Tsing Yi tilted her head, beckoning Chu Ge to follow her.



Led by Tsing Yi, Chu Ge came to a machine transformation site.

The mechanic is an octopus demon with eight claws.

He is talking nonsense!

Tsing Yi murmurs and speaks gossip!

Chu Ge couldn't understand.

Soon, the eight-clawed octopus demon made a big tattered trumpet on Chu Ge's body.

Chu Ge understood.

He said sadly:

"Stab...I want to....stab...good trumpet!"

Tsing Yi said helplessly: "I want to eat grilled succubus tonight!"

"...no money to buy speakers!".

Chapter 3, The Nineteenth World, Arrogant Robot, [-]

"The horn is not good!"

Stab it!

"High-end audio!"


Tsing Yi picked up the wrench, jumped up, and knocked on Chu Ge's forehead:

"Stupid, you just awakened robot, do you know what is good? What is bad?"

"Hold on to my old lady, don't leave!"

The octopus monster was delighted: "This guy, is he really a just awakened robot?"

Tsing Yi nodded.

The octopus monster laughed strangely: "Sell him to me!"

"Next year, the Mechanic Queen will recruit her son-in-law!"

"I'll transform him into the most handsome robot, and let him hook up with the Mechanic Queen!"

"At that time, we will be able to fly to the top!"

Tsing Yi's eyes lit up: "No!"

"It's not that we are so successful!"

"It's my old lady who has made a fortune by herself!"

Tsing Yi was excited, and turned around Chu Ge: "It's hard to get an awakened robot, I must make good use of it!"

Chu Ge was speechless.

This Tsing Yi is beautiful, and she is dressed in palace attire, which makes her have an extraordinary temperament.


Opening and shutting up is like an old lady, which is really detrimental to the image.

Tsing Yi snapped his fingers: "Come here...I'll give you a makeover!"

Chu Ge shook his head.

He despised the transformation technology of this group of people.


Their remodeling is absolutely rubbish.

Tsing Yi 25 was astonished.

In the robot chip, there is a controller.

Even if the robot is awakened, if the controller is not removed, the robot will still obey the master's orders.

However, Chu Ge refused.

Is the controller broken?


She greeted the octopus monster and wanted to dismantle Chu Ge.


All the mechanical parts of Chu Ge's body have been refined by his magic power.

He didn't want to, and no one could take the parts off.

Tsing Yi was angry.

Octopus monster excited:

"The steam hydraulic device on his leg, under normal conditions, can only carry a hundred tons of force!"

"However, I measured it with an instrument just now. That hydraulic device can now carry a thousand tons of force!"

"Master Tsing Yi, you robot is extraordinary!"

"He must have a big secret!"

Tsing Yi's eyes glowed.

She climbed on Chuge's head, trying to pry it open to see the circuit board inside.

Chu Ge didn't bother to talk to her.

He cut off external cameras and speakers.

Instead, I began to think about how to transform myself and how to maximize my interests in this terrible world battlefield.

First of all:

He used mana to temper the processor repeatedly.

Even use the machines in the technological starry sky to transform the processor.

With increased processor power, he searches the information network.


He entered the information network.

In this world, the information network is very developed.

Chu Ge moved in consciously and collected a lot of information in an instant.

Just when he checked the world information:

Tsing Yi and the octopus monster began to transform him.


Seeing that Chu Ge couldn't be dismantled, this person and monster added something to him.

"The mechanical queen also grew up among humans."

"She has human aesthetics!"

"Human girls nowadays like men with perms!"

"And, where do you like the big ones, the majestic ones!"

Tsing Yi draws pictures, transforms octopus monsters.

Chu Ge was too lazy to pay attention.

After a few hours, Chu Ge had some understanding of the world.

In this world, although there are a large number of system invasions, although there are wars and killings.


It's all skirmishes and fights.

As for mass killings, that was a long time ago.

The main theme of this world is still peace.

Chu Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

Peace is good, as long as there is peace, there will be gains.

He checks geography:

My country is a small country in the Barrens:

The geographical area is only 5000 million square kilometers.

The person in power in this country is a creature from the abyss.

The creatures from the abyss control the country in name, but in fact:

All kinds of powerful creatures occupy cities one by one and become independent.

Tsing Yi, looks like an ordinary weak woman.


She happens to be the lord of this city.

After Chu Ge checked all the information and linked to the external camera, he was sad:

On his head, there were a lot of steel chains, his head shook, and the chains jingled.

Tsing Yi smiled and said: "This is what the players passed on: non-mainstream long hair!"

Magic Gem Turns:

Chu Ge found that there were many gold and silver patterns on his eight arms.

Tsing Yi was happy: "This is a decoration, it makes you look noble!"

Chu Ge was very sad. He felt that replacing the broken speakers would make him noble.

On the back, there are twelve more iron flags!

On the iron flag, words such as ferocious, domineering, terror, despair, and bloody were written in bright red paint.

Tsing Yi triumphantly explained: "Flags fluttering, there is no one like you in the world!"

Chu Ge sighed.

He suddenly felt that there was something more under his chest and abdomen.

Head down:

Then, he wanted to cry.

Under the chest and abdomen, a two-meter-long mace was welded.

Mace, the thighs of ordinary people are thick, with many barbs on it, a little twisted.

It looked hideous and terrifying.

Tsing Yi blushed and said, "This is your weapon!"

"It will be used to teach the Mechanical Queen a lesson in the future!"

Chu Ge sighed.

He waved: click!

The mace fell to the ground.


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