She had a premonition that the spying of the apostles on Matilda would never end.

Because apart from Rhine, who has never seen anyone, the only one who has clearly stated that he can go to those foreign places is Matilda, who has received the key from Rhine.

"There are more and more places to worry about."

Sophie put her hand on her chest, hesitated for a moment, then smiled again, and made a sign of the cross on her chest.

"You've done a good job, Sophie Sabery."

"It's also thanks to you, God of Jian Yu Thunder."

"Then how do we get along with that [God of War] in the future? I remember that the relationship between Huowu and Demon is not good enough, they just have a common enemy."

After complimenting each other, the God of Thunder proposed how to get along with Matilda, who became a god, in the future.

"I have a good relationship with Matilda. She is different from other demons. She can definitely be called a great warrior. Even if she becomes a god, she will not forget the fact that she was once a human being."

At least the right to speak in the future world will be qualitatively improved because of Matilda.

This is a very good thing. If life and death can be spared, no one will yearn for war or something...

"I remember that Matilda was called God of War by the guide god, right?"

Sophie repeated her question with a stiff and strange expression.

"The other party's strength on the battlefield has swelled before. In the war, I know very well that the three pillar gods may not be opponents together."

The God of Thunder, Jian Yu knew what Zofie was worried about, so he also bluntly expressed his thoughts. The newly born god in the world is an existence that is better at fighting than the God of Punishment.

The God of Punishment has judgment and conviction, so the God of War must also have powerful powers in combat and war. This is an inevitable fact.

Jianyu God of Thunder is also very worried about whether this God of War will start a war with the Red World in the future. After all, the conflict between the Red World Apostles and humans cannot be explained overnight.

ps: Ask for tickets, ask for recommendations, I am going to throw Matilda into the game life, the general army will give her the Flügel directly, the next stage is the magic spell Kamui Zhong Yaxing, Zizhi, Xingyue Brothers and Sisters, Mibu Sojiro and others appeared on the stage. Batou and Rindou would not appear because of the Bo Xun problem. That world was a parallel world created by Lei Zhe's mutation.

Chapter 46 Witch's Hammer—Anna

"Wonderful, the actor you cultivated, my dear friend, is really a good choice."

Standing in the chaotic void of the outer universe, in the nothingness that the red world and the human world cannot reach, a man with long dark blue hair and a gentle and intellectual oriental face is clapping his hands and praising something.

With a playful smile on his deep blue pupils, he stands here in a black robe that trembles like a tattered shadow.

Seeing the existence of Matilda, the Mercury Snake also had to praise, as an actor, she is really the best candidate.

Lei Zhe, who was wearing a white torn ancient windbreaker beside Shuiyin, touched his chin, watching Matilda in the world who was still consolidating her strength, and had already thought about the candidates that other worlds needed to find.

"Don't just talk about me, what's going on with you, how many suitable existences have you found?"

Asking like this, asking like a friend, he arranged Matilda's future marching route, and Lei Zhe set his sights on the world bubble of Game Life.

Well, the Star Cup and Artosh, the god of war, are very suitable for training Matilda.

After reaching out and grabbing it easily, he placed it on the route that Matilda was bound to go as if he was playing with a good military chess.

"Hmm, my dear friend, there are many interesting existences in the main world, and I'm not being lazy."

The Mercury Snake watched this scene happily and excitedly, just like playing chess. Both he and Lei Zhe were cultivating suitable actors for the opera dedicated to the goddess.

Because it was the first time, without any sense of déjà vu, this feeling of curiosity and anticipation was the best.

"So what kind of posture does Mary need to appear in the script? Let me tell you first, don't raise Mary as a flower in a greenhouse. Although such a flower is beautiful, it is also very fragile."

Lei Zhe glanced at the main plane universe that returned to the multiverse forever, and the era has advanced to a certain point in his memory.

Then there is Mary in the singularity of the dusk beach, and now she is either wandering around singing or eating snacks every day.


The suggestion about Mary stumped the Mercury Snake, and he also had a look of embarrassment on his face.

As Lei Zhe expected, he really wanted to pinch a scabbard for Mary as a guardian to protect her and let her grow up safely.

And Lei Zhe glanced at this guy helplessly, and said directly:

"When we solve Naraku, it's okay to let Mary sit on the throne, but you should have heard the saying that things must be reversed. Too much protection will cause consequences you don't want to see. No matter what kind of love you give Mary Yes, but please don’t give it to her only [Doting].”

What he said was very straightforward. Lei Zhe also did it for Mary's good, and he also had a high affection and protective desire for Mary.

Excessive doting is like the birth of Bo Xun, everything must have a degree and a criterion.

Mary, the Goddess of Twilight on the fifth day of the original book, had discovered Bo Xun long ago, but she did not do anything to expel or crusade. After all, her Tai Chi is the ultimate tolerance, without any concept of expulsion or hostility.

The Bodhisattva's heart is completely in line with Mary's personality, but even a Bodhisattva may not be able to achieve the boundless love of Mary.

"Then in what direction will Mary grow?"

The Mercury Snake asked rhetorically. Anyway, he was a little undecided about Mary. To present an opera to the goddess, the goddess must occupy the leading role.

He actually wanted to give Mary an opera that would allow her to bloom her own colors, but according to Lei Zhe's words, it was okay to protect Mary, but it must not be overdone.

At least in terms of independence, for Mary to have these foundations, the current goddess is just a child.

Although this kind of Mary feels very happy, being a child who will never grow up is equivalent to living forever in a prison of woven scripts and being a princess.

The young Mercury Snake didn't have that perverted possessiveness, and he was thinking of Mary in every way.

"As long as you don't become a greenhouse flower or a princess, you can witness what kind of end Mary will go to. Don't you long for such an unknown?"

Lei Zhe turned his head to look at the Mercury Snake, and the corner of his mouth outlined a happy and expectant arc. He didn't know the love of the moment, and he had never felt the love of destruction. Now Mary's plasticity is very high.

Such words made some Mercury Mosai, who had fallen into an endless loop, suddenly opened up, and a deep and mysterious low laugh appeared on his face again, saying:

"Hmm, in the end, I still don't have a close friend. You can see clearly. What cares is nonsense is the present. We are just watching the drama behind the scenes. Without a sense of expectation on the stage, it is a failure. Even the director is eager for what he wants. Expect the unknown."

Yes, he and Lei Zhe are the directors off the stage, and they are also the audience, even if they are looking forward to the unique moment brought by this stage play.

They already know a lot, even watching this self-directed and self-acted drama does not feel too much novelty, only the end of the process is what they finally want to see.

The expected end point obviously did not meet Mercury's expectations. He and Lei Zhe only needed to be Mary's watchers and watch her grow.

One day, Mary will break away from the weaving thread of the stage and become an existence that can empathize with the two audiences.

Being an eternal princess on the stage of Mercury's eternal calamity is not what Mercury expected.

"We and Tyrant have only one feeling in common, and that is anger." Lei Zhe looked at everything in the main space-time plane, witnessed the world of mortals, and said: "In order to realize the common ideal, let's celebrate the last day of God's wrath Bar."

All tyrants must be born with anger, dissatisfaction with the status quo of the world, and dissatisfaction with themselves.

There must be anger in Tai Chi. The original true self took the commandment of not being angry, and in exchange for the truth that the more angry the later, the stronger.

"Although I am gloomy by nature, I can't shine as brightly as you, but the direction I'm going in is not wrong. There is nothing more gratifying than this."

Standing beside Lei Zhe, the Mercury Snake's agate-like eyes looked at the singularity of the dusk beach. All the heavens in the past dynasties have been filled with burning anger, which is absolutely unmistakable.

Even the Mercury Snake felt angry and desperate about his own corruption and self-punishment. Meeting Lei Zhe made that despair and anger suppressed, but it did not disappear.

He wants to go to the end and pursue new unknowns, not for death, but for the meaning of being alive.

"Have fun, my friend."

The Mercury Snake showed such a fresh and joyful smile.

"Exactly, so that there will be absolutely no second unknown (now)."

Lei Zhe said with a light smile.

Both he and Quicksilver wanted to transcend their primordial constraints.

Whether it is the original self-punishment of the Mercury Serpent, the desire for the unknown but no unknown self-restraint law.

Or Lei Zhe originally pursued perfection but was entangled by his beloved, unable to achieve true perfection, they were all exactly the same.

They're really angry and desperate to get over it.

At this point, they are both the divinity of the snake, and they can feel each other's unique resonance.



Returning to the main universe for eternity, the earth now has the desolation that different Lei Zhe remembered.

Although it is in a world that is decaying and overflowing with known snake venom, the vicissitudes in it cannot be said to be as decayed as the mercury snake.

The process of human history in this era is no different from what Lei Zhe perceives.

Lei Zhe left the parallel world where Matilda was, and now, like a father with a child, he is walking in a certain mountain in Germany holding the hand of Tohka who is eating a rainbow lollipop.

The color contained in Xiao Shixiang's innocent and pure amethyst night eyes is very incompatible with the dissatisfaction, terror, hunger, fatigue, etc. in the eyes of people in this era.

In the pupils of incredible colors, the complex colors of her father taking her to tour the world are reflected.

Curiosity and ignorance, these are the emotions that have been emerging in this child's heart for a long time.

Traveling with her father, the eyes of those adults who are different from her are always full of complicated and contradictory emotions that have a natural gap with her.

During the trip, the adults looked at her with complicated eyes. Although the young Tohka had a lot of knowledge in her head, she didn't have much understanding and experience.

This is also related to Tohka's dislike of thinking. Anyway, with his father by his side, he would tell himself what he didn't understand.

"This era really reminds me of Lijiete's era."

Wandering holding Xiao Shixiang's immature little hand, Lei Zhe looked at the simple and mediocre appearance of this era, and also remembered the era when he went against time and went back to the past to save Lijiete.

Although compared to before, the era he is in now is more advanced, but some people have not progressed with the times, but still have the typical dullness and closure of that era.

For example, Lei Zhe smelled decay and stench in the village in front of him that didn't look very good.

"Tohka, are you tired?"

Xiao Shixiang bit the candy stick that she had already eaten, raised her head to look at Lei Zhe with crystal clear eyes, and replied stroking her belly.

"Not tired, but hungry."

Hearing this, Lei Zhe showed a smile looking at a bear child, stroked Xiao Shixiang's soft hair, and scolded with a smile:

"When will I ask you, you are hungry, you little glutton!"

"Hmm..." Shixiang, who was being plucked like a kitten, looked at Lei Zhe with a puzzled expression on his face, and asked, "Dad, what is Taotie?"

Lei Zhe's face became helpless, and he immediately hugged Xiao Shixiang and leaned against his arms, explaining:

"The fierce beast described in the Shan Hai Jing is very greedy and greedy, and it will never be full, and finally ate itself."

Perhaps because Lei Zhe felt a little uncomfortable in Lei Zhe's embrace, Xiao Shixiang moved her body a bit, and then sat her little butt on Lei Zhe's arm, with her other hand on Lei Zhe's neck.

Hearing Lei Zhe explain what gluttony is, Xiao Shixiang realized that her father was trying to kill her, she shrugged her mouth, and said in resistance:

"Tohka is not a stupid glutton. Tohka has stopped biting her fingers, so she won't eat herself."

"Hmph? When you were a toddler, you would often eat your own feet on the bed, and sometimes you would turn over because you couldn't reach them." With a smirk on his face, Lei Zhe walked forward with Shixiang in his arms. , while talking about the dark history of the little guy in his arms.

When Shixiang heard Lei Zhe say bad things about herself, her cheeks swelled up with anger this time, and she couldn't help but look down at her little feet. The elf's memory is still very good, even in childhood.

So there was no way to refute Lei Zhe's words, and he could only sulk all by himself.

"Dad, bad guy!"

"Bad dad doesn't know how to cook for Tohka?"

"...Well! Dad is a good man!"

Whoever feeds your feelings is a good person?This good guy is really cheap, so that you won't be abducted with delicious food in the future, it's better to make your mouth a little trickier in the future.

The topic returned to the village in front of me. According to the information obtained by Lei Zhe, there was a rumor among the villagers that there was a very beautiful girl with pink hair.

Another nasty rumor is that there is a witch who needs to be burned to death.

Nowadays, it is in the period of witch hunting, and it is slandered by rumors as a devil. In this era, it is easy to kill an innocent girl.

A certain person named Anna was born in a very ordinary farm family in this mountain village, but she has a beauty that does not match her status.

She likes her own beauty very much. As a woman, who wouldn't pursue beauty?

Like cute things, longing for gorgeous.

In the village, Anna has a beauty that others do not have, so there are countless women secretly jealous of her.

Men, on the other hand, were greedy for her beauty, and even their own husbands were attracted by Anna's beauty.

A gem that does not match the surrounding environment was born in this dull village, and the existence in the mud loathes her specialness and the unique beauty she possesses.

No one would treat her with sincerity, even if they smiled at her on the surface, all vicious and rancid things were rolling inside.

"Why...why do you do this to me, I... am not a witch."

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