"What machinery can you make?"

"You are a mechanical head, at most you can make a square, stupid robot!"

Chu Ge frowned: the mechanical eyebrows on his forehead were crackling.

The octopus monster is not afraid, but provocative.


The eight arms waved, and in an instant, the eight arms of the octopus were cut off.

Do not!

The octopus is desperate.

The eight tentacles are gone, how will I make a living in the future?

Some special female clients will leave him.

Octopus monster, sad and desperate.

Tsing Yi is happy.

She whistled, and an eagle flew over to peck at the tentacles of the octopus.

Tsing Yi was happy, touched the eagle's head and said, "Eat more, gain weight, I'll roast you tomorrow!"

The eagle nodded, spread its wings and flew away.

Chu Ge released spells and prepared various materials.

after one day:

He successfully (cfcf) made a memory metal matrix.


He cut a piece of memory metal and made it into eighteen tentacles, which he pressed onto the octopus monster.

The octopus monster is desperate: "The cold limbs cannot bring warmth to customers!"

"Kill me, I don't want to live anymore!"

Tsing Yi glared at him.

Octopus monster, creepy.

He accepted Chu Ge's transformation honestly.

Soon, eighteen memory tentacles were installed.

The octopus monster moves its tentacles and can transform into various strange shapes.

He is happy.

I know I misunderstood Chu Ge.

at this time:

Whatever Chu Ge asked him to do, he would do it honestly.

Chu Ge, commanding the octopus monster, pieced together a steel peacock tens of feet in size.

Then, he put the chip in the peacock.

Chip stays at Peacock.

Consciousness regained control of the entire body of the steel peacock.

Wings spread, tail spread.

Qi training environment...

Foundation Establishment...

Jindan Realm.....

Yuanshen Realm.....


Increased strength.

Mana tempers the body of steel.

On the Man of Steel, every feather was clanking.

Chu Ge ordered the octopus monster to create an array.

This array is the treasure of practicing the current method:

It can be used to condense the aura of the small world.

Chu Ge's concentration of spiritual energy was not for the purpose of cultivating the current method.

He wants to let the aura temper the steel mecha.

"I need a set of powerful weapons!"

Chu Ge used his steel body as a weapon.

Originally, he wanted to build ancient treasures.


Forging ancient treasures is too slow and takes a long time.

His chip has collected the picture scroll information on the Internet.

He wanted to go over and take a look at the picture scroll as soon as possible.


Zishui City is three thousand miles away from the city of Tsing Yi.

Because there is a big river here: Zishui River.

Therefore, it is called Zishui City.

These days:

People in Zishui City discovered that the water level of the Zishui River, which has been flowing for tens of thousands of years, keeps dropping.

The water level drops by about one centimeter every day.

This rate of decline made the Zishui City executives panic.

Zishui is very important:

Zi water is needed to transport grain and irrigate the fields.


A few years ago, a high-level executive picked up junk on an ancient battlefield and picked up an ancient treasure refining method.

He refined an ancient treasure and washed it in Zishui.

According to his plan, after more than 100 years, this ancient treasure will be able to be practiced.


Now that there is a problem with Zishui, he feels uneasy.

He issued a reward to detect the problem of Zishui.

Magicians, prophets, demons, reincarnations, etc.

A group of strong men with detection means came to Zishui one after another.

There is a master who claims to be a god of law and uses magic detection.

Got nothing.

There are reincarnated people who took out all kinds of strange props to check, but found nothing.

Finally, the group of strange people said:

"The Zishui is falling, there must be demons stirring up trouble!"

"I will go into the water and kill the demons!"

Half of this strange man's body is made of steel, with terrifying weapons such as steam cannons installed on it.

His ancestors used to be slaves of immortal cultivators and learned how to cultivate immortals.

Then he transformed himself and injected the blood of the abyss.

He used means again and became a reincarnation.

Among all the beings present, he has the strongest combat power.

Therefore, he wants to make a move, and others will wait and see.

This strange man jumped into Zishui.

It didn't take long to see Zishui churning and blood filled the air.


The whole Zishui is red.

All beings are in a hurry.

after an hour:

The strange man crawled out of the water.

He picked up a ferocious head, which was the head of a flood dragon.

He triumphantly said:

"I killed the demon!"

"There will be no problem with Zishui!"

The Zishui high-level officials rewarded him and let him attend the banquet:

"At the banquet, there are succubi, feathered creatures, handsome elves, and steamy beauties!"

"In short, everything you want is available."

The strange man laughed loudly, took the reward and left:

"This seat wanders the world and will not stay in other places."

Others are envious.

However, some masters noticed something wrong.

They followed this strange man away.

On the way, they stopped the strange man and asked what was under the water.

The strange man was terrified, and recalled: "There is a big river under the water, and that big river can swallow the river water."

"It swallowed me in and scraped off a layer of skin."

"I made that layer of skin into a dragon's head and cheated some money!"

"Don't go to Zishui!"

"Where is the big river, it's terrifying!"

Everyone is excited:

River water, and river water.

It must be a treasure.

Grab it!

They killed the strange person, searched the memory of the strange person, and found that what they said was true.

They called friends and called friends, happily, sneaked into Zishui to search for the strange river. .

Chapter 6 The Nineteenth World: Arrogant Robot, [-]

One by one, the masters went into the water to search for strange and strange rivers.There is great power in numbers!

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