Although it is doubtful, Bronya is somewhat certain.

In my impression, the young man beside me always looks calm and confident.

But now he looks a little sad and a little weak.

"Yes, she is Yuno... killed by Teresa herself."

Chapter 19: Gifts

'Why, unfortunately always me? ! '

"My mother has always hated me, she would beat and scold me if she made a small mistake... My classmates also alienated me and bullied me..."

'What am I going to do? '

After carving an unknown white flower with his own hands, Li Qingge stood in front of the stele, took out a white daisy that had been prepared earlier, put it on it, clasped his hands together, and closed his eyes.

Although she didn't know Yuno well, Bronya still followed Li Qingge's example and worshiped with him.

In this dilapidated place, there is a breeze blowing, blowing the dust on the ground, blowing the hair of both of them, and blowing into the distance.

Li Qingge actually didn't know the way of worshiping the dead in the extreme east, he just followed the impression and made a formality, praying for a kind of inner comfort.

"So, did you bury her here?"


When Teresa took Li Qingge to find the newly-appeared Pseudo-Hurser, Yuno was no longer who she was in the past.

In Li Qingge's memory, You Nai was a weak but kind girl.

She dared not oppose her mother or her classmates who bullied her. She had complaints in her heart, but no resentment.

She is too weak, if she can be tougher, tell her mother what she thinks, if she can resist her classmates, even a little, maybe her situation will change.

But she didn't, when Li Qingge said this to her, she just shook her head and showed a complicated smile.

'I didn't have that kind of courage and strength. '

A strong resistance is a resistance, otherwise, it is just a struggle, which will lead to a more oppressive struggle.

"At that time, I just felt that she was very pitiful, so I wanted to help her."

"She said she didn't have the courage, and I said I can lend it to you."

"She said she had no strength, I said I had..."

"She said yes, and then I couldn't find her."

Opening her eyes, Bronya quietly listened to the story Li Qingge told her.

She doesn't like to talk, so she's a good listener.

But a good listener will also strike up a conversation and keep the storyteller going.

"The third collapse?"


Li Qingge thought that Yu Nai had become a dead man, and he felt uncomfortable at that time.

Although he only met a few times, he was also determined to help this poor girl... just like the stray cat who had been feeding one day suddenly disappeared in that corner and could never be found again.

Heart is empty.

When they met again, Yuno no longer remembered him. She forgot a lot, forgot who her mother was, and who the classmates who bullied her were, but she still remembered what they did to her.

She has strength and courage, but her heart is full of hatred.

Then she died, at the hands of Teresa who inspired the power of Yae Sakura's stigmata.

Before dying, Yuno glanced at him with broken eyes, maybe he recognized him, maybe he didn't.

"After she died, I held her body and found it here."

"After cleaning it up, I dug a pit and burned her body."

Corpses buried in the soil will rot, Li Qingge thought to himself at that time, girls like themselves when they are pretty.

So he kept Yuno's face forever at that moment.

"I found a stone tablet, flattened it with a plasma shadow show, and then carved words on it bit by bit..."

"Today is the first time I have come to worship her."

When the story was over, the air fell into silence.

This is the story that happened between Li Qingge and Yuno, a somewhat regrettable story.

Bronya suddenly realized that she thought she understood the young man beside her, but she only saw a part of him.

He has a lot of stories, a lot of secrets, more than anyone else, maybe, more intense than anyone else.

But it doesn't matter...

"...Qing Ge, do you want to revive her?"

Bronya raised her head, her silver-gray eyes looked at Li Qingge calmly.

Resurrection, resurrection from the dead, only exists in fictional and mythological vocabulary, but Bronya knows that the young man beside her can do it.

"Did you hear what Anna said?"

Some were surprised by Bronya's words, but Li Qingge quickly realized that Anna might have told Bronya and the others.

It could also be Lynn.

Of these two girls, one has witnessed it up close, and the other has personally experienced that kind of miracle.


"...I thought so."

Bronya blinked, watching Li Qingge reach out and caress the stele.

Ever thought about it, but didn't do it?

"Then why not do that?"

"Bronya, do you have anyone you want to resurrect?"

Li Qingge didn't answer, but asked Bronya instead.


"Then do you want your parents to be resurrected?"

Bronya is an orphan, and her parents died in the second collapse. In her memory, there is no face of the two.

"Do not want to."


"Because Bronya has no real sense."

Lowering her eyes, Bronya squatted down on the spot.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense.

Bronya had never seen her parents in her memory, and she had never experienced the thick blood and water often mentioned in books and anime.

If someone could tell Bronya what her parents were like and what they had done for her, perhaps, her heart would still be throbbing a bit.

But no, the so-called parents, in the eyes of Bronya, are just strangers.

Seeing Bronya's appearance, Li Qingge also squatted down and stroked her hair.

"It's the same reason on my side."

Even if Yuno is really resurrected, so what, mother, classmate... Even if it is a twisted and bad relationship, she will lose it.

Bronya didn't want to resurrect her parents because she couldn't face it, and Li Qingge didn't want to resurrect Yuno because she couldn't face it alone.

Eleanor is also alone, but all the meaning of her life is given to herself, and she is willing to live and die for him.

Sirin also lost her mother, but she still had Bella, the Honkai beast who had feelings for the first time, and was still calling for her queen until she died.

But Yuno had nothing, nothing.

"It's different, Qingge, you still remember Yuno, she still has you."


For Yuno, Li Qingge has always been a little guilty.

He had been thinking for a while in the past, if he didn't go up to talk to him that day, would he not have given Yuno such false hope.

He promised to give Yuno courage and strength, but failed to do so.

"I have no such qualifications."

"No, you have."

Obviously don't understand emotion, but Bronya still said affirmatively.

She raised her head and looked into Li Qingge's eyes.

"...Let's go."

The sadness and weakness had passed, Li Qingge got up, and turned back to the original him.

He once swore in front of Yuno's monument that he would definitely protect those people in his eyes, no matter what the cost.

The past time in Myanmar is over, and we have to move on.


In Li Qingge's eyes, there seemed to be the sound of something breaking the ground. On the ground where Yuno was buried, a blood-stained green seedling slowly raised its body.

Irregular diamond-shaped crystals stick to the top like a fruit, and there is a vague call.


Is this some kind of fairytale scene?

Li Qingge's heart was a little complicated.

He walked up and gently picked off the crystals. At that moment, countless green vines grew out of the crystals, and the sweet fragrance of flowers spread, covering the entire land in the blink of an eye.

Bronya got up, scarlet spikes covered the vines, declaring their blood and cruelty.

But these vines avoided her, they squirmed like a python, wrapping around Li Qingge's body.

Bronya subconsciously wanted to summon the Heavy Equipment Bunny, but Li Qingge shook his head at her, indicating that he was fine.

The diamond-shaped crystal in his hand slowly merged into his body, along with the little soul inside.

The vines lightly touched Li Qingge's cheeks. They were obviously spiked and poisonous, but they were so cautious, as if they were hugging a fragile treasure.

'Thank you my friend. '

This is, if there is a soft voice, only Li Qingge can hear it.

Li Qingge closed his eyes, and his purple pupils turned into a gilt color.

"Ha... this time, thank you."

The tree of imaginary numbers.

Chapter 20: Confessions

Centered on Li Qingge, the gorgeous vines spread across the ground and gravel like a plague of pythons. The bright red thorns seemed to be stained with blood, and they became deeper and deeper under the golden sunlight.

Bronya smelled a sweet fragrance, which smelled very good, like the fragrance of flowers, but when she smelled it, she felt powerless for a while, and the scene in front of her eyes began to blur.

"Don't smell it."

With warm palms resting on Bronya's limp back, the green vines were gradually retracted into the quasi-core in Li Qingge's body, and the faint scent also began to dissipate.

The omnipotent Houkai energy circulated between his fingers. He sorted out the poisonous gas that Bronya had inhaled by mistake, converted it into pure Houkai energy, and then devoured the excess.

The weak body swelled in an instant, and then returned to normal like a deflated puffer fish.

Bronya opened her rosy lips and began to breathe slowly.

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