If the secret is revealed too early, there will be no sense of surprise. An Pei Yixing plans to wait until the day of the dinner to reveal the mystery.

That is to say, Anpei Yixing from physical training and Satoshi Ashiya from talisman seal studies can also make such intensive eye contact without any mistakes. They are indeed genius onmyojis!

The exchange between Yoshiko Apei and Tomoya Ashiya seemed to be very long, but it actually took a little time, so Ginzo Nakamori didn't notice anything wrong, and even carefully asked for advice.

"You two, is there anything else that needs attention? There must be no mistakes in handling this case."

"Then I would like to trouble Police Officer Nakamori. In addition to sending someone to guard the room of Hozo Shomoto, I would also like to ask you to focus on protecting the remaining members of the Shomoto family so that the criminals will not retaliate."

According to An Pei Yixing's understanding of Nether, it is determined that this is an act of revenge by the deceased who returned to the present world, and it is especially suspected that it was the actions of Caicheng Yongfu who returned to the present world. The disappearance of Caicheng Takehiko even corresponds to this guess.

That's why An Peiyixing asked Nakamori Ginzo to strengthen the police force to protect the rest of the Suomoto family.

"Of course, I will arrange a large number of police forces to protect the remaining members of the Soben family."

After Nakamori Ginzo made a guarantee to An Pei Yixing, he asked doubtfully.

"Hey! Why don't you two protect them personally? After all, our people are unprofessional and prone to negligence."

As the proud student of Takahashi Kiyotaka, the boss of the Metropolitan Police Department, Nakamori Ginzo knows a lot of inside information, at least he has a certain understanding of supernatural forces, and understands that this incident is the work of evil spirits that ordinary people cannot resist. This kind of time has little effect, and the people who protect the main family may put their subordinates in danger, which is what Nakamori Ginzo does not want to see.

These people are all his old subordinates who have been with him for five or six years, or even seven or eight years. None of the casualties is what Nakamori Ginzo wants to see.

Moreover, these old subordinates are all comrades who have been hunting Kaito Kidd for a long time, and they are veteran policemen who know the way Kaito Kidd commits crimes best.

And An Pei Yixing and Ashiya Zhi are also two people, one stays to protect the main family, and the other goes to arrest the suspect. This is the best way, which can protect most people.

"Oh! Don't worry, Officer Nakamori, this time the evil spirits are objects that ordinary firearms can defend against. Even most ordinary people can fight with them when they hold weapons. The harm is very small, otherwise they would die last night. It's definitely not just the old man Suomoto Hozo!"

A little ghost who died less than ten years ago is the weakest part even in Netherworld.

These weak ghosts are not scary. When they want to hurt people in the underworld, they have to change their form. At that time, ordinary people can also fight with them. Only the old and frail old people like Shomoto Hozo will be succeeded by the brave man of Caicheng .

As long as most ordinary people keep a calm heart and pay attention to the dark places at all times, they will not be caught by a little ghost of Caicheng Yongfu.

However, it is precisely because the brave man in the city of wealth is weak that he can pass through the seal of the netherworld and come to the present world.

This also shows that Nether's seal has become weak recently.

Therefore, Anpei Yixing and Ashiya Zhi also made up their minds. After the meeting in Tokyo, they took the family elders, Yinyangliao mentors, to the sealed place, and strengthened the seal.

"I see!"

With the detailed analysis of professionals like An Peiyixing, Nakamori Yinsan has a bottom line in his heart. This weak little evil spirit can be defeated by ordinary people, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Nakamori Ginzo boasted that the policemen under his command were all elite soldiers, able to guard against such a weak evil spirit.

"That's it. The two of us have to report to the boss about the specific work situation, so we won't bother Officer Zhongsen anymore."

Seeing that Nakamori Ginzo understood his intentions, An Pei Yixing stopped talking, wanted to leave, and went to report to Adagaki Ayaka.

"To see Mrs. Andagaki?" Nakamori Ginzo hesitated for a while, then said to An Pei Yixing and the others. "That's just right, I also have something to discuss with Mrs. Andayuan in detail, let's go together."

Yixing Ampei and Tomo Ashiya also had no objection.

"Everyone is there, listen to my order, block the corridors on both sides of the Hokage's room, and no one is allowed to enter, and then some of you will help other colleagues and assist the passengers on the ship to leave; then the other part will gather the crew as much as possible to protect them. , to ensure a smooth sailing; the last part is to protect the members of the Suomoto family nearby! Be careful not to act alone, but to advance cooperatively!"

"Yes, sir!"

After hearing Nakamori Yinzo's order, all the police officers found their familiar colleagues, grouped them up in tacit agreement, and started working in an orderly manner.

Five or six people came to the two ends of the corridor in the room of Haoben Haozang, put on the seals and stood guard to prevent people from breaking in, and took turns with nearby colleagues.

A large part of the police left to help the passengers leave safely and protect the safety of the crew.

The last part is used to protect the members of this family.

"Sir and Madam, you have also heard our officer's order, so please go to a room so that we can cooperate and protect."

"Of course!"

Shomoto Sho and the others naturally heard Nakamori Ginzo's harsh tone and did not dare to complain at all. After all, life is only once, and with Shoben Xiajiang's weak character, even if he inherited the family business, he would give them a generous share. Family property, wouldn't it be very unlucky if he died like the old man Suomoto Haozang at this time.

So the members of the Suoben family were happy to accept the protection of the police.

I chose a nearby room, walked in, and accepted the protection of the police.

Compared with the cold-blooded and ruthless of other members of the Somoto family, Somoto Xiajiang is still affectionate and righteous, hugging Somoto Hozo's "clothes tomb", speechless for a long time, without any action.

In the end, it was the old housekeeper Suzuki Kenji who whispered a few words in Sumoto Xiajiang's ear before she regained her composure and went to the room to accept the protection of the police.

On the other side, the trio who went to report to Ayaka Adagaki also met the long-awaited head maid Naruno Koiwai.

Under her leadership, I went to Aihime Andagaki's private restaurant.

Looking at the small pottery pot in Xia Jiang's hand, Mariko Samoto, who was still thinking about her family property, sneered when she didn't come, and then felt emotional.

"It's really unexpected that my father, who was very majestic yesterday, actually entered a small urn today. It's really an impermanent world!"

"Sister, Dad passed away not long ago, so you better stop saying that!"

Although Shoji Somoto wants to share the family property, he still has some conscience, and he still has some feelings for his father Gozo Somoto, so he advises Mariko Somoto not to say too much on the anniversary of his death.

"Am I wrong? Is it unreasonable?"

What Mariko Samoto said was true, but as Gozo Samoto's daughter, she was a "big filial daughter" comparable to Jaina when she said such unkind words when her father's bones were still cold.

"Father, too. Since you made your will in advance, let's announce it early! Keep it hidden, and insist on waiting for the housekeeper to tell us after you die, so that we can have fun for nothing."

Although Hokuro Somoto is the son-in-law of the Somoto family, he has a good sense of the strict Hozo Somoto, which may be due to the sympathy between the son-in-law.

If he was like Hozo Somoto, his wife died first, and the oppression of being a son-in-law for a long time would break out. The weak Kitaro Somoto might become an old man who was stricter than Hozo Somoto in the future.

But now he is still a weak son-in-law of the Somoto family who eats his wife's food. He wants to stop his wife Mariko Somoto from continuing to say some nasty things, but because he is too weak and incompetent, he dare not refute his wife at all, so he can only smile awkwardly on the sidelines, like a clown.

Ichiro Somoto also inherited his father's weak character, with his head lowered on the table, making it difficult to see his specific expression.

"However, the murderer Caicheng Takehiko is actually father's designated heir. Xia Jiang, you brought it into the house. It's really disappointing!"

The main purpose of Mariko Samoto is inheritance, so after saying a few words against filial piety, she pointed the finger at Xiajiang Samoto, the heir to the property.

Somoto Xiajiang had just put down the clay pot containing the ashes in his hand, and his sadness was beyond words. Before he could recover, he was pulled by Somoto Mariko as the target of public criticism. She was kind and didn't know what to say.

"Yes, yes! My husband killed my grandfather, and he is inheriting all the inheritance. It's a crazy purpose, isn't it!"

Somoto Akie's purpose is the same as Somoto Mariko's, both for inheritance, so she echoed what she said, and even falsified to make the problem more serious, hoping to obtain greater benefits from it.

What kind of sisterhood, under the almighty money, is a thing of the past, not worth mentioning.

"No...it's not like that! I never thought that Grandpa would leave me an inheritance!"

Natsue Somoto's rebuttal was weak, and even in the eyes of Mariko Somoto and others who value inheritance, it was a provocation from the victor. The legacy of provocation belonged to her alone, and none of their family members had a share!

Therefore, the mind is ugly, and all things in the world are ugly, and judge others by oneself.

There are always more greedy people than kind people. A few people joined the siege of Xiaoben Xiajiang, which made Shouben Xianger who was standing aside couldn't stand it, and rarely said a useful word.

"Stop arguing, busy all morning, frightened, don't you feel a bit hungry!"

People are iron rice and steel, and if they don't eat a meal, they will be very hungry.

Especially skipping breakfast for a long time will cause great harm to the human body.

As a chef, Shoji Somoto has never treated his stomach badly. His words reminded the conflicted Somoto family, and his empty stomach responded instantly.

Seeing that several people stopped arguing, Shoji Somoto breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the old housekeeper Suzuki Kenji.

"There are no ingredients here, and I can't cook for you, so please ask Uncle Xianzhi to tell the police at the door that we need food."


"Hey! What are you going to do?"

Following Kenji Suzuki, there was Mariko Samoto.

"Isn't it okay to go out and go to the bathroom?"

With a nonchalant reply, Mariko Samoto left the room.

Chapter 419 Reporting work

Do as the Romans do, the chef working in the private restaurant is a flower grower, so the green tea is prepared for Adagaki Aihime.

And because most of the guests brought by Andagaki Aihime are women, the green tea brewed is Pu'er raw tea with a sweeter taste.

Generally speaking, although there are countless fresh ingredients on the Xiangji, it takes a while to prepare for Chinese cuisine breakfast.

Fortunately, the chef is the chef who cooks for Aihime Adagaki. In addition to delicious food, he also has the characteristics of large quantities, so he is better at quick cooking and serving.

Director Sanqianliu and the others only enjoyed a cup of tea, and some quick refreshments were already on the table.

Andagaki Aihime's personal chef, of course, knows that she invites distinguished guests, so when preparing tea dishes, he also has ulterior motives. Those teas that are not beautiful to eat in a big way are excluded, and all he prepares are exquisite in appearance Eat elegant refreshments.

Don't let the honorable guests damage their elegant image by eating refreshments, and by the way, save the rough eating method of my eldest lady.

A crystal clear and lively lobster dumpling was put on the table. Although it is not a luminous dish, it is also delicious in the world.

Moreover, the cooking looks very exquisite, which makes Sanqianliu, who likes beautiful things, a little embarrassed to start, and the others probably feel similar emotions.

But for human beings, a beautiful appearance is just a sensory stimulus, and a growling stomach is the real embarrassment. In order to cover up the embarrassment, beautiful things are not hesitated.

And it's not the poor and hungry Aihime Adagaki who practiced this cruel principle, nor the more sensible wives, but the childhood sweetheart Eriri and his god-sister Domabu who have been following the Sanqianliu headmaster.

The two of them had a good time discussing the plot of the book and exploring the mysteries of adults yesterday at home, but because of Sanqianliu's whereabouts, they forgot to eat and sleep, and rushed to the Xiangji ship overnight to "catch the adulterer".

The two of them were the most tired and hungry, and it was nothing to eat with an open stomach.

With two leading elder sisters, other women who are still reserved also let go of their scruples and can't wait to throw themselves into the embrace of delicious food.

After all, several of them also urgently need energy supplements.

The imaginary scene of apoplexy did not appear, and the quality cultivation of the eating girls suppressed their instinctive desires, and they all ate slowly, like noble ladies in the Middle Ages.

Although he was chewing slowly, the dishes on the table disappeared quickly.

According to Adagaki Aihime's instructions, the private chef prepared morning tea dishes that ordinary people can eat.

This is the first time that Huahuajia's private chef walked out of the open kitchen independently without inhaling oxygen and without the support of others after cooking for Ai Ji Andagaki.

The chef was very relieved, and even hoped that Aihime Adagaki could bring a large group of friends here every day in the future.

The experience of cooking for most of the guests is far better than the experience of cooking for Aihime Adagaki alone.

The chef wanted to happily go to other restaurants on the Xiangji to experience the experience of being a customer god, but Yoshino Koiwai stopped him again.

"This time I prepared less dishes than expected."

Through Yoshino Koiwai's reminder, the chef suddenly found that although Adagaki Aihime had reduced her food intake and wanted to be more reserved in front of her sweetheart, the guests were obviously rushing to eat their stomachs full.

And the appetite of each one is not small.

Sure enough, people live in groups and things are divided into categories.The guest invited by the eldest lady is also a big eater.

Immediately called to help the cook, and returned to the stove.

Outsiders watch the excitement, insiders watch the doorway.

The chefs looked at the group of Adagaki Aihime and they could relish it.And only the center of the focus, the Sanqianliu director general who is the person involved, knows the taste of Shura's purgatory.

There are so many rules on the dining table, the seating, arrangement, and serving order all have their own meanings.

Fortunately, Adagaki Aihime's private dining room is not decorated in an oriental style, not that kind of Chinese-style big round table, and the location is not so particular.

Their positions are assigned entirely on the basis of intimacy.

Zecun Sayuri, Ying Lili and a few people buried in Tujian got together.

Suzuki Tomoko, Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan are at the same table.

As the host, Aihime Andagaki and Ayaka Andagaki are at the same table.

Different people are sitting in different chairs, talking about the same topic.

Staring at the general manager Sanqianliu next to Eiriri, they started their own topics with him as the center.

It is reasonable to say that Sanqianliu, who is immersed in various dishes and tastes, will not have a big reaction, but he can't hold the eyes of the people around him, and he will glance at him every once in a while, as if he is a rare animal in the zoo.

Being treated like this in the past, Sanqianliu Director-General would definitely find an opportunity to divert his attention, but now he dares not make the slightest move in doing so.

I'm afraid of being paid special attention by Andagaki Aihime and the others.

Director Sanqianliu is like the pork guy among the vendors, exuding his own brilliance all the time, he has no troubles himself, and troubles will come to him!

The cause was Ying Lili's chopstick incident.

Buying blind boxes is for the pursuit of excitement, and the same is true for stuffed foods such as buns and dumplings.

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