However, Wang Dadong, who broke through [-] points, he was not sure at all!

"Stop talking nonsense, Rex, come on!!"

With that said, Wang Dadong raised the dragon-patterned griddle and threw it at Rex.

Seeing this, Rex didn't dare to have any hesitation, picked up the hand of Ares and went right up.

However, with the current him, it is still too reluctant to fight against the furious Wang Dadong!


I saw that the two of them only matched one move, and Rex was defeated.

He staggered back and forth, trying to escape Wang Dadong's attack range.

"Stop running!!"

However, Wang Dadong didn't make the mistakes in the original book this time, he took the dragon pattern and continued to kill without the slightest hesitation!



With a heavy blow, it hit the hand of Ares hard!

A sound of bone cracking came into Wang Dadong's ears, and there was a trace of unbearable in his eyes, but when he thought of what Su Tian told him just now, he appraised it again!

With a backhand punch, it hit Rex directly on the back of the neck.

Rex only felt his eyes go black, then lost consciousness in an instant, and passed out on the ground.


Everyone is quiet!

Silly looking at the figure standing in the battlefield.

They never imagined that the furious Wang Dadong would be so terrifying, Rex with more than [-] points couldn't hold two moves in his hands!

Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu looked at each other, and then they looked at the mirror room behind them.

They knew that Wang Dadong's ability to achieve this step was inseparable from the mirror room. For a moment, they all wanted to rush in and practice now!

But let's talk about Rex's matter first!


"Dong Ge Cowhide!!"

"What KO.2, our brother Dong is the strongest!!"

"Dadong! Dadong!"

"Big East!!"


The students in Class [-] Ultimate looked at Wang Dadong and screamed like a roar!

Wang Dadong looked at them, smiled, bent down to help Rex up, and walked towards Su Tian.

"Teacher, I will leave it to you!"

They looked at Wang Dadong in a daze, not knowing what he meant.

Even Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu are a little unclear.

Su Tian looked at Wang Dadong in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

The current Wang Dadong can be said to be very good, except for those guys from the Military Tribunal, basically no one can threaten him!

"Okay! Leave it to me!" Su Tian took Rex and said lightly.

"Arrogant man, what are you doing, teacher?"

Arthur Wang came over at this time and asked curiously.

Others also gathered around.

"He's going to help Rex regain his sanity!"

Wang Dadong looked at Su Tian with a hint of joy in his eyes! .

Chapter 40

It turned out that what Su Tian told him through sound transmission was exactly what he said.

As long as you can take Rex down, he can restore Rex to what he once was.

That's why Wang Dadong showed no mercy to Rex, and beat him to the ground with just two moves!

"What!? He treats us like this, why help him regain his sanity!"

When Sister Sha heard this, her face immediately changed.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about what he did to the ultimate class, not to mention abolishing him, but also expel him from the ultimate class!

"That's right! He also prevented me from eating the meal made by grandma!"

Jin Baosan is still brooding over the fact that Rex ruined his lunch.

Wang Arthur also looked at Wang Dadong with some displeasure.

Rex had framed him, and he had completely angered him, but now he wanted to help Rex again, how could he be happy?

Looking at the displeased crowd, Wang Dadong's expression turned bitter, and he didn't know what to say for a while!

"No, Dadong, what do you mean by Rex regaining his sanity?"

Ding Xiaoyu, who was more thoughtful, immediately noticed that Wang Dadong's words were wrong.

He noticed that Wang Dadong was talking about regaining his sanity, not waking up!

When the others heard this, they couldn't help but frown.

Hearing this, Wang Dadong was also a little confused, scratching his head and shaking his head.

"I don't know, this is what the teacher told me just now!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at the figure of Wang Dadong's skill.

Su Tian looked at the unconscious Rex and shook his head helplessly.

In fact, Rex is quite pitiful, first he was controlled by Ares, and later he was trained into a martial corpse by the black dragon, and he became an enemy of Wang Dadong and the others.

Then, he looked at Rex's right hand, no!To be precise, he looked at the hand of Ares!

It can be said that the beginning of Rex's tragic fate was the hand of Ares!

Thinking of this, he slowly stretched out his hand.


The moment it was about to touch Ares' hand, it seemed to sense a crisis.

I saw that a dark green energy appeared on his silvery white surface.

When he felt the energy on Su Tian, ​​it actually spread towards Su Tian.

He actually wanted to use his demon nature to demonize Su Tian and make him his puppet!

Seeing this scene, Su Tian smiled, as if talking to himself.

"If your former master came to demonize me, there is still a slight possibility, but you little guy is not enough!!"

Hearing Su Tian's words, the hand of Ares seemed to have been stimulated by something, and the magic flame wrapped around the body instantly swelled a lot!

As if he was about to turn Su Tian into his own puppet!

In fact, it's not to blame for the hand of Ares being angry, Su Tian actually said that it is not worthy to demonize him!

You know, it is the weapon of Ares, the legendary god of war, and there are tens of thousands of dead souls under him. Now Su Tian dares to mock him!

Even his former master Ares taunted him, how could he bear it?

Ji'an, who was standing not far away, suddenly felt something, and looked in Su Tian's direction with a solemn expression.

"What's going on!? Why is there such a terrifying devilish energy in the teacher's place!?"

All of a sudden, the aura of heaven and earth in his body began to go berserk, constantly urging him to get rid of the demons!

Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur and Ding Xiaoyu also sensed something was wrong.

Because, there was a gloomy and cold aura coming from Su Tian, ​​which was actually very similar to the one on Rex just now!

However, it is also very pure, and its power far surpasses that of Rex.

"The little guy has a temper! But I don't have time to play with you today, so you should be quiet for me!"

As he said that, a faint energy appeared in Su Tian's hand, and he slowly grabbed Ares' hand.

Mo Yan churned instantly and rushed towards Su Tian.

However, at the moment of contact.

Mo Yan seemed to be frozen, unable to touch Su Tian's palm at all.

Afterwards, the energy in Su Tian's hand flashed and became more intense, suppressing the magic flame back into the hand of Ares.

Then, it was removed from Rex's hand.

"The little guy is not strong, and his temper is not small!"

He felt that the demon spirit in the hand of Ares kept roaring inside.

As he spoke, he looked at the nervous crowd and smiled.

"Dadong, well, you take Rex home, he will be back to normal in a few days!"

When Wang Dadong heard this, he was overjoyed and ran to Su Tian.

"Teacher, what do you mean?"

The others also looked at Su Tian with some doubts.

"That's right, the reason why Rex is like a different person is because his mind was eroded by the hand of Ares!"

As he spoke, he looked at the hand of Ares in his hand.

"Now that it's been taken down, it will return to the familiar Rex in a few days!"

"Thank you, teacher!!"

Hearing Su Tian's explanation, Wang Dadong yelled excitedly, and then helped Rex up.

The others looked at the hand of Ares, then at Rex, and suddenly realized!

They knew why Rex had changed so much from the one they knew after he came back!

It turned out to be because of this weapon!

At this time, Su Tianyou looked at Ding Xiaoyu, and slowly opened his mouth!

"Xiao Yu, come here and give you a good thing!"

Hearing this, Ding Xiaoyu was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the hand of Ares in Su Tian's hand, as if he understood something, and walked over slowly.

"Okay! From now on, the Hand of Ares will belong to you, Rex can't use it!"

Saying that, he threw the hand of Ares into Ding Xiaoyu's arms!

Wang Arthur frowned when he saw this scene.

"Teacher, it's not good to give such a dangerous thing to Xiao Yu!"

The others nodded when they heard this.

In their view, this kind of thing that can change other people's minds is too dangerous, it is better to destroy it as soon as possible!

Otherwise, Ding Xiaoyu will become like Rex, and they will be in trouble again! .

Chapter 41

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