The Millennium Queen chuckled lightly: "Because, I am very sincere and only tell the truth!"

The empress froze for a moment, then shuddered.

If the Millennium Queen was only telling the truth, then:

A few years ago she said that she lived for more than 300 million years, is this true?

if it is real......

How did she do it?

The Millennium Queen seems to have more secrets than the tomb.

This queen, looking at the Millennium Queen.

The Millennium Queen blinked playfully and chuckled lightly.

The other emperors didn't know all this.

They finally decided to arrest Chu Ge.

However, at this time they were horrified to find:

I don't have Chu Ge's name in my head, and I don't know what he looks like.

"I've clearly seen him!"

An emperor's face was solemn.

The other emperors said one after another: "We have all seen it!"

A queen stared fiercely at the Millennium Queen:

"He is your man, you must know what he looks like?"

The Millennium Queen smiled: "I like hazy love, and I don't know what he looks like."

Many emperors were silent.

They are actually immortal-level powerhouses.

They can easily recall everything from tens of thousands of years ago.

However, it is impossible to recall Chu Ge's appearance.

Chu Ge is a master.

Although they were angry and dissatisfied, they were more fearful.

Many emperors agreed very tacitly and no longer mentioned Chu Ge.

They began to discuss how to guard the city.

The Millennium Queen curled her lips secretly.

She snorted softly, turned around and left: "You guys discuss it yourself, I'm leaving!"

Many emperors felt uncomfortable seeing her swaying figure away.

The Millennium Queen returns to her bedroom:

at this time:

Chu Ge sat cross-legged.

He placed the coffin behind the underground palace, and slightly adjusted the position of the coffin.

at this time:

The thirteen coffins are drawing the power of the earth's veins to give birth to themselves.


The creatures in the coffin have the opportunity to give birth to new wisdom.

When that time comes...they will be guided in the dark to find the ascension person.

Then it becomes the outer body of the ascender.

It is not easy for Chu Ge to do this.

The Millennium Queen curled up on his legs, with a lazy expression on her face.

The war outside has no effect on her.

She just wants to abide by the ancient rules and serve as a maid for this mysterious man who lives forever.

Apart from that, she has no other pursuits.

The long years have brought her life span almost to the end.

She wants to live, not to die.

and so:

She had to follow Chu Ge closely.

Chu Ge adjusted the magic circle.

Gently stroke the kitty Millennium Queen.

He has nothing to worry about now, he just wants to perfect the spell he deduced alone.


It keeps failing now.

He chopped off an arm and turned into a villain.

This villain, when he saw the Millennium Queen, was like a monkey, he wanted to climb on her and do bad things.

The millennium princess kicked the villain away.

The villain rolled on the ground:

"I don't care, I want to sleep with the goddess ¨〃!"


Chu Ge stabbed the villain to death.

Pull back your arms.

The Millennium Queen was curious: "What's going on?"

Chu Ge told her about the magic dilemma he wanted to deduce.

The Millennium Queen suddenly realized: "It turns out that your limbs have their own thoughts."

Chu Ge nodded.

This is intolerable to him.

After one's own limbs are refined into new creatures, they cannot have independent consciousness.

It must be fully controlled by one's own consciousness.

The Millennium Queen's eyes rolled: "That...your soul, does it have its own independent thoughts?"

Chu Ge shook his head: "My primordial spirit, without my consciousness, they would cease to exist!"

"The primordial spirit is under my complete control."

The Millennium Queen smiled and said: "In that case, why don't you put the Yuanshen in the limbs and let him control the limbs?"

Chu Ge shook his head: "I want my limbs to become something like a soul!"

"My primordial spirit still needs to absorb various resources, and finally become a Dharma image!"


"No, since I can let Yuanshen absorb resources to become a Dharma image!"

"Why can't I let a certain non-action of the body become a Dharma image?"

The more Chu Ge thought about it, the more excited he became!

He waved his hands indiscriminately, and muttered to himself: "I have the idea of ​​totem conception, and the method of refining the primordial spirit, and the method of refining the dharma phase!"

"I use the spirit, the spirit, and the ancient method to cultivate the primordial spirit!"

"Why don't I use other methods to train my limbs, even every drop of blood, every cell, into an existence similar to the primordial spirit?"

The more Chu Ge thought about it, the more excited he became.

The Millennium Queen, winking like silk, cheered.


I can help this man.

Chu Ge comforted the Millennium Queen, and then immediately coordinated the train of thought:

this time:

He takes the idea of ​​totemism as the basic framework, the method of usage and physiognomy as the root, the method of primordial spirit as the flesh and blood, and the method of golden elixir as the fur.

Start deducing new spells.

When Chu Ge tried his best to deduce the spell, he didn't forget to release the martial arts soul to find the princess.

Princess, happy now.


In the battle just now, she personally beheaded two immortal-level enemies.

Her strength was frightened by everyone.

Obviously the princess is only a master of the Divine Hidden Realm, why can she cross two great realms and kill a master of the immortal level?

Everyone can't figure it out.

They only know:

The princess opened her cherry mouth, and two new princesses flew out.

The two new princesses rushed to the enemy in an instant like lightning, strangling the enemy like smoke and mist.

The method is extremely strange and terrifying.

Ordinary immortal-level powerhouses don't know how to resist.

and so:

When facing the princess, the enemy is very afraid.

It is precisely because of the strength of the princess:

Now their coalition forces have high morale and continue to attack the imperial capital.

The other coalition forces saw that the princess was powerful.

They sent people to promise various benefits to the princess.


A dynasty quietly sent (Qian Qian Zhao) a hundred handsome men to the princess.

The princess was furious and waved her hand casually:

The colorful clothes fluttered, turning the beautiful men into big trees in the sky!


The princess also ordered the logistics to cut down trees and make them into siege vehicles.

This method made everyone fearful.

at this time:

The princess rested angrily.


The bell on the chest trembled.

The primordial spirit of Chu Ge emerged.

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