the joystick in her hand, yawning from time to time.

Li Qingge, who was sitting in his seat, was not moved by such a dangerous action. He just squinted his eyes slightly and calmed down.

He thought to himself, why is the director of Tangtang Research Institute, why did he come to be the pilot, and why the cockpit of "Selene" is not isolated from the transport cabin, Pascal...is a bit annoying.

"Tch, what a boring man."

Last time he was a kid, but this time he became a man. I don't know if it counts as some kind of progress.

"Ragnar, is the master you serve so boring?"

"Pascal, you are too sensitive."

Beside Li Qingge, Ragnar straightened his short gray-blonde hair and smiled sweetly.

From the looks of it, it seemed that the former combat instructor knew the young director and knew something about it.

"Not all payments have to be clearly marked."

"Besides, Master Qing Ge's charm can't be shown by simple appearance..."

Although the outside is also very attractive.

Hearing that Pascal was silent, Li Qingge also opened his eyes, and looked at Ragnar helplessly.

Such a straightforward compliment is still very embarrassing.

Sensing Li Qingge's gaze, Ragnar looked back, with a smile in his wine-red pupils, and smiled slightly.

"Prices clearly marked... What I believe in is an exchange of equal value."

Pascal leaned against the seat and seemed to let out a sneer.

"Hangkai took my parents away, so I lived in an orphanage since I was a child."

"The dean of the orphanage is very kind to me, he obeys me in everything, and doesn't let other children bully me... But I know, it's just because I'm cute."

The somewhat lazy voice was very calm, as if saying another matter that had nothing to do with him.

"Afterwards, a man in his 30s adopted me, and the dean was very happy to receive a sponsorship to adopt a mistress... Heh, his wife was very troublesome back then."

"The man who adopted me is also very good to me. Whether it's exquisite desserts, high-tech toys, or beautiful clothes, he has satisfied me."

"He once said to me with a smile on his face: You deserve this."

"Just when I thought so, suddenly one day, he opened the door of my room and threw me down...he pressed on me, pulled my hair and clothes, and tried to violate me."

"His kind face became ferocious and disgusting, full of lust, and he kept saying: I have raised you for so long, it is time to pay back."

Li Qingge's purple eyes fluctuated. He and Ragnar looked at each other, and found that the other side was also a little surprised.

"Director Pascal, you don't need to say this."

Li Qingge didn't want to expose other people's scars, even if he didn't.

"Think that man succeeded?" Pascal continued to speak with some disdain while holding the joystick.

"If I really succeed, I won't be sitting here. I'm afraid, my time will stay at that moment."

"As I said, I resisted, and then in the midst of the argument, I reached for a pair of scissors... click click."

Pale little hands stretched out from the seat, making a gesture of scissors, but Li Qingge couldn't laugh.

"Afterwards, I tore up everything he had bought for me and set it on fire..."

"I turned down the government's offer and started working part-time while studying human biology, which is what I found myself best at."

"After publishing a few papers, I came into the sight of Destiny and had a mentor."

"That mentor's talent is not as good as mine, so the purpose of her training me is to continue to climb up and have enough rights... This is what she told me personally."

"Equivalent exchange... The dean paid for me in exchange for money; the man who adopted me paid for me in order to possess my body; the mentor who trained me paid for me in order to gain greater power."

Pressing the automatic control button, Pascal kicked on the metal floor, some fleshy thighs overlapped, turned the seat around, and looked at Li Qingge with pink eyes.

What are those purple eyes thinking?

"Li Qingge, what do you want for all your efforts?"

"Did you just want to ask this question?"

"No, I just want to come out to get some fresh air, it's just by the way... It's okay if you don't answer me."

Ragnar didn't speak, just sat quietly.Pascal asked Li Qingge's question, but no one could answer it for him, and she was also a little curious.

He said there was no need to answer, but Pascal definitely didn't think so.

Being expected by the two women, Li Qingge spoke after a long silence.

"What is equivalence... In the final analysis, neither payment nor return can be measured by money. Whether it is equivalent or not is just a thought in your own mind."

"You are a scientific research scientist, and your sensitivity to numerical exchange is not comparable to that of ordinary people."

"But even so, you're still mixing different kinds of things together ... It's a value you've developed because of your experiences growing up, and I don't want to correct that."

Li Qingge stared at Pascal's eyes, the purple eyes were ethereal and deep.

He doesn't agree with Pascal's values, but he understands that this is her way of life.

So, he opened his mouth and said slowly.

"If you don't trust me, then you can keep watching and see what I need in return... But this process may take a long, long time..."

Pascal's expression was slightly stunned, she did not expect that she would get such an answer.

She knew very well that her values ​​were a bit special, but she felt that it was fine and there was no need to change it.

In the past, she also had arguments with other people, and was tried to change, but without a doubt, they all failed.

Like this, instead of trying to change her mind, let her witness, for the first time.

Pascal's pink pupils dilated slightly, and he looked at Ragnar.

Li Qingge had already closed his eyes again, as if he didn't want to communicate with her.

As for this mature maid, she just smiled, as if she was so surprised and happy to see her.

"Huh..." Pascal exhaled softly, and calmed down his fluctuating mood.

"Will it take a long time, you are very greedy."

She got up, brushed her long hair, then opened the locker on the transport ship, fiddled with something.

"Well, here it is for you."

Hot air and a sweet and weird smell spread over the surface. Li Qingge opened his eyes, and in front of him was Pascal's little hand and a glass of "floor mopping water".

"Aren't you going to the battlefield later, how about a cup of coffee?"


"No, no, I don't need it!"

Ragnar's pupils shrank, and he quickly waved his hand to refuse, a trace of fear flashed across his face.

At the same time, she was a little surprised because Pascal actually handed Li Qingge the coffee.

You know, if it's not someone she approves, you can't enjoy the coffee she personally made... Although, this coffee is a bit weird.

"it's a pity."

Pascal shrugged his shoulders, looking weak, she picked up the coffee, regardless of the hotness, and took a sip as if enjoying it.

Seeing this, Li Qingge also picked up the cup, raised his head slightly, and the hot liquid poured into his throat.

Aside, Ragnar hesitated to speak.

After drinking the coffee, Li Qingge's expression froze.

"The brain... is trembling..."

The sweetness that rushed straight to the brain at that moment almost made Li Qingge lose consciousness.

Is this really coffee?What about the bitterness of the coffee?What about the taste of coffee?How much sugar cube did Pascal put in?

Others add sugar to coffee, but you add coffee to sugar cubes, let’s make sugar liquid!

Li Qingge's hand holding the cup trembled slightly, and his pupils quietly dilated.

"Master Qing Ge, are you alright?"

Ragnar asked worriedly.

"Well, not bad, should it be?"

Putting down the cup calmly, Li Qingge tried his best to maintain the expression on his face.

Scary woman... The Herrscher of the Sky didn't make Li Qingge lose consciousness all of a sudden, but Pascal did.

Li Qingge decided that he would never touch Pascal's coffee again.

"Don't like it?"

Pascal blinked, drank the coffee in one gulp, stuck out the tip of Fenfen's tongue, and licked the residue from the corner of his mouth, feeling a little unfinished.

"It's obviously delicious."

Looking at Li Qingge's awkward expression, she felt a little happy, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Sure enough, although it was a spur of the moment, it was the right choice to stay by this boy's side.

A seed was quietly planted in the heart of the young director, waiting for it to take root and sprout.


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