But now... she is not dead... I am actually a little happy in my heart.

"Hehe..hehe..cough cough.."

Immortal blood flowed out of her mouth unceasingly, but her eyes were extremely clear at this moment.

"Is there nothing to say, Xian'er?"

Qin Juexian's voice came from beside her ear.

This time, it was not as cold as before, but with a softness.

Ridiculous.. Obviously her actions are so cruel, but the words she said to herself at this time are so gentle..

Just like... when I was a kid...

"You... have you ever considered Xian'er your sister..."

"Xian'er has always been my sister. This fact has not changed. My sister has always loved Xian'er. Of course, it is a little less than my love for Jiu Ge."

She leaned her chin on her shoulder and watched the gradually setting sun with her.

There is a gentleness in the eyes.

"so good.."

Hearing this, a smile slowly appeared on Qin Qingxian's face.

At this moment, there is no hatred, no anger, only happiness.

"I'm sorry.. sister can only do this.. Xian'er.."

Qin Juexian's voice came again.

"Well, I know... from the moment the fairy bone appeared on the three of us... I should have understood...but...I didn't understand..."

The breath gradually dispersed, and the paleness of Qin Qingxian's face became more apparent.

"It seems that I want to see Brother Jiuge again..."

"Sure, yes."

"Thank you... Sister Xian..."


As soon as these words fell, Qin Juexian immediately retracted Qin Qingxian's hand that pierced through it. In her scarlet hand, there was still a crystal jade bone.

There is a strong fairy air lingering on it.

Everything is because of this bone.

Without Qin Juexian's support, Qin Qingxian fell to the ground, and the last ray of light from the setting sun fell on her body.

It was as if her life was gradually passing away at this time.

"Everything...is over..."


"Calm down! Calm down! Leng Yuexi!!! Calm down!!!"

At the foot of the mountain at this time, Leng Yuexi felt Qin Qingxian's aura suddenly become extremely weak, and Qin Juexian's aura reappeared, the initial warning in her heart finally broke out at this moment! !

"How can I stay calm! Xian'er!! Xian'er!! No, no! I'm going to save Xian'er!! I'm going to save her!!"

Leng Yuexi bit her red lips tightly, and streams of clear tears could not stop flowing from her eyes.

"You still have to stop me!!!"

Looking at Murong Han who stood in front of him with an extremely complicated expression, Leng Yuexi yelled at her loudly.

"I have to do this for your safety."

"Murong Han!!!"

"Feel sorry!"

All of a sudden, the flashes of swords and swords were more intense this time than before!

And outside!

In the mysterious village.


Waves of monstrous imperial prestige permeated the sky instantly! !

The nine old men watched the soul imprint belonging to Qin Qingxian become extremely dim, and their faces were extremely pale.

"Xian'er has an accident!!!"

"Qin Juexian!! It must be Qin Juexian!!"

"The old man doesn't care!!! I'm going to save Xian'er!"

This statement is over!Master Six, who had grown back his beard, rushed out of this world with an extremely gloomy expression!

That fierce Emperor Wei even surrendered to the space! !

But at this moment, a series of cherry blossoms suddenly appeared, and where the cherry blossoms floated, Emperor Wei was completely suppressed.

"Sakura God!"

Seeing the figure wrapped in chaos appearing in front of him, Sixth Master couldn't help but shed an old tear from his eyes.

"Sakura God, Xian'er, Xian'er is in the old man's heart, but she is just like my own granddaughter, please, let me save her!!"

"Sakura God, please, save Xian'er, Xian'er, she shouldn't be treated like this!"

Several other old masters also came out in the same way, looking at the invisible figure, they all asked for it with tears in their eyes.

However, facing the request of these old people, Yingshen shook his head lightly after listening.

"Sakura God!! Why! Xian'er is also your apprentice!!!"

"Because of this, I can't interfere in this matter. Phoenix also needs to go through fire to be reborn from nirvana, and Xian'er is the same, and each of you is a person with a high level of cultivation. You know, even if Xian'er passes away, I can also bring her back from reincarnation."

Sakura God said in an extremely calm voice.

And hearing Yingshen's words, a kind of old man was stunned.

Pull Xian'er back from reincarnation..

"Okay, you all go back, Xian'er's opportunity is coming soon, many things involve great karma, even I dare not touch it lightly."

Sakura said softly.

But after hearing Yingshen's words like this, all the elders nodded in a daze.

"Yes, I'm being reckless."

"It's okay, I know how much you love Xian'er, but you must also understand that Xian'er is a person of great luck, and her future achievements will not be lower than Qin Juexian's. After this nirvana, she will When it really soars to the nine heavens."

Sakura God said in an extremely calm tone.

"I'm waiting to understand!"


After the words fell, Sakura God disappeared again.


And at this time in the Immortal Chasing Secret Realm.

"Okay... so cold...does it feel like this again..."

"Obviously she succeeded again... But this time, I can't hate him anyway..."

"I really want to see Brother Jiuge again...I really want to..."

"Even if it's just once..."

"Jiuge..Brother..Xian'er..Failed to protect what you gave Xianer..You will be disappointed.."

"Xian'er...still hasn't changed...still so stupid...can't do anything well..."

"Brother Nine Songs..."

At this moment, a vague figure slowly walked to her side.

I can't see his face clearly, but...

She recognized that breath in an instant..

"Brother Nine Songs..."

She wanted to say something, but she was powerless at all and could only look at her with distracted eyes.

look at him..

But at the next moment, the other party made a move that made Qin Qingxian want to resist, why...why is this scene still...

"Brother Jiuge...don't...don't..."



The warm blood dripped on her pretty face. At this moment, even the coldness just now was instantly dispelled, but she didn't want to, she didn't want to do this, she would rather bear the coldness all the time. I don't want such warmth.

"Sorry... this time, it's late again... But, it's okay... Xian'er... brother, I won't let you go, absolutely not..."

Qin Jiuge looked at Qin Qingxian who was lying on the ground, feeling that she had only the slightest vitality remaining, and his hands that had already pierced his chest were constantly exerting force.

The severe pain caused his expression to change for a while.

but! !Such a pain!So what! ! !

"Xian'er! My brother will definitely protect you from now on!!!"

puff! ! !

With the sound of a crack!A mouthful of blood spit out from Qin Jiuge's mouth in an instant.

"Nine Songs!! Nine Songs!!! Don't!! Don't!!!"

And not far away, Leng Yuexi watched this scene with tears streaming down her face. She kept hitting the barrier released by Qin Jiuge in front of her, and the power of the barrier was rapidly weakening! !However, she would rather the strength of this barrier continue to increase!

"Sorry.. Yuexi.. She is my sister.. I have to do this.. Sorry.. Trust me.. I.. will not die.. Absolutely not..."

Qin Jiuge looked at Leng Yuexi with a smile on his face, but in Leng Yuexi's eyes, the smile was so pale and weak.

"Jiuge!! Let me go!! Please! Let me go!! I have a way to save you! I have a way to save you!!!"

Leng Yuexi kept talking to Qin Jiuge, but Qin Jiuge's pupils were extremely dim.

He looked at the fairy bone in his hand.

Slowly reached out and placed it on the wound on Qin Qingxian's chest.

But.. not yet.. not yet.. this time..

The original fairy bone must be taken out together..

That is the foundation of the growth of the fairy bone, and it is also the thing that connects Qin Jiuge's life..

But now..not the time to think about that..

He reached out to his chest again.

And outside, Leng Yuexi, who was watching this scene, could no longer watch Qin Jiuge do anything.

However, at the moment she wanted to forcefully rush in.

A scabbard hit her neck in an instant.

"Nine Songs..."

After she saw Qin Jiuge's last gaze, she fell down.


Gently helped Leng Yuexi up... Murong Han shook his head.

She looked at Qin Jiuge.

Leave without a word.

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