"Falling into the city ahead, I feel like there is no treasure!"

Chu Ge released the heresy magic sense.

However, nothing out of the ordinary in the city.

He asked puzzledly: "Tsing Yi, you lied to me?"

Tsing Yi was angry: "My old lady never lies!"

"You wait, I'll show you the big baby!"

Chu Ge looked at her trembling chest, ready to move.

Next second:

Tsing Yi held up the lantern:

Endless blue light splashes on the city:

Next second:

The city creaked strangely.

High-rise buildings are distorted: black smoke soars into the sky.

The illusory creatures turned into ashes in the blue light.

The city roars: two-thirds of the buildings collapse.

One-third of the living beings turned into black sand and scattered.

After that:

Chu Ge sensed that there was a picture scroll in the city.

He flaps his wings:

In the next second, tens of thousands of steel feathers fell off, like a torrent, spinning into the center of the city.


The earth split open, and the steel feather rolled a picture scroll and returned.

Chu Ge was happy.

He didn't expect to get back the scroll so easily.


After observing the picture scroll, he found:

Although this picture scroll is exactly the same as that drawn by the strange historian, it is not genuine.

This picture scroll is an imitation.

In the picture scroll:

Chu Ge saw himself above, fighting with the gods, replaying the scene at that time.

He was surprised: "My real products are not so wonderful!"

"How can this imitation be so weird?"

at this time:

Tsing Yi waved: A large amount of black sand fell into the lantern.


The blue lantern trembled, and the strength of Qing Yi increased.

Tsing Yi glanced at the scroll, sneered and said:

"Thousands of years ago, there was Duke Qiangwei and Chu Meiren, who fought against a guy named Cang Tian in nothingness!"

"They shattered many worlds!"

"In the end, heaven was defeated!"

"Those two women, gather the fragments of the world and put the world back together!"

"At that time, the world was not stable. They left a scroll of paintings and left after suppressing the world!"

"The scrolls they left behind have spawned many copies!"

"Then, creatures from other world systems pollute the replicas, form terrifying weapons, and invade this world!"

Chu Ge suddenly realized.

He asked Tsing Yi, "How do you know?"

Tsing Yi was triumphant: "My old lady is schizophrenic, and one of her personalities can go back to the past and enter the future!"

"She told me!"

Chu Ge understood: Tsing Yi is a mental patient.

Chu Ge was curious: "Will those two personalities of yours control you?"

Tsing Yi was triumphant: "Both of them are idiots!"

"They can't control me!"

Chu Ge was curious: "What are their names?"

Tsing Yi said: "One is called Overlord!"

"The other is called Gujin!"

"Let's join together and call: Tsing Yi Overlord Chaos Ancient and Modern!"

Chu Ge was silent.

This name is very strange.

Tsing Yi doesn't care.

She urged Chu Ge to fly quickly: "There is a copy of the scroll ahead!"

"My mother will help you get it back!"

Chu Ge spread his wings, waving his huge steel wings, and went away with a shrill whistling sound.

In just a few hundred thousand miles, Chu Ge flew for three days and three nights.

He harvested twelve scroll reproductions.

With so many copies of the picture scroll gathered together, illusory creatures are born from them every moment.

Chu Ge recognized these illusory creatures.

They are weirdness encountered in previous worlds.

These weirdnesses are more powerful and terrifying than the weirdnesses he made with chaotic methods.


As soon as they are born, they will be illuminated by the lanterns in Tsing Yi and become nourishment for the lanterns.

Looking at the strange things that are constantly being born, Chu Ge said:

"Tsing Yi, let your personality go and have a look!"

"Look at all the weirdness in the heavens and worlds, is it true that 903 was born from the picture scroll?"

Tsing Yi shook her head: "Only when the ancients and the present are sleeping can they go to the past and the future!"

"I can't see it now!"

Chu Ge was not in a hurry, and said, "Well, when she sleeps at night, be sure to let her go and have a look!"

Tsing Yi shook her head: "She hasn't slept for many years!"

Chu Ge was anxious: "Even if it is a personality, it should sleep!"

"Gujin, go to sleep!"

In Tsing Yi's head, a villain sneered: "I'll sleep if you let me sleep?"

"Damn guy, I will sleep in a while, go to the past in my dream, and kill you!"

Gujin mumbling.

Then, she curled up on the ground and fell asleep tenderly.

In sleep, the past and the present cross the long river of time, and hurry on the road.

On the way, she met a big black ship:

The ship carried the world, and a Chu beauty stopped her:

"Girl, where are you going?"

Gujin sneered: "Where is my mother going, you don't care!"

After finishing speaking, she quickened her pace and threw Chu Meiren behind her.

Chu Meiren didn't care either, she went down the river and walked towards the future with Lady Rose.

at this time:

Chu Ge took Tsing Yi to the destination:

This is a big city, and there are a lot of reincarnations in it.

When they saw Chu Ge coming, they immediately vacated to block him:

"This is the base camp of the Lord God!"

"Are you a reincarnation of the main god system?"

"Hey, you're quite fashionable? A full-body mechanical transformation?"

"Aren't you afraid of overdrawing your future potential?".

Chapter 310 The Nineteenth World: Arrogant Robot, 9

Just before Chu Ge came to the sky above the city with twelve fake scrolls:

The reincarnated people in the city received messages from their respective gods.

One of them, a reincarnation named Lone Wolf, received this message:

"Destroy the NPC Peacock King!"

"Seal the native Tsing Yi!"

"Complete the task and reward one hundred resurrection crosses!"

In fact, the reincarnation also received the message.

Lone Wolf, opened the chat group and asked:

"Everyone, I just took on a tricky task!"

"Is there any team to help?"

The other reincarnations also spoke one after another:

"My family's red light ball also gives me a tricky task, please help!"

"The black master god of my family, let me seal Tsing Yi, and ask for Tsing Yi's information!"

"My earth-colored master god, let me confuse the NPC Peacock King, it is best to collect his genes!"

"Is there anyone to help?"

The main gods suddenly issued tasks.

Let many reincarnations, new students uneasy.


Now the reincarnations have an absolute advantage in this area!

The main gods don't give tasks easily!

If given a task, it must be very difficult.

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