Xiu looked at the three of Su Tian in front of him and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Dongchengwei's group leader and guitarist, Xiu!"

Afterwards, Wang Dadong looked at the three people behind him and introduced them one by one.

"This is our lead singer, quit!"

"This is the bass player, Stirrup!"

"This is the drummer, Ming!"


Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu and Tian Xin also introduced themselves.

Then, everyone turned their attention to Su Tian.

"Hello senior!"

The four Dongchengwei looked at Su Tian and said respectfully.

Although they didn't know Su Tian, ​​his strength was enough to make them respect him!

Suppressing nearly 40000 demonized power walkers with one blow, only their old leader can do this!

Hearing what the four of them said, Su Tian looked in two directions and smiled, then looked away!

"Dongchengwei? Very good! Hello, you don't need to call me senior, just call me Teacher Su!"

He detected that Dongchengwei's strength was all above 20000 points, and even Xiu's strength reached a powerful figure of 25000 points!

Not only did he nod secretly, "As expected of the genius of the Chief Combat Team of Iron Time and Space, at this age, he has reached a height that most people in Golden Time and Space can't reach in their lifetime!"

Seeing that Su Tian was so easy to talk to, Xiu and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, they thought that Su Tian would reprimand them for peeping, but now it doesn't look like what they thought!

"Mr. Su, I don't know why you asked us to come here?"

Xiu looked at Su Tian and asked curiously.

Hearing this, Su Tian shrugged and pointed at Wang Dadong and the others.

"The strength of the three of them is too low, just now they have reached the threshold of breaking [-] points. I hope you will help them break through. I wonder if it will work?"

Wang Dadong and the others suddenly felt ashamed and wanted to refute, but they didn't know how to refute.

After all, Tian Xin, a person who has no combat power index, is counted as the lowest in strength, even if they are already disdainful of the entire college world!

"This... Teacher Su, we can only try our best, but we can't guarantee that we can really break through!"

Xiu originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought that their breakthrough would be beneficial to the great war between good and evil, he bit the bullet and agreed...

"Don't worry, it won't be too much trouble!" After saying this, he looked at Wang Dadong and the three of them.

"You take them to the gravity room to practice tomorrow. I will only give you three days. Otherwise, whoever has no breakthrough, I will ban them from using them. The limitation period is one month!"

Hearing this, Wang Arthur and the two of them instantly became bitter.

"Teacher, no, don't you want to be so ruthless!"

"That's right, one month is enough for us to increase our combat power index by 500 points!!"

It's not that they don't have the confidence to break through, it's that they don't have the confidence to break through within three days. If breaking through [-] points is so easy, they would have already broken through [-] points!

But at this moment, Wang Dadong walked up to the two of them and said something quietly.

The eyes of the two suddenly brightened, they looked at Dongchengwei excitedly, and then nodded again and again.

"Teacher, don't worry, we will succeed!"

Su Tian looked at the fickle two, shook his head helplessly, and then took the macaron from Wang Dadong's hand.

"Okay, hurry up and help Teacher Tian move, I'll go back first!"

After that, he turned and left!

Wang Dadong and the others looked at Su Tian who was going away, smiled knowingly, and went straight to Tian Xin's house.

However, just after walking a short distance, Wang Dadong stopped and looked ahead suspiciously.

"Is that my parents?"

He looked at the two figures in the distance, the more they looked like Wang Tianyang and Zeng Meimei.

However, when he was looking, he disappeared again!

"Egoist, let's go!"


On Su Tian's side, just after he left the battlefield, he saw a person, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Hey, Ji'an, come to pull out the demon!"

Hearing this, Ji'an's forehead turned black, and an embarrassed smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, teacher, what a coincidence!"

He had already seen that Su Tian recognized his identity, so he didn't have any intention of hiding it! .

Chapter 67

Court of Arms.

The black dragon's embarrassed figure suddenly appeared.

"How is it possible! How is it possible! The thing that I, Black Dragon, has wanted to pursue all my life, can't even hold on to a trick in the hands of a high school teacher!!"

"How is it possible!! I don't believe it!!"

Looking at the sword in the stone in his hand, he yelled like crazy.

The devilish energy on his body erupted like a volcanic eruption in the entire military tribunal!

Up to now, he still can't believe that he was defeated like this, and the defeat was without dignity!

Seeing the black dragon like this, several martial corpses quickly lowered their heads, stayed where they were and shivered, not daring to make any sound, even the strongest Zun was no exception!

"Get out! Get out of yours!!!"

The black dragon is now angry when he sees these martial corpses, wasting so many of his resources, the strongest one doesn't even have 20000 combat power index!

When they heard this, they quickly retreated.

"Sword Demon, you damn bastard, I blame 26 on you. If it weren't for you, I, Black Dragon, would never have been defeated!!"

The black dragon sat slumped on the ground, looked at the sword in the stone in his hand, and cursed!

As he said that, a wave of the darkest energy appeared in his hand, following his movements, it poured into the sword in the stone!


A devil's roar full of pain came out from the sword in the stone.

Hearing this voice, a cruel smile appeared in Heilong's eyes.

"Call! Call! Tell you not to listen to me!!"

In his opinion, the reason why he lost at that time was because the sword demon in the stone escaped, otherwise, he would definitely have the strength to fight! !

"Master...master, subordinate...subordinate...wrong! Subordinate is wrong...wrong!"

At this time, a voice came into his ears intermittently!

"Hmph! Damn it, if it's not useful to keep you, I'll be the first to abolish you!"

Hearing the sword demon in the stone begging for mercy, the black dragon snorted coldly, and then slowly put down his hand!

Afterwards, he rubbed his heart, and looked in the direction of Guava High School with a gloomy face.

"Damn guy, you wait for me, after I am combined with Heaven and Demon, I will be the first to train you into a martial corpse!!!"


Wang family.

Wang Tianyang and Zeng Meimei sat in the living room with lingering fear.

"Father, I didn't expect that after so many years, the strength of the black dragon has reached this level!"

Hearing this, Wang Tianyang pinched his head, looking very headache.

"At the beginning, we were afraid of the power of the military tribunal, so we retired!"

"I didn't expect so much, without our checks and balances, the black dragon has become even more unscrupulous!"

Having said this, she turned her head helplessly and looked at Zeng Meili.

"Pretty wife, do you think we shouldn't retire?"

Seeing this scene, Zeng Meili quickly comforted her.

"No, if we hadn't retired back then, I'm afraid we wouldn't be able to sit here now!"

Hearing this, Wang Tianyang nodded, and then said happily.

"Fortunately! Dadong's class teacher was there at the time, otherwise, Dadong and the others would have been miserable!"

It turned out that Wang Dadong was not mistaken just now, the two of them did appear there.

Because, when the two of them were at home, they immediately sensed the demonic energy emanating from the black dragon.

So without even thinking about it, I ran over directly. As soon as I arrived, I saw the black dragon's combat power index of nearly 40000 points, and I was immediately frightened!

You know, Wang Tianyang only had around 30000 points when he was at his peak. Compared with Black Dragon, he was simply vulnerable!

Fortunately, Su Tian was strong enough to defeat the black dragon, otherwise, Wang Tianyang would have to consider whether it was time for him to make a move on his old bones!

Zeng Meili nodded repeatedly, and then looked at him with some doubts.

"Father, what kind of person is Dadong's class leader? Why is he so strong? Even the black dragon can't hold on to a few tricks in his hands?"

"I asked my subordinates to investigate him, but his resume is normal and weird!"

Wang Tianyang frowned when he thought of Su Tian's information.

"what happened?"

"According to the information, he is just a normal high school teacher, but he has just been transferred to the ultimate class recently!"

Hearing this, how could he also frowned.

It seems normal, but it is too abnormal!

Would a normal teacher have such a strong combat power index?

Will normal teachers take the initiative to transfer to the ultimate class?


At this time, there was a sound of opening the door, and the two of them looked at each other and ended the topic in unison!

"Dad! Mom! I'm back!"


Iron time.

In front of the Ability Guest House.

"Xiu, do we really want to sue the leader?" Stirrup looked at Xiu with some hesitation.

Hearing this, Xiu also hesitated, but when he remembered the magic of the two rooms that Wang Dadong told him, he became firm.

"This time is no small matter, we must report to the leader!"

With that said, he walked in.

Seeing this, the three had no choice but to follow in.

Soon, the four of them stood in front of an old man with gray hair but bright eyes.

"Xiu, didn't I ask you to help Wang Dadong of Jin Shikong? Why did you come back suddenly?"

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