[The world of demon gods is missing! 】

Chu Ge sneered: "God, do you think I'm a fool?"

"A few days ago, I have been to these two worlds!"

"At that time, Chu Meiren was very weak, and Duke Qiangwei was not strong either!"

"Even Chuzhaoren of the Starry Sky of Science and Technology is not strong!"

"If that world disappeared more than two million years ago, then what is the world I went to?"

The Dao of Heaven is ruthless: [The Immemorial Immortal reversed time and changed history! 】

[The incident is naturally disordered! 】

[Dear authority, please delve into the past, present, and future scriptures, as well as a method called the seal of reincarnation! 】

[In addition, there are [-] kinds of time and space methods such as the law of cause and effect, the method of menstruation, and so on! 】

Chu Ge was silent.

Those scriptures are against heaven.

Although he is smart, although he has a lot of time.


It can be hard, hard, to delve into so many scriptures at the same time.

Therefore, he rejected the meaning of heaven.

He talked with Tongtong about what happened in the past history, and then returned to the tenth heaven:

He made the Tenth Heaven, at all costs, speed up the birth of seven golden spiders.

Consumes a lot of resources:

Seven golden spiders were finally conceived.

They are born: the whole body blooms with light.

The golden light shines in all directions, brighter than the sun.

Seven golden spiders, babbling and babbling, climbed on the tiger monster Chuge.


Just like hardworking bees, they work hard to collect stalactites of thousands of years.

After some gathering, they ate and drank well.

I collected a lot in bags and tied them on my leg hair.

The golden spiders lazily stretched their waists, spewed out spider silk, and wanted to build a nest.

at this time:

Chu Ge called them.

They pursed their lips, unwilling to see Chu Ge.

"When is it?"

"We still have to build a house!"

"We just obtained a new ability, which can brew stalactite spirit!"

"One sip will make you intoxicated!"

Chu Ge said: "The world where the tiger mother lives has disappeared!"

"I want you to go find that world and bring back the tiger mother!"

Seven golden spiders, frowning.

They don't want a tiger mother.


They had to obey Chu Ge's order.

・・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

They rolled their eyes and said, "We fly slowly through the clouds and fog, so please build us a big ship!"

Chu Ge nodded.

From the last world, he brought back a branch of the tree that reaches the sky.

Two days ago, he grafted the branches of the Babel tree and the laurel tree.

just now:

Just cut down a little laurel tree and you can build a boat.

The golden spiders, seeing the embarrassment, couldn't help Chu Ge, but also had a trick in their hearts:

"Our strength is too weak, you can get us a treasure!"

This made Chu Ge difficult.

The spider webs on this group of golden spiders are actually more powerful than ancient treasures.

What baby do you give them?

Chu Ge thought about it, and suddenly thought of the peacock mech under Chu Zhaoren's feet.

"The golden spiders are going to find the tiger mother, and they have to cross the chaos and nothingness!"

"The most important thing is to detect the baby!"

He thought about it and made a decision.


Next second:

In the 24 days of the tenth heaven, the sky and the earth roared, and every day, a mountain range stretching for millions of miles was born.

The 24 million-mile mountains are like 24 giant centipedes.

Centipede, with thousands of legs and a hundred eyes, is an ordinary demon god.

Chu Ge asked Tenth Heaven to build a set of centipede mechs with thousands of miles away.

24 centipede demon gods live in mechs.

There are demon gods to control the legs and feet, there are demon gods to control the defense, there are centipede demon gods to control the eyes and other functions.


Chu Ge spewed out millions of mana, branding the centipede mecha.

a little:

The centipede mecha thousands of miles away, together with 24 centipede demons, shrunk down to the size of a palm.

They form a new life;

Mecha demon!

Mecha monsters can be big or small, they can be separated or combined!

The one hundred eyeballs on the top rotate, and can illuminate one hundred worlds in an instant.

Chu Ge asked the golden spiders to take the mech demon to find the tiger mother.

The golden spiders are happy.

They worked hard to collect hundreds of tons of ten thousand-year-old stalactites, and then stepped on the mecha demon, saying goodbye to the tenth heaven with tears.

"We just want to eat and die in peace!"

"Why didn't the master give us a chance?"

"I hope to find the tiger mother as soon as possible, so that we can eat and wait to die!"

"Idiot, why don't we find a tiger mother, let's find a remote world, hide in it, eat and wait for death?"

The golden spiders' eyes lit up, and they hurriedly drove the mech demon to the remote and desolate area.

As for finding a tiger mother?

Well, they are trying.

As for whether it can be found, it cannot be resolved through hard work.

That depends on luck!

However, they didn't know that the spirit of a tiger mother was cast in the mech demon.

The mecha monster will find the tiger mother under the guidance of its breath.Dry.

Chapter 2 The Nineteenth World, Arrogant Robot, [-]

Chu Ge, settle everything.

He pondered for a long time, and said, "God, send me to that super world battlefield!"

Tiandao's voice trembled: [Dear authority, Tiandao will give you the greatest support! 】

[Tiandao has a mission, I hope you can help! 】

Chu Ge said in a deep voice, "What do you want me to do?"

The Joy of Heaven: [In the super world battlefield, there is a scroll! 】

[Bring back that scroll, your authority will be increased by one level! 】

God, project that scroll to Chu Ge.

Chu Ge's face changed slightly as he looked at the painting.

The painting is a picture of a man suppressing the gods.

He looked very familiar.


The person in the painting is him.

The person who drew the picture was a strange historian in the coming world.

Hua, ran away with Duke Rose back then.

Now they are scattered in a super world.

This is how the same thing?

Chu Ge was shocked.

He really didn't understand.

Is the time in the world of cultivating immortals really out of order?

What happened to "[-]"?

Chu Ge asked Tiandao: [Tiandao, don't you know this painting? 】

Tiandao excitedly said: [Tiandao doesn't know! 】

[Tiandao only knows the faces on the painting! 】

[This scroll has a strange power on it! 】

[You are similar to the characters above, and you must be able to control the strange power on the scroll. 】

Chu Ge was silent.

He didn't know whether Tiandao was lying or not.

He asked Luna: "Do you still remember my picture scroll?"

Luna was silent for a long time, and said, "I don't remember!"

"Do you have a picture scroll?"

Chu Ge said that they used all kinds of exotic treasures to trade with him.

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