She hasn't been the boss for many years.

Mimiq has devoted himself wholeheartedly to his new family and new career. It has been a long time since he thought about the past, so he needs time to recall it. "Crack one one!"

Under the narration of Mimi Q, Roy knew the true identities of the four overlords.

In the Alola Spiritual Realm, the patron saints basically don't care about it, and the four overlord elves respectively occupy the dominion rights of the four islands in the Alola Spiritual Realm.

In a pristine environment without human presence, they are the true 'Kings of the Islands'.

Mimiq was once just the overlord of a small group on one of the islands, struggling to survive in the cracks.Later, as the ethnic group gradually weakened and fell apart, Mimiq was tired of being the overlord, and secretly hid in the Dragon Kingdom's spiritual field search team, disguised as a doll, and then met Roy...

On the island where she stayed, the strongest overlord was an extremely petite elf, and she ranked last among the four overlords.

One by one bow tie cute horsefly.

Insect + goblin attribute.

The race limit value is not high, but it can become the four overlords. It is said that the reason is because it has lived for more than 200 years...

Under its banner, it commands the four powerful elf groups of the family, the Butterfly, the Big-billed Gull, the Happy Egg, and the Pokkiss. His strength is even more unpredictable.

As for the other three overlords, Mimiq has never seen it before, and only knows general information.

Ranked third is a 'Lan Tanghua'.

The overlord of the grass attribute, the king of the forest.

Ranked second is a 'Weak Dingyu'.

It is of the water attribute and is said to live in the ocean.

As for the strongest overlord, it is a staff-tailed scale armored dragon.

Fighting + dragon, the quasi-god elf in the Alola region.

It is said that this rod-tailed scale armored dragon has existed for a very long time, and it has lived for a full 1000 years. Its strength, even the patron saints, must be treated equally.

"This..." Roy was a little surprised, the power of the Overlord Elf far exceeded his expectations.

Especially the stick-tailed scale armored dragon that has lived for 1000 years has definitely reached the level of a heavenly king. "Is there any more?"

"Ka? (What else?)" Mimiq was at a loss.

"For example, is there any hidden fifth overlord at the same level of strength?" Roy asked.

There are five of the Four Heavenly Kings, isn't it common sense?The four overlords should be about the same...

Mimiq let out an angry 'click', saying that Roy was naive, and then ignored him.

When Roy communicated with Mimiq, three groups of people had already entered the space node one after another.

As for the fourth batch, it was the turn of Roy and the others...

Chapter 274 Akara Island, the First Master

In order to ensure fairness, each batch of entrants is randomly selected from various countries.

Lin Xingchen entered in the third batch.

Roy stepped out and walked towards the space node under the instructions of the staff.

At this moment, on the stage, there was the expressionless Kapu.Mingming suddenly changed his expression and looked at Roy.

"... library?"

Like all the 'gods' who have seen Roy, Tapu.Mingming immediately noticed the extremely strong breath of God on his body.

This is the degree of being favored by the 'God', Tapu.Mingming had never seen it before.

Then, Tapu.Mingming quickly noticed the Z bracelet on Roy's wrist, and he was very familiar with the glow stone aura attached to it.

Making the glowstone into a Z bracelet that can be used by trainers was originally a technology invented by Him~.

...Why does this human being have-this thing?

Tapu.Mingming was puzzled.

All the existing glow stones in Alola's spiritual domain have been collected by him, and there is no possibility of leakage.

This is also the reason why countries on the earth know nothing about Z-moves.

Tapu.Ming Ming was very curious. If it were the other trainers, he would have rushed up at this time, and angrily began to question the source of the glow stone.

no way.

... Tapu.Ming Ming's current mood is like waking up and being shocked to find someone else holding his wife's underwear.

But for Roy, who is favored by the 'god', Kapu.Of course Mingming chose to forgive him.

This human being is special and worth watching...

Tapu.With a thought in Mingming's mind, the powerful spiritual power was transmitted to the other three guardian gods of Kapu to convey this message.

Covered by the mysterious ghost coat, Roy stepped into the space node with ease.

Suddenly, Roy appeared in a lush forest.

Mysterious Q leaned on Roy's shoulder, looked around, and made a surprised voice: "Ka!"

She is familiar with this place!

Here, it is the Overlord.The island ruled by the Moe Butterfly.

One by one Akala Island.

"Good luck."

Roy laughed and felt that he had won the lottery.

This place can be said to be Mimiq's hometown, and she is very familiar with the surrounding areas.

Mimiq has only left here for a year, even if the ecology changes, it is impossible to have much change.

In other words, Mimiq is very aware of the power distribution of the nearby ethnic groups, and also knows where the 'Bowknot Moefly' is located.

You know, the other testers are probably still getting familiar with the environment, collecting information, and looking for the location of the four overlords.

information advantage.

"Let's go!"


Mysterious quiz guides the way vigorously.

She used to hate the fighting experience here, so she fled to the outside world.

But when I returned to my hometown again, I felt an indescribable excitement, which made Mimiq very excited.

However, something happened soon that reminded her of bad memories!

Roy stopped suddenly and clasped the four elf balls with his five fingers.

Mimi Q looked forward in disgust.

There, four huge insect-like elves that seemed to stand up appeared there, staring at Roy with red eyes, exuding a terrifying murderous aura.

They were originally lurking, ready to wait for Roy and Mimiq to fall into the encirclement net before attacking, but now that they realized they were noticed, they took the initiative to stand up.

One by one armor warrior.

Insect + water system... Roy's mind came up with their information, and he threw the poke ball out without hesitation.

Lucario, Metagross, Electric Shock Beast, Nine Tails.

Among them, the size and aura of the Electric Shock Beast and the Metagross made the four armored warriors hesitate. Their 'danger avoidance' characteristics made them feel a strong threat.

Normal elves have already retreated at this time.

However, after hesitating for a while, the four armored warriors still decided to attack. blade!


...sludge bombs!

...Sword Dance!

Sludge bombs bombed from a long distance, shell blades and slashes restrained from close, and sword dance strengthened one's body.

Clear division of labor and excellent team awareness.

Seeing the joint attack of these four armored warriors, the Electric Shock Monster grinned.

That's it?

It raised its right fist and swung it suddenly. In an instant, there were bursts of thunder!

Thunder boxing one by one!

After picking up the practice of electric moves again, the electric shock monster has a new understanding and perception of electric energy. Today's thunder is more crisp and loud than half a month ago!

The blue mega-level voltage is condensed on the fist, accompanied by 'hum! With a bang, the shell blade, combo chop and sludge bomb were destroyed with a devastating force!

Lucario disappeared in place without knowing when, and appeared in the formation of armored warriors.

Strangely, the four of them didn't notice Lucario at all.

In an instant, Lucario swung four enhanced punches, each of which condensed the power of the azure blue waveguide, as well as... fighting immortals!

The fists hit the four armored warriors.

An incredible scene appeared.

Where the fists met, there was no collision or explosion of force, but it was as silent as a punch on cotton candy.

However, the suddenly curled up bodies of the four armored warriors, as well as their pained faces covering the hit places with their hands, explained everything.

The moment the punch hit, the waveguide and fighting energy all penetrated their carapace and poured into the body.

[Let's get back. 】

Lucario scolded coldly.

One of the armored warriors standing behind Lucario had a flash of violence in his eyes, unwilling to reconcile, intending to sneak attack with the 'shell blade'.

The moment it started to move, Lucario mobilized the 'bomb' left in it as if predicting it!

Woohoo! !

The armored warrior raised his head to the sky and let out a painful roar, convulsed and trembling all over, cracks appeared in the carapace all over his body, within a few seconds, he passed out foaming at the mouth.

[Say it one last time. 】

Lucario's body was full of azure blue waveguide, and his expression was stern and ruthless.

【Back off! 】

The three armored warriors were completely frightened, and quickly ran away with their partner who had fainted.

"Good job, Lucario." Roy praised.

The rules of the trial said that all fighting and subjugation are prohibited here. . . . . ask for flowers.

It means that wild elves and trainers cannot be killed at will.

For the Alola Spirit Realm, these testers are alien species. If they are not contained, it will undoubtedly cause species invasion and ecological collapse.

Of course, if several warnings fail, Roy can exercise the right of self-defense.

Being praised by Roy, Lucario was not as happy as usual, but showed doubts.

[Is this the 'violent' elf... Boguo told me that their minds seem to be covered with a layer of mist. 】


Those armor warriors were obviously not in a normal state.

Although rational and emotional, the ferocious and natural selection nature of this kind of elves has been magnified to the greatest extent.

There is a phenomenon of "violence" in the spiritual domain that has not been fully integrated... Roy has known about this for a long time, and he has often visited the spiritual domain, but this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes.

"Ka~~" Mimiq said that he was used to it. Except for the 'overlord elf', almost all elves are in a violent state.

... 0 Before she became the Overlord Elf, she also had this kind of experience.

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