Dai Haoren muttered in his heart, the more he thought about it, the more impatient he became.

"It's best to disperse naturally."

"If you let me know that someone is playing tricks..."

"Then it's best not to let me find out! Otherwise, let's see how I deal with you!"

For the time being, Dai Haoren can only think about it this way.

"What about the 'Tsing Yi Building'?"

"What's the news over there?"

As expected, Xiong Batian should be in the "Tsing Yi Building"!

However, Liu Huohuo still did not bring him good news, "The person sent to the 'Tsing Yi Building' to investigate has not been heard from. Most likely... died."

Dai Haoren said: "Dead? If you die, you die."

After all, "Tsing Yi Building" is the most famous assassination organization in "Thirteen States of Eastern God"...

If you want to infiltrate to find out information, you will know that it is very difficult if you think about it.

Although Dai Haoren was very disappointed with this result, he was not surprised at all.

"Alright, alright."

"go Go."

With a wave of his hand, Dai Haoren drove Liu Huohuo out.

Dai Haoren came to the balcony, looked down at the vast sea and sky, and stretched.

"God, you cut me, right?"

"Then let's wait and see who cuts whom!"



Do I need to say more?

The "Seven Witches" of the "Seven Demons" were dispatched to various places in the "Thirteen States of the Eastern Gods" to preach the "Seven Demons Teachings" to the original "Seven Gods" believers...

This is just great!

In half a month, the original followers of the "Seven Gods Sect" went crazy, or almost went crazy.

Faith collapsed, and they lost their last spiritual sanctuary.

Then the "Seven Witches" cruelly tore away their fantasies, and put the cruel and true reality in front of them, almost pointing at their noses and telling them: "Where is there any pure land of bliss in this world? This Everyone in the world is unequal! There is oppression everywhere in this world! You live in this world to suffer and suffer! Our "Seven Devils" is an evil sect! You have been deceived by us! We It is to create a miserable world where everyone is unequal and oppression is everywhere!"

With the brains and spiritual will of those "Seven Gods" believers, how could they stand such words?

Especially these words came from the mouth of the original "Seven Holy Maidens"!

There are not a few people who go crazy on the spot.

This is just great.

Chaos, starting from the "Seven Gods Believers", spread to the surroundings at an incredible speed...

Originally because of the "Wuji Sect incident", the mortal world had already stepped into the quagmire of chaos.

Some countries and forces in the mortal world, because they lacked the protection from the cultivation world, began to scramble and attack each other, and the fighting was quite lively.

Now, following the "self-detonation" of the "Seven Demon Cult", the originally peaceful "Seven God Cultists" suddenly turned black and demonized, and the consequences...that would be terrifying!

A person who is full of expectations and hopes for life because of his faith, at the moment when his faith completely collapses, the destructive power that erupts is very terrifying!

Because the "Seven Devils" preached that "everyone is not equal, and there is oppression everywhere"...

So what would those original "Seven Gods" do?

Dai Haoren has already told them through the mouth of the "Seven Witches" - in fact, even if they don't tell them, they can still think - since everyone is not equal, then I have to be a higher-level person, since there is oppression everywhere, then I Don't be the oppressed!

With such an idea in mind, the "Seven Devils" went to plunder, scramble, enslave, and... Anyway, they used all abnormal means to get everything they wanted!

War chaos, plus chaos, equal to what?

It is equal to the endless purgatory!

In less than a month, "East God Thirteen States" looked like the end of the world!

The "Seven Devils" has also become the "number one villain" without any suspense, the public enemy of the world!

The chaos in the mortal world soon spread and affected the "practice world".

Also in the "Thirteen States of Eastern God", the ordinary world is in chaos like the end of the world, and the "practice world" still wants to transcend the world?


Ninety percent of what people in the "practice world" eat, wear, and use are produced by ordinary people in the "ordinary world"!

How can a "practice" be engaged in productive activities when he is high above the ground?Even if there are very few, it is not worth mentioning.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the "ordinary world" is in such a state of chaos, those high-ranking practitioners don't even have toilet paper to wipe their butts!


Practitioners need to use toilet paper to wipe their ass after shitting?

Well, well, you can use silk, or you can use spells directly.


What about expanding the scope?

To expand the scope to the entire group of "practicers", you will know when you think about it, it is still the most convenient and cost-effective to use toilet paper!

It can be said that once the "ordinary world" is in chaos, the foundation of the "practice world" will be dug up.

Even eating, dressing, etc. have become problems. How can a "practice" have the mind to practice?Could it be that the foundation has been dug?

The foundation has been dug up, so it's no wonder that the "practice world" is not chaotic!

So ever.

The sects, forces, and organizations in the "Thirteen States of the Eastern Gods" took action one after another, fighting "killing evil spirits, clearing the universe; destroying evil religions, promoting the righteous way", and a frontal battle broke out with the "Seven Demon Sects"!

Dai Haoren, the "villain boss", was waiting for this moment...

With a wave of his big hand, the already hungry and thirsty "ancient villain" rushed to the "Thirteen Eastern Divine Regions" and began their performance.

These guys have been imprisoned in the "Black Tower Prison" for so long, and their strength has been reduced to dogs.

But even so, it is still a top powerhouse.

The destructive power of these "violent dogs" can be imagined...

All the sects, forces, and organizations in the "Thirteen Eastern God States" were beaten up one by one—needless to say!

Chapter 961 Demon Slayer Alliance?interesting!

Speaking of...

Is the "Cultivation World" of "Eastern God Thirteen States" so hip?

of course not!

But, don't forget Dai Haoren's operation before - the chaos of the Promise Sect!

In that turmoil, in order to compete for the so-called "Daughter of the Dao of Heaven", the "Thirteen States of the Eastern Gods" were all strong, and even many people who had retired a long time ago and didn't care about world affairs were blown out.

The results of it?

Nothing else to say.

The suzerain of the "Five Great Sects" died completely—oh, the death of the "Suzerain of the Wuji Sect" is also a secret, and everyone still doesn't know about it.

A "Crazy Battle of the Promise Sect" caused all the top powerhouses in the "Thirteen Eastern God States" to be killed or injured.

Most of the top powerhouses are dead, so what's the use of the rest?

of course!

It's not that the top powerhouses in the "Thirteen States of Eastern God" died.

There must be some who were not tempted by the "Daughter of Heaven", or who did not participate in the "Promise Sect Chaos" due to other reasons...

But so what?

They don't show up, they don't intervene, and if they exist, they don't exist.

Let's talk about when they show up...

Extremely want to change!

The "righteous person" who was screamed by the "Seven Devils" - now anyone who fights with the "Seven Devils", it is not an exaggeration to say that they can be said to be "righteous people"-after being tortured by blood , brainstorming, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, from dispersal to unity.

How else can we say that more people are more powerful?

Compared with the huge group of "practitioners" in the entire "Eastern God Thirteen States", the "Seven Devils" are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers!

Although the "Seven Devils" has an advantage in terms of "high-end combat power", the number of "high-end combat power" is too small, and it doesn't really play a big role in strategy-it can't be done here over there?In this way, if you are not killed by "righteous people", you can die from exhaustion!

This is not a contest for one city and one place.

It is an overall confrontation on the big "chessboard" of "Thirteen States of Eastern God"!

At this level, a certain person, or a certain group of people, does not really play a big role.

Not to mention others, even someone like Dai Haoren can play a very limited role—unless he is a god!

It is precisely because he is aware of this that Dai Haoren has spent a lot of time trying to figure out the current situation.

Now, it can be said that "Seven Devils" and "Practice the Righteous Way" have their own advantages and disadvantages!

As a result, the two sides gradually formed a stalemate and mutual consumption.

In terms of grand strategy, no one has taken advantage of it.

In this case, the "righteous people" are getting more and more together!

First, everyone in the state hugged together.

Then there is a grouping between the state and other states.

In the end, all the "Thirteen States of the Eastern Gods" will form a group...

Time, day by day, month by month in chaos and war.

When the "Thirteen States of Eastern God" began to unite.

Time, two years have passed...

The front line is fighting day and night.

In the rear, Dai Haoren was not idle in the "Seven Demon Island".

Of course he also lived a carefree life...

But practice and become stronger, but never fall behind for a moment.

Relying on the "Holy Spirit root", Dai Haoren opened up his mind, gathered the strengths of a hundred schools of thought, integrated the exercises of the "Seven Gods" and "Demon Race", and mixed the heavenly essence and earth essence of the "Original God Realm", " With the power of the bloodline of the Beast Yang Realm, he created a set of unrivaled magic skills——"Chaos Grimoire"!

Well, although the name is a little tacky, but it really suits the current environment!

The devouring of heaven and earth spiritual power by the "Holy Spirit Root" is abnormal!

But at present, the world is in chaos, and even the spiritual power seems to be polluted, tainted with strong chaos factors.

Dai Haoren unceremoniously swallowed the "chaotic spiritual power" permeating the world into his body, and took it as his own!

A year of self-created magic.

A year of crazy practice to become stronger.

Dai Haoren didn't stop until he reached the bottleneck and his strength level could not be improved...

He reckoned that he was suppressed by the "Day of Heaven" again, so there was no way to become stronger—well, anyway, if he was unhappy, he could just throw the "pot" to the "Day of Heaven"!

After all, "It's not me who is wrong, but the world"!

Since there is no way to become stronger through normal cultivation, Dai Haoren will continue to be corrupt and free.

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