So, would it be better if it was an older brother?

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Tumabu who was acting like a spoiled child to the chief executive, but her thoughts went awry.

"Yeah, very satisfying! It's been a long time since I ate a meal made by my mother!"

Buried in the soil stretched his waist, showing a satisfied expression.A little happy, but also a little sad.

"By the way, Oni sauce! Come to my house for dinner tonight! I believe mom will welcome you!"

Whether your mother will welcome me, I don't know, but she will definitely be shy!

The general manager recalled that Mrs. Aimi Tuma was so charming that night during the treatment, and she couldn't control her prehistoric power.

"By the way, Yukinoshita-senpai and Andagaki-san should come too! Let's hold a small party together to celebrate my mother's discharge from the hospital!"

Domabu suddenly thought of something, and said to the other people in the service department.

"This is a private commission from me, the little girl Domabu! Everyone in the service department will not refuse!"

Girl, you have already said that, how can you let everyone say no!

Chapter 070 Ma'am, Open the Door for Warmth

Aimi Tuma has been very distressed recently. She was originally a character who looks at things indifferently due to physical reasons.

Even when he was seriously ill and issued a critical illness notice at the hospital, he was only worried about whether his daughter could live a good life after he was gone, and didn't care much about himself.

Even with such a personality, Aimi Doma's behavior has become a little weird recently, always in a daze inadvertently, and keeps rubbing her red lips.

Always look preoccupied.

It should have been a joy to recover her health and continue to take care of her daughter, but recalling what happened the night she recovered from her illness, Aimi Doma, a well-known wife, was also a little shy.

As a widow, she was caught on the lips by a young and handsome boy that night, and she was forced to kiss and exchange saliva.

After the death of her husband, the sealed emotions burst out again. After a long period of repression, the emotions in this aspect became more turbulent, like erupting magma, hot and dangerous.

In the later time, the dominant position between the two changed, and the wife who had been empty for a long time was a little crazy. She seemed to inadvertently guide a minor how to enter the world of adults, completely opening the door to a new world.

Tear, bite, touch, lick... All kinds of little tricks, like two little snakes playing and chasing each other, a mature wife completely blows up the general manager, a novice driver with no knowledge and no experimental experience. .

At that moment, the chief executive knew why the old drivers in those groups liked their wives. Compared with the young and sour girls, the wives were really too sweet.

That intense magic replenishment caused unknown changes to the parties involved.

The temptation brought by the son of God, the charm of the chief executive himself, the sense of taboo brought about by age... etc. add up to make the long-term empty wife a little bit unable to stop.

I've been having the same dream for the past few days, and the dream is full of the figure of that little villain.

I don't even know who he is, why he did that, and how to treat his illness, but I still can't help thinking about him, and I call to see him from the bottom of my heart.

"Mrs. Mingming is not such a shameless person. I blame that little villain. It's as if he has magic power on him. People can't help but miss him."


My wife, Aimi Doma, doesn't know how many times she has sighed today, and the grievances in the first half of her life don't add up to as much as these few days.

Calculating the time, Xiaobu should be home from school soon, it’s time to cook, make more dishes, we must get rid of Xiaobu’s picky eating habits, no, let’s cook more meat, Xiaobu still has to grow his body now , nutrition is the most important...

After tidying up her complicated mood, Aimi Doma diverted her attention and began to prepare for dinner.

Just as Aimi Doma was thinking about what to have for dinner, which is one of the three questions in life, Xiaobu's energetic voice reached her ears.

"Mom, I'm back! I invited some new friends from school over for dinner, is it okay?"

"Sister Yukinoshita, Adachi-san is here to change shoes..."

Little Bui is a real kid. When friends come to the house, they are still yelling. It's not good to make people laugh.

Aimi Doma smiled and took off her apron, washed her hands, and planned to go to the entrance to welcome Xiaobu's new friends, and to buy some vegetables at the convenience store. The leftover vegetables at home were not enough for a group of people.


Walking into the entrance, facing the door, Aimi Doma froze just as she was about to say a welcome word.

The wife saw a boy who wanted to see but didn't want to see. She had imagined the scene of meeting again countless times, and maybe she would never meet again. The only thing she didn't expect was that within a few days, he was taken home by her daughter .

Besides, he was still Xiao Bu's classmate, and his wife felt a little dizzy.

"Mom, what's the matter with you, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Seeing his mother's distressed face, Doma Bui thought that there was some hidden danger in her body, so he threw himself at his wife, ignoring the guests.

"No, it's nothing, Xiaobu, I'm just a little tired from doing housework in the afternoon, and I'm not feeling uncomfortable."

Seeing her daughter checking her body anxiously, Aimi Doma was both relieved and helpless.

Good girl!You really brought mom a huge "surprise"!

Aimi Tuma took a peek at the chief executive at the entrance, her blond hair as warm as the sun, and her handsome face coincided with the figure of the little villain who kissed her in memory.

What a crime!

Noticing Aimi Doma's eyes, the chief executive smiled at her a little shyly. He didn't expect to face his wife directly after a few days of intimate contact.

This is an unexpected and special case.

"In that case, mom, you should have a good rest! I'll just greet my friends."

Tu Jianbu was still a little worried and told his mother, urging her to go to rest.

"In that case, leave the task of cooking to us!"

Yukinoshita Yukino made timely suggestions, and her "nosy" problem seemed to be getting worse.

"Isn't that good! It's the first time you've come to play with Xiaobu, and I'm going to bother you to cook."

Seeing the general manager, Aimi Doma's body cells seemed to be cheering, she suppressed her body's instinctive reaction, and said to Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Mom, it's okay. I can also help my sister cook. You need to have a good rest now."

Like Yukinoshita Yukino, Doma Bui is also a versatile existence of housework, cooking and so on are small cases.

"Jinai, you can help too!"

Only Andagaki Aiji was embarrassed in the whole group, it's okay to ask her to eat, cooking is a lady in distress!

I had no choice but to discharge my personal maid.

"It's just that I don't have much food at home. I want to go out and buy some."

"I'll go with you, my wife. Let me pick the dishes, and my wife will be in charge of choosing."

The general manager made a sound at the right time. He hoped to be alone with Aimi Tuma to see if the task could make progress.

"Don't worry, little buried, I will take good care of your mother and won't make her tired."


"Okay, Xiaobu! Let me go shopping with this little gentleman."

Perhaps, it wasn't just the chief who wanted a chance to be alone.

Chapter 071 The Overheard Wife

As soon as the chief executive and Aimi Doma went out, he couldn't wait to hold his wife's smooth and slender hand and ran to the dark street corner.

The wife did not refuse the chief executive's hand, and the little bird ran along with him.

Aimi Doma is wearing a white gauze dress today, she runs like a beautiful butterfly in the garden, dancing gracefully, amazed for a while.

They looked like a pauper running away with the young lady, but the pauper was a bit handsome.

Before the chief executive jogged for a few steps, he heard the sound of high heels worn by Aimi Doma. In order to take care of her body, he slowed down thoughtfully, and the two walked together in Tokyo under the twilight.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see the age difference between the two at all. They are like a couple of gods and gods. The handsome man and the beautiful woman are so enviable.

Arriving at a park next to Doma Aimi's apartment, the chief executive took his wife to a dark corner.

He put her on the thick tree trunk, and stared at her affectionately from above.

The mature and slender Aimi Doma is like a innocent little girl at this moment, her heart is like a deer bumping around, embarrassed and passively accepting the toughness of the chief executive.

Facing the fiery gaze of the chief executive, he dodged and dodged, as if they would melt just by looking at each other.

It is too sweet!

Such an innocent-looking wife made the chief executive unable to believe that it was the wife who led him to understand the meaning of kissing that night, or did the wife actually have two personalities?Will change personality when encountering unbearable external stimuli?

Shaking his head, he forgot all the miscellaneous thoughts, now is not the time to think about those things.

With one hand, Aimi Doma's delicate chin was raised so that it met her gaze.

Unexpectedly, just looking at each other, the wife blushed and closed her eyes with a "swish". The long eyelashes kept shaking due to anxiety, revealing the panic of the wife.

It's really too sweet!He obviously has an ascetic and cold face, but his cute reaction is like a little girl who just fell in love.

This scene is like a Mary Su novel, the domineering president bullies the weak and beautiful girl, but unfortunately the age of the two is not suitable, maybe it is replaced by the strong and beautiful boy attacking the weak wife, which is more in line with the actual situation.

At first, he didn't know how to deal with the complicated relationship with his wife, but now seeing the lovely wife who is picked by others, the chief executive always feels that he has awakened some evil hobbies.

For example, sleeping qu, jerking...

Perhaps it is the reason why the general manager has been helping Ying Lili sell the book to conceive the plot, and the thoughts are constantly polluted.

"Ahem! Ma'am, if you lure me with such a seductive expression again, I will have to experiment with the skills you taught me that night."

"That's right, I didn't tempt you. It's because you are so naughty!"

Faced with the director's malicious teasing, Aimi Tuma finally broke out, and tried her best to pretend to be glaring at him with her eyes wide open, with a look of sternness and inwardness, such a cute contrast, really unexpected!

The general manager feels sorry for Xiaobu and Yinglili, such a wife is simply too loving.

"It's obviously because your eyes are too hot that the wife is a little shy."

It seemed that what she said was too weak, and Aimi Doma added another sentence, but it only had the opposite effect, making her wife feel very angry.

"Madam, I really regret it. I should take the opportunity of treating you and repay you with kindness!"

"You child, don't mess around! I'm already married and have a daughter. Xiaobu is your classmate."

Although the words were fierce, the wife never took action to break free from the boss of the chief executive.

At the same time, his speech was a bit frustrating, as if he was not only reminding the director general, but also reminding himself that two people cannot be together.

"As long as there is love, all of this is not a problem! I like mature and lovely women like my wife the most!"

"It's wrong for you to do this, my wife will not accept you!"

Aimi Tsuchima clearly rejected the general manager, but her tone was not so firm. After all, it is a woman's nature and privilege to desire to be loved like CC.

"It's your business to accept it or not, but it's my business to pursue you. I will stalk you until you agree."

Stalking is definitely the exclusive privilege of handsome men and beautiful women, or they themselves have a crush on you, so that they will not cause boredom to others.

"You will be hated by your wife if you do this!"

"Would my wife really hate my stalking?"

Aimi Tsuchima stared at the general manager for a while unwilling to admit defeat, but she took the lead in admitting defeat and lowered her head, no longer looking at him.

"Does my wife feel a little unwell recently?"

The general manager suddenly stopped molesting Aimi Tsuchima, and took the initiative to change the topic.

"What do you want to say?"

Aimi Doma asked cautiously, keeping a high level of vigilance against the chief executive.

"It is necessary to know that no matter what kind of treatment, it cannot be achieved overnight."

"What do you want! Uh..."

The next thing is the blushing and heart-pounding time for mana replenishment. The director said that this is not for satisfying his desire for tongue and tongue, but for the sake of his wife's health. At the same time, he also wants his wife to test the skills she taught.

So the general manager is really a conscientious, responsible doctor and student.

Because of the angle of view, an unusually plump lady heard their conversation very close to the chief executive. She was Keiko Tamaki who came out for a night run.

"Xiao Zongsi likes older wives, so what about my little Yazi!"

Wife heard the preferences of the chief executive, shouldn't you be most worried about yourself!

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