So far, these goblins have become followers of Lin Yi.

This opened up a new chapter for Lin Yi to become a god with faith and recruit believers in the future!

PS: Please collect and ask for flowers. .

Chapter 55 Lin Yi's God Statue!Strange Ring (ask for collection, ask for flowers)

The dark underground world.

The goblins are repairing houses damaged by the fighting.

The damaged city walls are also being repaired.

The dead goblins, whose corpses were gathered together, were burned to ashes by the holy flame of the seraphim Cattis.

The traces of the war are gradually being erased.

Soon, the goblin tribe will be back to normal.

The little angels fly high in the sky, patrolling the goblin tribe.

Many goblins watched them with reverence.

Angels are divine beings created by the Lord.

He is the Almighty Lord, the spokesperson who walks in the plane world.

Wherever the angel appears, it means that the Almighty Lord is watching there.

Worshiping angels is a manifestation of their beliefs.


Katisse, Shirley, Nina.

Three cherubs flew over the 49 steps and appeared in the Stone Palace.

This fairly majestic megalithic palace originally belonged to the ninth-rank goblin chief.

This is a forbidden place for ordinary goblins.

Ordinary goblins are not even allowed near the steps below the palace without permission.

At this time, the gate of the treasure house of the palace has been opened.

Under the order of the four-winged angel Shirley, the goblins brought out a large amount of brand-new equipment and energy stones from the treasure house.

There are more than 200 sets of equipment, all brand new.

Among them, the vast majority are mid-level equipment, and there are only two sets of high-level equipment.

There are more than 400 energy stones.

In addition, the little angel found seven brilliant foreign crystals in a treasure chest.

This is the treasured possession of the goblin chieftain.

Now, they all belong to Lin Yi.

"what is this?"

In the treasure chest, the four-winged angel Shirley also found a ring ring.

The whole body of the ring is silvery white.

Made of special metal.

What is strange is that the diameter of the ring has reached an astonishing five centimeters.

This is definitely not goblin stuff.

Not to mention goblins, even humans have fingers that are less than five centimeters thick.

Its original owner must be a giant!

The seraphim Katice took the giant ring from Shirley.

Looking at the nine gemstones inlaid on the surface of the ring, she said: "This is the giant's equipment, exuding powerful magic power! I can't tell the specific information, so take it back and hand it to my lord for identification!"


Shirley nodded.

Soon after, the treasury was emptied by goblins.

Everything is piled up in the square outside the palace.

It also includes loot collected from the battlefield.

Add up, a total of 640 sets of equipment, 750 eight power stones, and seven foreign crystals.

Refined iron and other metals.

This is a great harvest! !


Nina, the angel of love, flew over.

Looking at the boulder palace in front of him, he said: "This palace is not necessary to exist. It should be toppled, and the statue of our lord should be carved out of the boulder material in it, so as to collect the power of faith of the goblin tribe for our lord!"

"Let me do it!"

The seraphim Katisse waved the scepter in her hand.

A dazzling white light was released.

Accompanied by the powerful energy sweeping past, the huge stone palace suddenly collapsed with a rumble.

Then a large number of stones came together.

After being sculpted by the divine power, it finally turned into a stone statue about 30 meters high.

30 meters, about as high as a ten-story building.

The statue wears battle armor.

Holding a scepter and wearing a crown.

The face is exactly Lin Yi!

"My lord!"

As soon as the statue came out, the little angels immediately saluted respectfully.

The goblins in the tribe also knelt down on the ground and prayed to the god statue.

Nina, the angel of love, said to the goblins: "At sunset and dawn every day, you need to gather in the square and pray to the Lord! If you have firm faith, the light of the Lord will envelope you!"

"Lord, have mercy on the world."

"He will also protect his followers!"

"Believe in the Lord, your souls will be immortal!"

"Even if you fall, you can still gain eternal life in the Lord's Kingdom of God!"

"Thank God!!"

The goblins worshiped Lin Yi's god excitedly.

Under the influence of the magic of Nina, the angel of love, the seeds of faith have been sown deep in the hearts of every goblin.

Goblins of the tribe.

All of them became followers of Lin Yi.

Nina, the angel of love, said to Katisse: "A holy altar is also needed! Through the altar, believers can present the treasures they have collected to the Lord and receive the blessing of the Lord!"

Katisse shook her head.

"The holy altar is a special building that only our Lord can build."

Special buildings are buildings that can only be constructed with blueprints.

Such as the Holy Temple.

Angel of Love Nina didn't say anything more.

Afterwards, the cherubs gathered a hundred adult goblins, put the booty piled up in the square into packages, and brought them out of the underground world.

After a long time, the Angel team has left.

Among the goblin tribe, there are still goblins kneeling in the square, praying to Lin Yi's god.

"Almighty Lord~"

"Greedy underground black dragons will harass your followers from time to time."

"The goblin tribe begs for your protection!"

"Pray for light, overcome darkness and evil..."


Angel Castle.

Lin Yi faintly heard a sound in his ear.

But if you listen carefully, you can't hear anything.

He reached out his hand to pick his ears, and some suspected that he was under too much pressure recently and had auditory hallucinations.

Lin Yi didn't think much, waiting for the return of the Angel team.

Soon after, the entire Angel team returned to the castle, accompanied by a hundred goblins carrying large and small bags.

The goblins piled the parcels in the yard.

Then Qi Shua Shua knelt down in front of Lin Yi.

"Almighty Lord!"

"Great God of Creation!"

"Your devout disciples greet you!"

"I praise you for creating all things and bestowing light and benevolence on the world!"

"O Lord Almighty..."

Lin Yi: "..."

PS: Please collect and ask for flowers. .

Chapter 56 Great Harvest! (ask for collection, ask for flowers)

At this moment.

Lin Yi suddenly discovered another drawback after conquering the goblin tribe.

When a whole hundred disgraced goblins knelt down in front of them, shouting "O Lord Almighty" fanatically, whoever they were, they would be as embarrassed as Lin Yi.

However, Lin Yi did not correct the title.

He felt that the more he listened, the less embarrassing he would be.

One more point.

It is also because he is weak now that he feels embarrassed.

When he is promoted to a god in the future, when he will overwhelm the entire endless continent.

Such a title must be awesome!

Lin Yi waved his hand.

The seraph Kadis comprehended the Lord's will, and ordered the goblins to return to the tribe and wait for the Lord's call.

At the same time, Lin Yi also learned.

Taking over the goblin tribe was indeed the idea of ​​Nina, the angel of love.

The six-winged angel Katisse and the four-winged archangel Shirley belonged to the orthodox faction of angels.

Propagating the faith of the Lord is not the main duty of orthodox angels.

Even if it is to spread beliefs, they don't look down on the goblins as low-level intelligent creatures.

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