The exam lasts for a total of three days, and the team members have to gather in the designated room at the designated time for discussion, twice a day, one hour each time, and there is no limit to the content of the discussion.

Regarding the answering part, only from 09:30 to [-]:[-] in the evening after the exam is over, can you send a text message to the school to answer "Who is the preferential treatment?" In addition, each person can only answer the question once at most, and can only answer the questions in their own group. As for The recipient himself has no right to send the answer.

Finally, the school will inform all students of the details of the test results by text message at [-] o'clock in the evening on the last day.

The above are the basic rules. Although there are more subtle matters recorded above, the focus is on the next four destined exam results.

Result [-]: In addition to the preferential treatment in the group and the students belonging to the preferential treatment class, if all the group members answer the answer correctly, the school will pay all the team members individual points (students in the preferential treatment class will each receive the same points) .

Result 50: In addition to the preferential treatment in the group and the students belonging to the preferential treatment class, if any member of the group fails to answer or the answer is incorrect, the school will pay the preferential treatment [-] personal points.

It was clearly agreed that there would be four kinds of results, but the content on the paper ended here.

And just looking at results one and two, this is a meaningless money-giving game, and it doesn't deserve to be called an exam at all.

Bi Qigu was a little puzzled, there was still a lot of blank space at the bottom, it didn't look like it couldn't be written...

"Hey, what exactly is this writing?"

Facing the rules and instructions in the materials, Sudou took the lead in giving up thinking, and Sakura also looked confused.

Panasonic was fine, but he kept frowning and thinking.

Mashima-sensei saw everyone's reaction and was about to continue explaining, but suddenly caught a glimpse of Hikigaya flipping the document to the back.

"Hikigaya, wait a moment." Mashima-sensei immediately stopped him, "I'm going to make an additional explanation now, please wait a little before looking at the back."

"Why? Is there a rule that you can't read it?" Hikigu asked immediately.

"That's not true, it's just for you to understand better, so..."

Bi Qigu interrupted unceremoniously: "Then it's okay, teacher, you continue to say, don't worry about me, anyway, it's my own responsibility if you don't understand."

He didn't deliberately contradict the teacher, but he had fully learned from the past.

That is, you must not follow the school's thinking. Who told this poor school to like to play word games.

I saw the words on the back of the document——

Only the following two results are accepted. Answers are accepted 24 hours a day during the test period. In addition, answers are also accepted during the three to 10 minutes period after the end of the test. However, no matter in which time period, any wrong answer will be punished.

Result 50: If people other than the preferential treatment send the answers to the school in advance without waiting for the end of the exam, and the answers are correct, then the class they belong to will receive [-] class points as a reward, and the school will pay the answerers [-] people Otherwise, [-] class points will be deducted from the class whose status as the privileged person is found out, and the group exam will end after the answer is given. In addition, if the students in the same class as the privileged person answer correctly, the school will regard the answer as invalid and will not grant it. accepted.

Result 50: If someone other than the preferential treatment person sends the answer to the school in advance without waiting for the end of the exam, and the answer is wrong, then the class he belongs to will deduct [-] class points as a punishment, otherwise the preferential treatment person will get [-] individual points At the same time, the class they belong to will also receive [-] class points, and the group exam will end after the answer is given. In addition, if students in the same class as the preferential treatment give wrong answers, the school will consider the answers invalid and will not accept them.

...So that's how it is, that's how it is.

Bi Qigu understood what the main point of the exam was after a quick glance, it was nothing more than hiding and seeing through.

The bully and his classmates are trying to hide themselves, while the rest of the team is trying to find the target.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

"Next, I will explain results one and two in detail."

Mashima-sensei glanced at Hikigaya rather speechlessly, and suddenly understood what kind of mood Chabashira-sensei was complaining to him when he was drunk.

"There is only one point in this exam, and that is the existence of the preferential treatment. The name of the preferential treatment is the answer of the test. For example... Biqigu is selected as the preferential treatment, then the answer of the chicken group is 'Biqigu', after that You only need to share the answers with all the team members, and then after 09:30 p.m. on the last third day of the exam, all the team members will send the answers to the school between 50:100 and [-]:[-] p.m. Then the final result will be result one, all team members They will receive [-] individual points as a reward, and as an additional reward for leading the group to the first result, the school will pay [-] individual points to the recipient himself."

"One, one million?!"

Hearing such a big reward, Sudou couldn't help but screamed.

Even Sakura showed a slightly interested look, as for Matsushita, it was okay, after all, she just received 20 as a reward.

However, as long as there is a chance, everyone wants to get this reward.

"Then comes the second result... I still take Bi Qigu as an example of the preferential treatment. He didn't tell anyone about it, or induced everyone to choose a fake preferential treatment. He didn't see his true identity until the end of the exam. Then it's like As stated in the information, only he will be issued 50 personal points."

"Uh..." I don't know if it was an illusion, but Hikigu always felt like he was being targeted.

...Forget it, it doesn't matter.

So far, what Mashima-sensei has said has been nonsense, and it can be said that it is completely worthless to listen to.

But then finally came the point.

"Before explaining results three and four, let me ask a question...have you ever played a werewolf game?"

"Well, I played it a while ago."

While Matsushita was answering, for some reason, he suddenly and cautiously glanced in the direction of Hikigaya.

Huh?This guy must have misunderstood something, right?

Indeed, the werewolf game is a game that requires many friends to play, although it is also possible between strangers, but that is limited to social bullshit.

Based on this alone, Panasonic's concerns may be right.

After all, Bi Qigu looked like he had no chance for this kind of game.

Unfortunately, he really did play.

This is neither bragging nor lying. Biqigu was invited to participate as early as the fifth grade of elementary school. It seemed that it was popular at that time, and almost everyone in the class was playing.

Although those guys who can't afford to lose will soon stop taking him...

Then, Matsushita seemed to be kind enough to elaborate on the situation.

Of course Hikiya didn't think it was meant for him at all, it must be for Sudou or Sakura!

"Well, that's very good, roughly like what you said." Mashima-sensei nodded approvingly, "I just said that there will only be one perpetrator in the group, once the perpetrator's identity is exposed, the result will appear Three or result four, now please check the back of the document."

Except for someone, the remaining three turned over the information at the same time.

As for Biqigu...he finally heard what he wanted to hear.

That's why Mashima-sensei specifically mentioned the werewolf game?

In other words, why are the instructions for this exam so detailed?

To put it bluntly, the information on the materials alone is enough. Even Sudou can understand it after reading it a few times, and it is not held suddenly like the uninhabited island exam. It is reasonable to say that there is enough for the students. thinking time.

This pre-examination explanation is not necessary at all.

At least Bi Qigu didn't think that the school would be so caring to ensure that every student could understand the rules.

As he said before, it is the responsibility of the students themselves if they don't understand, and this school has always implemented this policy.

If you think about it this way, the reason why Mashima-sensei said so much is probably just to mislead them.

According to the originally arranged sequence, it is estimated that results [-] and [-] will be explained first, then the werewolf game will be mentioned deliberately, and when results [-] and [-] are mentioned at the end, everyone will naturally be induced to think in this way... that is, the more Obedient students suffer more.

In this way, just looking at the structure of this exam, the twelve groups undoubtedly can only fight on their own, and it seems that they cannot interfere with each other's results.

Moreover, combined with the previously mentioned 'disregarding class relations', it seems that this is just a simple game of mutant werewolves.

But if all of this is means that there are other ways to pass this exam.

Of course, the specifics are not yet known, and it is only Hikigu's conjecture at present.

However, as long as one key piece of evidence can be obtained.

That is the meaning of grouping, is it artificial or randomly selected?

If there is a way to confirm that this grouping is decided by the class teachers, it fully shows that this is not just a werewolf game, and the twelve groups are not divided.

We are always on the same battlefield.

Chapter 166 The result is equal to a traitor

Although there are many situations envisioned in his mind, Hikigaya has no intention of implementing them at all.

You know it's summer vacation, why do you have to do such a strenuous thing?

More importantly, he doesn't want to fight for the interests of the class at all.

In addition, when the uninhabited island exam was held suddenly at that time, many people protested on the spot, but this time, few even complained, probably because they were used to the unreasonable treatment of the school.

Eh... this can already be regarded as training, right?

While Hikigaya was thinking about something boring, Mashima-sensei continued: "This time the school has also considered the issue of anonymity, so after the exam is over, only the results of each group will be announced, and the names of the candidates or respondents will be kept confidential. Yes, there is no need to worry about this, and if you wish, you can temporarily issue a temporary ID for remittance, or withdraw money in installments, and of course it doesn’t matter if you want to receive points openly.”

It turns out that the amount involved this time is indeed not small.

For most students, 50 personal points is a huge amount of money. Since the points are obtained in the exam, how to deal with them after the end will inevitably lead to disputes in the class, so the preferential treatment may be in order to monopolize the points. My classmates all choose to keep secret or cheat.

However, this kind of care from the school is superfluous for Hikigu.

Even if you get the maximum amount of 100 million... that's all, it's not an overnight fortune.

What's more, there are fourteen people in the group, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible for him to be his turn.

...Wait, fourteen people?

Hikigu suddenly thought of something worthy of attention. There were a total of 160 students in the first grade. All of them took part in the special examination except Kai Sakayanagi. The 150 students were divided into twelve groups. Each group should consist of thirteen students. From one to fourteen people.

Well, the problem is coming.

Why didn't Sakayanagi even take this exam?

"Result three and result four are different from the other two, so they will be recorded on the back, so this is the end of the exam description."

After listening to Mashima-sensei's last words, several people present looked at each other, and their minds seemed to be a little confused.

Especially Sudou, this guy doesn't seem to understand at all.

"Uh, Hikigaya, what are we supposed to do?"

" need to do anything."

To be honest, Hikiya has other things that he wants to ask Mashima-sensei more than this kind of exam that doesn't matter.

It's a pity that there are too many people now, so we have to wait for them to leave the room.

"But this test is really good." Matsushita said suddenly, "If you can find a preferential treatment, you can get [-] class points at once. If it is the most ideal situation, our class can even jump. It's going to be Class A."

Indeed, it is not impossible.

For the sake of fairness, each class will be divided into three of the twelve preferential treatment. In that case, as long as the other nine groups achieve the result of three, and the three groups of their own class achieve the result of four, then a total of [-] points can be added.

At present, Class D is 810 eight points away from the top Class A, but don't forget that points will be deducted in this exam.

As long as you find a way to get Class A to guess wrong at least two favored people from Class D, plus three privileged people from your own class who are guessed correctly, a total of 250 points will be deducted.

In that case, Class D will complete a shocking reversal.

Although this possibility is very low, it is not completely impossible, after all, it depends on human effort.

Perhaps because of this, the rules of this exam are very complicated and detailed, far stricter than the exam on the uninhabited island.

"Please read the prohibited items written on the materials carefully."

Saying that, Mashima-sensei took a special look at Hikigaya.

...Really, I feel like the class teachers have misunderstood me?

Bi Qigu shook his head secretly, the same was true with the teacher Ban he met on the uninhabited island last time, and he didn't give him a good face.

No wonder people's prejudice is like a mountain. He just signed a contract with Class B and Class C based on the principle of mutual benefit, which is beneficial to both parties. Why should he be regarded as a bad student?

What's more, the prohibited items are all low-level methods.

Such as stealing other people's mobile phones, or using intimidating behaviors such as threats to confirm the news of the preferential treatment, or using other people's mobile phones to send answers without authorization.

These methods are so tasteless that he doesn't bother to do them, and if he finds out, he will be expelled from school.

"Hey, Mr. Biqigu."

At this moment, Matsushita suddenly called out his name and pointed to one of the rules on the information.

"Does this passage mean that it is almost impossible to achieve the result?"

I saw that the article she was pointing to said: After the exam, the students should be disbanded immediately, and communication with students from other classes is prohibited for a certain period of time.

It is also a felony that, if violated, will result in expulsion from school.

"Ah? Why do you have to drop out of school? It's too strict."

Sudou couldn't help complaining, but looking at Sakura's appearance, he didn't seem to understand.

At first glance, this seems to be true. After all, behaviors such as grabbing mobile phones are indeed much more serious.

However, Hikigu can see from it that Matsushita's mind is much smarter than these two.

Looking at the curious baby in front of him, he explained with some helplessness: "For example, if Sudou is... If I am a privileged person, if I want to achieve the result, I have to tell everyone who I am, but I don't want to be betrayed by other people, so the best way is to tell them after the exam is over."

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