"Yes, after all, that guy is a standard little lady."

Although he only met Manabe once, the toughness of the other party still left a bit of impression on Hikigaya.

And by the way, the... touch on the arm.

"Wait a minute, isn't this too messy? I think she will only do a disservice." Horikita objected, frowning.

She didn't have a good impression of Manabe, mainly because she felt that the woman had no brains and usually only formed gangs.

But sometimes it's just because you don't have a brain that it works.

"It doesn't matter, isn't there a saying that 'thieves are also useful', or do you want to play that kind of threatening role?"

It is very difficult for a top student like Horikita to dare to contradict his seniors.

This has something to do with my childhood education, and I can't change it in a while.

Matsushita and Kushida can't do it either, only Manabe's little girl type, who is best at fighting with others.

As long as there are powerful people behind her to back her up, she won't pay attention to the inferior seniors in Class D of the third year.

"Hachiman-kun, I understand what you mean." Matsushita did not object, but he also had concerns, "How can I get Manabe-san to help? And didn't you say that she took refuge in Chairman Nagumo? If it leaked out It will be very troublesome."

"I've already thought about it. After dinner, you can ask her out for me. I have a way to deal with her."

While the three of them were discussing, there was a sound of arguing next to them.

Immediately afterwards, more than a dozen boys stood up with a huff, and they were clearly divided into two factions, as if they were confronting each other.

... What tricks is this up to?

"It seems to be boys from Class A and Class B?" Matsushita looked at the excitement curiously.

"Is it from our first grade?" Horikita sighed, "The exam is coming soon, why are they having conflicts at this time? Can't you bear it for two days?"

"Probably because some things can't be tolerated..."

Hikiya vaguely sensed what happened, he looked around, but didn't find Ichinose.

Normally, she would have stood up and stopped it immediately... Have you returned to the dormitory?

As for the other class leader, that guy Sakayanagi will not show up.

Because the fuse of this conflict is likely to be the strategy adopted to capture Class A.

If the other party is a very famous person, slander and slander can not only affect the party concerned, but also its followers will be greatly affected.

Even sometimes they are more anxious than the parties concerned.

Really, there are too many troubles in this exam.

Chapter 334

The reason for the dispute between Class A and Class B is probably related to what Katsuragi said in the morning.

Although Hikigu didn't know exactly what it was, but basically it could be imagined that it was something out of the ordinary, otherwise the boys in class A wouldn't be so excited.

The contents of the quarrel could be barely heard from over there.

"It's not what we said first, we just heard it from other places, why are you angry with us?"

"Stop quibbling! Who else but you!"

"Then tell me, where did Ichinose get her personal points?"

...Personal points?

Why is this being brought up all of a sudden?

Just when Hikiya was puzzled by this, Horikita hesitated and asked: "Hikiya-kun, you are with the boys, have you heard about... Ichinose-san?"

"Unfortunately, I hardly ever talk to boys."

Except for Ryuuen, Katsuragi, and Ayanokoji, the communication with other people is basically not very pleasant.

Well, the main reason is that the other party is not very happy.

"But I seem to have heard that there are rumors or something, what exactly are they?" Hikigu added.

"...There are some things I don't want to say."

Horikita said as he took out a small notebook and a pen from his pocket, and began to write on it.

This guy actually carries these with him...

However, this exam also has a written part, mainly about moral issues, Horikita should be able to review at any time for convenience.

Really serious enough.

Soon Horikita handed over the notepad, and saw [had caused violence in the past], [had done social assistance], [had stolen and robbed], [had experience of using prohibited drugs] and so on.

Basically, it was the same as what Kushida said a few days ago, but the wording was a little more tactful.

In addition, I don't know why "compensated dating" has a circle on it.

"What does this circle mean?" Hikigu asked strangely.

"It means this is the most talked about." Horikita sighed softly, "Do you still remember last semester? It was rumored that Ichinose-san used improper means to collect personal points. It's been deliberately linked, and the seniors are involved... really disgusting."

"I see……"

Hikigaya was also helpless. At that time, he felt that Ichinose's handling was inappropriate, and he would suffer a big loss sooner or later. He didn't expect it to be fulfilled so soon.

At that time, it was Ayanokōji who started the rumor, but afterward, the school only clarified it, and it ended without any disturbance.

This got off to a very bad start.

It was precisely because Ayanokoji was not punished that Sakayanagi was so unscrupulous.

On the other hand, the quarrel between Class A and Class B also subsided, mainly because Kanzaki and Katsuragi intervened and persuaded their classmates to go back.

However, things won't just settle down like this.

After all, it was the gossip about a famous beautiful girl in the grade. In this closed forest school, there was no more exciting topic than this.

Things like second graders being attacked by wild boars are nothing compared to the former.

Thinking about it this way, Hikiya even wondered whether Ayanokōji, besides Sakayanagi, was also contributing to the flames.

As long as everyone pays attention to Ichinose, few will care about the wild boar attacking people.

"How does Ichinose-san react to this?" Matsushita suddenly asked Horikita.

"She's fine on the surface, but I feel like she's pushing herself."

If the content of the rumor was only compensated dating, Ichinose might not care at all.

But precisely because it included the item of theft, this really touched the scar in her heart.

So one cannot do bad things... Even if you have to do bad things, you have to lower your moral standards beforehand, otherwise you are torturing yourself.

"Hmph, those boys are really worthless."

Hearing the vague discussions around him, Horikita showed disgust on his face.

"Besides, the school has already publicly refuted the rumors. Is their memory at the same level as goldfish?"

"Let's not talk about anything else. It's not like you don't know the virtues of our school. How can a liar have the face to help others dispel rumors." Bi Qigu couldn't help complaining.

Gao Yu has been deceiving students since the promotion of admission, and even deceived them to an uninhabited island during the summer vacation, so no matter what the teacher says, especially when it comes to special exams, students will suspect that they have ulterior motives. No matter how nice it sounds, there may be hidden traps.

In fact, this is also the case in some Western countries. The credibility can be described as a mess. The more you refute the rumors, the more people think it is true.

However, Japan is not qualified to say anything about others. Most people will not believe the words of the government and politicians, as long as they can live a good life.

Anyway, Chiba and his sister are the only ones Biqigu loves.

"It's a bit surprising to say that." Matsushita looked at Horikita with a half-smile, "I thought Horikita-san wouldn't care about others, at least not in other classes. I didn't expect you to fight for Ichinose-san, don't you?" Did you develop friendship during this exam?"

"No, I'm not very close to her, it's just that I can't get used to this kind of thing." Horikita replied lightly.

"Hehe, it's okay to admit it honestly, and the school itself should encourage us to make friends across classes, otherwise we wouldn't have formulated the rules for this co-ed dorm."

Matsushita's understanding is absolutely correct. Although the task of this school is to fight against other classes, many students also tend to regard other classes as opponents, but the school does not want students to only single-mindedly move towards hostility. The direction to think, but to learn to apply flexibly.

After all, in the society in the future, two companies that compete or even start to be hostile may cooperate with each other someday.

——There are no eternal friends, nor eternal enemies, only eternal interests.

Almost everyone knows this famous saying, but unfortunately very few can really do it, and most people will only let their emotions dominate their judgment.

"It's because you think too much." Horikita still refused to admit it, "I don't intend to become friends with Ichinose-san, she is the leader of class A, our class will be hostile to her one day, half-hearted friendship will only start reaction."

Matsushita smiled and nodded in agreement: "That's true, but in that case, you don't have to care about rumors. If Ichinose is really affected by this, it will only be good for our class, right?"

"You're not right, that kind of rumor has no practical use other than disgusting people, and it won't affect Ichinose-san's evaluation in school at all. It's just that someone did something excessive out of jealousy, that kind of rumor The disgusting approach makes people feel very pitiful."

It seems that Horikita only criticizes because of his own likes and dislikes... No, I'm afraid it's not entirely true.

At least she should have a certain degree of affection for Ichinose, otherwise she wouldn't have said so much.

"But, maybe the rumors will affect the results this time?" Matsushita talked about the key part at once.

"That's even more impossible. Ichinose-san is in the group where she is the only student from Class A. Even if it affects her state, it will hardly affect the overall test results."

Horikita thinks that this is just a slander caused by jealousy, which is the fate of the so-called popular girls.

Maybe she has had a similar experience, after all, the image of Horikita in junior high school can easily be imagined... the flower of Gaoling who pretends to be noble (laughs) and the like.

"Hikigaya-kun, are you thinking about something impolite?" Horikita suddenly cast a sharp gaze.

"...No." Bi Qigu turned his head away, and then began to change the subject, "I just think you have neglected a little bit, and that is the impact of this rumor on the rest of Class A, especially the situation of the boys."

Seeing that Horikita still didn't understand, he added: "Didn't Hirata be autistic for a while during the sports festival? Just think about the performance of the girls in our class at that time."

Although it is not to the extent of mourning and concubine, it is true that he is not energetic all day long. He is a Hirata believer corresponding to Ichinose believer.

"That's true...why didn't I think of it."

Horikita suddenly realized, then opened the notepad and wrote two strokes.

Just when Bi Qigu wondered what she was thinking, the other party took the initiative to hand over the notebook.

"Mr. Biqigu, this is the result of my prediction, can you please take a look?"

"Well, it's okay."

As expected of Horikita, this earnestness is so powerful that I actually wrote it down on purpose.

And her analysis was similar to what Hikiya thought, the last place on the boys side was Ayanokouji's big group, and the penultimate one was Shibata's, which should be the part she just revised.

However, what she wants to know most is probably the ranking of the main group of Class D.

Bi Qigu simply took the initiative to point out: "In the big group of Hirata, I feel that it is four and three."

"...No.4 has no meaning at all." Horikita rubbed his temples as if feeling a headache, "But it's no wonder, compared to winning, Hirata-kun only wants to protect his classmates... Matsushita-san , how is the situation over there?"

It seems that she is hoping that girls can get more points.

Matsushita shook his head and said, "My side is okay, but the person in charge is Manabe-san, our class won't get much points, you might as well ask Kushida-san, I think their big group is likely to be the first."

"Yeah, I think so too... But I don't want to ask, I will only be ridiculed if I ask."

Horikita is quite self-aware in this regard, and she also understands Kushida's temper more and more.

"Ahaha, it's really irrefutable." Matsushita smiled wryly twice to agree, and then asked, "By the way, Hachiman-kun, speaking of Manabe-san, where are we going to call her? When exactly? ?”

Bi Qigu had thought about this a long time ago: "At eleven o'clock in the evening, it's here in the cafeteria."

"Then what name should I use? Although I have chatted with Manabe-san, calling her out at night probably won't work."

"You can use Ayanokouji's name."

Hikigaya uttered an unexpected name, at least the two who knew who X was was completely unexpected.

"Wait a minute, you said Ayanokōji-kun?" Matsushita had a bewildered expression, "But if I remember correctly, he threatened Manabe-san to betray the class before, right?"

"That's right, because he did this before, Manabe will most likely attend the appointment."

So far, the photos of Manabe and others bullying Karuizawa are still in the hands of Ayanokoji.

But what she doesn't know is that once this matter is exposed, the fact that Ayanokōji himself is the mastermind behind the scenes will also be found out, and its nature is worse than bullying.

To put it simply, that guy can't use that photo to threaten others at all, he can only rely on deception... So an idiot is an idiot, and he can't even understand such a simple truth.

However, such a simple-minded and violent fool is exactly what Hikigu needs.

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