[It is recommended to return immediately! 】

【Heaven will throw this world into the sea of ​​chaos! 】

Chu Ge's face changed slightly.

The chaotic ocean is very terrifying.

Even the powerful world of cultivating immortals needs the Great Wall to block the invasion of the chaotic ocean.

Other worlds, falling into the chaotic ocean, will be invaded by the chaotic ocean and leave a pile of scum.

By the time:

All creatures in this world will die.

And it's still an incomparably miserable death.

Chu Ge said: "I want to wait a little longer!"

"When the world is destroyed, look at the race behind that strange power!"

Heaven is silent.

With Chu Ge's authority, it can't stop it.

The big deal is to waste the power of ten worlds to save Chu Ge.

Chu Ge asked Yu Zhouwan to continue studying his strange art.

Chu Ge itself walks in every corner of the world.

He sees the world:

The human beings in the world are depraved and crazy, and the whole world is full of wars.

There are martial arts masters who kill the king of the country.

There are also martial arts masters who meet on the mountain to fight to the death.

In 873, where there are many dead people, Chu Ge finally found the enemy:

It was a fellow who was similar to a cultivator.

He wore a gray Taoist robe, and shuttled around the various battlefields.

Under his spell:

The people on the battlefield are extremely crazy.

On the edge of a battlefield, Chu Ge found him.

The gray-robed Taoist priest was quite surprised when he saw Chu Ge:

"You are not from this world!"

Then he said ecstatically:

"The power in your body is the purest I have ever seen!"

"Are you from that world?"

"Give me the world coordinates!"

Chu Ge frowned.

This grey-robed Taoist priest is very strange.

His body was full of dead silence, without any vitality.

However, he happened to be alive.

Chu Ge said, "Who are you?"

The Taoist said, "I am Taoist Nirvana!"

Nirvana Taoist?

Chu Ge had never heard of it.

He contacted Tiandao and asked Tiandao to retrieve it.

Next second:

Tiandao Voice Transmission:

[The 370 million and [-] self-proclaimed Nirvana Taoists in the world of cultivating immortals are all normal. 】

[There are tens of billions of Nirvana Taoists in one billion small worlds of subordinates, and they are all normal! 】

[This Taoist Nirvana is no longer within the scope of the Dao of Heaven! 】

【The power in him can corrode everything! 】

【Please be careful with it! 】

Tiandao warned again.

Chu Ge's vigilance against Taoist Nirvana was raised to the highest level.

He took a sip and insinuated:

"What do you ask me about world coordinates?"

Taoist Ji Mie laughed loudly: "Of course it is to destroy your world!".

Chapter 260 The Sixteenth World: Ant Emperor, 6

Taoist Nirvana is arrogant!

Chu Ge sprayed insinuations when he opened his mouth.Heisha hit the shadow of Taoist Ji Mie.

Taoist Ji Mie's shadow twisted, and black shadows flew out one by one, heading straight for Chu Ge:

"Just because you want to kill me?"

"Don't you know the name of my Taoist Nirvana?"

Chu Ge spat: "What kind of cat or dog is Taoist Ji Mie?"

Taoist Ji Mie was furious.

He annihilated the world and regarded all living beings as livestock.

Is there any animal that dares to humiliate him today?

When to kill!

Cut it off!

See my way of Nirvana Taoist:

call out!

call out!

call out!

One after another, the black shadows of the Nirvana Taoist rushed towards Chu Ge.

Chu Ge slapped the back of the head, and all kinds of spells poured out, like a torrent, sweeping in all directions.

The spell fell on Taoist Ji Mie, tearing apart the shadow.


The next moment: Sombra regroups.

Taoist Ji Mie didn't seem to have suffered any harm.

Still coming from all directions.

Chu Ge casually threw it off the top of the mountain.

Taoist Ji Mie rushed to the top of the mountain.


The top of the mountain, which cost tens of millions of tons of bronze, turned into black sand and penetrated into the body of Dao Nirvana.

Chu Ge frowned.

He released various supernatural powers again, but:

The supernatural power is still unable to harm Taoist Ji Mie.

"God, give me all the computing power!"

Next second:

The world changes in front of Chu Ge:

He can see all the attack methods of Taoist Nirvana:

Taoist Nirvana is made up of tiny grains of black sand.

Because the black sand is too small, the spell cannot harm the black sand.

Therefore, Taoist Nirvana is harmless.

Chu Ge frowned.

He grabbed a handful of golden light, activated the golden light technique, and flashed rapidly in the air.

Taoist Ji Mie laughed loudly:

"Little guy, your attack method is good!"

"Unfortunately, you can't hurt me!"

"Join me, become one with me, let's annihilate the world together, immortal, okay?"

not good!

Chu Ge moved around, studying the weaknesses of Taoist Nirvana.

He has tens of thousands of spells, and he casts one side in turn, and finally finds out:

Heretics: the technique of communicating with ghosts and killing ghosts, which have a certain influence on Heisha.

Under the Tranquilization Technique: The black sand becomes bigger.

The ghost-killing technique fell on the black sand, and every grain of the black sand was wiped out.


Although these two spells are effective, their power is too weak.

For every black shadow of Taoist Nirvana, there are countless black sand condensed.

Even if he stood still, Chu Ge would have endless years to kill him.

Chu Ge frowned.

The deduction time of heaven is over.

He turned away.

Taoist Ji Mie was not reconciled, and chased him all the way.

This world has become his possession, and Chu Ge represents a new world.

If he catches Chu Ge, he can find the passage to another world.


Taoist Ji Mie was too slow.

Chu Ge quickly got rid of Taoist Nirvana.

Taoist Ji Mie sighed:

"It's a pity...it's a good world, I can't let it be destroyed¨〃!"

He sighed.

Continue to return to the practice on the battlefield, prompting more ordinary people to fight wildly and die on the battlefield.

at this time:

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