The Karami prairie where they are located will obviously become one of Lin Yi's attack targets.

"Brothers, we are in big trouble!"

"The dynasty-level forces in the Dark Forest have been completely wiped out by Lin Yi. After he completely rules the Dark Forest, he will definitely come to trouble us..."

"Angel Castle is so fierce, who can stop its invasion?"

"It's not that serious, is it?"

"I also think it's a bit alarmist! The Dark Forest is so big, and with the current number of troops in Angel Castle, it will definitely take a long time to conquer all the local forces in it and complete the unification."

"It seems that Lin Yi only has [-] troops in total."

"In total??"

"Okay! One hundred thousand troops is a lot, but that's compared to the master of our castle. A mere one hundred thousand troops are all scattered in the dark forest with a diameter of thousands of kilometers, and they can't even turn over the waves."

"It makes perfect sense!"

"We have plenty of time to develop!"

"There is indeed time for development, but what will we do in the future? Lin Yi can't stay in the Dark Forest forever, he will come out after all. Once he invades our Karami prairie, who can resist?"


The castle lords of Prairie Paradise were silent.

No one can answer this question.

Because the strength of Angel Castle is really terrifying.

Today, several alliances and [-] million troops were directly wiped out.

Compared to the [Destroying Angels Alliance], their Grassland Paradise is nothing at all.

If Lin Yi attacked the Karami prairie, they would definitely not be able to stop them, and whoever attacked would die.

In front of Lin Yi.

The top castle masters are just weak ants.

"do not worry!"

"In a short period of time, Lin Yi's troops are insufficient, and it is impossible to capture the Karami prairie. We still have time to develop the strength of the castle."

"It's still the same sentence, if Lin Yi leads an army to kill, what should we do?"

"I have already said, develop the strength of the castle!"

"The Karami prairie is more than [-] kilometers in length and width. I don't know how much bigger than the dark forest. In the prairie, there are still a lot of dynasty-level forces..."

"What we have to do now is to unite and attack those dynasty-level forces!"

"Once we succeed."

"The strength of our troops can be greatly improved!"

"As long as we unite together, we will continue to attack those dynastic-level forces. I believe that soon, there will be a large number of holy-rank troops and even demigod troops under our command."

"Lin Yi can suppress the [-] million troops of those alliances..."

"Isn't it relying on his eight and a half gods and thousands of holy ranks?"

"If we have more demigods and holy ranks than him, then what are we afraid of?"

"That's right!"

"Lin Yi's Angel Castle also developed rapidly after capturing the dynastic forces in the Dark Forest. If we can capture the dynastic forces, we can also develop rapidly!"

"The Karami Prairie has more dynasty-level forces than the Dark Forest..."

"Eliminate them, and our strength will become very strong!"

"The speed of development of the castle will be too fast to imagine!"

"At that time, even if Lin Yi kills us, we will still be able to fight his castle army!"

"Indeed, we are still very hopeful!"

these words.

It has been recognized by many members of the Prairie Paradise Alliance.

They believed that the defeat of several alliances headed by the Alliance of Gods was due to the lack of demigods and the fact that the number of holy rank troops was too small.

As long as they have more demigods and more holy rank arms.

Naturally, they didn't have to be afraid of Lin Yi.

"How can Lin Yi's development speed be faster than our entire alliance?"

"The Angel Extermination Alliance underestimated Lin Yi's strength, but we are different. After this battle, we know Lin Yi's strength well, and it is not impossible to compete against him!"

"Our top priority is to unite and attack those dynasty-level forces on the grassland."

"Rapidly increase the number of holy-rank soldiers and demigod soldiers in our alliance..."

"Once Lin Yi really attacks the Karami prairie, then we will fight him to the death!"




Other alliances in the castle forces also had similar discussions.

And have developed the same development plan.

Although they couldn't independently capture the dynasty-level forces like Lin Yi, they were an alliance, and they could unite and cooperate to attack the local dynasty together.

Just be successful on this path.

The holy-rank units and even the demigod units under their command will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

At that time, will they still be afraid of Lin Yi?

A top castle master from [Sea Country] said: "Lin Yi is just ahead of us, but it doesn't mean that we top castle masters are standing still!"

"The single top castle master is obviously not Lin Yi's opponent, but we are an alliance!"

"As long as the entire alliance develops and Lin Yi is unique, what's the point?"


In the distant [Ice and Snow Alliance]...

There is also a top castle master who is boosting morale: "There is no need to be too mythical about Lin Yi! No matter how strong he is, he is just one person. But we are an entire alliance!"

"We won't be as stupid as the Alliance of Gods."

"Before investigating the strength of Angel Castle, start a war with Lin Yi."

"The next thing we have to do is to unite all members to develop together and attack the local dynasty-level forces together, so as to speed up our development!"

"We need to pile up more holy ranks and demigods."

"Take Lin Yi's path, and let him have nowhere to go!"


As for the Ranger Alliance.

The result of the discussion is very simple and pure.

And very confident.

"Why are you afraid of Lin Yi?"

"We are rangers, not castle masters!"

"What we belong to is not a region, but the whole world!"

"The world is at the feet of our rangers!"

"No matter how powerful Lin Yi's castle is, can it still restrain the Ranger?"

"Brothers, stand up!"

"We are going to besiege and kill the holy bosses in the Endless Continent to improve our strength! As long as we are all saints and demigods, even Lin Yi has to give our Ranger Alliance nine points of face! "

"Nine points for face? How about one point?"

"The last point depends on who is more handsome!"

"Old Zhong, then you're out of the game! There is news that Lin Yi is about 20 years old, with a handsome face and a holy weapon-level elf suit. I don't know how much more handsome than you!"



Soon after.

When countless material transaction information appeared on [Hyperspace Trading Channel].

In just a moment, all the castle masters and rangers in the world were shocked.

It also made countless people envious and jealous.

Open the trading channel.

At a glance, all of them are densely packed with similar transaction information.


[Repurchase price: one unit of wood]

[Designated redemption person: Angel Castle—Lin Yi]



【Repurchase price: [-] unit of food】

[Designated redemption person: Angel Castle—Lin Yi]



【Repurchase price: [-] unit of food】

[Designated redemption person: Angel Castle—Lin Yi]


Etc., etc.


Brush all the way down.

All are similar information.

Densely packed, countless.

And all the designated buyers are also 【Angel Castle—Lin Yi】.

Looking at the transaction information on the [Hyperspace Trading Channel], not to mention the ordinary castle masters, even the top leaders of the major alliances and the top castle masters are envious.

Because of such transaction information, there are as many as 10,000+ pieces.

It's crazy!

The world chat channel on the side also exploded.

【Oh my god!Boss Lin Yi really made a lot of money this time! 】

[10,000+ all the supplies of the castle lord, it makes me jealous! 】

[Fuck!So many materials, how much does it add up! 】

[At least there are billions of units, maybe even more!And that doesn't include those power stones, foreign crystals, equipment, monster materials, etc.! 】

[Boss Lin Yi has made a lot of money! 】

[I really want to snap up!Only one unit of food can be exchanged for hands. 】

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