The warmth of the sun makes the blood flow happily in the body, and the surface of the clothes is covered with a psychedelic light.

It’s just that Thor didn’t feel warm. He lay on the floor with obstructions, mounted a sniper rifle, stared at the limbs of the silver-gray-haired little girl through the scope, bent his fingers, and lightly pulled the trigger. Feel wet and waxy.

"Nata, this isn't like you."

Sighing softly, Thor lay on his stomach, motionless.

His younger sister seemed to have had a dispute with the little girl, and to his surprise, it was Raven who struck first.

Although he was a little surprised that the little girl blocked the attack, what surprised Thor even more was his sister's impulsiveness.

The word impulsive is absolutely not allowed to appear on mercenaries like them who are licking blood with their knives.

Absolute calmness, strategy, and force are what make them stand out in the mercenary industry.

Having said that, humans are not machines and cannot be driven by reason at all times.

Thor knew that the raven would also be impulsive, provided that the other party touched the safety and interests of the "nest".

But Kan Kong looked anxious to persuade the fight, and the other party didn't seem to have shot at the children.

So why?

The breeze blows the long hair on Thor's forehead. He moves the scope and sees the raven with a little excitement taking out the crystal necklace that has been hidden on his body.

Two resonant silver flashes lit up at the same time, reflecting into Thor's pupils.

"Could it be?!"

With a guess in mind, he continued to move the scope and looked at another flashing place.

It was the left wrist of the little girl with silver-gray hair, and a shining silver crystal was very charming.

You can't go wrong, that's what it looks like! !

Thor suddenly felt a little hot all over his body, his heart beat faster, and it seemed that he could clearly hear the sound of thumping.

He knew that since the disaster when he was a child, he was able to survive and not be separated from his sister because of the mysterious crystal that suddenly appeared on them.

Without this crystal, he would die lifelessly just like thousands of ordinary people in disasters.

Because of it, Thor became special.

For more than ten years, while trying their best to survive, their brother and sister have been looking for benefactors who will leave the crystal to them and leave a glimmer of life.

However, they didn't have any clues except that Raven saw a figure from behind in a daze.

The grace of saving lives, and more than once... Finding a benefactor has become the belief of their brothers and sisters.

Now, suddenly, there was a clue.

That identical crystal means that the other party is also as lucky as them. Let's make a bolder guess, this little girl knows that person!

There were more beads of sweat in the palms of his hands, and Thor helped the earphones, feeling anxious in his heart.

Quick, ask her, my sister who strives for success!

Opportunities and clues are at hand!


Thor heard the speech of his sister and the little girl named Bronya.

It's just... Sister, can you speak more clearly between you two, don't say half a sentence like that.

No Riddler, brother, I am in a hurry.


Being discovered, Thor held his breath subconsciously, and rolled behind the bunker with the sniper rifle in his arms.

Although it was just a line of sight, Thor was sure that the other party had spotted him, and might even have judged his location.

Don't question it, it's just his experience and intuition as a sniper. At that moment, he felt like he was locked in. If he didn't move away, his life might be in danger.

Taking a breath, Thor found some cold sweat on his back.

He adjusted the earphone, listened to the sound coming from it, and confirmed his intuition.

Sure enough, it was discovered. It's amazing. Such a young child has such experience and skills.

The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead...

Taking a long breath, Thor was about to move his position, but the sudden voice beside him made his hairs stand on end.

"Seeing you sweat so much, would you like some ice cream?"

when? !

His body tensed and his muscles exerted strength. Subconsciously, Thor pulled out the dagger tied between his legs, held it with his backhand, and stabbed towards his side.

nourish - nourish -



Looking at the silver-haired boy who was holding the blade and turning his dagger into pools of molten iron dripping onto the ground, and hearing the tingling sound, Thor took the initiative to release the handle of the knife, raised his hands, and signaled Surrender yourself.

His eyes were full of helplessness.

Just kidding, in the face of a strong man who can touch his side quietly, hold a white knife in his hand, has outstanding strength, and has a special ability like "heating metal", he is just an ordinary person, how could he win.

Moreover, if the perception is not wrong, it seems that the other party is not hostile, otherwise he would have assassinated him silently.

Alas, are young people nowadays monsters?One or two.

"You are quite interesting."

Seeing the blond man who gave up resistance, Li Qingge who had just returned from buying ice cream for the children in the "nest" chuckled lightly.

He looked at the man, and found that the face seemed a little familiar... The blond hair, who was very close to the raven, seemed to be just an ordinary person, and there was nothing Honkai could fluctuate.

After thinking for a while, Li Qingge understood.

"It's you, still alive."


Thor looked calm, but his heart was full of question marks, what does it mean to be alive?

When did you die?

However, the other party seems to know him, is he also a mercenary?

Is it an ex-rival?

Seeing the other party's healthy appearance, Li Qingge felt a little emotional.

It was just a whim at the beginning, and I didn't hold out much hope.

Unexpectedly, Raven's brother survived and was not separated from her.

Although Raven seems to still join the World Snake and become a mercenary.

"Okay, don't think too much, this is for you."

Asking the other party to put down his hand, Li Qingge took out an ice cream from the big bag in his hand and stuffed it into the other party's hand.


Although Thor was a little puzzled, he still took it, but he didn't take it apart to eat.

"You don't have to thank me for that."

Li Qingge shook his head, stretched out his hand and hooked his fingers, and under Thor's slightly surprised gaze, the silver-white crystal he was carrying with him flew into the opponent's hand out of thin air.

"Wait a minute, this can't be..."

Thor didn't finish his words, because in his suddenly wide-open eyes, the silver-white crystals shone brightly, and the dim and broken crystals recovered instantly.

"It seems that you have experienced many crises. This crystal is about to shatter...Okay, it will be repaired in this way, here."

Thor took it in a daze, his eyes were a little dull, he looked at the smiling young man in front of him, his mouth was slightly open, in disbelief.

"You... don't you..."

That's right, that's it.

"Are you the son of that man?!"

That's right... a ghost!

Chapter 33: Hahahaha!

"Are you asking me? Asking me to tell you the answer?"

The sun was just right, and there was a warm and comfortable feeling when it shone on the body, but for some reason, listening to Bronya's plain and unique voice, Raven suddenly felt a chill.

It was not cold in the actual sense, but a feeling of being targeted and locked in by some invisible thing, and this kind of thing, Raven was very familiar with, was murderous.

It is something that people who have really killed people will keep on their bodies.


The girl in front of him was his own kind.

After confirming, Raven's excited mood was suppressed by the cold murderous aura, her pupils were slightly condensed, as deep as red wine, and she stared at the other party.

"But you don't have the attitude of asking."

Without letting go of the palm holding the raven, a tall half-body robot emerged behind Bronya, protecting her in a half-hugging posture.

The shield in the right hand blocked possible peeps and attacks, and the beam weapon in the left hand aimed at Raven's head.

The swarthy muzzle brought a breath of death.

"what do you mean."

"26.3° to the west by north, 1.6 kilometers in a straight line, and 23.6 meters in height, plus the tiny earphone hidden in your left ear... Do I need to say anything else?"


The sound in the earphones stopped abruptly, and in the last words, my brother seemed to have been attacked.

It seems that the other party is well prepared.

...Finally, is it still here?

The light in Raven's eyes flickered, and the snake-like pupils were icy cold, and they were hidden again.

No... Let's look at the attitude of the other party.

"Wait a minute, sister Bronya, teacher, didn't you say it was a misunderstanding?!"

The slightly calm atmosphere became tense again, and Sora wanted to approach the two of them with some fear and pull them away, but was yelled at by the raven's voice.

"Kong, stay away, don't come over!"

Bronya also followed up.

"Take the children back."

Not only Kong, but also many more children. They watched the conflict with their own eyes and wanted to say something, but they were affected by the atmosphere and couldn't say anything. They could only look at them anxiously.

Kong was taken aback by the raven's scolding, and her body shook a bit, but she didn't obey, and opened her arms in the middle of the two on the small runway, with Mark Rabbit following her like a shadow.

"No, just clarify if there is any misunderstanding. I believe that neither the teacher nor Sister Bronya is a bad person."

"...It's not a matter of bad people or bad people."

Looking at Kong's firm eyes, Bronya's eyes softened slightly, and her voice softened.

"Bronya is not used to entrusting her safety to others."

"This is my fault."

Raven already knew that Bronya had found her brother, and if possible, she didn't want to conflict with the little girl in front of her.

It's not that I'm worried that I won't be able to beat her, but I'm worried that "Destiny" has already set their sights on Xiaokong and the others.

Moreover, more things are worse than less things.

At least we have to find out the information... The young man in the communication seems to be the leader.

"You know, when strangers, especially a group of strangers, show up on their property, it's a fool to do nothing."

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