Ishizaki yelled at the side, but Ryuuen made a gesture with his eyes before shrinking back.

The current situation is too weird, like a prey stepping into a trap step by step, but it doesn't feel any malice from it, making people feel that they don't care.

"Fumu, why did you specially invite me here this time?"

Ryuuen was going to ignore Kouenji for the time being and concentrate on dealing with the guy in front of him.

"Speaking of which, this room of yours is not bad. You must have spent a lot of money to rent it."

"No, it didn't cost a penny."

This room was rented by Horikita Gaku for a whole year to train Hikigaya, but recently his arm was injured and he had to wait until the winter vacation to start again.

Anyway, it is empty now, and he borrowed it bluntly.

Of course, there is no need to explain the details.

"But you're right about one thing, it's really good here." Hikigu looked at the corner deliberately, "Because there are no surveillance cameras installed, students from those sports clubs often rent this place for sparring, even if they accidentally play You don’t have to worry about false accusations if you get hurt, after all, it’s imperative to guard against others in this school.”

Long Yuan sneered and said, "According to what you said, if you asked me to bring someone over this time, wouldn't you want me to beat you up?"

"Say something stupid, I'm not shaking M."

Hikigu shook his head, he was really speechless about Ryuuen's violent character.

It's a pity he needs that trait right now.

"Ryuuen, I'm looking for you this time because of yesterday's incident, and you're unreasonably troubling Kouenji."

"What, you want me to apologize?"

"Of course not." Bi Qigu shook his head lightly, "If an apology is useful, why do you need the police... No, it's going too far. Anyway, it has nothing to do with that. What I have to say is to play a game with you."


Ryuuen couldn't help but have doubts about this word, and so did the other two.

"Hikigaya, you are too inexplicable, what do you want to do?" Ishizaki asked while rubbing his head.

"It's actually very simple. Didn't Ryuuen trouble Kouenji yesterday because he suspected that he was X? Our game is based on this."

Seeing that the three people still didn't understand, Bi Qigu had no choice but to explain further.

"The name of this game is 'If Kouenji is X', how about it? Is it understandable now?"


After being stunned for a while, Long Yuan's first reaction was to curse.

"Fumu, are you out of your mind?" Ryuuen said sullenly, "If Kouenji is the guy I'm looking for, I wouldn't have let him leave easily yesterday. It couldn't be clearer."

"Of course I know that, but you don't understand what I mean."

Hikigu explained it again.

"Whether it's true or not, the Kouenji that appears before your eyes is X. I want to see what action you will take."

"Hehe, although I never like to hide my head and show my tail, but this time I will reluctantly cooperate. You can feel honored for it."

Even though no one asked, Kouenji suddenly started talking to himself... Sigh, just ignore him.

"Hmph, boring."

Ryuuen seemed to think that it would be a waste of time to continue entanglement, and he would leave with his subordinates without saying a word.

But what the other party said next made him stop.

"Don't worry, I won't let you play for nothing... Ah, I found it."

While talking, Hikigaya took out a crumpled piece of paper from his bag.

"Does this look familiar to you?" He waved in front of Long Yuan, "As long as you win this game, I will immediately tear up this contract. Of course, this is not a word game, it's just a simple cancellation of the contract." .”

What Hikigaya took out was the contract he signed with Class C before.

Although from the perspective of Class C, any one of these contents is extremely unequal, but considering that they can exempt four people from dropping out of school, it can be said that they have taken advantage of it.

"You'll talk about it too."

Facing disdain, Long Yuan sneered.

"It's the same as last time. Do you think you can make me submit obediently by using this as a bait? What if I refuse to agree to you? What can you do with me?"

"Then I can only strictly implement the above treaty from now on." Hikigu replied indifferently.

This contract was originally drawn up for Long Yuan to lead the class to work hard, and he never thought about letting him drop out of school.

Therefore, Biqigu has always been strictly formulated and implemented flexibly.

But once it gets serious, with the frequency of troubles caused by Class C students, it will be a matter of time before they strike out.

"Besides, there's no harm in agreeing." Hikigu shrugged, "Don't you like to play? Now the fun is delivered to your door, why should you miss it?"

"Hmph, I just don't like your look like you have everything under control." Long Yuan snorted coldly.

"Nothing, at least I personally still rely on luck."

Even if Long Yuan was forced to come over this time, Bi Qigu was not fully sure that he would agree.

Even if you agree, it doesn't mean you will succeed.

In short, it's up to people.

Fortunately, Long Yuan finally showed a little interest: "Okay, don't be a fool, what do you want me to do?"

"Like I said, it's just a game." Hikigaya pointed at Kouenji and said, "Now he is X, and the rest is up to you, and the victory conditions are also up to you to decide."


Ishizaki and Albert were still at a loss, but Ryuuen finally understood and let out a chuckle.

"Fumu, I really doubt if you have damaged your brain, otherwise you wouldn't have said such a thing."

"Perhaps so."

Hikigu didn't refute, not just thinking that the rebuttal was meaningless, but to some extent agreed with Ryuuen's words.

The environment can change a person... that's all I can think about now.

"Now that you understand what I mean, it's easy to handle." Biqigu said lightly, "There is no monitoring here, and it is a room dedicated to sparring, no matter what you do, you will not be held accountable. Don't worry, you can record my words, and then..."

He showed the contract again.

"When you think you've won, the prize is yours."

"Hehe, hehehehehehe."

Ryuuen seemed to find it quite ridiculous, but he quickly developed from a belly laugh to a ferocious smile.

"It's funny that you still underestimate me."

These words mean that he intends to accept this provocation.

Although Hikigu didn't mean that at all.

"Hey, Ishizaki, Albert, you go together."

"Eh, eh? What are you up to?"

Hearing Ryuuen's instructions, Ishizaki still looked confused.

"Still don't understand? Kouenji's purpose is to let you beat Kouenji to the ground."

"You should have said 'we'." Hikigu corrected seriously.

It's a pity that there seems to be no time to talk to him now.

" this really good?"

Ishizaki's attitude was somewhat hesitant, which was inevitable.

If the other party is a bad boy like Sudou, there is no need to be lenient.

But although Kouenji was weird, he didn't look like the type who would fight with others.

It is inevitable that there will be some hesitation when dealing with such a guy.

"No need to worry."

At this moment, Kouenji spoke up.

"If the three of you want to fight, hurry up. I have a beautiful date next, but I declare in advance that I am very strong. Even if you join together, you will not be my opponent. Please be sure of this." Keep it in your heart."

"What did you say?!"

Ishizaki got angry immediately after being so provoked, and rushed up immediately, and Albert followed closely behind, with no expression visible behind the sunglasses.

It's all indoors, is it necessary to wear sunglasses... It's not Di Ai's black suit.

Just as Hikigu was thinking about something boring, Ishizaki's fist had already hit him hard.

Hearing a slap, Kouenji easily caught his fist with his right hand, and even flicked his bangs up with his left hand leisurely.

"Um... let go, let go!"

"I told you, I'm strong."

Kouenji said inexplicable words in a natural tone.

"Beauty in this world means strength, and I am the most beautiful, so I am also the strongest... Oh? Sneak attack is not beautiful."

While speaking, he caught Albert's fist with his other hand.

"Wait, wait a minute, stop!"

"Uh..." Ishizaki suddenly felt bad, a piercing pain came from his fist, as if it was about to shatter at any moment, and Albert was not much better, cold sweat kept sliding down his forehead from his cheeks.

The two of them exerted their strength almost at the same time, desperately grasping Kouenji's arm with the other hand, trying to free themselves.

However, the other party remained motionless.

"What a disappointment, your fists are as weak as a baby's."

Kouenji smiled slightly, and slowly raised those terrifying arms with knotted muscles above his head.

Then he jerked it sideways.


The next moment, Ishizaki and Albert screamed in disgrace, spinning half a circle in the air like two spinning tops, and fell heavily to the ground.

It can't be called a fight... no, it shouldn't be called a fight, it's just a unilateral beating of a child.

For this result, Hikigu was not surprised at all.

In all honesty, Long Yuan didn't underestimate the enemy, otherwise he wouldn't have asked two of his subordinates to fight together in the first place.

Judging from the appearance alone, Kouenji is a tall and strong man.

Even if there is no fighting experience, this physique is not enough for ordinary people to deal with.

Ishizaki and Albert obviously understood this, and they showed no mercy when they swung their punches, but they didn't expect to be caught so easily.

After all, that's a hunk who can do handstand push-ups with two fingers.

"Long Yuan, for now... what are you doing?"

Hikigaya wanted to persuade him to adjust temporarily, at least to call Ishizaki and Albert first.

Unexpectedly, this guy walked up directly with his fists clenched.

"Fumu, do you know what I would say in this situation?" Long Yuan asked calmly.

"...You don't mean to say that fighting is not just about strength?"

"Oh, you really know me very well."

Saying that, Ryuuen smiled fearlessly.

"The key to victory or defeat is not all strength, but also their willpower."

He lowered himself slightly, in a boxer's stance.

"Next, I will let you see this."

While speaking, Ryuuen suddenly punched his stomach.

However, Kouenji didn't dodge or dodge, and just endured it.

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