
Hikigu waved his hands weakly, and said that he was about to take a step and continue to set off.

Seeing this, Kushida quickly grabbed him: "Wait a minute! You can't go to school like this!"

"...No way?" Bi Qigu tilted his head as if he hadn't woken up.

"Of course not!"

Although there are not no sloppy students in the school, Kushida doesn't want to see the person he likes appearing in this image, let alone seeing others pointing at his back.

"Anyway, come with me... Xiaomei, go to school first, don't wait for me."

The latter sentence was spoken to Wang Meiyu.

After finishing speaking, Kushida ignored Hikigaya's reaction and directly took his hand into the elevator.

Looking at the slowly closing elevator door, Wang Meiyu smiled wryly and sighed: "Oh, Kikyo-chan still has the nerve to talk about me, obviously I just... hope everything goes well."

On the other hand, the two arrived at the floor where Hikigaya's room was located.

"Hachiman, what's wrong with you?"

Taking out the spare key from the bag and opening the door, Kushida couldn't help asking again.

"There are no outsiders here now? Can you tell me?"

"...It's nothing to say."

Bi Qigu turned his head listlessly, but refused to let go.

"Really, did you look in the mirror when you woke up today?" Kushida pressed his shoulders and forced him to the mirror in the bathroom, "Look at your appearance, how could it be nothing! You can play zombies without makeup!"


"You... well, forget it."

Originally, Hikigu would definitely complain about these words.

But now there is no response... It seems that this time the matter is not small.

While feeling worried about this, Kushida turned on the hot water faucet, then picked up the towel to wash his face with ease, and soaked it in hot water.

"Anyway, let me know if you have any troubles later, and I'll help you tidy up first."

"...I have no worries."

"Okay, okay, no, no."

Kushida agreed repeatedly as if coaxing a child, and then gently applied a hot towel to Hikigaya's eyes.

Hmm... as long as you cover your eyes, you'll look really handsome.

While feeling unbelievable in his heart, Kushida picked up the comb and combed his hair again.

But no matter how many times I comb it, the hair is always raised in pieces here and there, and I can't press it down.

"Strange... Hachiman, did you sleep before your hair dried last night?"


"What does it look like?" Kushida was also speechless, "But you don't look like you have slept... Is it too late to play games? Or read novels? Remember to pay attention to your body Oh."


Although Hikigu promised very well, but Kushida's heart skipped a beat.

No, no, no... It's definitely not a trivial matter like playing all night!

There must be something on his mind, but what exactly is it...


After much deliberation, this is the most suitable thing recently.

But the problem is that it was fine yesterday... Could it be because of the rumors?

In order to prevent any clues from being seen, Kushida deliberately didn't talk to Hikigaya yesterday, but just observed silently from the side.

As it turned out, Hikiya didn't seem to have any other ideas about rejecting Ichinose.

After a normal day, I heard that I had a fight with that Nagumo after school.

Isn't this very spiritual!

Because of this, Kushida thought that the matter would pass like this, but Hikigaya turned out to be like that today.

"That... I said Hachiman?"

After hesitating for a while, Kushida asked cautiously, "Are you... still concerned about Ichinose's affairs?"

"...What Ichinose?"

"Uh, it's not that someone said that you used the rejection of her confession as a capital to show off. I wonder if you feel uncomfortable after hearing this."

"...It wasn't me who did it."

Hikigaya's reaction was still very light, but this made Kushida feel relieved.

Anyway, as long as it's not for that Ichinose!

"Hehe, of course I know it's not you." Kushida pinched his face with a smile, and then deliberately teased, "After all, everyone knows that Hachiman has no friends who can show off, and even if you really If you tell me, no one will believe it.”


"Uh, I'm joking, don't take it seriously."

It's over! It's over!

This strange reaction...is definitely a serious illness!

But even if I want to inquire now, I can't find out, not to mention that it will be time for class soon.

"Really, what did you do with your hair! No matter how much you comb it, you won't let it go down! And the dark circles under your eyes... Ah, right!"

In the middle of complaining, Kushida suddenly seemed to remember something, and hurried out of the bathroom.

When I came back, I had a box of hair mud and a small cosmetic box in my hand.

"I remember seeing this in your room before. This time your hair is finally saved."

Saying that, Kushida opened the lid of the mud and began to rub it on Hikigaya's hair.

The latter was somewhat reluctant, but did not resist.

"...Just let it go and let it go."

"No!" Kushida rebuffed straight away, "You are also a member of the student council anyway, so you should pay attention to your image, at least not to scare the students."

She didn't want Bi Qigu to appear sloppy in front of the class, she would definitely be laughed at then.

"Also, I'll help you cover it with makeup later, so it won't be visible."

"Don't...you're so annoying."

"Why don't you! I'm doing this for your own good!"

Kushida patted him angrily, and forcefully grabbed his shoulder to prevent him from resisting.

"You know, this is very expensive for me, and I wouldn't be willing to give it to them if it were someone else!"

"……I do not care."

"Stop rambling, just sit there and don't move!"

Under Kushida's toughness, Hikigaya was finally tidied up initially, and the hair that was originally like a bird's nest finally lay flat obediently, and even the dull hair was gone.


"It seems that the dark circles under the eyes are still visible."

Kushida carefully looked at Hikigaya's cheeks, his frown never eased.

"And the eyes are very red... well, but I feel that this is the limit."

"...Is that an exaggeration?"

"Of course, you haven't looked in the mirror yourself." Kushida sighed, "It's really impossible, you should take a day off today... Ah, if you don't leave, it seems like you will be late."

"Should I be so exaggerated... Forget it."

Bi Qigu was also tossed for a long time, and his numb thinking gradually eased.

In order to prevent Kushida from continuing to cause trouble, he thought for a while, and simply took out a pair of glasses from the drawer and put them on.

"Huh? This is..."

"Is that all right?"

"Ah, ah, um."

Looking at Hikigaya who seemed to have changed in front of him, Kushida swallowed subconsciously.

How should I put it... so amazing.

During the loan competition at the sports festival before, Kushida didn't see the image of Hikigaya wearing glasses clearly because of the distance. He only heard people say that a handsome guy suddenly appeared in his grade.

But now take a closer look...

It felt like the heart was grabbed by Jiu, and the heartbeat seemed to be accelerating.

"Kankyo, now—"


Kushida yelled loudly over Hikigaya's voice, then turned around and stared at the wall.

She found that she couldn't look directly at the man in front of her.

Suddenly called a name or something... This is too cunning!

"...Are you going to school or not?"

Even Hikigaya, who was full of worries, felt Kushida's abnormality at this moment.

This guy……!

Who do you think did it!

How dare you urge my old lady in such an impatient tone!

OK, calm down!

Calm down and think about it calmly, it's just that he suddenly became a little handsome.

That's right, as long as Hachiman's essence is put aside, he's just a handsome guy... ummmm.

Thinking of this, Kushida knelt down in pain.

How can I let go of this...

Or in other words, it was because of this that he was attracted, and his appearance was only second.

And now the only shortcoming has been made up... This favorability can no longer go up!

It's already full!

No, no, before that...

"Hey, Hachiman, or the glasses... Hachiman?!"

Just as Kushida was about to persuade Hikiya to take off his glasses, he saw that the latter had already left the room.

She quickly chased after her, and couldn't help complaining: "You're waiting for me! Or someone will leave the person who helped me just now! It's too much!"

"Kushida...be careful with your image."

"……never mind."

Sighing heavily, Kushida regained her composure and decided not to care about those little things.

After a while, the two stepped into the elevator, and the door slowly closed.

At the same time, Kushida's mood gradually settled down.

That's right, it's just a handsome guy, and it's not like I haven't seen him before.

What is there to care about!

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