"What did you hit me for?"

"Stupid! Won't you take a good look at the situation?"

Hearing Koizumi Koko's scolding, Kuroba Kaito finally saw the truth in the flames.

The ferocious flames couldn't harm Ashiya Tomoya and Anbei Yixing at all.

One is covered with talismans, and the other is physically tyrannical. The flames summoned by Hongzi Koizumi can only interfere with them, and cannot really hurt them.

This is also the gap between a big family and a small family.

Koizumi Hongzi's sole heir of a small family can't beat the ordinary children of a big family.

Reincarnation is a science!

"What do we do now?"

In the face of such a fight between gods and gods, a mere strange thief has nothing to do.

"What else can I do? It was originally here to help you escape, so ignore these two onmyojis and just run away."

His mouth was still firm, but the words he said were extremely weak.

But there is no way around this field of vision. Whoever makes Hongzi Koizumi can't beat them can only swallow his anger, go home to exercise, and then find the field again.

The red cane was placed between Koizumi Koko and Kuroba Kaito, a red twilight atmosphere wrapped the two of them, and when they were idle, the people inside had disappeared.

I will definitely be back!

Chapter 400

The exhibition of the dark stars is only one of the protagonists on the Xiang Ji, and the engagement banquet of the eldest lady of the Honka family, Natsue Hatsumoto, is also an important event.

As the family of Neon’s famous convenience store chain, Sobonya has a lot of energy in the local area, and members of parliament in many areas have cooperated with Somoto.

Nihong is a country with extremely developed convenience stores. Convenience stores are the terminals for product sales, and Subonjia, which occupies a large number of terminals, is equivalent to pinching the lifeblood of many companies, so many companies will sell to Subonjia to save face.

Some of the businessmen and politicians on the Xianghime boarded the ship because of the engagement banquet of Suomoto Xiajiang.

Now the Dark Star, one of the protagonists, is lost, and the job of capturing Kaitou Kidd and retrieving the Dark Star belongs to the police and the Suzuki family.

The Xiaoben family is as harmonious as usual.

Somoto and his family surrounded the old man Somoto Hozo and went back to his room.

Haoben Haozang has a strong physique and usually does not need other people's support. When he walks, he is full of vigor, coupled with his fierce appearance and demeanor. Rebuke them mercilessly.

There are exceptions to everything. There were too many accidents at the dinner party today, and Hozo Somoto spent too much energy.

He was an old man in his [-]s and [-]s, no matter how energetic he was, he couldn't compare to a young man. He walked a little tremblingly and needed help.

It is not the eldest daughter of the Somoto family, Mariko Somoto, and her husband, Hokuro Somoto, who support Gozo Somoto.

It's Xiaoben Xiajiang of the granddaughter's generation.

There are so many core members in the Soben family, and Soben Haozang looks down on none of them. Only Soben Xiajiang is the most favored by him. He thinks she is very similar to her deceased father Soben Jiangyi, and regards her as the real heir.

Because the Soben family is organized in twos and threes, they are not worried about Kaitou Kidd pretending to be one of his own and sneaking away.

"Grandpa, there are too many accidents tonight, you must be a little tired, take a good rest, we won't bother you anymore."

Xiaoben Xiajiang carefully helped Xiaoben Haozang onto the chair, and consoled him wholeheartedly.

Xiaoben Xiajiang is not stupid, of course she knows who is the best to her in Xiaoben's family, so she also respects her grandfather very much and wishes him a long life.

It's a pity that not all members of the Xiaoben family have the same idea as Xiaoben Xiajiang.

"Dad, you are getting old, you should go to bed early!"

The eldest daughter, Mariko Samoto, spoke attentively, but there was a gap between what she said and what she said, and she seemed to have a bad relationship with her father Hozo Samoto.

"Yes! Dad, don't work too hard, go to bed early."

Husband and wife follow suit, marrying into Somoto's family, feeling inferior to others, especially Homoto Hozo, who can't hold his head up in front of Gozo Somoto, seems very cowardly when he agrees with his wife.

With the attitude of the eldest daughter of the Somoto family, it's no wonder Gozo Somoto doesn't like their family.

"Okay, old man, I'm not that delicate, Xia Jiang, you don't have to worry, tomorrow is your engagement banquet, you little girl should go back to rest early, don't let the guests see the joke."

Hozo Somoto had a kind attitude towards Natsue Somoto, he was definitely his granddaughter, but he turned to his daughter and Mariko Somoto reprimanded him.

"What are you still doing here? I'm useless, and my son won't be much better. Mariko, please leave quickly. Stay here to annoy me!"

At this moment, even the most beloved Xiaoben Xiajiang will not touch the bad luck of the old man Xiaoben Haozang.

"Then dad, you should go to bed early, and tomorrow you will be in charge of the overall situation."

One by one, they slowly left the room loudly without daring to breathe, in the sight of Hozo Motomoto.

"Xianzhi, you go and get that share, and I'll make sure there's nothing wrong with it."

When a group of people waited and all left, Hozo Somoto ordered the housekeeper Kenji Somoto to do something.

"Okay, sir, I'll bring it to you right away."

Kenji Somoto, who has followed Hozo Somoto since he was a child, has been the housekeeper of Somoto all his life, and is one of the few people worthy of his trust.

Kenji Somoto also knows some secrets of the Somoto Group.

Following Kenji Somoto's departure, when Hozo Somoto was the only one left in the room, his stern expression gradually eased, and then he frowned, as if he had thought of some problem.


The rooms of the Xiaoben family members on the Xiangji are not far apart. After Xiaoben Xiajiang and the others came out of the room of Xiaoben Haozang, they greeted each other a few words and then went back to their respective rooms.

Because Somoto Xiajiang and Caicheng Takehiko are only engaged and not married yet, they don't live in the same room.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that the higher the upper class, the more conservative.

After all, if it is a political or family marriage, if the bride is found to be incomplete on the wedding night, then it is not a strange thing to be divorced.

Or, on the surface, they respect each other as guests, but secretly play their own way.

But only Saemoto Xiajiang, a sincere person, returned to his room, and everyone else went to Somoto Shoji's room to enjoy his cooking.

Because of the appearance of Kaitou Kidd, the dinner party ended too hastily. Since the main family is one of the protagonists, most of them are busy socializing, and they didn't eat anything, and their stomachs were already growling.

Fortunately, there is a cook in the family, the second son of the Somoto family, Shoji Somoto who can prepare exquisite dishes for them.

While waiting for the cooking, Mariko Samoto looked at her submissive husband, hating iron for nothing.

"Honey, don't be so cowardly in front of Dad, be strong, otherwise, how can Dad appreciate you, rest assured that you are in charge of the family business?" After all, this is the husband chosen by Samoto Mariko. They still love each other very much, and turned to comfort him. "Honey, you just have to be patient. Anyway, Dad is old and won't live long. After he leaves, this group will still belong to you."

The superficially glamorous Soben family has already been full of loopholes, and Soben Hozo's own daughters all hope that he will die soon.

It's not unreasonable that the old man only loves Xiaoben Xiajiang.

"I'm afraid the reality is not as simple as you think, aunt! You are too naive to think!"

When Mariko Somoto imagined herself becoming the head of the Somoto Group, an abrupt and harsh female voice interrupted her fantasy, and her words shocked her very much.

The one who spoke was Xiaoben Xiajiang's sister, Xiaoben Qiujiang, a woman with a sexy dress but a mean face, a bit like the vicious queen in a fairy tale, with a beautiful appearance but a vicious heart.

Beside her is a hedgehog man who looks like a gangster, and is also her married husband, Xiao Benlong.

Judging from the composition of the Suomoto family, the men in their family are all married, what a good Heisei man!

Moreover, after Caicheng Takehiko got engaged, he also married Suomoto Xiajiang in the way of marriage.

Maybe it is the tradition of the family to become a zodiac.

It can be deduced from this that Hozo Shomoto is also a guy who eats soft food but sticks to it.

His wife died, and he treated the whole family so forcefully, which seemed to be a cover-up of past weakness.

There are many men with bad teeth in modern times, and it is not shameful to eat soft food.

"What do you mean by that? What else do you know!"

Although they are his juniors, the relationship between Mariko Samoto and Akie Samoto has always been at odds, and he asked angrily.

"Hmph! Don't be surprised when you say it!"

Everyone present is a contender for the Suomoto family business. Of course, Suomoto Qiujiang will not tell the secret openly, so he sticks it to the ear of Suomoto Mariko and whispers.

As soon as Somoto Akie finished speaking, the self-righteous Mariko Somoto showed a frightened expression and couldn't believe it.

"This...how is this possible! It can't be true!"

"I heard that when Grandpa returns to Tokyo, he will immediately hold a press conference to announce the matter." Suimoto Qiujiang said indifferently.

But her husband, Suomoto Longnan, had an ugly expression on his face.

"Hmph! What are you kidding! I'm heavily in debt now, I owe a lot of debt in Shibuya, I must have a share of the property!"

"That's why we all have 'demands' to the Soben Group. If we don't do something, it will be too late when we arrive in Tokyo."

It is true that Qiu Ben Qiujiang has a heart of snakes and scorpions. She is not as calm as she appears on the surface. She also longs for everything in the Ben Group, but she hopes to stir up other people's desires and do some shady things.

Bad woman!

Somoto Akie did achieve the desired effect, Somoto Mariko and Somoto Tatsuo both fell into deep thought with ugly faces.


"After justice, it turned out to be like this. It is really the root of all evil."

Hozo Somoto looked at the stack of papers in his hand and was very relieved.

"Kenji, lock this document in the safe. In case of any accident, it can make the transition of the group smooth."

The only ones in the Somoto family who can reassure him are Saemoto Natsue and Suzuki Kenji, and the loyal old butler that Somoto Hozo trusts the most.

"Understood, sir, do you have any orders?"

"By the way, after locking the file in the safe, call Xiao Wu over, I have something to say to him."

"Okay, sir."

After a while, Caishi Takehiko knocked on the door of Hozo Somoto's room nervously.

"I'm Xiao Wu."

"Come in."

After hearing Hozo Somoto's voice, Takehiko Caishiro opened the door, and saw the old man sitting on the sofa with a serious face, with mixed emotions in his heart.

"Xiao Wu, you..."

Hozo Somoto still wanted to brew his emotions, and then had a showdown with Takehiko Caicheng to show his power to him.

Unexpectedly, when he opened his mouth just now, when he saw Caicheng Takehiko, he seemed to be choking his neck, and opened his mouth tightly, but he couldn't make any sound.

He looked like he couldn't believe it.

Hozo Somoto covered his neck with one hand, trying to make a sound, and grabbed the leather sofa with the other hand, trying to use his strength to resist desperately.

But everything Hozo Somoto did was useless. The harder he tried, the faster his death.

Finally, Su Benhao hid his brown and black pupils, which gradually became slack, and the strength in his body also disappeared.

With a face full of shock, Hozo Somoto stepped into the underworld.

Chapter 401 The Atonement of Sanqianliu Chief Director

Edogawa Conan is no longer the long-legged Kudo Shinichi of the past. Now that he has small arms and legs, it is extremely time-consuming and laborious to run back and forth on the way to capture Kaito Kidd and go to the auditorium to protect the dark stars.

And Edogawa Conan didn't run a few steps before he saw an unscientific lightning flash in the sky.

It was the time for An Pei Yixing to perform Leifa physical training.

This side represents the hidden truth of the world, and the other side is to protect the dark stars and assume the responsibility of a detective.

Without too much hesitation, Edogawa Conan chose to explore the truth of the world.

Since Edogawa Conan reasoned and determined that Kaito Kidd might have an accomplice, then this thunderous scene is very likely to deal with Kaito Kidd or his accomplices.

As long as one of them is caught, it is impossible for the dark star to be taken away from the Xiang Ji.

In this way, Edogawa Conan can keep his detective duties.

In addition, the truth of the world is too tempting for him.

Since L. Rollett possessed himself, such a real magical scene has left a deep impression on him, and science is no longer the only truth in the world.

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