The students in the final class saw this scene, although they were puzzled, they still gave Wang Dadong face and applauded.


Su Tian walked in slowly and greeted them.

"Teacher Su!"

"Teacher Su is back!!"


Seeing that it was him, the ultimate class [-] exploded in an instant.


At this time, Su Tian suddenly felt a very familiar feeling of hugging his legs.Husband.

Chapter 136

"Teacher! I miss you so much, teacher!!"

Jin Baosan looked at Su Tian pitifully,

"Let go!!" Su Tian suppressed his anger.

"I don't want it! Teacher, you have cured Master Ji'an, and I want it too!!"

He didn't want to let go of this opportunity, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to have a combat power index in this life!

This is like the end of the world for those of them who are mixed-generation college students.

Hearing this, Su Tian's forehead darkened, and he knew that there would be nothing wrong with doing this for ten thousand years.

"it is good!!"

As for the only Muggle in this ultimate class, he thinks it's better to get rid of it.

As he spoke, he shot a mysterious light directly into Jin Baosan's body.

"Ah~ so comfortable!!"

Feeling a warm current pouring into her whole body, Jin Baosan couldn't help groaning.

At this moment, all the students in Ultimate Class One felt goosebumps popping up, and cast murderous glances one after another.


Seeing this scene, Jin Baosan swallowed hard, and hurried back to his seat.

Su Tian turned his head and looked at Rex beside him.

"Okay! Rex, teach them a lesson first, I'll go to the office to see!"

After speaking, he turned and left.



Jia Yong was eating melon seeds, chatting with Gu Wenjing and Su Buqi.

"I don't know what the principal thinks, but he actually granted Teacher Su a two-month paid leave!!"

He knew the principal's stingy character, and he wished that the annual leave would not be paid. He usually deducted money if he was late for a minute.

Now Su Tian approved it without blinking his eyes for two months of paid fake, which made him suddenly sore.

"That's right, I heard that Mr. Su is going on a trip, and now the trip is still paid leave at this time, the principal is really crazy!!"

Gu Wenjing also quickly agreed.

"You said, the principal is so kind to Teacher Su, is there any relationship between the two of them?" Su Buqi guessed at this time.

"That's right!! Instructor Su, what you said is very possible!!"

Tian Xin, who was on the side, heard them talking so badly, and a trace of impatience appeared on her beautiful face.

"Director, can you please stop gossiping about others behind their backs!"

"What? Did Teacher Tian bother you? Then let's keep our voices down!!" Jia Yong glanced at Tian Xin and curled his lips.

He wouldn't have said that if it wasn't for the fact that the ultimate class was all facing Tian Xin.

"Director! You seem to be very free!"

At this time, a voice that surprised them sounded at the door.

They all turned their heads to look, only to see Su Tianzheng wearing sunglasses, drinking milk tea, looking at them with a smile on his face.

"Su...Teacher Su, you...why did you come back suddenly!!"

Seeing this scene, Jia Yong was taken aback and his voice trembled a little.

Gu Wenjing and Su Buqi also broke out in cold sweat instantly, and hurriedly ran behind Jia Yong, for fear that he would hear what he had just said.

Su Tian glanced at several people, but did not speak.

He heard everything they said just now, but he didn't have the heart to argue with them.

On the other hand, Tian Xin didn't think so much, and hurried to Su Tian's side, laughing.

"Ms. Su, you are back, isn't it a two-month vacation? Why did you come back so soon?"

"Come back and stay for a few days, and continue after a while!!" Su Tian said.

"Oh! So it's like this!" A trace of disappointment flashed in Tian Xin's eyes.

She thought she could see Su Tian every day again, but she was thinking too much.

"Huh? You actually have a combat power index?"

At this time, Su Tian discovered that Tian Xin also had a combat power index, and it reached 2000 points! !

He remembered that when he left, he didn't have it yet.

"I don't know either. When I was exercising in the gravity room, I saw that they would start gravity training. I want to try it too!"

"However, after exercising for a few days, I felt a warm current appear, and it became more and more in the following period of time!"

Tian Xin said with some embarrassment.

"I only found out after asking Ah Guang. This is the combat power index they often say!"

Hearing this, Su Tian couldn't help sighing, he deserves to be a once-in-a-century martial arts prodigy!

Even after the best time for cultivation, this talent is much stronger than ordinary supernatural practitioners!

Just casually exercising in the gravity room produced a combat power index!

"Not bad! Practice a little more, not to mention that it can help you, it's also good to be able to defend yourself!"

When he remembered that the ex-leader of the dignified ultimate class was actually kidnapped, and the kidnapper was a Muggle, he felt like laughing...

"That's right! Ah Guang told me that too!" Tian Xin smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

Since Tian Hongguang appeared in front of her safe and sound, she felt that her world was brightened, and the big stone that was pressing on her heart was instantly lifted.


At the same time, among the ultimate class.

Jin Baosan looked at the faint combat power on his body, stood up excitedly, and laughed wildly.

"Hahaha!! My Jin Baosan is healed, my internal injury is finally healed!!"

"Boss! That's great, so you can hit the KO list!!" Xiao La said quickly.

"Hahaha!! That's right!!"

"But, boss, with your combat power index, can you charge up?"

At this time, Ax silently looked at Jin Baosan and opened his mouth.

"If you want, I, Jin Baosan, can definitely go up there!"

When Wang Dadong heard what he said, he picked out his ears and looked at him impatiently.

"Yes! Well, you should practice hard, don't waste the painstaking efforts of the teacher!!"

"That's right, Jin Baosan, if you continue to be so lazy, you will be no different from a useless person!!"

Sister Sha was not at all polite to Jin Baosan, and directly began to sarcasm.

"Okay! Brother Dong, Sister Sha, I will definitely practice hard, little brother, and I won't let the teacher down!"

That's what I said, but I don't know how far he can go!

"Jin Baosan, sit down when you've laughed enough, I still have to give a lecture!"

Rex looked at Jin Baosan and said suddenly.

"Sau Rui!!" Jin Baosan sat down hastily.

Wang Arthur looked at him and shook his head, then looked at Wang Dadong and the others.

"Arrogance, Xiao Yu, Rex, Ah Guang, call the teacher tonight and go to the heartbroken man to get together?"


"good idea!"

"Count me in!"

"I'll call the teacher later!"

Chapter 137

"Hey! Good! The last soup, Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea!!"

The heartbroken man carried a large bowl and placed it among the six people.

Hearing such a cool name, except for Su Tian, ​​several people looked at it very excitedly.

When they saw what was on it, their foreheads suddenly went black.

"Heartbreaker, you are not kidding me!"

"Is there any mistake, are you sure this thing is Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea?"

"Eight fresh prawns with a bowl of water, it's too much for a heartbroken man!"

Hearing this, Heartbreaker lowered his head in aggrieved manner.

"Then they don't want to, isn't it because my black dragon brother was hospitalized and spent too much money, now I can only cut corners!"

To be able to say that he cut corners so openly, I am afraid that only a heartbroken person can say it.

Seeing this scene, Wang Dadong and the others were silent for a while, and after a long time looked at the heartbroken man.

"Heartbreaker, why don't I give you some money and use it for our future meals?"

26 "There is a mental hospital under our Lei's Group, do you want to take Heilong there?"

Wang Arthur and Rex, the two black second generations and rich second generations spoke one after another.

"Forget it! Forget it, brother, I'm fine here!"

Hearing what the two said, Heartbreaker was very moved, but he waved his hands again and again to refuse.

He hasn't had anyone help him for so many years, and he is still a little unaccustomed to someone helping him suddenly.

"Heartbreaker, it would be a mistake to see outsiders, we are good friends, there is no need for this!" Wang Dadong put his arms around Heartbreaker's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Forget it, you guys!"

Su Tian looked at them, shook his head, and then said to Heartbreaker.

"Heartbreaker, our school still lacks a welfare agency. I'll go back and talk to the principal, do you want to come?"

He didn't think it would be better if the heartbroken people would accept their money directly.

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