Chapter 196: Designing Emperor Shitian, the art of repelling tigers and wolves

Zhang Tianyi had already grasped the secret rules between heaven and earth.

He can see visions of the future.

It is even more able to faintly feel the destiny in the dark.

So it is relatively easy to understand this day's cry.

Coupled with powerful deduction capabilities.

It took Zhang Tianyi half the night to fully grasp it.

Note that it is not learned, but fully mastered.

You must know that Zhang Tianyi has mastered a top-notch technique such as the Sunflower Book, and it is only a matter of reading it once.

It took half the night to master this Sutra of Heavenly Crying, and one can imagine the profoundness and mystery of this "Tiancrying Sutra".

"No wonder the mud bodhisattva leaked the heavenly opportunity to be eaten back by the heavenly dao."

"The heavenly secret is really wonderful."

"Everything follows this rule, not a fixed fate, but a balance."

"As long as this balance is not disrupted, it is not considered a leak."

"But Ni Bodhisattva told Xiongba those two maxims, which affected the general situation of the world and broke the balance, so he himself has to suffer backlash."

"This is the secret."

Zhang Tianyi was excited and felt extremely mysterious.

Through this day's crying sutra, he touched a layer of unpredictable heavenly secrets, and this feeling is indescribable.

"Now, the combination of this day's crying scriptures and my deduction ability is like a tiger with wings."

"However, you can't calculate it arbitrarily. Otherwise, if you accidentally destroy the balance, you will inevitably suffer from heaven's punishment."

 253 "With my current strength, if Heaven wants to punish me, it will not be as simple as a sore."

"I'm afraid it's going to send down thunder to strike me."

"Anyway, my current ability is enough."

"Unless you want to calculate things in the long future, or calculate the general trend of the world, otherwise, you don't need to cry for this day."

Anyway, the current Zhang Tianyi has mastered the secret.

After mastering the Heavenly Cry Sutra.

Zhang Tianyi began to think about Tianmen.

This mud bodhisattva is obviously not of the same mind as Tianmen.

It seems that joining Tianmen was not voluntary.

It is estimated that the situation is similar to myself.

The mud bodhisattva was unable to resist Di Shitian, so he was forced to join the Tianmen.

But now, although I have temporarily avoided it, I have also exposed my strength and ability.

Because of this, Di Shitian might pay more attention to it and come to find him in person.

At that time, I am afraid that there will be some troubles.

Although Zhang Tianyi could easily suppress the Godmother, he was not sure about Di Shitian.

"You can't sit still and expect Di Shitian not to come to me. It's a fluke, and you must make plans early."

"It will definitely not work to take this road with strength."

"We have to think of other ways."

"To deal with Di Shitian, we need to borrow strength."

"No, I still have to do it myself, and it's best to be able to divert the disaster and drive away the wolf."

"Is there anyone in this world who can deal with Di Shitian?"

Zhang Tianyi quickly searched in his heart.

Soon a figure appeared in my heart.


This Wuming is also a monster.

When he was young, he was able to defeat the top ten martial arts masters by himself.

He also defeated the No. 1 Dugu Juggernaut in Kendo at that time.

Known as the mythical existence of martial arts.

But later, because he was too strong, he killed too many people and made many enemies.

His beloved wife was poisoned to death, but the murderer could not be found.

As a result, he was depressed and feigned death and retired to the world.

At the beginning, his kendo state was called:

The metaphysical sword has no one since ancient times, and thousands of swords admire it and worship it like a god.

Counting his age now, he is 80 to [-] years old, and his strength should be beyond bounds.

In the original world, Wuming was poisoned, so he never beat Di Shitian.

His original strength should have surpassed that of Di Shitian.

"In that case, let Di Shitian go find Wuming."

"Di Shitian has always been conceited. He calls himself Di Shitian, which means the king of the gods."

"He wants to subdue Mud Bodhisattva and me. He must want to build his own mythical empire and become the king of gods."

"Gather all the strong as subordinates."

"Since that's the case, as long as he knows Wuming, he will definitely not let him go."

"After all, Wuming's strength is definitely stronger than mine. In Di Shitian's eyes, it must be more important."

"Then the problem now is to find the nameless hiding place."

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianyi began to calculate Wuming's hiding place.

"There is too little anonymous information."

As soon as Zhang Tianyi calculated, he felt that there was very little known information and it was difficult to calculate.

Then he saw the Heavenly Crying Sutra in his hand.

"But it's not difficult."

"Now I have learned the Heavenly Crying Sutra. Since it is not good to directly calculate the nameless position, then I can use the Heavenly Crying Sutra to calculate other information."

"Then use this information to calculate the nameless location."

With Zhang Tianyi in the "Heavenly Crying Sutra", it is like a tiger with wings added.

Not long after, a lot of information was calculated using the "Heavenly Crying Sutra".

Then, through this information, I deduced it in my heart for a moment.

You know where Wuming is now.

It was in a place called Yinxian Village in the Great Sui Kingdom.

"Okay, the next step is to find a way to notify Di Shitian..."

On the second day, Zhang Tianyi sent Duan Tianya to spread rumors.

Now Duan Tianya manages Tianxiahui.

The Tianxiahui has a large number of helpers, and its strength is also good, covering a very wide range of rivers and lakes.

Just the right people to do those things.

Hardly how long.

There are rumors everywhere.

"Have you heard that although Di Shitian from Tiantianmen is very strong, he is afraid of being unknown."

"Nameless? That martial arts myth, is the Heavenly Sword Nameless?"


"Didn't he disappear?"

"Recently there is news that Tianjian Wuming lives in seclusion in Yinxian Village in the Great Sui Kingdom. I heard that his current strength is unimaginable."

"It's just that I don't want to go out of the mountain."

"Then these words are quite believable, after all, that person has reached the Heavenless Sword Realm very early."

"Although Di Shitian claims to be a god, he probably has no chance of winning against this one."

"makes sense……"

Many disciples in Tianmen walked down the mountain.

The news naturally spread back to Tianmen.


free territory.

With a mask on his face, Di Shitian didn't get angry after hearing the report from the Goddess, and even found it very interesting.

"No name? Say I'm afraid of no name?"

"Hahaha interesting."

His tone of voice and demeanor seemed a little crazy.

"Someone should spread such rumors on purpose."

"What does he want? How can there be an anonymous address?"

Di Shitian stood up, pacing excitedly.

"This Wuming hid very well. I have been looking for him for so long, and even the Nud Bodhisattva can't figure out where he is hiding."

"Now someone has said it."

"Yinxian Village..."

"Will it be true? Will it be true?"

Under the mask, Di Shitian's eyes shone with excitement.

"Where's the Clay Bodhisattva? Find the Clay Bodhisattva for me!"

The subordinates quickly found the clay bodhisattva.

"Meet the gods."

Clay Bodhisattva salutes.

Di Shitian asked eagerly, "Some people say that Wuming is in Yinxian Village now, and you can't figure out where he is. Is this address right? You finally figured it out, right?"

"I don't want people to be fooled.".

Chapter 197: Breaking through the eighth level of Qi training, chaotic Luoyang

The mud bodhisattva hastily calculated.

Originally, he had to pay a huge price to figure out the existence of Wuming, who could affect the general situation of the whole world.

What's more, he did the divination for Di Shitian, and if he did the calculation, there would be a battle between the two.

Then the backlash he received was boundless.

It is estimated that he must die immediately.

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