As long as the connection between them is severed, Hei Jilin will be completely free.

"Do not."

Li Qingge shook his head, rejecting Hei Jilin's request.

"My partner has been fighting with me...I want to use her power to end all of this."

Hei Jilin didn't understand what Li Qingge meant, but it didn't matter, she believed him.

Li Qingge closed his eyes, raised his hands above his head, and held them empty.

He was searching, searching for the calling that had been communicated.

Between the empty hands, something is condensing.

"I hear... thank you..."

"Crimson Jade Ball!"

The slender blade emerged little by little, and the hilt fell into the hand where it was held.

Li Qingge opened his eyes, a hazy mist of blood enveloped his eyes, like ghosts and gods.

The mask transformed by Yu Duchen dissipated and turned back into its original form, merging into the long knife held by Li Qingge.

The scarlet light spread, blocking the surging black mist, and the long blade pierced Chi You's skin as if piercing through the sky and the earth.


get away!Chi You's first reaction was to run away, and it turned around, wanting to run away.

But he found powerlessly that he had nowhere to escape.

Then, there is only despair!

"Ksitigarbha Yuhun——The Yuhun Manifestation!!"

Li Qingge swung his long knife...

The world is divided into two.

Chapter 97: At the end of the epilogue, Li Qingge is in a coma.

The world fell into darkness, and all the frames were cut off and damaged. Li Qingge came to this space again, just like he hadn't entered the fantasy world at the beginning.

It's just that it's different at the beginning, this time, there are no feathers to guide him.

Instead, there were light spots falling like heavy snow, bringing light to Li Qingge.

Standing by Li Qingge's side, Hei Jilin stretched out his hand, and the light spot fell into her hand, then melted away.

The two of them are like actors in a stage play, the huge stage leaves the best light to them.

Of course, this time, Hei Jilin was wearing clothes.

"It's over..."

The Ksitigarbha Yuhun slowly dissipated in his hands, Li Qingge sighed softly, and an indescribable sense of exhaustion surged up.

Think about it carefully, this is not a long journey, but it is so exciting.

Hei Jilin, Herrscher of the Sky, Chi less than a day, they have encountered so many enemies.

Fortunately...he won them all.

"Yes, it's over."

The other two beams of light approached, and Cang Xuan took small steps, with a smile on his lips.

With a smile on his face, Dan Zhu walked to Li Qingge's side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Chi You is eliminated, then my sister and I will live in your body from now on, please take care of us in the future."

What Dan Zhu said was a bit weird, but Li Qingge nodded and said softly.

"Take care of you."

Staring at the familiar face with blue eyes, Cang Xuan sighed softly, then stretched out his hand.

"You haven't responded to me yet."

Hei Jilin was taken aback for a moment, and then understood what Cang Xuan was talking about.

It's just that she is still a little hesitant, hesitating about her position.

"Don't hesitate..."

Li Qingge grabbed Hei Jilin's hand, but this time, he felt like an electric shock.

Looking at Hei Jilin in surprise, in Li Qingge's eyes, Hei Jilin's scarlet pupils turned golden, and his expression softened, just like the real Ji Lin.

The next moment, the red soul steel ball in Li Qingge's arms flickered, then flew out spontaneously, suspended in mid-air.

Two beams of light flew out from Hei Jilin's body and from the bead respectively, and turned into the appearance of a human with eyes closed tightly, and that appearance...

"Ji Lin, Lianshan!?"

Dan Zhu's voice was filled with joy and surprise, and the two figures also opened their eyes.

"Cangxuan...Danzhu...and the young warriors, you have succeeded."

Ji Lin's eyes were confused for a moment, and then became clear. With a gentle smile on his face, he looked at Cang Xuan and said softly.

Then, her gaze turned to Lian Shan, and she could no longer turn her gaze.

Her eye sockets were reddish, she stretched out her hand, and gently touched the face that haunted her dreams.

"It's been a long time, and finally, I see you again!"

Her voice trembled, and her voice was full of longing.

Lian Shan's eyes were confused, and his soul was broken by the long time. He is not a soldier, but he is very fragile.

But the moment Ji Lin's palm touched his cheek, he recalled... the emotion that cannot be erased even if the soul dissipates.

"Ji that you?"

The generous palm grasped Ji Lin's hand on his face. The familiar touch and softness made Lianshan unbelievable.

"Of course it is me."

Two lines of tears fell from his face, it was not sadness, but unspeakable joy.

"I'm not dreaming..."

Lian Shan's hands trembled slightly, he was really afraid, really afraid that this was just a dreamlike bubble.

"Idiot." Ji Lin smiled through tears, opened her arms, and threw herself into Lian Shan's arms, holding Lian Shan's waist tightly with both hands.

"This is not a dream."

"It's true..." Feeling the strength of Ji Lin encircling him, Lian Shan couldn't bear it anymore. He stretched out his hand, hugged Ji Lin vigorously, buried his head in her neck, and greedily sniffed the good-smelling scent. Fragrant.

"This is real."

It was a long hug, but no one bothered.

After a long time, they hugged each other, raised their heads, looked tenderly at each other's eyes, and pressed their lips tightly together.

They kissed heartily, as if trying to integrate each other into their bodies.

Nothing can stop them, even the vicissitudes of life, the distance of the sky, the heat death of the universe...

No one speaks, at this moment, the world belongs to them.

Li Qingge stared at them with a hint of blessing and envy in his eyes.

There is no need to be shy, because loving someone is not something to be ashamed of.

I don't know how long it took until the lips parted, red and swollen, and the sound of panting sounded. Just when the two couldn't help themselves and wanted to do it again, Cang Xuan's cough woke them up.

"Hey, you two, it's okay."

Being single for a long time and still eating such a large amount of dog food, even Cang Xuan would complain.

Hearing this, Ji Lin and Lian Shan's hugging bodies separated, blushes and embarrassed smiles appeared on their faces at the same time, and their hands were still tightly held together.

I almost forgot, there are still people here...

"Tsk tsk tsk, you forget about sisters when you have a man, Ji Lin, you..."

Dan Zhu ran to Ji Lin's side and teased him, making Ji Lin bow his head in embarrassment and didn't speak.

"There's also Lianshan, who doesn't even look at us. He only has Ji Lin in his eyes. After all, we are friends!"

Lian Shan didn't answer, but scratched his head in embarrassment, with a simple and honest look.

The two sisters joined hands together, teased the young couple a few words, and then their expressions became gentle.

"Anyway, long time no see. Also, welcome back, Ji Lin... Lianshan."

"Well...we're back."

Holding Ji Lin's hand, Lian Shan nodded heavily.

Then, his gaze turned to Li Qingge.

"Thank you very much, Qing Ge, can I call you that?"

"Okay, but I didn't do anything."

"No." Lian Shan shook his head, with a gentle smile on his face, he and Ji Lin were indeed very husband and wife, in terms of the smile.

"If you hadn't found the bead in which my remnant soul resides, I would not have been able to enter this world, nor would I have been able to meet Ah Lin again."

"Also, if you weren't carrying my soul, I wouldn't be able to manifest like this."

"Not to mention, you killed Chi You, which is equivalent to avenging my wife and protecting the land of Shenzhou for her."

"So, in terms of emotion and reason, I should thank you."

After speaking, Lian Shan bent down, and he solemnly bowed to Li Qingge.

Ji Lin also, like her husband, bowed to Li Qingge.

Li Qingge didn't dodge, but he was a little embarrassed. This was the first time he was thanked so seriously.

"Then, thank you, I'll accept it. In the future, don't be so solemn."

Hearing this, Lian Shan and his wife straightened up and smiled.

There was a wet feeling in the palm of his hand, and Li Qingge remembered that she was holding Hei Jilin's hand, but did not let go.

However, when he wanted to let go, Hei Jilin's hand held his hand tightly.

Li Qingge looked at Hei Jilin, her face was expressionless, but her nervousness was palpable.

Ji Lin cast his gaze over, to Hei Jilin. Although it was such a gentle smile, Hei Jilin still became nervous involuntarily.

Li Qingge squeezed Hei Jilin's little hand, but did not let go. He was using his actions to signal her not to be nervous.

Ji Lin's eyes glanced at the hands held by Hei Jilin and Li Qingge, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious.

"You...don't hate me?"

Hei Jilin spoke first, and she looked at Ji Lin's golden eyes with a complicated expression.

"Why hate?"

Ji Lin asked back.

"I have the same face as you, but I'm a monster. I stole your Xuanyuan Sword, and now I want to snatch your friend... Don't you hate me?"

Ji Lin shook his head, and said softly: "Cangxuan and the others regard you as a friend, and they are also my friend, why would you take it away..."

"Xuanyuan Sword is just a weapon and a shackle to me. If you take her away, I will feel relieved..."

"And now, I don't want to be a fighter, I just want to be a good wife."

Ji Lin looked at Lian Shan's face tenderly, who responded with a warm smile.

"As for your you mind being my sister?"


Hei Jilin didn't react and was stunned for a moment.

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