This kind of thinking made Li Qingge not know what to say, so he could only scratch his empty head.

"A good boy."

"Everyone is a good boy."

After seeing him off, Li Qingge turned around and continued to work.

Ragnar smiled and said nothing.

Although the things Ragnar made were always a bit poor, but with Li Qingge and Mei Yi watching by her side, these problems were much less.

"The kitchen is still too small..."

In this kitchen, there are barely three people to toss.

Among the apostles, there are quite a few who can cook, but it is impossible for nearly ten people to squeeze into the kitchen.

For the sake of efficiency, only three people with the best cooking skills can come in and be busy.

There is no way, Selene is just a small transport ship after all, unlike Hyperion.

By the way...Hubrian...

Because Himeko was assigned to be an "Apostle", she voluntarily gave up her position as Captain Huberian and handed it over to Teresa.

But Teresa didn't want this identity either. She was already the principal of St. Freya Academy, and she was also the head of the Far East branch, so she didn't really want to add another command job.

Hubrian's captain, in other words, is the commander... Jizi and Teresa actually prefer to go into battle rather than sit in command.

So, after Teresa accepted the identity of Captain Huberian, she handed over this identity to Li Qingge.

As a warship brought to the Far East branch from the headquarters of Destiny, Teresa still has a lot of affection for Huberian, and she is worried about handing it over to strangers.

It doesn't matter to Li Qingge, and it just fits the establishment.

Each Valkyrie team needs to be allocated a floating battleship.

The original Hyperion was the battleship of the Fifth Squad, but now that the Fifth Squad has been broken up to become "Apostles", the Huberian was naturally handed over to Li Qingge.

It can be said that the current Li Qingge is a veritable "Captain".

Hubrian was much bigger than Selene, and so was the kitchen, enough to accommodate all of them.

At the beginning, considering not wasting energy, I didn’t drive Huberian over, but now it seems... no, it’s not worth the candle to cook a meal with such a big fanfare.

However, Hyperion still needs it, at least the transport ship it carries, otherwise Selene alone cannot take these children away.

Why does it sound a bit like a kidnapper?

Thinking about these things, the three people in the kitchen finally finished their work.

Tuk Tuk-

"Qingge, Mei, and Ragnar, I'm here to help."

"Well, help me bring these over, Bronya."

Nodding, Bronya picked up the dishes on the side and walked out steadily.

Speaking of Bronya, except for Wendy, no one seemed very surprised about her legs. After a little understanding that Li Qingge did it, it seemed like nothing had happened.

Are you used to it?

If this continues, it feels like one day he tells everyone that he is the end and no one will be surprised.

"Everyone, you can start."

After getting everything ready, Li Qingge sat in the specially vacated seat, and saw that Mei and Ragnar had also sat down, and greeted them that they could start eating.

Although he is not as familiar with Bronya and these children, but after chatting and fighting for a period of time, the other Valkyries and the children have become familiar with each other, accept each other, and sit together, looking happy .

After Li Qingge sat down and finished speaking, the children in the "nest" cheered and eagerly picked up their chopsticks. Some stood up and picked up the dishes they had been eyeing for a long time.

Although he was in the far east, Li Qingge did not adopt that kind of meal sharing system. All the dishes were placed on a big plate, and whoever wanted to eat could grab it himself.

Under the not-too-bright light, hot air curled up and hit the faces of boys and girls, which were wet and hot, making people smile inadvertently.

Sora carefully put the warm dishes into his mouth, and the next moment, his eyes brightened.

"Oh, it's so delicious!!!"

Chapter 30: Your students are in my hands

Among the magnificently decorated villas, an extravagant party came to an abrupt end.

The huge crystal chandelier flickers on and off, the old-fashioned gramophone playing records is mixed with screams, and the champagne bubbles ooze blood... The wine, food, and beauties all disappear in an instant.


The trampling sound of high heels on the exquisite tiles is like the devil's sharp hammer, beating on the heart one after another.

The middle-aged bald man with a big belly collapsed on the slippery ground, pushing his fat body with both hands, and couldn't stop backing away.

The five sense organs of the fat face were pulled together, the small eyes were full of horror, the nose and saliva mixed together, and the tears flowed.

"You, don't come here!"

"Could it be that the [Raven] who reached the top of [Charon List] wants to tear up the contract and kill my employer?!"

"Don't you want your own reputation?! Mercenaries?!!"

There was no way to retreat, the man's back touched the cold wall, he put one hand behind his back, and looked at the woman wearing a hood who couldn't see her face clearly, she seemed unmoved, the tone of her voice Can't help but become weak.

"I have money, a lot of money, if you are not satisfied, we can discuss it again!"

"As much as you want!"

The woman's footsteps stopped, and the high-heeled sound like a reminder also stopped.

The man breathed a sigh of relief, and a fierce look flashed in his small eyes that couldn't see clearly.

"I didn't break the contract."

"I have completed your commission to [Raven]."

The woman suddenly spoke. It is unimaginable that as the top [Charon List], she can be said to be the strongest mercenary in North America. Her voice is not majestic, but a kind of fragile nobleness, which does not sound powerful. (Ke Qing: Are you polite?)


The woman's words made the man's almost invisible eyes widen, and there was a hint of anger in his doubts.

It's just that the smell of blood permeated the air, and the corpses of his subordinates who could never wake up all around made the man suppress his anger.

"Then why did you..."

The man supported his palm, as if he wanted to help him up, but the cold touch on his forehead made his expression stiff again.

"Because your deadly enemy entrusted [Snake Feather] before dying, asking for your life."

What does the entrustment to Snake Feather have to do with you, Raven?

The man wanted to open his mouth like this, but he suddenly thought of something, and his small eyes shrank fiercely.

"Could it be?!"

Raven and Snake Feather, number one and number two in the Charon list, are they the same person?

"That's it, but there is no reward for guessing it... Прощайнавсегда (Farewell)!"


The obese body fell down, the woman retracted her pistol, and took a few steps carefully to avoid getting disgusting blood on her high heels.

Humming, she kicked the man's body in a good mood, kicked his body sideways, bent down, and picked up the pistol he was clutching in one hand.

"Not bad, a windfall."

After cleaning the pistol, which was more decorative than practical, the woman put it away in the black battle uniform like a crow's feather, turned off the switch of the constantly flashing chandelier, and walked out of the villa.

The supposedly noisy villa was completely quiet. The woman pulled down her hood, revealing a delicate pretty face, short gray hair, and a sticky hair.

She looked up at the night sky, and in her rose-red snake-like pupils, bright stars twinkled.

"There are so many stars today..."

After expressing such emotion, the woman lowered her head and took out the communicator that suddenly vibrated on her body.

There is no communication partner displayed on it, but the woman knows that there is only one person who can communicate with this.

"Hey, brother, is there any new mission, [Raven] or [Snake Feather]?"

On the opposite side of the communicator is his biological brother, who is also the liaison between Raven and Snake Yu, responsible for screening commissions, contacting clients, preparing weapons, intelligence collection and other logistics.

The two are not only relatives, but also a pair of quite tacit partners.

"A message from the children of the nest."

In the exquisite and atmospheric bar, the blond man behind the bar looked at the beeping private communicator, and was a little puzzled why he called at this time, but he still told his sister truthfully.

"Do you need me to transfer it for you?"

When there are commissions on weekdays, his sister will not carry a personal communicator, this is to prevent some accidents during the mission.


Although he had the same doubts as his brother, [Raven] began to adjust his state after the sizzle sound, so that the next voice would be gentler.

"Hey, teacher, can you hear me?"

"Yeah, I can hear you."

Casually sitting down on a chair by the side of the road, Raven responded.

"What's wrong, Kong, is there something wrong with the nest?"

"Ah, it's not the nest's problem, no, there is indeed a problem with the nest, but it's not this problem, ah, it's not right..."

"Slow down, it's okay, Sora."

Softly comforting Sora, because her voice was not flustered, Raven also guessed that it was probably not a big deal.

"Well, it's like this, teacher... I met Honkai Beast in the safe zone."

"Honkai Beast?!"

Raven's voice suddenly became louder, and the better body that was leaning on the chair also straightened up.

It shouldn't be, I should have spread the signal in the safe area, and the Houkai beast would subconsciously stay away.

"Sky, are you okay?"

"Teacher, I'm fine. Although I met Honkai Beast, a kind-hearted big brother and sister saved me... What I want to talk about is related to them."

Big brother?elder sister?

"Sky, let me tell."

"Okay, big brother."

A small voice came from the communicator, and then the voice suddenly became clear.

"Hello, you are the [teacher] you are talking about, my name is Li Qingge."

Unexpectedly young voice, but also seems a little familiar.

Raven thought in his heart, and unconsciously stood up.

"Hello, I am indeed their teacher, thank you for saving Kong, you can call me Natasha."

Not knowing what the other party's plan was, and being with the children in the nest, Raven planned to stand still.

Coincidentally, she also has a bright identity.

"May I ask what you want to contact me through Kong Kong?"

"Well, it's like this, Miss Natasha...Let's put it bluntly, we belong to the Valkyrie team of Destiny."

Still don't play charades.

Valkyrie squad?Then why are there boys?

Raven knew the destiny, and as a member of the inner world, Raven didn't have any bad feeling or good opinion of destiny, so he held his temper and planned to listen to what this boy had to say.

"I brought my team to Changkong City to clear the Honkai Beast, and unexpectedly met the children in Kong and Nest"

Turned on the hands-free communication, so that Kong could hear the raven's voice, Li Qingge touched Kong's little head, and then continued.

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