"...Well." Mu Xixi glanced at him coldly, her voice was like a glacier melting the scorching sun, "He suddenly changed his ambition and applied for the trainer major, and even the target initial elf changed, a little bit, because he met What's the matter? Do you know what?"

"Uh." Mu Tianyang rubbed his chin with a dazed expression, "It shouldn't be, there hasn't been anything particularly serious recently."

"By the way! A few days ago he saw Mr. Lin lose the game, he was very shocked and unacceptable."

"That kid has always been a fan of Mr. Lin. Could it be that he was hit and wants to fight for the rise of the country?"

Mu Tianyang speculated.

"You... still dare to tell me about that day?" The girl lowered her eyes and looked at him emotionlessly.

Mu Tianyang shook his head, and quickly lowered his head, "Wrong, I was wrong! Sister, you are my sister, I really dare not next time."

Some time ago, when Mu Tianyang learned that Roy wanted him to match him and his sister, Mu Tianyang sneered repeatedly.

... You fucking meow still use me to match?

...If my sister treats me with one-tenth of the kindness she treats you, will I be afraid of becoming such a bird?

...Whichever you choose, as long as you take the initiative, I will be an uncle long ago!

Mu Tianyang obediently reported this matter to his younger sister, and immediately got the order to 'agree to this matter'.

However, Eunuch Mu was very smart and clever, so he took the opportunity to ask Roy to buy a gunpla for him.

Originally, this matter was nothing, just show filial piety to my brother-in-law.

As a result, Roy suddenly changed his mind and did not need him to help.

Now it's all right, the fact that Eunuch Mu enriched his private pockets was exposed, and he not only suffered cold violence from the little princess when he returned home, but also endured mixed doubles from his father, queen and queen.

Just when Eunuch Mu was fighting between the two and was about to leave first, the campus announcement saved his life.

"Ding dong!"

"Time is up, all students, please arrive at the nearest exit and leave the courtyard in an orderly manner."

"After 15 minutes, all students who fail to leave will be regarded as violators and will be punished severely!"

Chapter 5 Yusanjia and popularity value

Roy followed the instructions and left the elf breeding yard. After the senior at the door confirmed that there was an initial elf in his elf ball, he asked him to return to the class directly.

Some students who failed to get their favorite primordial elves in the courtyard could only follow the seniors and sisters dejectedly and accept the school's dispatch.

... Abandoning and abusing elves is a serious crime written in the criminal law.

Therefore, no matter how incompatible the elves are, they won't have such a tragic experience, at worst, they will just fall apart.

The trainer is miserable, unable to control his elf, which is a very big stain on the file, once it exceeds three times, it will be regarded as unqualified and the trainer license will be revoked.

"The laws and atmosphere of human society treat elves very favorably..."

thought Roy.

This kind of preferential treatment for elves had never been seen in the world of "Pokemon" he had seen in his previous life.

In the world of "Pokemon", the preferential treatment humans give to elves is only out of love, but this world is different, and there is awe...

The spirits of this world are too powerful.

Known as the "divine beast", it seems to be in charge of the authority of the gods, which cannot be matched by manpower.

It is said that the war 100 years ago could not be stopped without the assistance of some beast-level elves, and the human side even signed many contracts with the beasts.

Fortunately, this preferential treatment of the law and the atmosphere did not make the elves become arrogant and arrogant...

Because, they are really very simple creatures, without so many complex and changeable thoughts as human beings.Once a lot of elves identify their trainers, they will not change their lives. Even if the beasts appear, they will not be able to shake their will.


The girl who breathed the sun walked into the classroom, and the surrounding air seemed to drop a few degrees.

Mu Xixi glanced at the activated elf ball on Roy's waist, with a look of surprise and anticipation: "You... succeeded?"


Roy nodded with a smile.

The two only had time to say hello when Professor Xing in a suit walked in and applauded for everyone to sit down.

"I believe that you have all obtained your initial elves. In order to facilitate management, the students whose names I have read next, please come to the stage, show your initial elves, and receive the participation certificate for the representative competition of freshmen in a week."


Hearing the spirited answer below, Professor Xing nodded in satisfaction and began to roll the roll.

Common elves such as Bobo, Lada, and Nidolan accounted for the majority, and Roy also saw a few Pikachu.

But this world does not have the blessing of the skin god, Pikachu belongs to the elves of the 'bad street'.

"Mu Xixi."


The girl stood up and walked towards the podium amid the enthusiastic applause from the students... especially the male compatriots.

She threw the poke ball, and white light flashed.

What appeared there was an elf that looked like a fox, with red fur, amber-shaped smart eyes, and six fluffy curly tails.

"Ah~~!" Several girls couldn't help screaming, wanting to go up and hug this cute thing.

"Six-tails...it should be the descendant of Senior Lin Qing's nine-tails."

"Amazing, this girl."

"These foxes are all face control, not surprising."

"Yan control belongs to Yan control, Liuwei is a very smart elf, if you don't have any strength, you really can't win."

The students were talking.

The teachers all prefer top students, and Professor Xing is no exception. He said with a smile: "Before Six-Tails evolves into Nine-Tails, the combat ability is generally not high. But you must not rush to evolve. The focus of this stage is to lay a solid foundation. The infancy of elves is as important a time as human cubs."

"For example, after evolving into Nine-Tails, this little guy will get a lot of super power moves. If she doesn't lay the foundation of super power moves in advance at the Six-Tails stage, it will be difficult for her to master after she evolves."

Mu Xixi nodded politely, "Thank you teacher for teaching."

"It should be." Professor Xing stroked his beard, "When you want this little guy to evolve, remember to go to the school's channel to buy the Fire Stone, it will be cheaper... However, the cheapest also needs 50 funds. You remember."


Hearing the price, Roy secretly clicked his tongue.

At least 50 yuan is required to buy an evolutionary stone. This is still going through the internal channels of key universities...

Being a trainer is a really expensive profession.

When Mu Xixi returned to her seat, Professor Xing read out the next name.

"Lin Shixian."


An ordinary-looking boy with dark skin stood up.

But in the classroom at this moment, no one dared to underestimate him. Instead, everyone showed anticipation, even Professor Xing was no exception.

During the roll call before, even if there were people who didn't know Lin Shixian, they were popularized by the people around them.

In addition to paying enough alliance donations and meeting the college entrance examination scores to enroll, Elf University has another way to enroll.

——recommended students.

Trainers above the professional level are optimistic, and recommend with credit guarantee, and recommend the elites who are admitted.

And the one who recommended Lin Shixian was not an ordinary professional trainer, but one of the three local gym owners in Shenghai.

Lin Shixian walked onto the stage silently and called out his initial spirit.

"Seed, seed!"

Before the white light disappeared, the elf's voice sounded first.

Roy instantly recognized that it was the cries of garlic bastards...

Sure enough, the figure of Miao Frog Seed, one of the famous Three Imperial Clans, appeared.

"It's actually a wonderful frog seed..."

"One of the three royal families in our country."

"As expected of someone favored by the master of the gymnasium, I heard that he is still a direct disciple, and even the Yusan family can succeed..."

"Tch, if I have money and channels to buy the nutrient solution of the Frog Flower, I can also get the Frog Seed."

This world also has the saying of the Three Royal Schools.

The elves who were rated as the royal family, no matter what evolutionary stage they are in, have their own characteristics, and their combat effectiveness and potential are very good.

Most importantly, Yusanjia will not be eliminated easily.

Initial sprites like Green Caterpillar and Lada are easily eliminated from the main lineup due to their low potential and growth...

In professional tournaments, Yusanjia is also the elf with the highest appearance rate.

One generation after another, one generation of gods, one generation after another version of the Royal Family, known as the evergreen tree in the arena, even ordinary people are familiar with it.

"Very good." Professor Xing smiled, "You don't need my guidance on grass-type elves, go on."

After Lin Shixian returned to his seat, Roy finally heard his name this time.

The relatives of Roy's family within three generations have never been trainers, and they are not celebrities. Professor Xing didn't have extra expectations. The applause from the students below was also sparse, and only the applause from the girls was more enthusiastic.

However, when he threw the elf ball, the classroom suddenly became extremely silent.

This silence lasted for a full three seconds, and then, there were noises filled with various emotions!

"Leo... Olu?"

"Is that Riolu? Son of the King?"

"Nonsense, there is only one Riolu in the courtyard! This elf has no habitat in our country at all, and is an alien species! Even in its original place, it is extremely rare, and was once considered one of the phantom beasts!"

"This... I heard that several senior seniors who are going to take part in the professional level assessment have not been recognized by Riolu. Why is he an unknown freshman?"

"It's been a long time since no one chose it. Is this Riolu giving up on himself?"

"Normally, not every son of the heavenly king can achieve the results of their parents. Most of the sons of the heavenly king's elves are unrecognizable."

"I have always felt that this Riolu has a bad personality! Too withdrawn!"

Surprise, envy, suspicion, jealousy, all kinds of eyes cast on Roy and Riolu.

A sour smell of eating lemons.

Leo Lugao glanced at these people coldly, and stood in front of his trainer calmly, with his hands folded, with a style of "I do things, why should I explain to you?"

Roy doesn't care about these doubts. If he is the person below, he will have a similar reaction.

What he cares more about is the ever-increasing [Popularity] on the Leo Road panel.

Although it only rose a little bit, it undoubtedly verified one of Roy's conjectures.

The students here are all people who have known 'Leolu' for a long time, but they can still provide popularity points.

In other words, not only the more people know about Riolu, the better, but the degree of discussion about Riolu is also an important factor affecting [Popularity]!

If Roy wants to get more [Popularity Points], he not only needs to expand his popularity, but also needs to do...


Chapter 6 My Son Has the Capital of the Great Emperor

The appearance of Riolu also surprised Professor Xing. He looked at Roy in surprise. Apart from being a little more handsome than he was when he was young, he didn't find anything special about Roy.

But soon, the various criticisms below made Professor Xing frowned. He slapped the table vigorously and shouted:

"Quiet! Quiet!"

"What does it look like to be noisy! The classmate has performed excellently, why is your first reaction to slander and question? Why not think, not study?"

"Excellent trainers always have the heart of an apprentice!"

"This sentence is our school motto!"

"Arrogant trainers never get far!"

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