"Can you keep this world?"

Heavenly Dao is ruthless: [No, the enemies in those thirteen worlds are no worse than the abyss world! 】

【Are you sure you won't be tampered with by your opponent with the flying sword trained in the world battlefield? 】

The boss is silent.

This time, there are no bosses paying attention to the world battlefield.

They are now entangled in continuing to deploy troops to fight the enemy.

Or just destroy the world.

Some people voted for continuing to fight, even though they know the tactics of refueling, it is not good for the world of cultivating immortals.

But: it is also wearing down the strength of the enemy.

There are also big bosses who support the destruction of the world.

After all, you can't give to the enemy what you can't get.

Chu Ge chose to destroy the world.

Before he voted, his heart was heavy: After all, a world can range from billions to tens of billions of intelligent creatures.

As many as hundreds of billions or even trillions of intelligent creatures.

Destroying a world is equivalent to erasing so many intelligent creatures.

He considers it cruel.


After voting, he was relieved:

"I practiced my own methods and fought against the enemy. I have killed hundreds of thousands, or even tens of millions of intelligent creatures!"

"The destruction of billions or tens of billions of intelligent creatures at this time seems to be no different from what I did before!"

The voting is over, and most of the bosses choose to destroy the world.

Then, immediately start the second session:

The new country of the main star is determined.

This time, 36 new countries were born on the main planet.

Only the million mountains are controversial.

Many bigwigs need to vote to determine the dispute.

The names of more than a dozen countries appeared, and whoever got the most votes would control the million-dollar mountain.

As soon as this proposal came out, many bigwigs frantically wooed allies.

For a while, Chu Ge received dozens of code words.

They promise all kinds of benefits, each of which is heart-pounding:

Legion-level strategic treasure!

Even a world-class ancient treasure!

All kinds of strange materials, purple energy, and even auras of various levels.

Even if Chu Ge had Ten Heavens in his hand, his heart was still pounding.

He secretly whispered to the boss behind Daleiyin Temple:

"You convert all your resources into success!"

"I only want merit!"

Merits are precious!

However, millions of mountains already produce merit.

The boss said: "One vote, one hundred strands of merit!"

Chu Ge laughed and said, "Give me a thousand strands of merit!"

The boss behind Daleiyin Temple was astonished.

ten tickets?

There are so many?

Next second:

He saw that Chu Ge supported Leiyin Temple with ten tickets.

Ten tickets, support Leiyin Temple together.

Many bigwigs understand: Daleiyin Temple, this time it is determined to protect the million mountains.

They weighed it up and had no choice but to give up.

The dust settles!

Many bigwigs sighed.

Many people chatted with Chu Ge!

Because Chu Ge's rise is so short, and he has so many votes.

It's incredible.

What's more, he also opened up the tenth heaven.

From now on, whether or not their forces can enter the Tenth Heaven will still depend on Chu Ge's face.

Such a boss, they must make friends.

After exchanging greetings with many big shots, Chu Ge was about to leave.

at this time:

Suddenly a big guy said:

"¨〃Everyone, who has the authority to sell?"

"I bought permission!"

A boss in the form of a dragon smiled strangely: "Everyone lacks authority, who will sell it?"

Permissions are precious.

Only one merit and virtue can condense a first-level authority.

Although the bosses have many merits.


Those merits are of great use.

It is simply reluctant to use merit to condense authority.

That's why they want to use other materials to trade permissions.

Chu Ge thought that with his thirteenth-level authority, a third-level authority could be born every day.

And he wanted to elevate his privileges again, it was no longer simply synthesized with low-level privileges.

Level [-] authority is of no use to him.

Chu Ge said, "How many levels of authority do you want?"

"What deal?"

The big man said ecstatically:

"what do you want?"

Chu Ge said: "Great virtue!"

The boss frowned.

Chu Ge said: "Three strands of merit, I will give you a third-level authority!"

Many bigwigs came one after another: "I want it!"

The price is several times cheaper than exchanging merits.

This permission must be obtained.

A group of bigwigs, waving their merits, begged for purchase one after another.

Seeing this, Chu Ge (Qian Lizhao) immediately realized that it is not worthwhile to use authority as a reward for the legion.

Trading to many bigwigs is the kingly way.

He said to the bosses:

"I have a third-level authority every day!"

"Everyone has a share!"

Big guys, rejoice!

A boss asked curiously, "Is this the reward for opening up the tenth heaven?"

Chu Ge nodded.

His No.13 level authority has the credit for opening up the tenth heaven.

That said, there's nothing wrong with it.

The bosses are emotional.

They asked Tiandao one after another: "How can I be qualified to open up the No.11 Chongtian?"

Heavenly Dao is ruthless: [Make a huge contribution to the world of cultivating immortals! 】

[Similar: handing in totem concept ideas, born demon gods, etc.]

Many bigwigs were silent.

Many bigwigs, who have lived for millions of years, have never encountered a strange way of cultivation like totem meditation, let alone captured the innate demon god.

In this way, it is really difficult to develop No.11 Chongtian.

Through the way of heaven, Chu Ge made covenants with many big bosses:

His daily three-level authority is bought by three thousand bosses in turn.

All the merits obtained are put into the tenth heaven.

After finalizing these, Chu Ge returned to Gufeng.


The old monk of Daleiyin Temple, with three thousand goddesses, came to thank him.

He more or less heard some inside information or.

Knowing that a certain big shot made a sudden move, the victory of Da Leiyin Temple was finalized.

All of this must have been done by the boss behind Chu Ge.

Therefore, the old monk must be grateful. .

Chapter 240 No.15 World: History, 1

Three thousand heavenly girls, twitter!

The old monk said to Chu Ge: "Mr. Chu, these heavenly girls have just become human and don't understand anything!"

"They are what you raise them to be."

"They are kind-hearted, willing to endure hardships, and capable of doing things!"

"The most able to serve people!"

Chu Ge was silent.

Three thousand goddesses, three thousand mouths.

Chu Ge felt that the old monk was burdening him.

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