"Well, this tea is really good."

Feeling the unique taste, the woman in plain clothes nodded slightly.

"Of course, the tea in this tea is not really a very good thing, but that taste is what makes me most comfortable."

Qin Jiuge smiled lightly.

"Huh? Isn't this all bitter taste... what's so good..."

Huan Yue'er looked at the half cup of light-colored tea left in her teacup, feeling a little puzzled.

"It melts in the mouth, the lips are moist, the sweetness enters the throat, and the heart is clear~ Don't drink so much in one sip, tea is not like the water you usually drink, it is not a thirst-quenching drink, but a slow taste, Drinking tea is more about drinking an artistic conception.

Qin Jiuge said softly to Huan Yue'er.

"artistic conception?"

Hearing this, Huan Yue'er looked at the tea in front of her with some doubts. If the master was not here, he would have thought that Qin Jiuge was fooling himself, but seeing the master, he said that the tea was really delicious .

She picked up the tea in front of her again.

Put it next to that small tender nose and sniff again.

Let’s talk about the smell.. It smells really good.. But this smell..

Looking at this cup of tea, Huan Yue'er hesitated for a moment, and then made up her mind the next moment!

"Just drink it! What are you afraid of!"

I saw her holding the teacup and taking a sip gently.

Feeling the pain, Huan Yue'er's face was a little unnatural, but fortunately, the amount was small, so she could still hold on.

She didn't spit it out either, but followed her swallowing the next moment.


Fingertip Huanyue'er's eyes flickered slightly.

It seems a little unbelievable.

Seeing this, Qin Jiuge smiled lightly.

"Isn't it amazing~"

"Hmm! It's obviously bitter, why is it so sweet when you swallow it!"

Huan Yue'er looked at the tea in the teacup curiously.

"Actually, this sweetness is not so sweet. The key is that your mouth has the bitterness of the entrance just now, so that your lips and tongue are wrapped in this taste, and when you swallow, the turning The sweetness of the food looks very delicious against the bitterness~”

Qin Jiuge laughed softly.

He looked at the bright moon reflected in his cup.

"It's like a person's life, it is in response to the principle of bitterness before sweetness."

"Bitter first, then sweet? But, some people are born with rich clothes and fine food?"

Huan Yue'er looked at Qin Jiuge and asked curiously.

"Then it's not within the scope of what I said~"

"Eh? Then you mean you didn't say anything?"

Huan Yue'er puffed her mouth.

"Of course not, because many things are different from what we think. After all, what I'm talking about is the life principles of most people in this world. There must be exceptions, such as me~"

Qin Jiuge said to Huan Yue'er.

Magic Moon:...

"Okay, I've finished my tea, and I'm a little tired, master, so I'll go to bed first."


To this, the woman in plain clothes nodded slightly, but said nothing.

She was still sitting there, drinking tea, looking at the moonlight above her head.

The face wrapped in a faint chaotic atmosphere made it impossible to see what she was thinking.

As Huan Yue'er watched Qin Jiuge leave, her small eyes full of agility turned inadvertently.

There was also a smile on his face.

"Master~ I'll go first too!"

"Well, let's go."

The woman in plain clothes gave exactly the same answer.

"Then, master, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Huan Yue'er disappeared.

Only the woman in plain clothes was left, sitting here alone.

A cup of tea, a pot, a person...

She looked at the moonlight overhead.

The tea in his hand exudes a faint white mist.

"Today I look at the moon, but I don't see my old friend from back then...drinking fragrant tea...but I don't see the scenery from back then...Sakura God...is it really good to live like this?"

After saying that, she held up the teacup in her hand again and took a sip.

The moon is still so bright, and the night is still so quiet.

People are still so indifferent.


At this time, Qin Jiuge, who was already asleep, didn't notice.

Outside the bamboo house, a figure quietly approached.

She looked at Qin Jiuge who was sleeping in the bamboo hut, and a beautiful smile slowly appeared on her face.

"Qin Jiuge~ I can't beat you during the day~ But, in my dream~ You just wait for me to fix you~ Hehe~"

After finishing speaking, Huan Yue'er's figure turned into a very inconspicuous light and shot into Qin Jiuge's body.

However, she didn't notice that at the moment he entered Qin Jiuge's dream, Qin Jiuge's hand moved slightly.

Chapter 251, Dreams, Strange Dreams (5k)

As Huan Yue'er entered Qin Jiuge's mind, she looked at the darkness around her, and this time seemed a little different from the last time.

Last time Qin Jiuge himself was already in a dream, but this time.

"Didn't enter the dream? Is it because the daytime is too comfortable?"

Huan Yue'er said softly.

As a phantom whale, Huan Yue'er doesn't know much about dreams.

For example, Qin Jiuge's appearance is actually the best mode of rest. After all, if he is dreaming, to some extent it is because he is too tired during the day or something.

Just like yesterday, when Qin Jiuge faced her for the first time, didn't he seem to have quite a headache?

But today, after breaking into the holy realm, Huan Yue'er could no longer help Qin Jiuge, and Qin Jiuge became extremely relaxed.

So when I go to sleep at night, I don't think about other things.

And this kind of sleep and rest has the best effect for Qin Jiuge.

However, this is not the case for Huan Yue'er, after all, her purpose is to tease Qin Jiuge in his dream, if Qin Jiuge is not dreaming, how can she do it?

So well~ heh heh heh!

Isn't it easy for her to let someone dream~

I saw her standing in a pitch-black space, with a faint halo slowly emitting from her whole body. The colors were colorful and full of dreamy power!

And this kind of power is unique to the phantom whale!The power of dreams!

I saw the halo all over her body slowly moving towards the surroundings, invading Qin Jiuge's thoughts!

at this time!A spot of light that was particularly attractive in the pitch-black world appeared in front of Huan Yue'er.

And this is the corner of Qin Jiuge's thoughts!

Just make this bigger!Huan Yue'er can pull out Qin Jiuge's dream!

"Hmph~ This time, Qin Jiuge, how do you think I should play with you~"

Seeing this singular point, Huan Yue'er couldn't restrain the smile on her face!

I saw her slowly moving her fingers away, with a bit of dream power on her fingers, just to strengthen this singularity!

but!at this time!Before her hand touched the Dodge Point!

That singularity bloomed instantly!A flash of intense light instantly sucked in Huan Yue'er who hadn't reacted yet!



As soon as the light flashed, Huan Yueer realized that she had appeared in a room wrapped in red makeup, and she stared blankly at the surrounding scene.

"I am?"

She looked around, and there was a sense of red happiness in the room, even the big red flowers were pasted on the windows, and the big happy character made her even more stunned.

"This is... Qin Jiuge's dream???"

She quickly stood up, wanting to use her fantasy power, but found that she couldn't mobilize the power in her body at all, no!It's not that I can't mobilize it, but... I don't have a trace of fantasy power in my body at all! !

This, what's going on! ! !

Huan Yue'er stood up anxiously, and the moment she stood up, a red kerchief inlaid with gold threads fell from her head!

However, she can't care about these anymore!Looking at herself in the mirror beside her, she had a delicate and beautiful face, and her lips were bright red, and the silver hair that was originally draped around her waist was also tied up at this moment, with a pure gold hairpin ornament on it! !

and!Look at the neck that is as white and tender as creamy fat!He was wearing a festive red dress!

At this moment, does Huan Yue'er still not know the situation? ?How could you not know! !Combine with decor in surrounding rooms! !How...how did I become a newlywed bride!

The most important thing is that my dream power has been suppressed! !What's happening here! !

In other words, I am now no different from a mortal! !

And at this moment, there was a sound of discussion outside the window.

"Sigh, it's a pity that the young lady of the Huan family is so beautiful, she is the dream lover of many young masters in the city, but I never thought that she would end up marrying such a foolish husband..."

"Yes, Miss Yue'er is obviously so smart and beautiful, but... well, this Wang family is still powerful. In the entire Linyue City, who can resist the ideas of this Wang family?"

Huan Yue'er, who was quietly leaning against the window and listening to the discussion outside, frowned slightly when she heard this.

"The Wang family?? Idiot husband??"

wrong!Fool husband? ?Now that I am a bride, doesn't that mean that I am the bride of that foolish husband? ? ?

etc!This fool's husband can't be Qin Jiuge! !

After all, he was in Qin Jiuge's dream, but...why did Qin Jiuge dream of becoming a fool? ?

Doesn't fit his usual behavior at all? ?

Huan Yue'er was in a daze for a while.

"No! Now is not the time to think about this! I want to escape now!! You know, this is the newlywed's room! If you wait for that idiot bridegroom to come in!! Myself!!"

Thinking of this, Huan Yue'er trembled for a while.

Don't think it's a dream, you're not afraid of such things, on the contrary!Just because it is a dream, it is the more special one!

Because in the dream, you simply have no way to resist the other party!If you are hit by the other party! !

Huan Yue'er shuddered for a while!

"No! You have to leave quickly! As long as you can leave here! The dream will automatically repair! Then reappear an illusory character here! As for myself, I just need to wait for Qin Jiuge to wake up!! That way I can Leave Qin Jiuge's dreamland!"

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