The kingdom goblin immediately cheered.

Countless goblins took up crude weapons and rushed out from the gates on all sides.

They are not strong, but they are numerous.

There are almost 8 to [-] people, three or four times the size of the goblin main army.

In other words.

The number of goblins participating in this war is nearly [-].

Another army of one hundred thousand!

"For the homeland, for survival!"

"For His Majesty the King!"

"No, for gold coins!"

"Yes, for gold coins!!"

Countless goblins were cheering and roaring.

It can be seen that their eyes are red.

Gold seems to be more important than anything else to goblins.

Gold coins are the eternal truth!


"Your Majesty the King!"

A high-ranking goblin said urgently: "The enemy army has entered the No. 17 entrance, and will soon enter the underground space where our capital is located!"

"how can that be?"

The goblin king panicked and said, "Why is there no news from the outpost defense camp?"

The goblin executives reported in a low voice: "Your Majesty, the enemy army has borrowed a secret passage, which is only known to a few high-level officials in the Kingdom and the three legion commanders!"


The goblin king was furious.

He immediately guessed that there was a spy in the kingdom, and it was a high-level person in the kingdom.

However, he has run out of time to investigate.

The enemy army is close at hand.

Go through the passage and it will appear in front of them.

The goblin king immediately roared: "The whole army is on alert! All archers, lock the No. 17 entrance, and attack immediately when the enemy army appears!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!"

The Goblin Legion shouted in unison.

Thousands of goblin archers loaded their arrows to their bows, ready to strike at any moment.

Other goblin warriors also clenched their weapons, ready to fight.

Soon after.

At the No.17 entrance, a large number of goblins emerged.

Also fully armed.

And compared to the goblins of the Kingdom, they exude a strong light and sacred aura.

"They are the enemy!"

"Betrayed the goblin kingdom, betrayed our goblin family..."


Hear the roar of the goblin king.

The goblin archers of the Kingdom didn't hesitate either, they drew their bows and shot arrows one after another.

in an instant.

The dense rain of arrows spanned hundreds of meters and shot towards the goblin tribe army.


The goblin elder was taken aback.

Immediately shouted heart-piercingly.

None of the goblin believers in the goblin tribe thought that the goblin kingdom had already been prepared and was waiting for them to appear.

Just at this time.

A dazzling light swept across.

The dense rain of arrows disappeared immediately, and was directly smashed into pieces by the terrifying force.


A series of white figures flew out of the passage.

They appeared above the goblin kingdom, looking down at the army of the kingdom below, as well as the goblin king and others standing on the city wall.

The leader is none other than the Ten-Winged Archangel Katisse.

Behind them are the eight-winged angel Shirley, the angel of love Nina, the eight-winged angel Angelia, the eight-winged angel Irene and other high-ranking angels.

more rear.

It is the angel team, the natural elf army, the light army, etc. that have left the passage one after another.

last of the last.

More than a dozen golden griffins flew out.

Huge flaming dragons also crawled out.

Due to their huge size, they can't fly in the tunnel at all, they can only crawl like lizards.

Until you leave the passage and enter the underground space where the goblin kingdom is located...

They flapped their dragon wings and roared to the sky.

See the figures of the flame dragons.

The faces of the goblins in the kingdom turned green.

They may not be afraid of enemies from other worlds, but they are afraid of local dragons!

The terrifying Longwei made them tremble all over.

Some timid goblins even fainted from fright.

And there are goblins sneaking back, trying to escape into the capital...


The ten-winged Archangel Katisse holds a scepter.

Behind her were three pairs of snow-white angel wings, and two pairs of energy light wings, flapping slowly, with powerful divine power emanating from her body.

She looked down at the goblin king on the ramparts.

"Humble goblin heretics, before the war comes, you have a chance to surrender!"

"Kneel down and repent to the Lord!"

"You will have the salvation of body and soul!"

"Believe in the Almighty Lord, and you will be able to gain eternal life!"


The goblin king was terrified, and looked at the flaming dragon qun hovering high in the sky.

After two seconds of silence.

He raised his fat hand high and said angrily: "The evil God of Faith has wreaked havoc on the Endless Continent and has been cast aside by all races! Now that he returns, he will only end up being expelled!"

"The great goblin family once fought against the ancient gods and fought with the dimensional demons!"

"We have nothing to fear, let alone faith!"

"The newly born endless continent has only the truth!!"

"Long live His Majesty the King!!"

Immediately, all the goblins cheered wildly.

They adore their majesty the king so much!


The ten-winged lord angel Katisse stood high in the sky, looking down at them.

On her beautiful cheeks, there was an expression of indifference.

Her voice was indifferent.


"You are nothing but a bunch of humble heretics who are bewitched by the truth!"

"If there is truth in the world, it only exists under the glory of our Lord!"

"Believe in the Lord, and you will have eternal life!"

"Death is salvation!"

Katisse waved the scepter in her hand, pointing at the goblin kingdom army ahead.

"Since the bodies of these goblin heretics cannot be saved, then their souls must be redeemed!"

"Destroy all rebellious goblin heretics!"

0. 0

"Use holy flames to purify them, and let their souls gain eternal life in the Lord's Kingdom of God!"

"Thank God!"

"The holy light is always there, my Lord is eternal!"

All believers are crying out.

Immediately afterwards, the castle army took the lead in attacking the kingdom's goblin army.

The ones rushing to the front were still the goblin tribe army. Each of them was at least Lin Yi's devout believers, and many of them had even reached the level of fanatic believers.

Compared with the natural elf army following behind.

They are even crazier!

Holding up the weapon in his hand, as if going crazy, he rushed towards the kingdom's goblin army screaming.


The dragons are also roaring.

Six flaming dragons with a length of 70 meters, plus their future red dragon queen Little Flame, soared over the goblin tribe army, like giant bombers, swooping towards the kingdom's goblin army.

Soon, they opened their ferocious mouths.

Fiery dragon breaths were sprayed towards the army of goblins in the kingdom below.

Wherever the dragon breath passed, all the goblins were reduced to ashes.

Seven flaming dragons, six of which are adult king-rank dragons, breathed flames wantonly in the sky, directly causing huge casualties to the kingdom's goblin army.


"Has the arrogant dragon bowed its head to the Lord of the Castle?"

"These red dragons are shameful traitors. The Dragon Nest has removed them. They don't deserve the noble dragon surname!"

"Kill them!"

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