"Everyone, you can share the lord's worries and worries, you are really loyal people."

The staff members were dumbfounded.

Lu Xian'er opened her small mouth and sprayed a stream of pink smoke.

Smoke filled the room.

. . . . . .

In the barracks:

A Qi trainer is breathing out the evil spirit in the army and refining magic weapons.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the city.

Where the pink breath pervades, covering everything.

The Qi trainer sighed: "What should I do?"

"From now on, how can women in Fengyi world practice this evil method?"

The Qi practitioner hastily sent a message to the elders of the sect 887.

at the same time:

As the spy of the opposition, they also found anomalies.

He was elated and wanted to report to the Demon Gate.


He passed by a red building, was attracted by the handsome men and beautiful women in it, and fell into it.

For a moment, forget about messaging.

at this time:

Soon the sect elders received the letter.

After reading the letter, many elders were furious:


"It must have been done by someone in the magic way!"

"The way of the devil is too arrogant, even our assistant Qianlong dares to plan?"

"court death!"

The angry sect elders decided to teach their opponents a lesson.

An elder took out a disc, which was covered with densely packed square characters.

He mobilized his mana, and the square characters rotated to deduce the secret.

at this time:

Chu Ge, who was thousands of miles away, felt creepy.

He was being watched.

Chu Ge was annoyed: "What kind of cat and dog dare to plot against me?"

He activated heresy spells, opened his mouth and inhaled, and a cloud descended from the sky.

This cloud is black.

Hanging overhead, dark clouds cover the top.

Since then:

He cannot be detected by the sky.

However, the chances of bad luck will increase in the future.

It doesn't matter if you are unlucky, the big deal is to meet the enemy and kill them by force.

Let's see what the Qi practitioners in this world are doing.

What he is afraid of is being calculated unknowingly, becoming a pawn without knowing it.

at this time:

Righteous sect: Many powerful people are extremely angry.

(cfcf) Because, the secret technique doesn't work anymore.

"Immediately ask all the disciples to go and check the situation!"

"Find members of the Demonic Dao, kill without mercy!"

Everyone said in unison: "Respect the decree of the Dharma!"

call out!

call out!

Rays of light shot up into the sky.

Many immortal cultivators flew towards the broken and settled chassis Yujian.

Chu Ge, although covering up the secret.

However, there is still a sense of danger sweeping over.

He took his time and found a barren mountain, ready to fight.

It's a barren place with the least amount of unlucky accidents.

If it was really unlucky enough that the enemy happened to rest here, then he would have done his part and strangled him directly.

at the same time:

Lu Xian'er, tidy up your clothes and come out of the room.

She pouted with something in her mouth.

When I got back to the mansion, I just woke up.

Seeing something in Madam's mouth, he asked curiously.

Lu Xian'er didn't speak, just trotted to the bathroom.

She practiced in the bathroom and produced dozens of pink breaths.

When she came out, she broke down and supported the wall and said:

"Xian'er, where have you been?"

Lu Xian'er said calmly: "I went out for a walk and ate some sugar people!"

Shabby happy: "Since Xian'er likes to eat, then eat more."

Lu Xian'er smiled sweetly.

She asked the poor settler to drink medicine to replenish her body, while she continued to study the method of yin and yang kicking immortals.

The more she comprehends the method of Yin-Yang Stepping on Immortals, the more mysterious she feels.

She has extraordinary aptitude, ice and snow intelligence.

This time, in the method of yin and yang stepping on the immortals, he realized a kind of strange treasure: Peach Blossom Evil.

This kind of rare treasure needs a magic weapon as a carrier to accommodate Peach Blossom Sha.

After practice:

It can be attacked and defended, and it can be turned into a flight of light, which is infinitely mysterious.

After a while, she comprehended the strange art again:

Stare pregnancy surgery!

This strange technique requires thousands of children's eyesight as seeds, repeated tempering, and then ten thousand men's eyesights as branches, and finally practiced.

This strange technique, practiced to the Dzogchen, even the immortals can stare at the belly.

This anomaly is interesting.


Lu Xian'er didn't care.

What she fancy is Peach Blossom Sha.

Peach Blossom Evil, the raw material requires a magic weapon and a lot of peach blossoms.

Lu Xian'er gave an order:

Someone planted ten thousand acres of peach trees.

Although it is autumn, but:

Lu Xian'er spewed out a mouthful of pink smoke:

Thousands of acres of peach blossoms are in full bloom.

Some people pick peach blossoms in exchange for wine money, and some use peach blossoms to express their love.

Lu Xian'er collects the color and fragrance of peach blossoms to refine peach blossom evil.

Peach blossom evil is not easy to refine.

Lu Xian'er comprehended the Yin-Yang Stepping Immortal Technique, and unexpectedly realized something.

She builds Merrywood:

In the Happy Forest: Countless fair and fair ladies are entrenched.

There are countless scholars and the grassy rivers and lakes, lingering and forgetting to return.

The breath of peach blossoms permeated the air, and Lu Xian'er reaped a lot.

She infects the peach trees with her pink breath.

The peach tree thrived and became stronger, and the peach blossoms continued to bloom, but it did not bear fruit.

Such a strange beauty attracts more tourists.

For a time, it became a tourist attraction.

at the same time:

Lu Xian'er has nothing to do when she is idle: she uses the name of a broken household to collect the attention of children and men.

In just three to five days, the staring eye pregnancy technique was practiced.

However, her staring pregnancy technique is not powerful enough.

Only mortals can be impregnated.

However, this has satisfied her.

She glanced over:

Even if you are reckless, you will get pregnant.

If it wasn't for her to remove the strange spell: I don't know how many reckless people in the world would have died.

Just as Lu Xian'er was practicing, the demon disciples entrenched all around looked bitter.


They were suddenly attacked by many orthodox sects.

They are angry:

"Asshole, we've been plowing the land and growing food all this time, and we haven't done anything bad, so why did you sneak attack us?"

Righteous people sneered:

"Evil demons and dao, everyone gets it and punishes it!"


The people in the magic gate are sad.

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