Then they all burst into curses.


"damn it!"

"How could they do that!"

"Is the 'Seven Devils' really going to destroy the whole world?!"

"We must stop them!"

"Leader, is your news reliable?"

Regarding other people's doubts—well, this "other person" is Jian Shentian, Bai Zhan Ying said: "Reliable! This information was passed on by a person next to the 'Devil Lord' who I spent a lot of effort to instigate rebellion. Her existence has always been a top secret. And it is certain that she has not been exposed. She has a national enmity with the 'Devil Lord', and this person is also worthy of trust. So the information she passed back is credible!"

Immediately, someone shouted: "Then what else is there to say! Take action immediately, and stop the 'Devil Lord' no matter what!"

Stop it, absolutely stop it.

Things are tough enough right now...

To put it bluntly, the "Destroying Demon League" is far from being able to use all its strength in one place, so even though "the advantage is with me", they really fought very hard.

Once the "demons" join in, it will make the situation even worse and add fuel to the fire!

The question is, who will stop it!

This time, the "Evil Monarch" of the "Seven Devils" is very likely to act in person.

Going to the "Crazy Demon Field" means that it is very possible to face the "Devil Lord" in person!

Everyone said: I have no confidence...

I don't even want to die!

For a moment, everyone looked at me and I looked at you.

Leng Qingqiu said: "I'll go...'The Promise Sect' and the 'Magic Sealing Field' can be regarded as having some connections."

Jian Shentian also said: "Let me go! What I did before... I didn't do it well. This time, I will make up for it. What's more, it was to save my son before, so I couldn't fight the 'Devil Lord' Life and death. If there is a chance this time, this old man will compete with him. If he can be killed... even if he cannot be killed, he will be hurt!"

Jian Shentian's reason is not very reasonable, but it is completely reasonable.

Immediately, Jian Shentian looked at the crowd again, and said, "Is there anyone willing to go with me?" After finishing speaking, he added, "Sect Master Leng, please don't go. We need a powerful person to sit here. Besides Leng There is no more suitable suzerain."

Leng Qingqiu: "..."

Leng Qingqiu can't go.

It will be bad if she goes!

Jian Shentian looked at the others...

Anyone who was seen by Jian Shentian unconsciously avoided his sight.

Sword God Tian secretly disdained, and said in his heart: "A bunch of cowards!"

Said it was funny.

In fact, he didn't want them to go with him at all...

Even if someone proposes to go with him, he has prepared a good reason for them not to go - his ultimate goal is to be Bai Zhan Ying!

It's just that when he saw that no one offered to go with him, he still felt very disdainful.

"In that case..."

Before Jian Shentian could speak, Bai Zhanying spoke, and said, "Master Jianzhuang, let me go with you."

Jian Shentian immediately said: "No! Absolutely not!"—but he was laughing in his heart, ha, what I was waiting for was your words!

He had counted Bai Zhanying to death, and he believed that she would definitely offer to go with him.

When the others heard it, they also stopped it.

After all, Bai Zhan Ying is the "Leader", and she cannot do without her in command here!

Bai Zhan Ying has already made up her mind, she shook her head, and said: "This matter is about the life and death of the 'Destroying Demon League', and it is even more about the entire 'Eastern God Thirteen States'. As the 'Leader', I have a duty to do so! This time the mysterious 'Devil Lord' will also go. I can also take this opportunity to meet him well. Find out who he is, and ask him what he wants to do!"

Seeing that she was so resolute in what she said, everyone stopped persuading her.

So, the matter is so finalized!

Without further ado, on the second day, Bai Zhanying took the "Wufang Shenling" and went straight to the "Sealing Demon Field" with Jian Shentian...

Chapter 1004 The Demon King is here, and he still doesn't kneel down...

"What the hell are you messing with this time?"

"I also specially gave me a 'five-party god order' that can only be used once."

"Can you tell me now?"

After tea.

Two pairs of shoes in front of the bed...

Good work!

Only then did Leng Qingqiu ask about something serious - what she thought was something serious, but Dai Haoren thought it was nothingness.

Dai Haoren said with a smile: "What is a 'whole moth', I am helping you create the perfect conditions, okay?"

Leng Qingqiu snorted and said, "Come on less! I don't know you yet? Be honest!"

Dai Haoren said: "Okay, okay, I'll be honest. Speaking of that day..."

He told the story of his conspiracy with Jian Shentian in this way, in this way.

After finishing speaking, Dai Haoren gave a proud "hehe" smile.

"That idiot of Sword God Heaven!"

"He actually thought I would help him."

"What a pig brain!"

Of course Jian Shentian is not a pig brain...

He was just clever but was mistaken by cleverness.

He judges others by himself, thinking that Dai Haoren's goal is also to rule the "Thirteen States of Eastern God".

Starting from this purpose, in fact, Jian Shentian's actions are very clever and bold, and they are doing great things!

But if he knew Dai Haoren's real purpose, then he would definitely not be fooled.

And his "smart and bold" also seemed extraordinarily stupid and arrogant.

Leng Qingqiu said: "I understand. You want to trap Jian Shentian and Bai Zhanying in the 'Magic Sealing Field', right?"

Dai Haoren said with a smile: "In this way, the dragons and dragons of the 'Destroying Demon League' will have no leader, and then it will be your stage to perform. Don't worry, according to my 'script', I will definitely be able to help you get the 'Promise Bottle'!"

Leng Qingqiu pouted.

It's just a matter of helping yourself...

"The strength of both sides should have reached a balance now, right?"

Leng Qingqiu has no sense of belonging to the "Eastern God Thirteen States".

So no matter what Dai Haoren does, she has nothing to do.

Dai Haoren said: "It's hard to say... it should be almost there. But... there are still some unknowns. For example, the 'Pill Immortal' of our 'Wu Ji Sect'. And that kid Qin Feng... I don't know where he has slipped recently I'm afraid that these people will come out to disrupt the situation at the most critical moment. That would be embarrassing."

Leng Qingqiu said: "I can't help you with these things. According to what you said, do your best and obey the destiny!"

After she finished speaking, she changed the topic and said, "When will you arrange for me to meet the fourth child?"

Dai Haoren said: "What's the hurry. She's here to eat and drink. She's a 'dead' now. She can't show her face for the time being."

Although the bosses of "Tsing Yi Building" were all beaten to death by him...

But the whereabouts of the other two, Yinhuli and Yinmeiqi, are unknown.

At the same time, the intelligence network of "Tsing Yi Building" was completely taken over by them.

Not to mention that Yin Yaojing has no control over "Tsing Yi Building" now, even if she had, she would definitely not help Dai Haoren.

It is still necessary to be careful at this time to avoid unnecessary complications.

Dai Haoren dared not make the mistake of "underestimating the enemy".

Leng Qingqiu said: "I can tell you that your daughter's condition is not right recently. Maybe she already knew something happened to the fourth child. If I don't tell her that her mother is still alive, I can't guarantee that she will do something. .”

Dai Haoren thought for a while, and said: "Let's not tell her yet... With her strength, she can't make any waves. Besides... I think she should be able to play a role."

Leng Qingqiu said: "You even use your own daughter?"

Dai Haoren said: "Tsk! What do you mean 'even use your own daughter'? Don't say it so harshly!"

Leng Qingqiu said: "It's up to you. Then you are a daughter, not my daughter, you have the final say."

Dai Haoren smiled "hehe" and said, "Why don't you give birth to your daughter too?"

Leng Qingqiu refused without thinking: "I don't want it!"

Dai Haoren said: "Don't you want to experience what it's like to be a mother?"

Leng Qingqiu said: "I don't want to. I'm pretty good alone. I can do whatever I want. Giving more children will be more burdensome. I have seen mothers who love children very much, and mothers who don't love children. No matter which It's not what I want to be."

Dai Haoren could only say: "Okay, okay. You just want to be happy. But I am here to stand by at any time. When you want it, I will immediately plant good seeds for your fertile land."

Leng Qingqiu: "Qi——!!"

After three days...

A bad news reached the headquarters of the "Destroying Demon League": the leader and deputy leader are trapped in the "Demon Sealing Field" and cannot get out! !

As soon as this news came out, it was like a thunderbolt to the "Destroying Demon League", which slammed on everyone's foreheads.

How to do how to do?

Both the leader and the deputy leader are trapped, what should we do now?

Now, Leng Qingqiu, the "deputy leader", had no choice but to stand up and preside over the situation.

"How could you be trapped in the 'Field of Enchantment'? Isn't there a 'Decree of the Five Directions' that allows you to come and go freely?"

"That's right! Sect Master Leng, what's going on?"

"Hurry up and find a way to rescue the Lord Baimeng and the Lord Jianzhuang!"

"Everyone, don't mess up! At this time, we should deal with it calmly."

In the meeting hall, many "elders" were noisy, without stopping for a moment.

Leng Qingqiu sat on the special seat of the "Vice President", without saying a word.

Until an "elder" with enough age and seniority shouted: "Okay! Everyone be quiet! Be quiet! Don't make any noise! ​​Let's listen to the views of the 'Deputy Leader' first!"

Then, everyone's eyes were focused on Leng Qingqiu...

Leng Qingqiu coughed, and said: "Now it seems that we probably fell for it...'Sealing the Demon Field' is clearly a trap set by the enemy! As for why they are still trapped by the leader of the 'Wufang Shenling'... I don't know about that. The top priority now is to stabilize the morale of the army and strengthen defenses to prevent the 'Seven Devils' from sneaking in. At the same time, rescue Baimengzhu and Jianzhuangzhu as soon as possible!"

Naturally no one doubted Leng Qingqiu at this time...

Even so, as the suzerain of the "Wuji Sect", Leng Qingqiu couldn't possibly be with the "Seven Demon Sect", right?

However, what everyone present didn't know was that sometimes things in the world are just so wonderful and so absurd——the majestic "Wuji Sect" suzerain belonged to the "Seven Devils Sect"!

Just when the big guys were discussing how to deal with the current situation...



The sound of laughter seemed to come from the sky, and it seemed to be ringing in the ear.

There seemed to be deafening and frightening laughter echoing throughout the world.

In the base camp of the "Destroying Demon League", everyone with ears was shocked and suspicious.

Whose laughter is this?

The answer was soon presented in front of the world: "This demon king is here, don't kneel down——!!!"

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