Hearing these words, Bi Qigu almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

Such things as longevity cannot be judged in a short period of time. It is enough to observe whether the body is healthy or not, and the people who come here are all young students in their teens, and few of them will be in poor health.

I'm afraid the fortune teller will say this to every guest, just like the sweet talk of a scumbag, it is not too old-fashioned.

Next, the fortune teller continued to explain in detail about his studies, fortune, love, etc., all of which were clichéd lines.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't say anything bad, only revealed a bright future, and occasionally said a few lines of warning, but it was not a big deal, even if it was barely, it could only be classified as innocuous.

Just as Hikigu thought before, the so-called divination or fortune-telling is nothing more than saying some lines that customers like to hear.

This money is too easy to earn...

"Thank you."

Although Hikigaya, who was watching, felt cheated, Shiina was a polite and good boy, and after the divination was over, he bowed his head respectfully to express his gratitude.

"Mr. Biqigu, have you chosen yet?"

"...Sorry, I'll forget it."

The main reason is that Bi Qigu didn't want to listen to the lines with no new ideas again. Even if he didn't lack money, he always felt like a loser when he spent it on this kind of thing.

"Hehe, it's just for fun." Shiina saw what he was thinking, but she didn't intend to give up, "If it doesn't work, you can choose the same plan as me, and I will pay for it for you."

"No, no, I'll do it myself!"

Bi Qigu hurriedly stopped him, he would not accept other people's charity.

But it really doesn't make sense to hear the same thing.

After quickly looking at the project list again, Bi Qigu decided to choose a divination plan for academics. Although this is a lot more expensive, he is very upset when he thinks that a fortune-teller can make money as long as he is a repeater... Even Li Hui Same, at least you can listen to different lines!

But even if it is a different package, the steps seem to be similar.

The fortune teller still looked at Bi Qigu's palmistry first, and then basically talked about some good things, and occasionally said a few things to pay attention to, which made Bi Qigu feel puzzled.

How could he not know that his life was so good?

However, when it came to the most critical point, that is, studies, the fortune-teller stopped.

The old woman stopped her chattering, and stared into Hikigu's eyes without saying a word.

After a while, she suddenly fell down on the table as if she was exhausted.

Huh... What is this going on again?

"Well, are you okay?" Shiina asked hurriedly.

"Uh..." The fortune-teller waved his hands as if exhausting all his strength, and it took him a while to recover.

I didn't expect that this new package would even have a new plot... It's really expensive!

"I see... your eyes are deep and dark. I'm afraid that many people will be hurt by your actions in the future."

"Can't you just say dead fish eyes?"

Although it sounds scary, Hikigu didn't take it to heart at all.

Many girls have been frightened by his dead fish eyes since they were young, and this can be regarded as a kind of injury... Of course, I am also.

The fortune teller ignored his complaints and continued: "Even if many people will suffer misfortune, as long as you persevere and abandon your weakness, then the goal you are pursuing will definitely be achieved."

"……my goal?"

"That is a very important person to you. You will work hard for it, but you may fall down halfway."

"Uh..." At this moment, even if it was just a psychological effect, Ke Bi Qigu still believed in divination a little bit.

But... did you encounter misfortune?

Hikiya suddenly remembered what Ayanokōji said yesterday, that the correct approach may not necessarily bring good results.

If he was willing to make a different choice, would he be able to prevent someone from dropping out?

Even if he knew that he didn't have that obligation, it wasn't something that could be relieved by simply saying that he didn't care... at least he couldn't do it.

And, there's always a hunch.

There will be many similar things in the future, maybe this fortune teller will really make it right.

Even if it was for his own sister, even if he did the right thing, it was definitely not out of a sense of justice, it was just his own selfish desire.

he really wants to...


Suddenly, Shiina called his name a little loudly.

Immediately afterwards, there was a warmth in the palm of my hand.

"It's okay, Hikigu-kun."

Shiina held his right hand tightly, holding it carefully to her chest.

"It doesn't matter what happens in the future, I will always stand by Hikigu-kun's side, this is the only thing you must remember."

"Uh..." Facing her like this, Hikigu couldn't say anything.

Sure enough, I shouldn't come to divination...

Chapter 215 This fortune teller is really unreliable

At nine o'clock in the morning, Hikigaya met Shiina at Keyaki Shopping Center on time.

"Hehe, I'm really looking forward to it."

Probably because she seldom goes out to play with her friends, Shiina seems to be in high spirits, although she prefers to read books, it shouldn't be bad once in a while.

The two took the elevator to the fifth floor, and heard that the floor where the fortune teller was located was here.

It is not difficult to find it specifically. In fact, when they were in the elevator, the two noticed that there were nearly ten students who were also taking the elevator next to them. Everyone's purpose may be the same.

"Wow, there are so many people."

Looking at the long line, Shiina let out a small cry of surprise for some reason, while Hikigu gave me a headache just seeing it.

There are so many people... When will they be lined up?

Obviously, the official opening time of the fortune-teller is at ten o'clock, but now there are so many people queuing up before nine quarters past nine, and at first glance, almost all of them are in pairs of men and women.

In other words, I am afraid that the majority of students here are lovers.

It may be unfair to let everyone explode, but if they explode in a group, there will definitely be fish that slip through the net.

However, there are also groups with only boys or only girls... It can only be said that this is the era of free love.

While thinking wildly, Hikigu followed Shiina and lined up obediently.

"Hikigu-kun." Shiina said with a smile, "I think that fortune teller must be very effective, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people queuing up."

"...No, I think it's only related to fame."

The so-called divination is something like hinting.

Considering that this is a school, they deliberately set up the threshold for groups of two, and there is a note on the front, which says 'this shop only accepts groups of two, please forgive me'.

As a result, the only couples who are foolishly hooked are usually hormonally overwhelmed couples.

If you are in a sincere relationship, you will want to try to divination the future, and ask people to see the compatibility and future between you and your lover.

This feeling is not incomprehensible.

But it is precisely because of this kind of thinking that it is easier to be fooled.

Alas... Forget it, just treat it as a way to kill time.

Hikigu thinks that most of the boys probably have the same idea as him, knowing that this is just the application of the cold reading method and the Barnum effect, but because female... female friends are interested and insist on coming over to take a look, so they can only bite the bullet Come and line up with us.

"Ah, that seems to be Ibuki-san."

At this moment, Shiina suddenly pointed to the vicinity.

Looking in the direction she pointed, I saw a cat-eyed girl at the end of the line next door, and seemed to be arguing with the staff very angrily.

"Ibuki-san seems to be alone."

As Shiina said, Ibuki should have come alone, and I didn't see Ryuuen, Ishizaki, or Alberto who often accompany me.

But think about it, this guy has a solitary personality, that is, he will act with other people during the exam, and it is strange to be in the company of others.

Unfortunately, because of this, it was rejected by the store.

After all, the store seems to prefer to make two bucks at a time.

Although Ibuki seems to be very dissatisfied with this regulation, it is a pity that regulations are regulations, no matter how much you argue, it will not help.

Hikigaya looked over there with sympathetic eyes, but don't get me wrong, the object of sympathy is not Ibuki, but himself.

Ibuki must be very lucky to save money without queuing up.

Speaking of what happened to the guy who asked this guy to investigate, there is no news until now.

However, Hikigu just had the idea of ​​giving it a try, and didn't have much hope. At best, it was equivalent to buying a lottery ticket and failing to win.


Inadvertently, the eyes of the two sides met.

Of course, in this case, you must choose to ignore it. It would be embarrassing for everyone to say hello. It would be better to say that Bi Qigu never thought of such a thing.

However, he ignored the person next to him.

"Ibuki-san, good morning."

"Uh..." As expected of Shiina, she was in the queue, but she was able to happily greet her classmates who were rejected by the store.

For some reason, Ibuki hesitated for a few seconds, then walked over.

Huh... Does this development still need to chat?

"Hey, are you here for divination too?" She was talking nonsense the moment she opened her mouth, "Usually divination is done one-on-one, right? It's completely beyond my expectation, don't you think so?"

"No, I did a survey before I came here."

"Oh oh."

Ibuki doesn't seem to be very good at dealing with Shiina, and his speech is not as thorny as usual, but has a feeling of being passive.

Hmm, it's not incomprehensible.

After all, even Hikiya was often cornered by Shiina's words, and finally had to compromise, not to mention the little Ibuki.

"Ibuki-san, do you want to try to invite Ishizaki-kun and the others?" Shiina suggested, "I think your relationship is pretty good, and they will definitely agree."

"What? I don't want it."

"Why? I often see you acting together."

"That's just for the exam!"

Every time I talk to Ibuki, I feel like being stabbed by needles. Because of this sense of distance, even my classmates don’t really want to get close to her. very bad.

But Shiina is an exception, this child is always as light as cotton.

Perhaps this is why Ibuki is not good at dealing with her.

"Since we can be together during the exam, it shouldn't be a problem at ordinary times. I don't think there is much difference between the two."

"Hmph, to put it lightly..." Ibuki glanced at her angrily, "It's you, it's not good for you to hang out with boys from other classes casually."

"I don't think there will be such a situation, or is Ibuki-san a person who would mind such trivial matters?"


Ibuki originally just wanted to take advantage of the verbal advantage, but Shiina's counterattack was so beautiful that it stunned her all at once.

Hehe, this is really interesting.

Compared with divination, Hikigu thinks it is more interesting to watch Ibuki suffer. Shiina is completely her nemesis.

However, at this moment, Yibuki suddenly glared at him fiercely.


Obviously didn't say a word, just watched the fun from the sidelines... In short, Hachiman is innocent!

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